The White Vault

Fiction #56Drama #22

Explore the far reaches of the world’s horrors in the audio drama podcast The White Vault. Follow the collected records of a repair team sent to Outpost Fristed in the vast white wastes of Svalbard and unravel what lies waiting in the ice below. This Fool and Scholar production is intended for mature audiences.

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Recent Reviews
  • MairiMoofah
    Great story
    GREAT story, really love it. But a lot of the voice acting almost ruins it entirely.
  • Murchisonge
    If I could give this show 6 stars I would. I was not expecting to have my soul grabbed and twisted and turned by this show, but it hurled me down the line through 6 seasons in about 3 days. I can’t wait for the next season! Thank you for this!
  • luvvagoodstory
    Good, then meh..
    No spoilers: this is a fun, interesting podcast, for awhile. Seasons 1 and 2 are worth a listen.. I’m on episode 8 of season 3, and it’s time to dump out.. the sound direction is very good throughout, but the script/ plot development reaaaally drags with season 3.. too much emphasis on being authentic, and very little consideration given to delivering a compelling, interesting story.. again, a fun 1st 2 seasons, then let it go..
  • Bhoelle1809
    Season 1-3 spoiler-free review
    Season 1 was a fantastic thrill, and season 2 capped off the story in a satisfying way. Season 3 was the beginning of a new adventure and had a lot to live up to, but I think it misses the mark. The focus on realism definitely adds to the atmosphere of the story, but I think it detracts from the entertainment value. Season 3 is like a hyper realistic oil painting of a warehouse. It’s incredibly detailed but it’s not that pleasing to the eye. There is so much emphasis on realism that half the dialogue is in other languages. In itself that’s okay, but this is radio (essentially), so when these moments occur I tend to lose focus and potentially miss key clues in the story. The same happens with the intense technobabble - whatever clues are given are lost in the minutia of the mumbo jumbo. It may get better. It’s worth listening to just for the first two seasons though.
  • redwallmuriel
    Fantastic and complex but a bit lost
    Edited update: S1 and S2 are phenomenal and must-listen classics of narrative fiction podcasting. S3 and S4 are very strong in continuing the tense mystery, and S5 was very good too. But S6 Goshawk falls short: meandering plots that were hard to connect to the main story, sporadic action, and vague dialogue (when you can hear them). And one of the new lead characters has cringingly bad voice acting. I actually lost interest and still haven’t finished it. I know this company is producing multiple series at once, and I wonder if White Vault got lost in the shuffle to its detriment. This is one of my favorite podcasts ever: I’ve listened to all 5 seasons and joined their Patreon to get the 4 other related series, which are solid as well and worth every penny to fully experience the White Vault universe!
  • RootinTootinRoy
    Amazing story with Great writing
    Almost everything you hear in the series will be brought back up. The writers truly remember everything that they write, and they leave you wanting more every episode. All of the voice actors make the cast love able and draw you in the farther along you go. Wonderful series and I highly recommend their Patreon to hear exclusive stories that help deepen the world and understanding of events.
  • Moelightsound
    Great Everything!
    I have to give a big shout out to the production and acting teams on this one. Best recorded screams of any show in the podiverse. Hands down. Rich, deep, highly emotionally communicative, and yet not painful or overpowering to mine ears, nor too hot for my earbuds. The sound is precisely controlled to capture a great performance, and produce a maximized listener experience. I heard the grief. I felt it. I mean, I had to sit and write a review, because I was so impressed. I’m a serious sound guy, with years on the radio mic, and digging audio fiction from the early days (books on tape). For what that’s worth. Great characters, plot(s), structure!, casting, acting, and you know how I feel about the soundscape (storms, fights, monsters!): el primo, the killer. It’s steaks for everyone: both rare and well done. Thank you for making my days a little brighter!
  • Jdaylyre
    My favorite kind of horror
    Atmospheric, lots of fascinating yet unsettling archeological discoveries, evocative details, an ever-building dread for the characters as all the kinds of wrongness with the situation unfolds… Presented as found footage audio, the pacing is excellent, and the voice acting is perfect for each character. I am freaking loving this podcast!
  • rissyriss123456789
    Cool Concept
    Love this podcast! Newly into fiction podcasts and this one is fun. Finished four seasons in like a week! I appreciate how creative it is. Recommend.
  • Amytaylorrn
    Travel IS Advised - until you arrive at this podcast! The White Vault
    What an addictive conundrum I found. Hooked after one episode. Binged all six seasons in a week! I love it and am headed to listen to their other works now that the conundrum is somewhat understood. Amazing fun ride! Hurry and get here!
  • Andrews family UK-USA
    From a non nerdy perspective..
    Guys! This is the best show I’ve ever listened to! The creativity, writing and voice acting is incredibly gripping. For a couple in their closet, freaking amazing! I’ve binged everything and it’s all fantastic! If I wasn’t poor I’d give them all my money. Keep it up! Y’all are a godsend to my psyche.
  • LML0606
    L💙VE this Podcast
    Hooked from the very first season!
  • 41 pounds and counting
    I *was* riveted. Now I’m just tapping my fingers impatiently.
    I was absolutely glued to this podcast until the current season with Goshawk. 22 minutes per show, 5 of which are commercials, and the plot has barely advanced after nine episodes, 2 weeks apart. I swear one whole episode was devoted to drying off someone’s wet socks. It doesn’t feel akin to the mythology of the previous seasons and there’s nearly no action happening on the part of the families that are collaborating with the weird alien entities. I think maybe the switch from found footage to regular narrative didn’t suit the podcast, and the new characters are not ones listeners are invested in. I hope we see a return to the tense, exciting world of former seasons.
  • PrettyMinniee
    Never A Dull Moment
    SEASON 6 - idk if I’m just stupid, or what, but I’ve listened to season 6 three times now, and still can’t follow anything that’s going on with “the family”. It’s really difficult to follow the conversations had between all of the family members, and it’s not obvious at all how the family is connected to anything else going on in the story until several episodes in. It also doesn’t help that season 5 ended so long ago. Idk how listeners can be expected to pick the series back up and remember everything that’s happened leading up to season 6. While I’d still give this series 4 stars overall, I can’t give season 6 anymore than 3 stars. * update* - subtracted a star because posting a “summer 2022” update as S6, E1 is really misleading. I’ve been waiting almost an entire year since that posting for the show to return 😒 I honestly think this podcast has to be one of the best, if not the best, audio drama/thriller series on here. Audio is phenomenal as well, and the narration is the best I’ve come across. You have to listen to this!!
  • Barfsauce
    Girl Boss!
    Put a buncha chicks in it and make them lame and gay!
  • Ameliahruby
    Smart, spooky & so bingeworthy!
    I love this show. No one else is doing it like Fool & Scholar!
  • Sgt. Happy sauce
    But Nancy Drew?
    How is everyone talking about Graham’s voice which is clearly just an accent and not the fact that Nancy Drew is in it? I swear it took me so long to get past that. Great atmosphere, editing, and casting.
  • NT1909
    Epi: 6.1 Music
    Thank you for fixing the opening music!
  • pzod
    Good actors, good special effects: neither makes up for a script without any conclusions
  • ChrissyCritter
    It’s like I’m there…!
    So well done; the way the story is told submerges you into the story… and the languages, the translations. I love the way the foreign language fades out as the English translation comes in. Each story is so well wound together… so well written… not to mention how well they are performed! Bravo! This is a fantastic production and performance. My daughter and I sit for hours on the porch, glued to each and every word. I’m definitely hooked! This, I gladly give a five star review. It’s just… that good!
  • Lula Valentine
    I absolutely adore this show so far. I saw alot of folks giving Peter Lewis grief over his voice acting but I love it! I always get excited when he’s on The Nosleep Podcast! So happy to have found more work of his. This show can be a tad bit slow for me at times but the build up is also great! It does what it’s meant to. I immediately started telling my friends and family about this podcast after binging 2 seasons at work. The horror is just *chef’s kiss*!
  • Snow Cruncher
    I love how this show incorporates foreign languages into the show.
  • MaverickAbundance
    Why not post episodes at least weekly?
    Disappointed in the inconsistent episode uploads. The last one was posted Jan 9. Now it’s Jan 22. I prefer to binge listen. I can’t even look forward to weekly episodes with this podcast. I can always count on the Morbid podcast to post. I suggest and ask you consistently upload episodes.
  • Eknios
    Fantastic horror pod
    Brilliant writing, production, & acting! Thank you all!
  • MusicAngel27
    Acting and script annoying
    While the concept of this podcast is interesting, I cannot get passed the first season with Graham’s voice, so robotic and uninteresting. Then there is the constant asking for coffee to avoid a conversation or to ignore someone. The script for some actors is also annoying too, like the medical person who is not really listening to their injured patient, and telling them to calm down when said patient is calm (in terms of the voice acting). I am sure there are some who do not mind it all this, but to me this podcast not worth my time.
  • VaStarr27
    Really enjoying this show!
    Can’t wait for the next episode!
  • stopsignS123
    3rd season
    Just can’t get into it. Liked first couple seasons. Liked the crossover of the characters. I’ll give it another episode and decide.
  • VaultWastelander
    Strong start but left me wanting
    I really enjoyed this show at the start. A lot of voice actors I’m familiar with. Likable characters and an interesting plot. But after season 2 if started becoming less interesting. A group of less interesting characters. A whole overarching plot with the narrator, with who I found to be rather annoying as a character. Her role seemed rather ridiculous and honestly would have preferred that part altered or omitted. Rather bummed because initially I war really engaged and now it’s to the point I’m an episode into season six and I just don’t even want to listen anymore. 5 stars for Peter though. Always a joy to hear his voice
  • Bellferd
    Really enjoyed this show during a long roadtrip. Was exciting enough to keep me alert after 14 hours at midnight - has to be good for that!
  • Joey_Sp
    My fingers are crossed that this is picked up by someone for a movie or series!!
  • Lowojan
    Love it
    I am loving this podcast. I don’t normally listen to scripted podcasts but really got into this one. It’s comforting for some reason too. I think it’s all the ambient background noises they use and the actors’ voices are good.
  • Louisa Lorenzo
    The Best show ever!
    Amazing show! I wouldn’t be surprised if they get offered a movie / tv show deal for this podcast 🔥🔥
  • chelslill
    Amazing isn’t a strong enough word
    This is literally such an amazing podcast. I binged season one and can’t stop listening! Very well done!
  • breeAfox
    One of my most favorite!
    This podcast is one of my all time favorites! The story is intriguing, the acting is brilliant, loved the characters. Just give it a chance. You won’t regret it.
  • kong rong
    A real one
    Lots of talent with excellent execution. I am returning to it, starting from the beginning. One of the greatest podcast audio dramas you can find. Mystery, drama, suspense, horror.
  • CAMP06
    Spooky, awesome production. Fantastic acting. Love the inclusion of different languages. It gives the story a depth it wouldn’t have otherwise.
  • Artetlloyd
    This show is magic
    The sound is great, the story is captivating, it is exciting and kinda scary. So so good. I know that season 6 is the final one, but oh I wish it could go on forever. Thank you to Fool and Scholar for all of your hard work; I hope this show gets picked up and turned into a movie or TV series. Such talented storytelling!
  • GurlNtree
    Uuugh! 😵‍💫
    I guess it’s a good story, maybe part “The Thing” and part “The Village”. I wasn’t able to get past the annoying Karina she just seemed to whine a lot and the messages she was recording to her boyfriend uugh, she’s one of those women that all she talks about is their impending wedding. Then there’s Graham he’s just as annoying he’s a cross between Captain Kirk and Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry. I wanted whatever was going to happen to get them first so I didn’t have to hear those 2 anymore. I seriously can’t get past season one
  • SeusaCorp
    When you start bringing in garbage on your other podcast
    When you starts featuring garbage from other stuff not worth the subscription or listening to this junk.
  • Merlinn22
    New season?
    I’ve listened to all current seasons, now I wait for new season if that happens
  • Rebecculous
    Kept me up!
    It is 4am and I just finished listening to Season 1. This is not a bedtime story for the faint of heart. With notes of Cthulhu and undertones of The Thing; this is horror in polar ice. Some strange paranormal or cryptid or alien civilization element, I don’t know what. The cast is very good and the story is very suspenseful. I was riveted, and I enjoyed it
  • Beckszy
    Award winning podcast for a reason!
    I love this podcast. It has everything—well written story, good sound design, good actors/acting, and a creepy/scary mystery. I was constantly on the edge of my seat. I was all in listening and could not wait to find out what happened. The narration part was odd to me at first, but it all makes sense at the end of S2 with an amazing OMG moment. I do not re-listen to podcasts because I listen to so many, but this is one of two podcasts that are on my re-listen list. I cannot get enough of The White Vault! Fool and Scholar makes great content and I cannot wait to hear more stories from them. I’m not sure they can top The White Vault because this is one of the best podcasts for audio drama in existence.
  • (Joe
    Great story keep getting more suspicious full as you go
    Listening to season 2 it took a few episodes for the story to really grab hold of you. Then it is hard to put down.
  • Reaperofmars87
    Not my normal cup of tea but very good!
    So I’m normally a book guy. Love audible and try as I might, I’ve never been able to get into the hole podcasts thing despite many attempts until now. I heard about this series from a YouTube channel called Scary Interesting.
  • theSlavas
    A great horror audio show that draws you in. A+ work. Leaves you wanting more and more.
  • scaife_AK
    Our favorite for road trips
    I stumbled across this about 3 years ago and can’t get enough of it. My friend and I save up episodes and then listen to them on long road trips when we head out of Anchorage to go camping. Maybe it’s because we live in Alaska, but it’s easy to get absorbed in the story of being in a remote place where “travel is not advised” and you are lucky if you can make it out alive. Neither one of us are big horror fans, but beytween the voice acting and the slowly unfolding story that hooks you, this is our absolute favorite podcast.
  • PapaDTay
    It’s kind of just meh.
    The first season was good. If you can make it past the Keanu Reeves trying to sound like Clint Eastwood robotic voice that is Grahams you’ll be ok😂 Then I found myself just fast forwarding a bunch through it. We get it. They all document their “findings” or record what’s going on, but the narrator’s voice is getting old with “the following is……” or “this part of the audio….” It probably wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t just robotically reading from a script but Just play it through we get the gist of what’s going on.
  • Creamesauz
    My head hurts now
    Stupid, lost brain cells listening to this drivel. Highly not recommended. Don’t waste your time.
  • BellaConley
    Pretty Good :)
    I liked all of the acting but Graham’s voice is weird. I kept seeing Dirty Harry with every line he said. Other than that, the story kept me entertained.
  • bloodfart37
    Horror is cold
    This is a podcast that truly tickles the back of the neck; something watching and just out of sight, or just one's imginaation? This is a visceral journey with characters you truly feel for and are vididly in your midn's eye. This is not a podcast to miss. A total powerhouse from beginning to end.
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