Podcast Beyond - IGN's PlayStation Show

Leisure #114Video Games #23

Beyond is IGN’s flagship PlayStation show, the place where we break down all the latest Sony news and announcements, share our impressions on what we’re playing - new and old - but most importantly, celebrate the fun and camaraderie of gaming.

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Recent Reviews
  • ResideN7slave-X-
    Has potential, Jonathan’s presentation is terrible
    Firstly I’m a fan of this podcast from the days of Greg & Collin. Not trying to say ones better than the other but as a host Jonathan’s loudness of “ummm”, “uhhh”, & “but’s” are so loud I just can’t keep myself listening. I literally will save this podcast as the last to listen to, not because it’s a “best for last scenario” but because I don’t want a headache going into the others. Jonathan please lower your voice with these or move the mic away from your face when doing this. If you can’t I have to unsubscribe. Take some pointers from Ryan McCaffrey off of Unlocked... something. The show has interesting topics & opinions... But, they are unbearable to listen to.
  • SuperSilver420
    Akeem is very annoying
    Love the podcast but hardly finish an entire episode these days because Akeem is incredibly annoying. 3 stars for what once was.
  • Dude4444568
    Bar fight
    If you could bring one Sony character to the bar who you bringing I’ll bring Kratos
  • Nintendude5
    Good show but it’s very quiet
    Some voices way more so than others. Turn that mix up!
  • The Mad_Viking
    The show needs a new host
    This show used to be one of my favorites, especially among other PlayStation podcasts, but wow how has the show fallen off. The just Max says some ridiculous, completely non relevant stuff all the time and cuts people off as they are talking. Almost no news is talked about weekly other than the highlights that are a week old.
  • Growlans
    Not what it used to be
    I’ve been a long time listener. I even made trips to visit the ign offices for some of their celebrations years and years ago. It is so sad that the crew seems tired and generally negative about the everything PlayStation nowadays and that shows in the numbers - YouTube views are now the lowest compared to other of their podcasts. There’s no enthusiasm or passion for the games anymore. Even Brian - I used to love him in years past, but this year he just seems so cranky. Jada is really the only one who has a positive attitude, but it’s hard for her to balance the negativity and lack of energy from the rest of the team. It seems like they are getting feedback, but they choose to make fun of it during the show rather than do something about it (i.e. i agree that Max says ‘I don’t know’ way too much and it comes off negatively. Maybe join toastmasters?).
  • Taf-drater
    Shell of its former self
    The same tired talent spewing the same tired opinions you can hear from every other major media outlet
  • Dean3117
    They don’t ever give Sony the smoke and pretty much live everything the company does. Sounds biased to me, but then again it’s IGN. These are the same ones that say every showcase and state of play is “S” tier. I’ll pass hardcore on this.
  • Dr0d310
    In decline
    This was my favorite show, felt like a podcast by PS fans for PS fans. Since Jonathan left outside of Jada everyone just seems to roast PS and gleeful while doing so. I something question why they do a PS podcast. I’m hoping they can go back to acting like they like PS
  • Deavertido
    I’ve been listening to Beyond since Max was the host. I loved it with Brian, Max, and Jonathon. Then, when Jonathon became the host it was amazing. I loved memory cards and the fun segments like Trophy Trivia and News Crunch. It was fun, light hearted, informative and most of all, had heart. Ever since he left it’s felt directionless and at times frustrating to listen to. Refusing to cover Hogwarts Legacy, hyping up Forspoken, and most recently their praise for the PlayStation Showcase and then backtracking their opinions about it the very next episode. The podcast lacks well thought out discussion, diversity of opinion, and it seems too biased. Further, the Beyond Crew cannot take any criticism. I don’t believe any should be personally attacked, but there is no denying the show has struggled as of late but they either cannot see it or don’t want to admit it.
  • MjthaGOAT
    Project Q
    IS FOR ME! I’m 37 long time gamer and I don’t understand why people play games on their phones. It’s bad for the battery life and it leads to way to much screen time. That said I’ll game while spending time wihh the my lady as she watches RHW of Nj. I can let my baby watch baby Einstein and game! 🙏🏾🙏🏾 I can’t wait
  • JJNYC114
    Cut the caffeine
    Too frantic. They talk over each other. They talk way too fast.
  • Florida_Dan
    Could certainly improve
    I have been listening every week for the past 2.5 years. Primarily started listening as the excitement for PS5 launch was growing. The main issue is that most of the discussion is just lacking content and depth. Every industry discussion is approached by the same one sided viewpoint. ( from Crunch to game prices) There is little depth to the actual gaming business knowledge the team shows. And there are no counter points or ideas. They also tend to simply be stuck in the view that everyone listening is in “San Francisco”. Their political viewpoints don’t need to constantly be brought up on a PlayStation podcast. The rest of the world does not mirror San Francisco’s view. (If you don’t enjoy the quarantine move... most of the country is operating rather normally) They really need some business insight to become more interesting. Otherwise this is just a fairly boring discussion about the news of the week. If you enjoy a heavy feelings-based discussion , light on depth, this may just float your boat.
  • ArsonRapture
    Why are you propping up mental illness?
    You are parading around a man who fights against reality to convince himself and everyone else he is a woman. Objective reality matters and everyone knows intuitively that this is insane. You are a doing a disservice to “Jada & Kat” by enabling this detachment from reality and you are providing a terrible example to everyone else.
  • BeardlyNiji
    I want to like this podcast…but.
    You guys just seem so ignorant anytime technology is involved, it makes my head hurt and makes me wanna slam my head against the wall anytime PSVR2 is brought up. Smh
  • AConnelly09
    You lost me
    I’m so sad. Please for the love of god sell the show to greg.
  • anynane14356
    Ignoring GOTY Contender
    Have been listening for years, but have to give this low review for completely ignoring one of the best, most anticipated games of the year…Hogwarts Legacy. IGN is supposed to be game journalism. Leaving Hogwarts Legacy out of this podcast demonstrates a lack of objectivity and dedication to actual journalism of video games. It’s an obvious political statement, trans activism that goes against the sentiments of the majority of your listeners and the vast majority of the US population. How many people have to complain in the reviews, forums, and via direct contact before this company learns to leave their San Fransisco politics out of our games? There should be enough moderate or conservative people within your company who can fairly record a podcast on this game without political bias. If you can’t even get four people together to do this, then clearly you have a different kind of diversity problem… that you discriminate against half the country in hiring.
  • Husker007
    This show is on the decline.
    I’m a long-time listener and the show has been less and less relevant for me lately. Their decision not to cover the biggest new release pushed me over the edge to unsubscribe.
  • Jueinjda
    Where is the review
    Where is the Hogwarts legacy review? I’m unfollowing
  • coxkf1
    Love it!
    Best iteration of the show so far. Love having Max and Brian back. Keep it up!
  • JohnF in Dallas
    No Mark
    Other than Mark and his constant buffoonery it’s a great show. Mark makes it hard to listen.
  • risthegoay1232
    Love this podcast
    I love this show but my problem is where is dornbush I feel like that he should be in the show
  • DeusFever
    Half hearted effort
    This is supposed to be a PlayStation podcast. I don’t want to hear about the hosts’ gaming PC, the latest Xbox game they are playing, or how many games they play on Switch. In all of IGN, are these the only hosts who own PlayStations? Also would be nice if the hosts knew more about the video game industry than press releases. This is how podcasts die.
  • Bengali Horror
    Pushing agenda
    Shows been terrible since the dude with high pitched voice became a regular.
  • ActorGuy123
    Show is good!
    Really around a 4/5 for me, but I’ve got to counteract the basement troll Fox News crowd giving 1’s because The hosts occasionally DARE to mention inequalities in our society and show compassion for marginalized groups and, ya know, LIBS BAD… The show is enjoyable to listen to, the hosts are knowledgeable about their field, and the content is solid. Some other podcasts bring a little more spice, fun, and humor to the table, but this is a solid one.
  • The devils joking
    Jonathan J3wbush
    Please get rid of mark !!! He’s a dumb gorilla…very hard to get into the podcast with him on…otherwise great place for PlayStation news
  • Rub311
    What a fall from grace. I remember years ago when Zack first said “banger” and Dornography bought it hook line and STINKER. Now he’s using that word as if it’s not cringe. Gotta lol. Downhill big time. This last episode it’s them rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. “Sony is fine. I am fine”. Sorry for the racist opinion.
  • Shacter
    State of Play Episode is Best Lineup
    Host lineup should be Johnathon, Max, Brian, and Jada. This is the A team (sorry Mark Medina).
  • GSauce Games
    Keep Politics out of your conversations.
    We come to listen about games not about your political beliefs, that you think everyone else should share. Unfollowed.
  • Vaughnvelocity
    Add it to the pile....
    Add it to the pile of podcasts I used to love, but is just impossible to listen to now. If they ever go back to just talking about games (leave your personal/political agendas at home) and get rid of hosts that have voices that are like nails on a chalkboard, someone let me know and I might come back.
  • shaqfool
    They are all really annoying
    These guys (other than Jada Griffin) always have the worst take on everything. They don’t understand anything about revenue and profit; they want businesses to be their friends; they complain about everything; they don’t understand the drawbacks of Gamepass; they make the most banal, simplistic points month after month; they are, overall, just the worst, and the podcast dedicated to the biggest brand in gaming should have smarter, more knowledgable hosts.
  • khozii
    Jonathan is the worst, he's condescending, and most annoying of all, he tries to make his voice deep, and it comes off very irritating. Also any show with Brian altano is garbage. Not just because of his horrible political views, but because of his very loud boisterous laugh, which ends with a high pitched audible gasping inhale.
  • D$d$33
    Safe and Boring
    Boring, unfunny, milquetoast host. Predictable topics and opinions. Lame all around!
  • Anti Mark Medina
    Mark Medina is the worst
    Mark Medina continues to be the most annoying person IGN has ever put on one of their shows. Please remove him.
  • royalknight83
    Sacred symbols is better
  • Iconcur2
    Great Podcast
    Jonathon’s a great host! Love listening weekly.
    Sadly Gone Downhill
    As a longtime listener I’m so disappointed to see what this podcast has become. It feels like listening to a big targeted ad that they keep trying to convince you to watch. I don’t want to watch a podcast. IGN’s podcasts have simply lost their charm. Dornbush is the only good thing going for this podcast, and that’s saying something.
  • SThome17
    Where’s all the episodes?
    I’m going to start out by saying that I love Podcast Unlocked! Ryan & crew are fun to listen to. I like to go back and listen to old episodes, it helps me to pass the time at work. Podcast Beyond, however, doesn’t seem to have the same content or energy and it only goes back to episode 343?! Where’s the other 342 episodes? Seems odd to delete old episodes…
  • Rellite
    Sound quality
    Almost unbearable to listen to because of their mics cutting out off and on. Sometimes people are completely inaudible because they’re not connected properly, like Dorno is just talking to a ghost. Just let Brian do everything, or do everything for Brian and put him in front. Or just listen to Up at Noon.
  • JCNole35
    Slowly becoming a waste of time
    Been a fan for years but the show is been redundant with a lot of babble about nothing and constant complaining about everything. Here is an idea discuss new releases, actually cover ps plus and ps now games upon announcement (more then saying what game are in it this month).
  • TySundvor
    New host needed
    Dornbush is a chore to listen to. Crazy that Beyond is so irrelevant these days.
  • Star Nuts
    Way too political and constant whining
    I enjoy the other IGN podcasts but Jonathan Dornbush as the host makes this unbearable.
  • Landis83
    It saddens me to write this review
    I used to love podcast beyond. It used to be my favorite podcast but its steadily went downhill since Greg and Colin hosted. I had hoped after they left that Brian and Max would have taken the reigns and kept it on track. That didn't happen and not its a shadow of its former self. Dornbush really tries but hes stiring a sinking ship. When Brian and Max are on it seems like they are just going through the motions of doing a podcast for thier boss and not really into what they are doing. They seem much happier on the comedy button each week since they still have passion for that podcast. Heck Beyond has trouble even being a hour anymore.
  • DrewRowland82
    Just not the same
    Really bland
  • Rolly01
    Listening for a while now and … (April, 2021
    The show has lost a lot of steam since prior years. I respect the new host trying to carve his own formula but he comes off a tad boring. The rotating chair of frequent co-hosts and guest is good to provide variety, yet the opinions often feel like they come from fans more that journalist and/or game reviewers. Take this as a suplemental podcast to other podcast like Sacred Symbols, PS I love you XOXO, and WhatsGoodGames. Yes, I mentioned Colin’s podcast for those who know about it and the issues that may have surrounded him. Putting politics aside (which I do to listen to his show), his views on the games industry can be very insightful and easily lets you know when he has facts and when his just blasting on all cylinders purely on opinion. I think he has room to grow socially but I don’t go to his podcast to listen to views on gender, sex, social class and politics. Greg on XOXO also tries to be fair and balance while still disclaiming the fact that his a huge PlayStation fan boy. Anyway, you can read the room on those particular podcast and they help you distinguish between their personal views and the news they report on with the facts that they gather. You don’t really get that with this new Beyond podcast.
  • Metsfabe
    Stopped listening
    Use to enjoy this podcast but lately it’s feels like they attack other products. Not a fan of there host also. I do enjoy podcast unlocked.
  • Mylespatrick
    Obviously enjoy gaming however big libs, tough to listen...only one view point in life I guess
  • busy vet83
    Waste of time
    I don’t usually comment but this warrants it. Very biased and fan boy...completely based in emotion. If you are looking for unbiased insight and “expertise” in the field keep searching. This is not it.
  • TrissMerrigold
    Keep finger on FF button when Aussie torks
    Keep finger on FF button when Aussie torks
  • Gusto915
    How the mighty have fallen
    This podcast has become complete trash. This use to be my go to and now it just reminds me how nothing lasts forever.
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