
by NPR

How did Larry Nassar, an Olympic gymnastics doctor, get away with abusing hundreds of women and girls for two decades? Believed is an inside look at how a team of women won a conviction in one of the largest serial sexual abuse cases in U.S. history. It's a story of survivors finding their power in a cultural moment when people are coming to understand how important that is. It's also an unnerving exploration of how even well-meaning adults can fail to believe.

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  • Boulware race Lab
    Good information
    I’ve been interested in the Larry Nassar Trial since I seen athlete A. And this gives my information about the trial I can use to study the case
  • Snowberg99
    Unbelievable how hard it is to be ‘Believed’
    I so applaud the young women who tried to plead their case only to have their concerns dismissed by their parents, therapists and the police. I have a lot of sympathy for otherwise strong and powerful women who waited far too long and were far too conflicted to report the crimes committed against them. One can only wish that some of these women, like Trine, were empowered enough to find their voices sooner in order to support the brave young women who did so against such great obstacles and were left to suffer for years. We need to speak up and teach our children to do so and NEVER question them.
  • just_jenna97
    good research & presentation!
    My Domestic Violence Clinic professor had our class listen to this podcast to help us think about trauma and believing survivors and how abusers are able to hide their abuse and instill self-doubt through charm. Before listening, I had heard of Larry Nassar, read a few articles, but hadn’t understood how so many people failed to see what he was doing, and how the system failed to stop him earlier. This podcast did a great job of answering my question, in an accessible, well-researched, and well-organized way.
  • megan_w/the egg sound
    Great journalism, horrific story
    This is a great resource for anyone who wants to know more about these atrocities. I appreciate the thoughtful and responsible storytelling.
  • Zanna bo banna
    Just wow
    I had no clue the extent of this horrible man. This was an amazing podcast. Praying for the survivors.
  • yg665
    Tough but worth it.
    Thank you for reporting on this and showing both the horror and the survival/strength. It is hard to listen to but important to hear.
  • idk abotu
    Thank you
    This is so important to educate people on sexual abuse
  • Very busy chef
    One of the best
    This should be required listening for anyone who cares for children. The trust that parents give is priceless and must be honored. This podcast is a heartbreaking reminder of what happens when that trust is misused.
  • Kaitlyn small
    I binged it in one sitting!
    The voice of the main speaker is smooth and easy to listen to. The reporting is VERY well done! Appreciated being able to listen to so many of the victims speak for themselves! Hearing his trickery his lies, the ignorance of the police and neglect of the schools. Hearing from the parents who were there the girls that refused to give up. I knew the story but was so immersed in this extrmely detailed podcast i almost felt that i was there helping give the interviews. GREAT job! God bless the victims and may he pay for his heinous and disgusting crimes. EVERY ONE of them!
  • Katrina-2000
    Well-done podcast about the Dr Larry Nassar sex abuse scandal
    Good storytelling and production values, along with an extra dose of sensitivity for "Dr" Nassar's (he surrendered his medical license.) sexual abuse of so many teenage girls, often his young victims were members of the USA Gymnastics program. A great example of a story that needs to be told.
  • PiHouse
    I like it
    Good content. The vocal fry of the host is distracting. But that’s just me… I have sensitivity to it when I hear it.
  • 666oclock
    More please
    Really appreciate the reporting on this, only wish it was much longer! This case is so dense, I could’ve easily listened to 2 or 3x more than what’s available. Feels a bit ridiculous on the part of NPR to require ads in the middle of episodes that are this short and intense, otherwise this is a near-flawless and sensitively-covered dive into a systemic nightmare.
  • Kurtousy
    Very well reported. Definitely start at episode 1. No, hear me out, try starting with the first one. Crazy, I know. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
  • Mirkammom
    Extremely interesting….
    Job well done - so impactful on many levels.
  • Carriebygrace
    I’m struck by “offer forgiveness, but first, Perdue justice”. What an amazing story. Thank you.
  • Meli711
    Incredible women and excellent presentation
    Thank you to everyone involved in this podcast. It is heartbreaking to listen to, but must be brought into the light.
  • hotguypopeye
    phenomenal show- everyone should listen to this. such a beautifully told, excruciatingly painful example of how someone so cherished can be such a monster. i am blown away, and wish i could listen to it for the first time all over again!
  • queenof2b2g
    Thank you!
    Thank you for sharing these stories, told in such a respectful way. This is an excellent podcast on such a heart wrenching matter. Thoughts, prayers, and hope to all the survivors.
  • Berger_King
    Excellent journalism!
    Took a dark subject matter and told it in a way that honored the victims and those involved. The host does an incredible job breaking it all down and keeping it from being too hard to listen too. This story has stuck with me long after finishing all the episodes.
  • Teya Jeanlow
    Believed – When a monster is trusted I found this podcast by just searching up for podcasts and I looked through a list of them and picked the one that spoke to me the most. Being a gymnast myself I really loved anything that deals in the world of gymnastics. Although I had already been aware of the Nassar scandal I was able to really connect and listen to the experiences of the gymnasts. The most memorable was the aspect on how he was able to get away with the abuse for so long. It was interesting because for me it created suspicion on whether others might have been involved in this scandal in helping him cover up the abuse. I thought it was interesting how so many girls trusted him despite what happened to them even after they had graduated or retired from there career in gymnastics. The most memorable episode was the second, called how he got away. The experience of Bryana who actually reported him sexually assaulting her really made me think about who can we trust because the police were “fooled” by the doctor. This really stuck because there are so many times when things like this happens and it is one of the reasons why so many people don’t report sexual assault. It’s really saddening to think how Bryana felt guilty for “lying” and how she felt because she was “wrong”. I felt really connected to this because as a gymnast myself feeling this way when you did nothing wrong but someone who is supposed to help you betrays you would make it really hard to trust. I thought it was interesting how they made it clear that they wanted to represent Larry as a regular guy not just Nassar the guy who did this satanic stuff. This would make him seem how he was seen in the eyes of the gymnastics who trusted him not how we now portray him to be. I liked to see more discussion on the topic of how sexual assault cases are slipped under the rug and how the justice system is broken. I also want the podcasts to compare what medical background and credentials were required compared to the present. I’d like to ask the host why do you think he got away with the abuse for so many years? Do you feel like anyone else knew what was going on? If someone did know about the abuse within the USA gymnastics committee, why do you think they didn’t try to do anything?
  • kekrru
    Thank you telling the story without telling the story.
    These gals were awesome! Great job building and breaking the story up into manageable chapters and then cutting in the elements that told.the story. I can't wait for your next one!
  • Irishfan-12
    Great podcast. My only problem is wanting Larry Nassar to be punished more than he is. I’m still so outraged.
  • Daddy Perkins
    Absolutely Captivating
    Wanted to listen to one episode while doing housework. Spent the whole day bingeing it. Highly recommend.
  • littleporkbao
    Sick Bastard
    This is a heartbreaking story. The podcast really gives the girls a chance to tell their stories. I was absolutely revolted at times. I’m so glad he got caught but so sad it took so long. Disgusting. Lovely podcast and well researched and narrated by both the nice young ladies. I hope the victims well.
  • Angelkissed479
    I’ve listened to so many podcasts about crime and horrible injustices and about lives that have been irreparably destroyed by predators of all types. Never have I cried that hard ugly cry like I did experiencing this podcast. The delivery was not only perfectly balanced but also superbly impactful. This is an amazing listen, thank you for putting this out there because everyone should hear this!
  • chloeee88
    I literally binged this season in 2 days. The storytelling is so well done. I followed the Nassar case when it first came out, watched USA gymnasts speaking at trial on YouTube, and watched “Athlete A,” but this might be my favorite!
  • brewer clan
    This was so good. So glad these ladies were able to tell their stories and make a difference
  • jewelsb123
    Amazing Need to Listen
    This is one of the best podcasts I have listened to. The hosts are amazing I hope they do more podcasts, they have a wonderful way of narrating. Their voices are so easy to listen to. The way they have told this story is so beautiful and respectful, I am so glad I listened to all of the amazing women tell their story in this podcast.
  • Code chLbH2
    Tough, but worth it.
    Great reporting, well researched, and focused correctly on the victims instead of the perpetrator. Sections are difficult to hear, but necessary.
  • Kym V.
    I found this in the “binge worthy” category and there is a part of me that despises that category but also celebrates it. I’m despised because a podcast about sexual assault shouldn’t be deemed “binge worthy” but if it gets people to listen and understand when someone comes forward with their story of abuse then I feel it’s worth it. NPR did a phenomenal job on this story and it was gripping through every episode.
  • dollexdaan
    Me too
    I listened to this podcast as I was trying to process my own childhood trauma of sexual abuse by a family member and was dealing with my entire family not believing me and casting me out. As hard as it was to go through such a time as that, to have this podcast available to listen to during that time was so refreshing. It was as if these victims were right there in the room with me and we were all discussing our own situations. Me too.
  • Alex the Vagabond
    Tough listen but good reporting
    The things described in this podcast are very difficult to hear, especially of you’re a survivor and ESPECIALLY if you yourself weren’t believed. That said, the reporting is excellent and all of the sensitive matters were treated with the upmost respect. Also, their voices are quite nice to listen to.
  • N0793
    Great job! You told this absolutely disturbing and terrifying story the most detailed way possible! Thank you! And to survivors: YOU ARE NOT SURVIVORS, YOU ARE WARRIORS! And you won the WAR!
  • LivJS11111
    Be careful if you’re a survivor
    A very important story well told but be careful listening if you are a survivor, I started hyperventilating during episode 2.
  • Nat Galindo
    Heartbreaking but eye opening
    So sad to hear these young ladies stories. It was hard to hear each episode but important to have listened. You ladies did a wonderful job! Praying for these ladies and their recovery.
  • f!ght the POWER
    difficult but necessary
    Half of the time I listened to this series, I was either tearing up or straight out crying. I spent the majority of my childhood doing gymnastics. I didn’t realize it back then, but my coaches had such a psychological hold on me and all of my teammates, whose ages ranged from 6-18. We all were under this spell that they knew what they were doing and therefore we could not question them. A lesson that is not taught often enough is that authority figures are not always to be trusted, and it is important and necessary to question someone if what they are doing does not feel right. It took me years to tell my parents about an incident with one of my coaches that I used to be embarrassed and ashamed of, but hearing all of the girls’ statements, especially Aly Raisman’s, I felt confident that I was not alone and what happened was not my fault. This subject matter is not to be taken lightly, but I believe everyone who is old enough to understand the severity of Nassar’s actions should be educated about this and know that they have a voice if they were/are taken advantage of. My whole heart goes out to every girl who had their innocence stolen by that evil monster, and also my gratitude goes out to those who spoke in court for providing me with the courage to face, process, and heal from the skeleton in my closet. Survivors deserve to be heard, and deserve to be BELIEVED! Also, if you enjoyed this podcast, watch Athlete A on Netflix!!
  • Arash256
    Good work
    I have a daughter that has participated in cheerleading and dancing and other youth sports. And this thing is just really tragic. I want to thank you for bringing to light what happens if you don't listen to these girls. Or anyone that has a as a problem.
  • ozsoo
    Brilliant, clear & important!
    This a a great work of reporting. So well presented & I thank you all for bringing this to fruition. The evil of child sexual abuse is prevalent in our society. Shinning a light on this abuse & the many facets that color the views of those involved is critical to moving forward - critical to healing. Thank you!
  • @debrn60
    Well done
    Such an important story!
  • Lady Bulldog00
    This destroyed me
    As a woman I was gutted, each story worse than the next. But this is a great warning for us all.
    Although much of this was hard to swallow, it was like a train wreck! I couldn’t stop listening. I am hoping MANY people will share this to bring awareness to parents about sexual abusers who groom them first and then their children. I learned a lot about that. I know this well told factual story will help others to stop abuse before it ever happens and to tell someone if it does! Thank you for a well done podcast!
  • ItsTish
    I was sexually abused and people don’t believe
    I listened for the girls. I feel for them. I wish I’d had come forward the first time. It went on for 21 years and he tried to do it to my daughter but I raised her strong enough. Took that incident for me to understand what had actually happened to me. It was my brother-n-law, he was 19, I was 14 the first time and my daughter was 15 when he tried with her. My sister is still married to him to this day. Non-believers. I believe! Thanks for sharing this podcast! Please have someone contact me! I’d love to share my story! Prayers for all these girls. F Nassar and all the people that hushed those girls! Start believing your children! Watch them closely! Parents were in the room with Nassar! Wake up!! Thanks!
  • lexiwilco
    Thank you
    Thank you for telling a very unpleasant but truthful narrative that we all need to hear. We need to hear how complicated this story is , how lives have been impacted and how we can’t let something like this happen again. Children’s stories need to be heard and we need to listen . We can’t let big business and organizations squash the truth , children should be our priority , they should not experience any situation that impacts them feeling unsafe or puts them in harm. We need to do better
  • CarolinaGirl613
    Excellent reporting!
    I listened after watching Athlete A on Netflix. This provided the background for understand that documentary. Extremely well done! This is an important story that should never be forgotten - we all need to learn from what happened in this situation and BELIEVE survivors!
  • Gobruins11
    These reporters did an excellent job! Listened to the whole series in one day. Each episode explores the ways this monster manipulated his way into the trust of family circles and out of police accusations.
  • SCWoww
    Thorough, Digestible, and Meaningful...
    ...reporting! This show is extremely well-produced, and the hosts are simply excellent. I found this podcast after I watched Netflix’s “Athlete-A,” and wanted more info on the despicable Nasty Nassar.
  • TakeTime55
    I hope this is never forgotten.
  • Zixlit
    Terrific Reporting of Sexual Abuse and Opening Eyes to Reality
    This podcast was recommended to me by one of my clients who had experienced horrible abuse by a teacher for several years. As a therapist I have been hearing the details of these stories for 40 years and this podcast was done in such a way as to help victims understand how their minds were manipulated and that sexual abuse is not just about an act of sexual abuse. This has been very helpful to some of my clients who were still blaming themselves for having been controlled or manipulated. Thanks you!
  • Pao2010
    The strength and courage each one of these young women showed through this entire ordeal is awe inspiring. This is an incredible story of perseverance. I honestly cried a lot. But it was soooo good.
  • Meag L
    Such a great job
    I am in awe of this. I have read all the books thus far released around the subject of Larry and his abuse, and surprised to have not heard of this podcast coverage until a couple day’s ago. I finished the series in one day. Thank you for great coverage. You did a great job honoring the girls affected. Being a competitive gymnast myself, I can’t imagine how these girls felt. My heart hurts for each and every one. But, grateful they received justice.
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