
by NPR
News #102

Listening to the news can feel like a journey. But 1A guides you beyond the headlines – and cuts through the noise. Let's get to the heart of the story, together – on 1A.Support NPR and get your news sponsor-free with 1A+. Learn more at plus.npr.org/the1a

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Recent Reviews
  • Choop667
    Learning so much
    IA has become one of my favorite podcasts. It’s so informative and I’m learning so much from the experts you’ve had on the show.
  • 4granchil
    IA is one of my favorite Npr programs. Jen White is fabulous.
  • metalheadmanguy
    New management
    Y'all, I used to be able to rely on this being quality, and this is absolutely no shade to the hosts. Multiple times now I've encountered basic errors in finished episodes(fri 4/12/24 weekly round up), either ending literally mid sentence or mis-posting an entire episode as an episode that released next to it ("If You Can Keep It" released on 3/18/24) which has never been fixed. Just a missing episode in the void I suppose. This feels more than anything like some kind of mismanagement on top of some of the new ads being very odd for what I'd expect. please keep an eye on what's important about broadcasting a show of quality
    There is only one view on every issue: progressive democrat. The interviewees are offensive. Shame on you, NPR.
  • Kovvez
    Need a new host
    This show needs a new host. Jen White was great the first couple of years now she just mails it in, any time she hosts now its just “let’s revisit a conversation I had few months ago” also she hasn’t done the Friday news roundup in a year it’s always fill in hosts. It’s time to get a host that actually cares about the content!!
  • Charli x5
    Precision Strike
    Zionist Propaganda.
  • Bilas Peles
    Thoughtful and well presented
    Interesting topics, well presented. It is US-based, so most of the topics deal with issues of interest to Americans, but the presentation is thoughtful enough that even the very US-oriented segments, like around elections, are worth listening to. Thoroughly enjoyable
  • matt2377
    very high quality news show
    Thank you; this is a well-informed and useful news show. Keep up the great work.
  • Lorin P
    Not real news
    NPR has pretty much gone the way of corporate radio media. All they do is advertise for Trump and leave out anything that actually is news. I won’t be listening to NPR anymore as they are starting to sound too similar to FOX, MSNBC, CNN and others. If you look at numbers and statistics the things they are reporting on is maybe half-truths and nothing else. Just another propaganda station.
  • Aeynrt
    Thorough and heartfelt news
    A great addition to NPR programming. Nice inclusion of listener comments
  • paj40
    First class show where you learn something!
    Thanks for this intelligent news show. Thank you NPR and WAMC.
  • MangoTree657
    Adam Samer Al-Ghoul murdered by Israel
    The 8 year old boy was named Adam Samer Al-Ghoul and Israeli troops shot him. He was not killed some random way during an Israeli raid. The victims have names, hopes, dreams, and mothers who love and mourn them. And they are killed by Israel. Shame on you for not naming this victim and for using the passive voice to describe his cold blooded, Israeli state sanctioned murder.
  • angrylf
    Woke nonsense
    This show perfectly sums up why I’ve stopped supporting and listening to NPR. The hosts lob softball questions while ‘progressive’ guests spout trendy dogma. It’s disappointing to have seen one of my most trusted media sources become a megaphone for misinformation. On Point is occasionally like the NPR I knew and respected but the rest is not worth your time.
  • Maize And Blue
    Not a podcast listener but this one I love!!!!
    Always a great listen and always informative, this is a must add podcast to your list!!!!
  • Boonmah
    Astonishingly good
    Thoughtful discussions on critical topics. Host is incredibly well informed and manages the discussion very well. I regularly learn new things each time I listen. Always in my queue
  • Teach 5&6
    Not up to NPR standards
    Trivia topics, shallow conversations, and lacks substance. It’s like the Entertainment Tonight of NPR.
  • Graven177
    US Military emissions reduction
    Wow! A whole episode on how to reduce climate emissions and no mention of how our military is the largest polluter on the planet! Go NPR!
  • MBoudet
    Communist Propaganda
    I grew up listening to NPR. So disappointed by what NPR has allowed itself to become… Trump broke you.
  • Real Love Punk
    Hip Hop Fail
    The biggest failure of the hip-hop 50\1a record club episode was that people continuously talked about hip-hop has only a musical form. Hip hop is culture. It is not youth culture, but Black and Latin folk culture that got globalized. To reduce hip-hop to only its musical output, is to defend its power.
  • judysheila
    Wonderful program
    Jenn is a great interviewer. She is able to ask probing questions in a diplomatic manner. Many interviewers stick to a script but Jenn presses on and gets to the heart of the matter. I love the ‘personal’ aspects that Jenn brings to a conversation- she reacts in her own personal way. I’m glad she had a vacation but missed her when she was away. Thank you Jenn!
  • El Don McGuap
    Thank you 🙏🏾…very helpful in isolating the noice.
  • feadadfadfdagfdg
    Episodes available thru 1A site
    For those who are disappointed that they cannot find episodes thru their pod app, please know that if you go to the 1A website all episodes should be available. That said, l am disappointed that under current host, the show frequently jams multiple story lines into a single hour. Under former hosts I was used to getting an hour long deep dive into a single topic. When Jen does 25 minutes on topic A and then 35 minutes with some entertainer, I feel she is feeding people’s growing inability to concentrate on a single thing.
  • ykv324
    Love the show but …
    I enjoy your show and diversity of subjects. I only wish all your episodes were available as podcasts. I sometimes catch a show in the car that I’m unable to finish and later go to find on podcast only to find it not available.
  • neuvo99
    Myself AND my mother had to be raised by a grandparent. Dessa just interviewed a grandparent on an episode about grandparents getting stuck with custody, when the grandma (“Jackie”) instead decided to go on a tear about the birth mother’s own struggle with drug addiction, blaming the birth mother for all of grandma’s problems. Maybe next time, someone can ask her why her son, the SPERM DONOR, i.e. the baby’s father, felt the need to impregnate someone despite his own drug problems. This was just another MIL blaming her son’s girlfriend for everything, and placing zero responsibility with the promiscuous son she raised years earlier. Maybe these grandparents would have less to complain about, had they not bungled in raising their own children. Also, stop raising male children to be so irresponsible. As a female, I’m so sick of being stuck having to mind them all my life.
  • 2GirlsRock
    What’s Up?
    1A is a great show I especially love the Friday News Roundup. But I don’t understand why it takes days for shows to be uploaded on the podcast. Often it will be Sunday before I can listen to the Friday news round up if I didn’t hear it live! I listened to part of a show yesterday and wanted to continue today. Very frustrating.
  • youwon’tletmecontinue
    1A missing episodes
    I agree with the person who questioned the absence of episodes. Why? I heard the tremendous episode on the author of ‘Builder… “ in the car. When I wanted to hear it again at home, I could not access it. Nor could I suggest my house-building brother listen to the episode. Very frustrating.
  • btennis1006
    Niala, Preclampsia. Really? If the topic is going to be brought up during the time you host, at least familiarize yourself with the words you’ll be using surrounding the issue. It’s pre-eclampsia for crying out loud. This is with respect to the News Roundup. I at least bothered to look up how to spell your name. Check out google. They have a pronunciation feature.
  • kerrickmc
    Missing podcast episodes
    Agree with prior review. Great episode on woodworking that I wanted to share with someone and nope! Totally different show is listed for today.
  • donna ree row
    The more I listen, the more I like 1a
    Good questions, good guests. Jenn White is so good at what she does.
  • phil in tucson az
    Missing podcast episodes
    I really like the show 1a, a lot, but why are there missing radio episodes in the podcast area? A day or two ago there was a really great episode on the radio that I only heard half of, on “Sleep”, and it does not appear in the podcast list, even though there are newer episodes there. I don’t understand why you’re missing lots of radio episodes there, do you only put up a couple from each day? I would love to be able to catch up on some of the radio sections that I missed or only was able to hear some of. I was only able to give the podcast four stars because of this problem which is quite irritating.
  • WSKG member
    Today’s episode made me want to live at/in the Library of Congress. I could spend the rest of my days reading, seeing, watching, listening and absorbing as much as I could. The number of people and the amount of work that goes into this one show is astonishing. Thank you NPR for all you do!
  • Bglbsky
    Jenn White is amazing
    The most recent episode is spectacular. Jenn White RAN that interview. Bravo
  • Ken Rudin Junkie
    Podcast Delays Ruining the Show
    I don’t understand why the podcast now runs a day behind the actual show. While the content continues to be excellent. However, by the time the podcast is updated particularly for the “Friday Update;” the show is reduced to a rehash of other programming. This show is moving from a must listen to an after thought.
  • Dcdana
    Weekend Roundup should be loaded on Friday
    I have a Friday routine of catching on my Friday news. Morning edition then later Bedford all things considered. Listen to weekend roundup. But now it’s being loaded on Saturdays. All bad. Can it be put up Sooner??
  • MkeY234Z62
    State media for the DNC
    If you appreciate good journalism this show will waste your time and insult your intelligence.
  • npr fan girl
    Why is it so hard?
    I love listening to the Friday News Round Up, but am often busy at that time so I can’t listen during the broadcast. I do not understand why the podcast edition is at least a day behind and when I search for the broadcast I can only access very outdated shows. What gives?
  • SA happy
    the newspaper of podcasts
    1A continues the tradition of print journalism I grew up with, and does an outstanding job of balancing immediacy, variety of sources, and fine interviewing. Jenn White is one of the best interviewers I have ever heard, and she is always well prepared— an amazing feat, given the wide variety of topics addressed. Yes, there are moments when the editing could be better, but given the volume of content they produce each week, and all the moving parts— background info from expert interviews, contributions and questions from listeners, audio clips— I consider it my “audio newspaper.”
  • tyguy3006
    Great content - poor editing
    The show always has great content, but there are editing issues for the podcast episodes without fail. The 12/2/22 episode was particularly bad and prompted this review.
  • Parker Sargent
    Why is the production so bad?!?
    Love the content, subjects, guests, but the sound is so bad; choppy, loopy, with hard start/stops. Do they hire unpaid interns to produce? Figure it out!
  • Funnygirlnyc
    Jen knows how to interview!
    She asks the hard questions & holds the guests feet to the fire for the guests that try not to answer. She’s a true breath of fresh air.
  • JM3472JM
    I stay subscribed because they occasionally have informative episodes but the coverage of politics could not be more inflammatory. Just like all of the other NPR shows, for every 1 conservative voice there are 99 leftists represented. The simple fact that “Election Denial” has been a major part of 2022 coverage when it was nowhere in sight in 2016/18 says it all.
  • JVean
    Get better people
    Half the people you interview sound like they have never given a speech or public statement. Constantly gulping and swallowing. They sound awful and I can’t listened to them.
  • vr.lp
    Woman over 50
    Thank you for the great insight into woman voters over 50. I just cast my vote after listening to your inspiring show on the importance of our vote.
  • Briard girl
    Episode about Supreme Court
    The guests were fantastic- especially prof Eric Seigel from Georgia University. He was wonderfully thoughtful and articulate.
  • Nyarl de la Thotep
    Sane defeats insipid
    Thoughtful sometimes insightful coverage without hysteria.
  • On the Bored
    2nd in line means 2nd after Kamala
  • -&SdjhfsakJdfhlsakdjhfkl
    The international week in review included two (2!) references to Pelosi being “second in line” to the presidency. Really? What happened to Kamela? I listened twice cause I couldn’t believe it. These are international experts but they should have basic familiarity with the US and if not the moderator needs to step in with a correction.
  • Winnie Eunice
    So bland
    I think that they do really good subjects but they just make it so bland!!!
  • I'm A Bison Not A Buffalo
    Yosemite Fires
    Your guest mentioned grizzly bears being affected by wildfire in Yosemite National Park in California. There are no grizzly bears in Yosemite National Park nor in the entire state of California. No idea what she was referring to or talking about, but highly infactual.
  • Old Time Music Enthusiast
    30 Seconds and Then Commericals
    The topic might have been interesting had I been able to get past all the ads and the sponsors …
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