This Is Why


Comedians and authors Laura Lane and Angela Spera give best friend advice on pop culture, politics, news headlines, workplace dynamics, dating, parenting, friendship and whatever else is on your mind. 

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  • Kal_Avery
    I think this one has run its course...
    I used to love this podcast but now can’t stand it. “Like” every other word is like nails on a chalkboard, and they seem like they’re living in another very different world. Totally can’t relate to anything they talk about these days. I deleted the podcast from my subscriptions after being a listener for many years.
  • Alizontheamazon
    Laura get a clue
    I listened to this podcast from day one but finally stopped because of Laura. She constantly talks over Angela, is so out of touch with reality, pretends to care about the world but is so privileged without ever genuinely acknowledging it. She’s what’s wrong with America disguised as a progressive liberal.
  • Geraldaisy
    Used to Love
    I hate that the shows aren’t released up to date.
  • aab8709
    Let Angela Speak
    I’ve listened to this podcast since it came out and I love listening to Laura and Angela each week. I noticed that Laura interrupts Angela constantly, especially in the re-brand. I love how passionate and excited Laura gets when she tells stories/offers her point of view, but please let Angela speak! I’m listening to the episode where Angela tells everyone her dad has cancer and Laura INTERRUPTED her mid sentence to talk about herself :/ Love the podcast, but ladies please make the banter more balanced between you both!
  • raveneclipse
    Love the rebrand! They’re doing a great job and are very entertaining.
  • droid816
    Here for you Angela
    Just basic facts I’m not getting any younger hoping to see you tonight but I don’t drive if interested do you know my Number?
  • nataliejane38
    Just no
    Randomly downloaded this podcast and first one I listened to was the New Dating Etiquette episode. Within the first few minutes there was a discussion about if you would cut off your arm to get rid of covid. The discussion surrounding that was so tone deaf and vapid - my read was that these women were completely serious. “Like, I really want to go to a restaurant and stuff but I wouldn’t give up my arm for it.” I cannot believe anyone would listen to these people for advice. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people who are very ill and dying from covid. Medical workers are risking their lives every day to care for covid patients. Families are being devastated by this. But yeah, your arm is super necessary. 🙄 I know it was just a stupid hypothetical conversation but WOW, these women are not worth any more of my time. So disconnected and entitled.
  • AJames08
    Feels like I’m hanging with my gals
    Love this podcast. Laura and Angela feel like your best girl friends and they discuss so many new topics since changing the podcast name. Love it!
  • Chelsea W Berg
    Don’t Listen Unless You Are a White Liberal Female from Brooklyn
    Sooo sorry ladies, I have been listening for years but you have both (especially Laura) gotten so far out of touch with the rest of America.....Good for you both for having the smarts to start and stick with something but wow you smack so liberal and agenda pushing I cannot listen anymore and for the record I am a female living in Los Angeles who owns a yoga studio and even I cannot take it! Very very liberal and classic Brooklyn/NYC podcast for elitist females....Otherwise you will NOT understand a word they say.
    To echo the sentiment...
    Let me start by saying I’ve been a long time listener and fan. I’ve even written in and received advice! I fell off this podcast, wondered why, and recently returned. Laura’s commentary in particular is not nearly as down to earth or relatable as it used to be. She absolutely takes over the conversation. I resonate more with Angela’s insight and would appreciate more of an authentic balance between the two like the old days... it’s starting to feel forced. Breaks my heart to say this, but I won’t be a regular listener. I’ll return every now and then, but unfortunately, I think I’m going to remain feeling disappointed.
    Love the podcast but please take following advice . While we know Laura has a tendency to take over / interrupt / talk over Angela PLEASE on an episode centered around Angela wedding be postponed - please if Laura could be more thoughtful and let Angela speak . One other point . A city overrun by JCrews - a chain that is on the elite side - is far from dystopia.
  • Dinomaciel
    Ugh ..the whining
    I’m new to this podcast but I couldn’t take more than 2 I tried!! But their talk about (at this Coronavirus time) how they misssss their $6 latte in a the morning and how one of them has to stay at home with her soon to marry fiancé! ?? Just humdrum.
  • JacklynClovesPodcasts
    Love these gals!
    Listening to this podcast makes me happy. Thanks for being a bright spot in my day, ladies!
  • CollegeKid505
    Pass on this Pod
    I really tried to overlook the cis-het white women bs but it was too much. The hosts’ blinders are so blaring any intersectional feminist wouldn’t enjoy this podcast. 10/10 would *not* recommend.
  • Dr. Claire
    Please stop saying “like” so much
    Good advice but listening to “like” ad nauseum on each episode is killing me.
  • wantstosupportwomen
    Wow...Laura is unbearable
    I recently got back into listening and used to love the pod. Recently, I’ve started to notice Laura coming across as extremely judgmental, from shaming a friend for inviting her to her wedding when they’re not that close to complaining that Nick won’t participate in her bougie meal service with a $70/day+ sticker price for the sake of his health. I’m honestly quite put off, come back down to earth, girl! We miss you xx
  • kara swink
    Excellent Well Rounded Pod
    I’ve been listening to the pod for a couple of years now, and as a young married woman, I’ve enjoyed the balance of this show. Big sister advice meets heartfelt reflection meets quality humor, there’s always something fantastic with each episode. I also enjoy how Laura and Angela break up the podcast, making the varied topics easy to listen to and enjoy. Laura and Angela give timely attention to research for each episode, and add in their personal flair along the way with their unique personalities. Long overdue review, but heck, it’s here now! LOVE from Kauai. PS just listened to the Laura + Nic love after baby episode. Love it as I’ve been married for 5 years and can relate to some of the long term topics. Also I was LOLing the whole way every time Nic was laughing at the Parents magazine advice etc. I love to hear yalls natural conversation On the podcast, it’s fun.
  • Moonlia the 3rd
    I love this podcast! Just got out of an 8 year relationship so I NEED advice 😂 I actually love the episodes when they don’t have a guest on best. (I wish they’d stop talking politics since I disagree with them on everything) but I still love their advice like my older sisters ❤️
  • JennyFromTheBlock77
    Not the best
    I enjoyed the podcast at first but it has become unbearable at this point. Angela is great.. she has very educated and down to earth commentary that feels very "best friend"-esque. If Laura could have an entire podcast where she just talks about herself the entire time.. she probably would. She interjects and talks over guest speakers/Angela very often and uses every chance she gets to talk about her husband or baby. She also poses as a feminist/liberal but actually has very narrow minded view points that she projects to listeners with little knowledge on topics. Their content gets repetitive and often times, they only speak about the topic listed in the title for a few minutes. The rest of the time, they just talk about their relationships and play some sort of dumb game at the end thats completely irrelevant. Definitely better/more educated podcasts out there.
  • Dollylobster
    Podcast has changed since I first started listening
    I have been a long time listener and I really liked this podcast for a while. I find myself wishing Angela would talk more, when she does she has a good perspective that is a little more fluid. Laura is way more black and white in how she views dating. She also controls most of the conversations (even when they have guest speakers on) to talk about her husband and baby—don’t get me wrong, I am so happy for her (and her family is so cute) but it’s a bit out of place for a podcast meant to help single women. I feel like because of where they both are in life that they are a bit out of touch with their intended audience. I’ll continue to listen because I like reading the articles they discuss for myself but I’m not really getting the sisterly advice like I used to.
  • Srp18889
    Love the podcast, too many ads
    I’ve been listening for years and love the podcast!! They have great chemistry and balance each other well. They also found the perfect structure for giving us all the deets on dating. But they have soooo many ads, I find myself skipping through half of the episode.
  • lolabeans1124
    Angela is great!
    I adore Angela and her take on dating and relationships. She seems more real and I wish she would talk more. Laura seems....out of touch and so far removed from current dating culture. I’ve noticed recently that Laura will talk over her guests and co-host to interject how wonderful her husband is or her experiences that aren’t relevant.
  • DBD2014
    Really Great!
    Laura and Angela are a gift. Whatever you’re struggling with relationship-wise, whoever you are, give them a listen. I’m a dudebro and they’ve really helped me work through some stuff. Or if you’re all set, they’re just hilarious to listen to. Stellar show!
  • Lnsh1207
    Great podcast ever
    Laura and Angela get really good what is being out there in the dating life their advices are really accurate and also they make a great show with the guess on the podcast. I start recently but I got so hook up on it that I start to listen all episodes since the number one episode and I just keep loving it
  • Emily Brinham Pierce
    The BEST podcast
    Angela and Laura are the big sis/BFF duo you never knew you needed. They offer the most hilarious parts of their sketch show, dating and relationships wisdom, experience and insights, not to mention “What’s New in Dating News”, amazing guests, and more! Every possible topic of modern dating, sex and relationships, plus so much more. From sliding into someone’s DM’s to engagement etiquette to conversations with sex therapists, porn stars and pelvic floor specialists, they are current and always keeping up with every possible topic we could want. They are my favorite podcast, and wonderful gals. Not to mention they personally answer every listener email. I’ve recommended them to all my girlfriends and to my guy friends too for two awesome ladies’ perspective on dating. Give them a listen, you will LOVE it. 💕 💕💕 Thank you, ladies!
  • ckfrankie
    Listened to a couple episodes and just seemed to bounce around a lot and not stay on topic.. it was easy to zone out and not pay attention. I was hoping for more solid well thought out advice.
  • not_bad_mi
    This Is Why You’re Awesome
    I truly enjoy listening to you, Angela and Laura! You both are very intelligent and funny, and bring such a wonderful NYC perspective to me over here in the Midwest. Thank you for making my commutes better!
  • Adriigon
    Keep up the great work!
    Love love listening to you ladies when I’m getting ready for work, my boyfriend just walks around singing the jingle. :)
  • Blasaha
    Best dating podcast!
    I absolutely love this show, I’ve gone through a few dating advice podcasts and Laura and Angela give the most down to earth advice. I look forward to their banter and stories every week, they give me the motivation to take on the NYC dating scene!
  • SubspaceCowboy
    Not a single one
    A podcast about being single from two women who aren't single...oooooK.
  • Chaidezclau
    Best girl friend advice! Thank you Angela and Laura
    I have been listening to the podcast for over a year and I so look forward to the next one every week! The time they put into the show really shows! Even if they are both no longer single that does not mean they don’t have invaluable information. I started listening when I was single and now being in a relationship I still learn so much about dating. Love you girls! Thank you for creating this !
  • Lauren.Alyse
    Name and description VERY misleading. Wouldn’t listen if either of those brought you here
    This podcast is like listening to friends that you have nothing in common with. One is a mom and the other is in a serious relationship. It’s fine to talk about both of those experiences, but if I wanted to hear those stories I wouldn’t be listening to a dating podcast called this is why you’re single. It’s also for at least the third of the episode, not just a couple minutes at the beginning. I’m 24 minutes in on one and after talking about ring shopping, now they’re talking about diapers.
  • MuniNewbie
    My favorite podcast!
    I started listening to this podcast during a long-term relationship, and kept listening through a breakup, a single period, a new relationship, and an engagement. I learn something new with every episode and enjoy hearing the development of Angela and Laura’s lives! I feel like we’re old friends at this point and I plan on continuing to listen to the podcast even when I’m married. Keep up the great content, ladies!!
  • lionallie
    It’s like getting together with friends, love these gals!
    This podcast has been on my weekly rotation for almost 3 years now - I can’t stay away!
  • BritBratx02013
    The BOMB!
    I love this Podcast and I have been listening since the beginning! I feel like Laura and Angela are family so when I read reviews bashing them I’m going to speak up! First of all, the the people saying that this Podcast is misleading because neither of the ladies are single, please zip it. They were in fact single when they started on their journey and have since found love, marriage and a baby! “This is why you’re single” is their brand. It might look a little different now, but I feel like they do a great job of explaining upfront that their lives have changed. Also, I love the advice they give. It is truly, big sisterly advice as they say it is! I love y’all!! Keep doing what you’re doing!
  • jdawn1
    So great!
    I have been listening since the beginning and you both really helped out during my single stage! It made me feel like I wasn’t the only one out there having the troubles I was with all the players out there. I finally met the man of my dreams, but still continue to listen every week! It keeps me updated with what’s going on in the dating world so I can give advice to all the single ladies I know personally. Thanks girls!!!
  • DoraBunny
    Hateful towards single moms
    I had been listening to this podcast for a little bit and trying to find an episode where being a single mom was addressed and when I finally did it make me cry and hurt for every reason I’m already insecure about being a single mom. It was a guest episode, but it made me sick that these women I felt I was beginning to know and trust would let such misogynistic and hurtful things be a joke for a group of men. It’s hard out here for single moms and not only do they not have a single episode centered around the issues single moms face in the dating scene, but they are proud to post episodes where MEN joke about single moms keeping their pussies tight and encourage women to hide their children on dating apps or no one will date them. Birds of a feather... I hope these ladies never have to experience the fear and insecurity that many single moms experience
  • Fancy1919
    It’s just misleading. Neither are single and there is a lot of baby talk lol
  • gjeislc
    Seems kinda smug and condescending that a podcast is called ‘this is why you’re single’ by two people in relationships. What do they know about what it’s like to be single? I only listened to two episodes and wanted to like it but was very turned off by their vibe. A lot of the info was fluff, I didn’t really learn anything, and their insight was minimal. Sorry to write such a bad review but if you’re looking for a funnier or more inspirational podcast please look elsewhere!
  • Millieguisella
    Love it!!!
    I’ve been listening to you guys for over a year and I love it!!!! #1 fan of the show
  • joy joy5
    I’m loving this podcast!
    I love this podcast ,I can’t stop laughing always look forward to new podcasts.
  • MelissaBalthazor 0987
    Ugh I wanna like this but
    First of all the entry song is terrible! it makes me not want to listen to any of this After the horrible entry passes though the actual discussions are enjoyable to listen to Nothing educational or tips or anything like that just fun listening but overall it’s not Terrible
  • JennRTiffany
    Birthdaythings!! Fun shares!!
  • lexilexi32
    This podcast is the best! I wear headphones when i work so for 6-8 hours a day i listen to these podcasts(I’m new to podcasts) they are so entertaining and helpful! Love these girls and feel like they are the older sisters i never had ❤️ thanks ladies! I am almost caught up and Idk how i am going to work without all the wonderful podcasts to listen to every day!
    Uninformed generalizations
    I tried to listen to this podcast but every time I did, I wanted to pull out my hair. I think some of their advice is actually damaging as it projects traditional and surpressive expectations on how women should act and interact with men.
  • Michelle_794
    Best podcast duo!
    This is my favorite podcast!! These ladies are hilarious, insightful, and so much fun to listen to!
  • Melodiousmsm
    I love these gals! The podcast is fun and informative, especially when it comes to the latest in dating apps, trends, sex culture, and the newly found situations technology has bestowed upon all of us. However, I have to mention THE BOOK. IT'S THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER READ ON DATING. Seriously. It's the best!
  • Lizzzzz93
    Such a great Podcast!
    Love this podcast! It’s like listening to the big sisters I always wanted! Great content and an easy listen ♥️
  • SunnysideDC
    Laura & Angela Pls Listen to Your Recordings
    While I appreciate your enthusiasm & content, it was incredibly difficult to listen to your most recent podcast due to the fact your guest as well as you guys (at times) raise your voices and then go to a whisper. It was most prevalent at the beginning of the call - in your most recent recording (as of 2/15/17). Just trying to help you out. Maybe it’s a tech prob?
  • CaraF13
    Insightful and Fun
    I really enjoyed this Podcast that delivers refreshing tid bits about relationships along with hilarious stories. I loved their conversation with Jullian who spoke about how our bodies are the most expressive instruments. In order to change our emotions, we need to change something with our bodies. Thank you for shining the light on the power of mind body connection and how it relates to our relationships with ourselves and our external relationships.
Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork on this page are property of the podcast owner, and not endorsed by