Fear The Watching Dead - Fear The Walking Dead podcast


We cover Fear The Walking Dead with a weekly podcast immediately after the show on Sunday night and a full recap and discussion on Tuesday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kxjwvejfuzgg
    love jt
    still watching it 8 years later
  • Chinese girl's husband
    Just subscribed and realized you guys aren’t updating in years haha
    Still face you a five star cause your podcasts are awesome.
  • GiantsFan518
    Another Great Podcast from Bald Move
    These guys are simply the best. I love their coverage and analysis of some of the best shows on TV. They do a great job of recapping the episodes and are very informational about news and theories involving each show they cover. This is a must listen.
  • Jochisonx
    Best possible given the content they are working with
    Bald Move continues to deliver insightful commentary in all their programs especially with Walking Dead. Thanks for the efforts and keep up the great work!!
  • Arojax
    Great cast
    Even though the show was hard to watch I found myself force-watching the show just so I could hear Jim and A.ron's cast about it
  • aspandonis
    Best ever
    These guys do fun work. I listen to a lot of thier poscasts. try them
  • Tenacious24
    Tried you guys but too whiney for me and too nit picky over. Thanks but no thanks, unsubscibed.
  • AKgirl61
    Terrible -Don't Bother
    Don't waste your time. I tried to listen but these guys are just not into this show. Rather than ruin it all for everyone they should do the viewing and listening world a favor and go watch something else.
  • HershelsMissingLeg
    Maybe shouldnt do this show
    I liked their Justified podcast, but the negativity and nitpickiness they bring to this show makes it seem as if they're reluctant to even watch it. Not fun.
  • Teincilove
    Another great podcast from Bald Move
    I love listening to these guys discuss just about any show, but they really add to my enjoyment of this spinoff series. They pick it apart (the good and the bad) and I love the recap format. Some may see their style as negative but I think they're just honest and these hosts put a lot into their quality and casts. Without their great casts I wouldn't enjoy Fear the walking dead half as much.
  • Ashlinloe7
    Love you guys and how you stay honest! Great show and keep up the great work! Freeman of Zombie Cast Loves Ya-Cheers and keep up the good work! ZombieCast.net swing by anytime guys!
  • rjccourt
    Great Take on a Genre
    These guys really know the zombie genre. Pretty insightful take on the show. Like the banter and the format.
  • Fiction Boy
    Jim and A. Ron are some of the best podcasters in the business, in my opinion. This recap is no exception. I don’t tune in to just hear fanboy praise. If I wanted that I’d listen to other podcasts. I do, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. The only thing I look for in a podcast is entertaining hosts, a good sense of film and TV history and good production value. Bald Move is all of that and more. Five stars, I say!
  • Runner1234122we
    Good content but come on!
    Two hours to review a one hour show?!? Seriously?!? Guys.... 20 minutes. That's all you need. The. It just becomes repetitive.
  • ThebigJ1er
    One normal, one dumb
    Three stars, because one dude's normal, and the other dude's got weak arguments. Ten million viewers for the pilot, a record shattering number, and the guy thinks it should've been fourteen million. He thinks 8 for the second is a significant drop. Ignorance is hard to listen to. Plus most of his critiques were dumb. The show did some things wrong, just not what he said. At all. (Except the black characters dying thing) (And is he not aware that it's official canon for the world of the walking dead that zombies weren't a thing in pop culture? That's why nobody ever calls them that. No zombie movies, no term for it, no dead people coming back to life in the mythology. It explains much of the lack of communication when what's happening is so weird there's not even a word for it.)
  • Bmac814
    On the second episode Aron has resorted to negative podcasts already.
    I was hopeful after the first episodes podcast but I'm losing faith now in the cast as Aron is to the show. I don't listen to TV podcasts to hear it bashed constantly and I don't think most people do. We are fans of the show. I'm not saying I want everything sugar coated but the constant negativity is just getting old. Why do a podcast if you don't like the show, if you want to be a TV critic then go do that but I'm not interested in TV critics, I'll critique a show myself. I listen to TV podcasts to get more out of the show and maybe pick up on things I missed.
  • medgiem
    Wish the podcasts were longer
    I'm a huge fan of the walking dead and the two are definitely not fan boys. They are fair in their reviews and the dynamic between these two is natural like two best friends having a discussion about the walking dead. They aren't trying too hard and as a result they are actually funny at times. No inane giggling like other podcasters that can't express their thoughts without saying "sort of" in every sentence.
  • Robgsrh
    Another great one!
    Me likes
    Jim & ARon rock
    Best podcasters for Golden Age of Television and more. Insightful, funny takes on shows. They don't pander to fandom either. Check out all of their podcasts.
  • Cardboard_Bender
    A show franchise and genre not worth talking about.
    What you will quickly realize with these guys is they review a lot of shows on opposite ends of the quality spectrum and with only so much time why would one bother with this nonsense of a show? I'll tell you why, they have sold out to high downloads yet on really bad shows. They used to focus on the quailty of the TV medium like BB, MM, & Justified but now it's all fantasy and zombie time wasting. Not only do they do instant casts on these inferior shows they do full hours long recaps that could all be accomplish in less than 10 minutes. Maybe if they paid attention to the summer season they would have jumped on the Mr. Robot breakout show, but no it's all about the GOT & WD fanboy enabling. Seriously get with it guys. There is subjective opinion and objective fact and this is all truth you can't argue against. R. Kirkman is a failure and why waste hours on more teen angst bickering because the silent majority will never get this tired fad.
  • Adent4224
    Best Podcast Team ever!
    Can't wait to watch the show and listen to the podcast.
  • JayGH
    Five Stars
    I don't even have to listen to know that the Bald Move guys are going to crush this. A.Ron and Jim are brilliant, funny, and the hardest working men in podcasting. Thanks for all the hard work, guys.
  • Dub2305
    Bald move
    You guys rock and can't wait to see what you do with this new feed!!
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