Histoire turque et ottomane - Gilles Veinstein


Gilles Veinstein is a professor at the Collège de France in Paris and a directeur d'études at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales His researches deal with political practices and ideology, economy and society in the early Ottoman Empire, until the end of the 18h c., with a special emphasis on the analyses of the Ottoman archivistic material. He has edited Mehmed Effendi. Le paradis des infidels (Paris: Maspéro, coll. « La Découverte », 1981). Along with numerous other works he is the author of L'Empire ottoman et les pays roumains 1544-1545 (with M. Berindei) (Paris and Cambridge MA: EHESS and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1987), État et société dans l'Empire ottoman. La terre, la guerre, les communautés, (London: Variorum, 1994), Le serail ébranlé (with Nicolas Vatin) (Paris: Fayard, 2003), L' Europe et l'Islam. Quinze siècles d'histoire (with Henry Laurens and John Tolan) (Paris: Odile Jacobs, 2009. A volume is now under press collecting a selection of his articles under the title Autoportrait du sultan ottoman en conquérant. ). He is the editor of the journal Turcica.

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