Unashamed with the Robertson Family


The Robertsons are unashamed of their Christian faith and want to share the Gospel with everyone, from new believers to longtime followers of Jesus. Phil, Al, Jase, Zach, and their special guests go beyond the four walls of the church to share God's Word and study the Bible with you. Pour a glass of tea, and experience fun and inspiring stories of faith and family, straight from West Monroe, Louisiana.

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Recent Reviews
  • MosquitoSwarm
    Tooth fairies & sky daddies
    While supporting a traitor??
  • Mattala R Meeshel
    God’s Word in a Crazy world
    You just cannot go wrong with the Robertson’s Podcasts. I caught onto them late, well after the show (Duck Dynasty) went into syndicated reruns, but it’s never too late. I cannot find any modrern television worth watching so podcasts involving the word of God is refreshing. I am sorry to hear that Phil is dealing with complicated health concerns, and my prayers are with them all.
  • DD podcast
    Valley of Dry Bones
    Yall are the hands and feet of Christ, acting on the Gospel in each area of your lives is POWERFUL EVIDENCE FOR GOD’s GREAT LOVE. I listen every night as I’m in bed trying to nod off (occasionally I have to replay the episode 2 or 3 times as Al’s voice lulls me to sleep lol). Two years ago I was divorced by my spouse after 13 years and was struggling with insomnia… this is when I stumbled upon your podcast and thought how the Spirit of the Lord intervened on my behalf to give some peace and rest and hope through your messages. I have learned so much and continue to wait with anticipation for each new release. Ps: Jase, give Mia a huge hug for me… she is an amazing young lady and such an inspiration! Your sister in Christ, -Amy (California)
  • Humble Shaun
    Great show
    This is a great show with God fearing men who love Jesus! If you want to listen to some common sense approaches to following and living like Christ this is your show.
  • Bravohungry
    For such a time as this
    I ran across the Robertson family in the summer of 2013 and loved them immediately! Recently I rewatched Duck Dynasty and somewhere I saw an ad for the podcast! The first day I turned it on they were studying John and I just read John so it’s been great walking through it with them.I appreciate their heartwarming, undeniable, and unashamed love of God and people! I am also encouraged to share the gospel more boldly . I Hope to see Jase or Al preach in person one day! Ps Jase We Christian singles online date for introduction to another Christian single, you do then meet and go from there in real life, At least I do! Haha
  • FerloCrsy
    Question more than review
    Could you expand on the verse that talks about God giving us over to our sins. It says God will send a delusion spirit and cast you away…..that’s terrifying. How do you if you can come back from something like that? You said it was similar to how your dad gave you the choice and you took off and nearly died in a year. Some people say when God does that to us there is no salvation….is there? You say the answer is right there but is it? To my mind it all contradicts itself sometimes. And ya’ll move so fast through the scripture. I love this podcast but I feel left behind a lot. Says one day don’t forgive only 7 times but 77 times what happens after the 77th time is that the number then God chucks you out of his grace? There’s no sin he won’t figure but then He goes and gives you a dead end to chase? If there could be more clarification that would be so helpful. I love the side stories but sometimes they take away from the study. And I know this is an older episode you probably won’t even see this review. But you have a listener who has a lot of doubt even tho she was raised in and baptized in the church…..I guess clarification would just help bring peace of mind is all. Thank you for what you do
  • R1u1s1t1y1
    All glory and honor to God
    These guys are awesome. Good wholesome fun, sharing God’s word God’s love and also being human. May God continue to richly bless you all!
  • robtdog
    Chase The wood splitter
    Chase thanks for your splitting comments I used cutting trees and splitting for therapy because I couldn’t afford therapy for leg surgery, it worked I am now walking! God Bless you and all your family send prayers for your Dad Phil
  • ravensbible
    Love it
    It’s great
  • pewpewnuka
    Listening to the pure knowledge of the bible these guys possess is impressing, just the relationship with our creator that they all have really makes me sit back and think about how much better our lives could be if we let god into our lives.
  • I’ve tried six now
    Please less commercials
    Love you guys & gals but less commercials! Especially the break in music love boat, or Burgerking? You don’t even like fast food! Would be 5 stars but commercials are losing you impact.
  • Fun Robertson
    Bible information
    This sounds like a good podcast I really enjoy it. The spirit of the Lord is using your podcast to bring people close together and to learn about the Bible. Thank you, Robertson family! I also enjoy your duck dynasty show. May God bless you and have a great day!
  • 99-4-1
    Zach would say “You should deviate from normalcy to emancipate your mind from the evil one.” Jace would say “Don’t be like everyone else. “ I love how you all make it real to all walks of life…even the “yuppies”!
  • LoriGlory
    Blurry creatures
    It’s a fox. We have gray foxes in Northern California out in the woods and it’s called a vixen screech but male foxes do it too. It’s kind of creepy until you know what it is. Lori
  • kss01time
    Bringing deeper thoughts on biblical issues
    The fact that you had Blurry Creatures on your podcast, I was elated. I listen to them along with your podcast every week. I’m glad you were open minded enough to have them on. I’d truly love to hear more of your take on the Genesis 6 issues. Love you all!
  • Forgivenwarrior
    Women too
    I miss having Bible discussions with my FIL. He died two years ago. Thanks for filling in his seat. This encourages me in my daily studies with our children. Listening reminds me to pray for my husband. I pray one day he and I can have these discussions together.
  • Tonya from Ohio
    A biblical study that is never dry!
    These men are funny! I listen to the podcast on my way to work, it is nearly the correct amount of time. I've learned so much and they inspire me to be a disciple, and grow into a mature Christian. When I turn in a new pod cast and it's blah blah blah, I can't focus on it. I always go back to unashamed! Great job- I must admit I'm wishing this was my family!
  • Jack Englis
    All clean, funny, and full of rock hard biblical truths. A great podcast to listen to, to get good perspective on life. I truly in joy the Robertson family’s story, life, show, and podcast. (And I’m not going to lie, I love the deep southern accents too)😆
  • Momma Djo
    Thank you
    Love your podcast - love how you share scripture and share your stories
  • Debora13
    Missy upset?
    One episode 1018 I’m sure Missy was upset because you weren’t helping her. That’s why she was making all the noise. At least you recognize there was miscommunication. I love your show.
  • Odyseygolfer
    My Workout Podcsdt
    Love the Unashamed Podcast.
  • Anonymous 12/14/2016
    Love this podcast
    I love this show-the biblical study has helped me continue to deepen my understanding of scripture and strengthen my relationship with Jesus!!!
  • Lightet
    Go Uncle Si.
    Uncle Si is the best man to fill in for Phil until his return. The podcast needs Si. Thanks
  • T.J. Page
    Love it!
    I don’t know why I didn’t find it sooner! Love listening to you guys and getting into the word of God while I’m at work. It’s refreshing to the spirit!
  • lcsoeec
    Wonderful podcast!
    I truly enjoy listening to this podcast. I enjoy the spirited back and forth between Phil and Jase. Al’s attempts to bring them back on track is very amusing as well. Been praying for Phil & Kay and Al & Lisa. May the Lord heal you completely, my friends. <><
  • Raleigh Smoke
    Never watched the show, but love this podcast. Real and honest conversation, Christ focused.
    My favorite podcast
    This podcast is so good. A little bit of hunting and fishing and humor with a great Bible study each time. Love it!
  • SuzieQgiantsFn!
    Please Jase remember what Jesus would do . You are so rude to Zach . You’re preaching Jesus but your not always following the path with your words you say to some people. You can be abrupt. I love the podcast but sometimes rolling my eyes at the ungodly conversation of others.
  • fallintograce
    Episode 1017
    Love your podcast! This episode reminded me of a book that was required reading at my Christian school- Twice Freed by Patricia M. St. John. It’s been many years and I still remember it!
  • Obiiwom69
    Faith in Airwaves
    I am thankful to God that he brought Phil around so his seeds that he planted in his family can continue to plant more seeds through current social medias. I praise Father God and thank you Gentlemen for an awesome Podcast that has helped me in my journey with Christ!
  • DN208
    Excellence in podcasting
    What every podcast should be…educational and entertaining! Great job, guys. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the Gospel.
  • NY Refugee in Al
    Thank you
    This is one of my favorite podcasts.
  • Gigi Says….
    Gigi says:
    I’m sorry to hear that Phil isn’t doing well. Having had three back surgeries and recently fell from a ladder eight feet in the air cleaning the gutters on my house….I fractured my back! So I get where Phil’s pain is actually coming from. If Phil doesn’t feel like duck hunting, it’s not good. I sure hate to hear about his Alzheimer’s diagnosis. I know you guys will take care of his needs. 🙏❤️
  • Onnasok
    Awesome podcast
    Good to hear godly men sharing the word
  • Akids11
    Praying for Phil and family.
    There is so much I want to say about the Robertson Family and Unashamed but I don’t think there is enough space! From the bottom of my heart, I thank God for bringing me to Unashamed and through Unashamed learned so much about the Bible, but also the Robertson family. I have grown to love you, my dear Christian brother and sisters. The Robertson’s & Unashamed is an important part of my life. Praying for Phil & Miss Kay, and family.🙏 Maryjane Lakewood NJ
  • A pool of calm within
    Stop mixing God and politics
    I appreciate the deep knowledge and love the hosts have for the Bible. However, I wish they wouldn’t mix in politics. They glorify Donald Trump, a man who uses language to degrade and dehumanize other human beings and explain it away as “he has some issues” or “a problematic past” or “ after all, he was previously a Democrat.” When they minimize the deep hatred coming from this man, they lose a lot of credibility.
  • palin5585
    I was listening to two podcast about your dad and I just wanted to say thank you for being so real and honest my dad suffered exactly just like your dad suffering with Alzheimer’s. Praise the Lord saved born again in heaven. Keep doing what you’re doing on this podcast because it is encouraging me to speak up and witness more. God bless.
  • chris duckman
    As a hunter myself and a follower of the Almighty, this podcast is so real. I went through some times were I myself was tested and my faith was tested. The methods of Phil, Jase, and Al have helped me stay on track. Thanks for sharing the good news.
  • Winnifred165
  • dennis stevens
    We love you Phil
    Our thoughts and prayers are with Phil and the entire Robertson family Thank you so much for all you do, you have brought happiness, joy, and laughter into our lives, but most of all you have shown us what a life with Jesus is and can be God bless you all
  • legendaryself
    Life giving
    I listen, laugh and learn with these men of God daily
  • Love2knitMom
    So Blessed!
    This is the greatest Bible Study. I have learned a lot and laughed a lot. Mostly though, it’s given me a heart for Christ like I’ve never had before. Thank you and my God bless you all.
  • joysl70
    Bless you all
    Thank you all! 9/4/23 was the last straw & thanks to your other lil show, after I gave all the tv’s the the ex bf, I found your podcast & binge watched it & caught up by Feb/March of 24. I love how real, authentic, genuine you are. I love the big words (sometimes🤪) & the long stories, you guys gave me hope during some of the hardest days/nights/weekends. Praying for Phil’s healing. I know he barely gets a word in edgewise, but you all are leaving a legacy of Christ.
  • Athens Georgia Entrepreneur
    997 episode not very good
  • Tjay F
    To the duck dynasty crew
    Hey man I love you guys, I actually am a Catholic though I love your down to earth theology and truth you teach in Jesus ….. god bless you all , take care God bless Murica You all are awesome
  • Allenlundy1
    Love the show!! Living life and Loving God!!!
  • Deplorable76
    Too little
    I can appreciate you wanting to stay out of politics, but that’s why I found a new church. We were expecting a lot more a lot sooner. Warrior Shepards. American Christians are utterly lost, due to poor leadership in ministry. You became irrelevant to me despite the intelligent discussion. We need all the genuine patriotism only you can verbalize now that #47 is incoming. The holy war is just beginning… fight this machine with us! Ps don’t listen to the wound up undies about the silly “ramblings”. They are necessary!! It’s what makes you all so lovable. Like the tv show b4 they made you become bad actors 😂
  • NJH79ansen
    Unashamed podcast
    Absolutely love these. A constant focus on Jesus as the true solution and true King. It will pull you towards a closer relation to the Lord
  • Kylefeltner
    Listening to you men drives me to be the man God wants me to be. Thank you for a fun bible study. I look forever to every episode
  • Corey Lambrecht
    Suggestion for improvement
    75% of the shows are very good and those are the shows where you limit small talk and get right into the Bible study. Other shows involving long rambling conversations with family, celebrities etc are not all that interesting. Today’s show with Dallas Jenkins was such an example and I turned it off. It’s presumptuous of podcasters to think their listeners have unlimited time and will stick around through shows where the Bible isn’t taught. We want to hear you guys (especially Phil) talk about the Bible. Thanks.
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