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Otiseldo2019 Astros?I’d love to hear about the 2019 Astros cheating.
Joey RdgzI agree with that guy ☝️ and give him 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I too am disappointed to consistently see new crossroad episodes on here. Don’t break what never needed fixing. Listing from Texas.
JazzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyJLove it!I hope you guys come back. Love the show and your story telling!
bjye16436PodcastWhen is this coming back?
DRex212Bland and a blatant rip off of crime in sportsThis is what happened when you don’t salt the pasta water
Da Real B-WhizzleMaybe they didn’t know about Crime In Sports?Perhaps they didn’t do any research beforehand but this premise is already perfected in another Podcast. Good luck guys, perhaps you should try looking into Murders that take place in small towns? 🤷🏽♂️
scomart21CrossoversI wish the par cast network would stop with all the crossovers. Every once in a while is okay, but it’s frustrating to open the podcast and find that there’s a crossover with no new episode.
BreNellieSeems like I’ve heard this before...Very Crimes in Sports-y...
Tim Machine YoungNot a fanI realize there is room for more than one podcast to have the same premise, but the the copycats should bring something extra to the table, this one is definitely not as good as the OG “Crime in Sports”.
djifbwgaydifnehyNeed moreeeeeee episodessssYou guys are awesome but I’ve burned through all the episodes within a day or two! haha more episodes, even some about mysterious deaths of sports stars .
Ryan73131Just listen to Crime in SportsThe best thing this podcast does is give free advertising for Crime in Sports in the reviews! Parcast’s target audience is your one annoying aunt that you try to sit as far from as possible at Thanksgiving
kayohkayyyRip offGo listen to crime in sports, way better delivery with better hosts
julian_ronaldo10BitersSomeone was doing this way before this show came on!!! It’s called CRIME IN SPORTS
KhlopinYour Ads!!!That girl gives me a MIGRAINE!!
itsmemememememeitsmeCrime in sports ripoffCheck out crime in sports podcast
SOMEBODY469Interesting and Good PodcastCan you do a 2022 World Cup bid scandal pod? Or the 2002 World Cup South Korea fixing scandal?
TJ McCollumGo Listen To Crime in Sports InsteadI’m not saying that there can’t be multiple podcasts about criminal athletes. Lord knows there are plenty out there and any number of them would make for compelling work. The issue is that this podcast, even for all its best efforts, is a poor man’s imitation of Crime in Sports, just without factually accuracy, less humor and less interesting hosts. That and going for Benoit, Taylor and Hernandez first seems like low hanging fruit. Too easy of targets. It’s good to have competition, but this is not it.
AdvancedjwLove this podcast!You guys work awesome together. Learning and remembering a lot of sports history. I especially love the NLB, NFL, and hockey stories! You guys should do a positive sports podcast together about the lives of superstars that didn’t break the laws and covenant of their sports too!
rhahn7Paul CalhounI’m a waste pipe enthusiast and I still want nothing to do with this show. On a serious note the show is monotoned and the story telling is poor. On par for Parcast, but not worth your time.
DinaMcGuireTrash for more than one reasonListened to a few episodes to compare it to Crime in Sports. Not only is this new copy cat show boring in comparison, the facts aren’t right in several episodes. Crime in Sports shows are accurate and thoroughly researched. Yes they crack a lot of jokes, but it’s a comedy podcast! Will not listen to anymore of this trash. Not only did they steal the idea but they have poor execution.
Smick-belleA cheap copy of CISHow is it that you’ve come to arrive here? Seriously, did you think you’d get away with ripping off James and Jimmie? Stop what you’re doing and just listen to the original Crime in Sports
EztreesyGreat stuffHad to give them a shout out for great shows!
NiklasGambetaFact checkLove the podcast, one of my favorite. Have to do a fact check. In the episode on João Havelange you referred Lennart Johansson as being from Switzerland, he is from Sweden. Thanks for a great show
TinketewLove this podcastThey do such a great job telling these stories. They are respectful to the athletes and make the stories really interesting. I’m not even a big sports fan and still find this podcast riveting. Keep them coming.
awelmersDEXTER MANALYHow is it you have come to arrive here?? Gurl let me tell you something. This podcast is white trash. And poof I'm gone in a cloud of rainbow glitter and feather boas
Marty10190000000RivetingI love listening to this podcast. Especially when taking long drives. Excellent work Thank u
fromsanfranciscoSo entertaining!!DONT BE FOOLED BY ALL THE ONE STAR REVIEWS!! These folks are so easy to follow and natural story tellers. I was really confused by all the one star reviews till I saw that it was mostly because there is a different crime/sports podcast out there. So I went to check out the other podcast (I believe) “crime in sports” and y’all.... not only were those men cracking tons of jokes (regarding horrible crimes), they were rather inappropriate racial jokes which made me uncomfortable and immediately turned me off. I went straight back here to these lovely people and AM SO THANKFUL LOL.
Niesy BGreat podcastGreat podcast! I love true crime and my husband loves sports. This is just about the only podcast that we can both listen to and enjoy together. I like the way the hosts narrate and give the facts. I don’t even get bored during the sports talk like I usually do lol.
Geary GirlVery entertaining and I can’t get enoughThis by far is one of my favorite podcast shows! I canceled my audiobook club because I found myself listening to this podcast more often than my paid subscription! I am listening so much I’m nearing the end. Waiting on the 2nd part of Ray Carruth! This is a great listen and I highly recommend!
ConcordRobinSports CriminalsI like the in-depth episodes. Overall great podcast. The 7 minute March Madness specials were very disappointing. Are these meant to be previews of upcoming episodes? If not, these episodes are worthless.
Wordzplayer82Love it!Two of my favorite things in one podcast! I love how the stories are told and don’t even mind the multiple episodes. Great job!
thenixiepixieSeriously?Listen to crime in sports instead of this ripoff
free raloTotal ripoff of Crime in Sports podcastThe authors of this podcast are blatantly copying what James Pietragallo and Jimmy Wiseman’s podcast Crime in Sports. If you like this podcast, give them a try.
gopack0412Research accuracy is lacking.I had to change my review due to some inaccuracies on information and/or in what order situations occurred.
Taven2MFactual inaccurateThe Chris Benoit episode is unbelievably poorly researched and inaccurate.
UserUserUserUser4Indianapolis, Ohio???Mike Tyson’s trial was in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not Ohio. It actually says INDIANA in the name. This is such a simple, yet important fact to check. How accurate are other facts if basic info like cities and states can’t be bothered with? Parcast is pumping out an astounding number of podcasts all of a sudden. Hopefully little things like facts don’t fall through the cracks.
Atrow34Mike Tyson March Madness episodeDo you realize you said Indianapolis, Ohio in the intro @1:20? He committed the offense in Indianapolis, INDIANA.
NateD25Good storiesI enjoy all the stories and like how interesting they are. I don’t know the copyright or legal aspects of it all, but if y’all were able to include more actual recordings and possibly interviews that’d make it 5 stars in my book. Thanks for all y’all do.
d_wayne2332Enjoyed until listening to the USC/Bush scandalEnjoyed most of the shows that were done. Can’t make myself listen to anymore after the USC Scandal episode. I’m all for both sides of the story. I do think Bush was punished to much for the crime, but to make the whole episode about race was too much. I didn’t need to hear your “ woke “ thoughts on the subject.
PatrioticmedicJust Lost a FanYou had me really enjoying your podcast until the NCAA/USC/Reggie Bush fiasco. You want to claim the NCAA and college athletics as being racist...give me a break!! Typically you blame “the rich white man” (your words) for crimes/infractions committed by black student athletes. You just lost yet another subscriber.
Motorhead MelMolly’s Game is interestingLiked the content of this story and looking forward to Part 2. Learning about Hollywood stars and their egos behind the cameras is also interesting. One error is you mentioned that Molly injured herself at age 12 in 1980. Shouldn’t it be 1990 because she was born in 1978?
Dean SmeltzerGood podcast!I enjoy the podcast a lot. Not sure if Carter went through puberty or is trying out a new big boy voice the past few weeks...
librarylady87One sided CRAPThis is a complete one sided report. I’m no fan of the NCAA but to white wash the actual events is dishonest. Reggie Bush was no saint in this situation but this podcast might as well polished one up and placed it on his head! Pass on this one everyone!
️TNR supporterJust one complaintI’m not very interested in sports figures but this podcast is really interesting. Well researched and reported. I have one complaint though- in the Micheal Vick episodes, you tell the story well up until when you are talking about the dogs being rescued. You mention The Humane Society of the US, ASPCA and PETA. But you don’t mention the name of Best Friends Animal Society- the group who worked the hardest to help the dogs and saved most of their lives. Although you mention the rescue group in Utah several times, you don’t take the time to give them the credit they deserve by naming them. So really I am ashamed of you for that. Otherwise well done. I just don’t know why you avoided mentioning them, must be more to it! Oh well. I like the episodes I have listened to here even though sports isn’t usually my thing.
Missy0326InformativeVery well researched and the narrative flows well
EMRFROGGY81Interesting. Well done. Where is your take on Aaron Hernadez?
3girls2dogsI don’t get the negative reviewsI have no issue with the more dramatic take on these cases (Parcast has a lot of podcasts that do that). I love the format. The hosts are in no way boring. I love Crime In Sports, but just like I listen to more than one podcast for other True Crime, I can listen to more than one that is sports crime related. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, and honestly, I appreciate that this one doesn’t have to spend half the podcast making jokes about sometimes horrific details.
trjvbpSo they even understand sports?They for sure do not get cycling or anything about the dynamics of the sport. Not listening further.
gngrbredmanThe Off-Brand VersionBasically, you know how you go into a store and you're looking at whether you should really spend the extra $.30 on Philadelphia Cream Cheese, or just get the store's brand for the lesser price? Well this is the store's brand for the lesser price. Then when you get home and put that cream cheese into your dish and there are clumps of cream cheese throughout whatever the dish is, because of course it doesn't do what the Philadelphia Cream Cheese does. It's like taking this podcast, and putting it in your ears, but there are clumps of terribly boring hosts, unnecessarily dramatic pieces, and show format rip-offs in your whole headspace so you have to turn it off so you can listen to the guys over at Crime in Sports (James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman -- Check it out if you have any self respect) do this show how it is supposed to be done, not some cheapo "Great Value" Sports Criminals.
malapropicSanitized, corporate version of Crime In SportsThis podcast is painfully boring. The bad: the hosts, their delivery style, the words they chose, breaking the podcast into multiple episodes just to get extra downloads to trick people into thinking it is good The good: it probably helps ward off insomnia
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