No Stupid Questions


Research psychologist Angela Duckworth (author of "Grit") and tech and sports executive Mike Maughan really like to ask people questions, and they believe there’s no such thing as a stupid one. So they have a podcast where they can ask each other as many “stupid questions” as they want. New episodes each week. "No Stupid Questions" is a production of the Freakonomics Radio Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • Seahawk69
    Always thought provoking
    I was a little worried with the change of hosts but if anything the show has gotten better. Always on my weekly listen!!
  • Dyhrder
    Only Stupid Questions
    I used to enjoy the way light topics turned out in discussion to generate conclusions of some substance. Now the show seems to dance around big issues so as not to be offensive to anyone. It is an exercise in swallowing camels and straining on gnats while Rome burns.
  • DizGuyHere
    Fun and thought provoking
    Angela, Mike, and Rebecca nailed it. The show has a great format that feels like a fun, empathetic, and balanced conversation. They are so proficient that the episodes don’t get bogged down by the need to get every example exactly correct. The fact-check segment at the end of each episode ties up any loose ends while keeping it interesting by providing details and background information related to the example. NSQ is a must-listen, it has broadened my perspective on various topics. Nicely done! Thank you for such quality content.
  • Daniel B Swartz
    Great show
    Great show
  • Unashamed4Christ
    Fantastic Podcast
    Such a good podcast. I walk away from every show I listen to with such good information to use with my clients. Definitely recommended if you are interested in the practical aspects of psychology.
  • Jason the cool music purchaser
    Entertaining and informative
    I learn something from every episode. I enjoy Angela and Mike’s banter and they pick the best topics.
  • WSJ long time reader
    Most of the episodes are interesting. The annoying part is the “fact check” section. Can’t stand it.
  • pnw24climber
    Two thumbs down for Mike
    This show has really gone down hill with the addition of Mike. He embodies the classic guy who thinks his perspective is 1. Most valid and 2. Fact that can be extrapolated out to everyone. 🙄 Isn’t the point of this show to be one of the few out there that is fact and research based rather than wild opinion? Specifically on the most recent introversion episode, Mike decides, on opinion alone, that being extroverted must make you happier because you know more people. Brother, the world is designed for loud mouth Gen X white men like yourself. Introverts (or the rest of us) are less happy because we’re forced to adapt in nearly all scenarios. Ditch Mike asap please and thank you.
  • Wasm7
    Earlier episodes were good . Lately they talk a lot about themselves.
  • JMathhelpsyouwin
    Something is missing
    I love the topics. Hosts are articulate and smart. Yet, something is missing. Possibly, a more contrarian or critical take on things would be interesting. I also have a bias against the word ‘grit’. Probably due to my belief in the limits of free will and agency. Calling something grit makes it seem like a short coming of character which i do not believe is the case.
  • Letty Alkhaddam
    Irresponsible ads
    Incredibly disappointed that you would choose to endorse such an irresponsible product. Seriously- mood altering lollipops for kids? I’m out
  • ChiefDlock
    No music no opinion??
    Love ALL THINGS NPR but if you don’t like music (personality episode) seriously I mean come on!! Angles doesn’t do music or eggs Benedict… are you even human. I’m thinking you serve zero purpose with a microphone so please step down
  • Dawn Bourke
    This is my favorite podcast.
    I listen to many different behavioral science podcasts - No Stupid Questions is my favorite. It’s packed with insights and honest, amusing banter. My review won’t do it justice, so, simply…..if you haven’t listened to it yet, JUST TRY IT!
  • zilliams
    Quick question…
    Great show! Just one stupid question… do you know your episode numbers are listed twice at the beginning of each episode title here?
  • Mandycroft
    Mike is absolutely amazing!
    Mike Maughan wad the perfect addition, his comments are insightful and entertaining and the back and forth with him and Angela is gold!!
  • Phoenixgrl
    Good questions but could go deeper
    I often hear the initial question and think of all the interesting places the hosts could go… but then they go on tangents and only superficially get to the deeper sub-questions. The banter sometimes feels loud and overstimulating- I need to shut off the podcast for a while to take a break. Still, I enjoy the topics and appreciate their insights.
  • Sue 828
    The best!
    This podcast is the best! I just discovered it and can’t wait for the next episode. It is informative with a ton of fun thrown in. I feel like I’m overhearing an informal conversation between good friends who are both smart and humble. They aren’t afraid to reveal their vulnerabilities which makes them very relatable. I like how everything is fact checked at the end and the list of sources and resources is helpful. A great podcast!
  • Ib Beijjng
    Stop interrupting pls
    I enjoy the podcast. One negative - Angela, could you PLEASE stop interrupting Mike? It would be interesting to hear Mike’s thoughts and comments too. If you listen back to the podcasts, you will notice how often he is interrupted. From a female listener
  • Long time listener 2024
    Used to be great
    Don’t like the Mike addition. He’s barely tolerable as a persona. The humble bragging is repulsive. Not an interesting person. Fail.
  • Gr2323
    Fantastic Always challenging and super interesting
    What a great podcast
  • AlisonEugene
    Compelling discussions
    This show does almost the impossible: it deals with intellectually challenging topics discussed in a fun and engaging manner.
  • Dsg690
    My Favorite Podcast
    This podcast feels like an inspiring conversation with your two best friends. Loved it when it was Angela and Stephen, and Mike has been the perfect addition! I listen to too many podcasts, but this is my favorite. Also, I love the fact check at the end. Seriously, this show is the best!
  • Moonaly
    Weekly listen and still delightful
    Have been watching long enough to see it’s evolutions. Questions and discourse riveting as always! Angela feels like a friend at this point!
  • LALALA__88
    I love Mike!!
    Great addition to the show! He and Angela have amazing chemistry. I was so sad when Stephen left, but the new show has really exceeded expectations. Thanks for teaching me new things every week and making me literally laugh out loud.
  • GASteveS
    Such interesting questions covered in each episode! I thoroughly enjoy the thought provoking discussion…this is one my favorite podcasts that I always recommend to friends!
  • Pancccakes
    It’s just okay these days.
    This was my favorite five-star podcast by far until Mike became a host. He often comes across as a bit pompous and there are moments where it seems like he is talking down to Angela. He often speaks like he does not have any faults unless he thinks the fault in question will be endearing. The humor has fallen off quite a bit since the original dynamic duo split. I listened to several episodes with Mike and found myself ending each one early because of him. After years of this podcast, I am done. It was a wonderful time. I will be sticking to other Freakonomics podcasts and still love the brand!
  • Aio1972
    Good topics, but. Angela’s attitude can be annoying at times
    Great cohost, but Angela’s conceit and need to knock her host can be frustrating. She’s clearly very smart, but also incredibly self centered.
  • etherdog
    Jumping the shark (yes, Fonzie) on Manifestow
    The Manifesto episode was the bridge too far. I like the intellect of both of you but you blew your credibility on this episode.
  • Piggers_R1985
    Angela and Mike discuss very interesting topics. Both bring very valid perspectives and their approach to each topic is unique and intriguing. Love listening to each new episode! Thank you so much!
  • mikemedlake
    Interesting entertainment but…
    Angela is clearly knowledgeable and intelligent, but the up speak is so annoying. Please stop making every remark and statement sound like a question.
  • Centrist in Flyover
    Centrist Iowa
    So enjoyable and I almost always learn something. There truly are no stupid questions😀
  • kevindaniel
    Curious how the show’s performing…
    I liked Mike in his first trial episodes. But over the weeks he has become conspicuously aware of his charm. This is creating a disingenuous quality to the discussion that appears to be rubbing off on Angela too. I will still listen, because I love these people! It’s a correctable problem, and I think they’ll figure it out. Maybe get a comms consultant in there to do some coaching. Be yourself! It sounds trite, Mike, but just be yourself. Signed, a loyal and astute observer.
  • BlueBirdBlue
    Great Show, Mike is the king of the humblebrag
    This show would be 5 stars if Mike didn’t humble brag so much!
  • Graven177
    More history, less psychology You missed the part where for hundreds of thousands of years society had designed their political decisions and architecture based on the locations of the planets in our universe. Maybe your horoscope feels uncanny because they were on to something. Guess now we have Starlink? See: The Astrological Book of Life : A Conversation on the Origins of Astrology by Timothy Ness
  • Interested bystander
    Not up to date on decision making
    Do additional research before you discuss attributes for products. Look at marketing, MCDM, and of course economics.
  • QWERTY L00Pz
    Didn’t answer your question - why deciding is difficult
    Wondering if there’s a catchy 2-word for doing what you were forbidden to do, e.g., everything but fruit from that tree…
  • the lost archer
    Deserves no stars: uninformed, and biased
    An important, credible source you could have used was Carl Jung. Jung originally turned to the study of Astrology because of his most difficult patients. He was looking for answers and Astrology was illuminating. Many of his patients were helped by information found in their birth chart (date, time, location) Unfortunately, this was not acceptable by Freud or other colleagues. He was attacked and mocked for using Astrology, even came close to losing his practice and standing in the field of psychology. No one gave Jung’s research or successful results a chance. He capitulated to their demands, and kept use of astrology very much to himself. Maybe it’s for the best, considering threats to our autonomy and freedom these days. A birth chart is our personal map. We are more than a body and mind. We have a soul. Each of us is unique, created for a purpose, by our Creator..
  • NikiZ13
    Disappointed in the bias
    The astrology episode was disappointing for me and will keep me from listening to your show. It was extremely 1 sided and patronizing. Not one of your sources was an actual astrologer. Astrology is one of, if not the, oldest sciences that we still practice today. It is math. For you to reduce astrology to “Well I’m a Gemini and this is what it says about Gemini’s,” is a gross minimization of what astrology is. I do believe in astrology, which might be obvious here. However, I listened to this hoping to hear different perspectives, angles, and resources that encompassed it as a whole practice. Instead, you played on western sun sign astrology/horoscopes. I hope you can investigate the bigger, more mathematical, logical side of it that does exist.
  • csebird
    Episode 149
    The friendship episode was really interesting. After your kids are grown it’s even harder to make new friends and this was an episode that really resonated. Thanks
  • Fan of pods123
    I actually prefer the newer episodes
    Hot take, but I actually have been enjoying the show with the new cohost. It’s taken a more intellectual route imo and I like the fresh perspective and business angle that the new host provides. Longtime listener of Dubner as well, but I’ve listened to so many hours now to the point where I could often predict exactly what he was going to say, so I enjoy when there are differing opinions and schools of thought now to where there can be actual discussion.
  • Everestzzzzzz
    Love it but not as much as used to
    I used to love this show so much that I’m looking forward to the update every Sunday. When Dubner left, this show sounds not that much fun to me as before. However, I’m trying to adjust myself to fall back in love with this show.
  • jackiesayet
    Episode topics
    Every time I refresh me feed to see the Sunday new topic it is always spot on! Somehow I can apply current events in my life to each. Timely always, so maybe timeless and that’s why you are so good at selecting them! Thank you thank you.
  • mbluebonsai
    I could listen over and over
    Great pearls I want to be angela duckworth’s friend! Lol
  • brutedawg
    Qualtrics, Qualtrics, Qualtrics. We get it…
    Long time listener, great topics, awesome content, loved the Dubner/Duckworth combo, but lately, it’s starting to sound like the show is low-key ‘Presented by Qualtrics’. Can Mike offer experiential input without the ‘contractually obligated’-sounding name drops? I’ll take my answer off the air.
  • Elkhornkate
    Great combo
    I love Dubner on Freakonomics and paired with Duckworth is just the best idea. Two highly intelligent, interesting, articulate people talking about topics that are always interesting. I’m not sure if they’re just inherently interesting topics or these two make them interesting. It’s something I look forward to every week. Could we run these two for Pres/Vice Pres? Update: I was worried this would lose something after Dubner left the show. A few of the first episodes were a little flat, but Mike Maughn (sp?) fills Dubner's role well. He’s a glib, intelligent speaker with a different perspective than Duckworth and they have very good chemistry. I love his use of aphorisms!
  • Aph1319
    Not the same
    Not the same without Dubner. I have listened to every episode of this show since the beginning and since Stephen left, it’s just not the same. I miss the witty banter and intellectual pingpong. I don’t listen anymore, I’m sad to say. I wonder how many listeners they lost
  • AppleRhino
    This show is worth every second of my time🥂
    I just started listening to podcasts, and I am so thankful to have found this show by two very intelligent and funny horses. I totally agree with GoogleLove’s review about different hosts and truly appreciate Dr. Angela’s honesty and insightful remarks. This show makes all boring and burning hot drive on Houston roads so bearable. Thank you🍻
  • San Francisco Follower
    Used to be an avid listener
    This show used to be great, but Angela has grown so rude and self centered that I can no longer listen to the show. Her attitude towards people that don’t achieve is terrible and the way she just thinks she’s the best at everything is the worst. The way they both are rude to the guy who is “in a puddle” and laugh at him only having one business partner is so tasteless. If I could rate zero stars, I would. Unsubscribed.
  • SkrabbleKitty
    Used to Be My Fave, but …
    When I first started playing this podcast and then subscribed to NSQ, it quickly became one of Favorite Podcasts. Seeing a new episode notification made my Sunday morning, and I would sometimes listen twice. Alas, no more. No offense to Mike, but I just don’t feel the same spark, get the same feeling, enjoy the topics as much without Stephen Dubner. There’s just something about the way Stephen talks about a topic (any topic, with or without a co-host) that strikes a note with which I resonate. Example: I have listened to every episode of the recent Freakonomics series on whale hunting — some of them twice. I’ve listened to several NSQ episodes with Angela and the new hosts, and I just don’t get that same resonance. In no way is this a criticism of Angela. I just don’t hear the same zest, feel the same chemistry, get the same energy as before. Lately I’ve just been looking to see if the question is something relevant to me, and if it’s not… I just don’t listen. I love Angela, especially when she talks about psychological studies with a bearing on the topic, and I have a feeling that if I were just now discovering NSQ, I’d probably listen more. I won’t go so far as to unfollow NSQ, but at the moment, I have to give it only two stars… QuestionCat in NC
  • estherwarda
    Hello??? I’ve never come across a podcast that has almost 4 min of intro commercials!!!! Buh bye 🥵
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