PODCAST-19: FiveThirtyEight on the Novel Coronavirus


FiveThirtyEight's COVID-19 podcast is laser-focused on evidence. What do we know about the novel coronavirus, and what do we know we don't know? COVID-19 has pushed Americans into more uncertain territory than most have ever known. Our podcast helps listeners understand what they can be certain about, and what is still unknown. We investigate coronavirus mysteries, debate when it's safe to reopen the economy and keep track of the latest scientific developments on vaccines and treatments. We do it all with FiveThirtyEight's trademark blend of transparency and rigor.

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Recent Reviews
  • Debbie66
    Stop with the politics
    I am a germaphobe who appreciates good and honest information about this virus . The minute you start with the politics - you’ve lost me!
  • Mongrel82
    This is a joke
    Read the Vanity Fair article and then listen to the lab leak episode. Obviously has an agenda. Completely laughable.
  • Nance Schultz
    Questions but not always the answers
    A lot of the questions asked were nit actually answered but the moderator would make statements that didn’t actually reflect the answers by provided by the expert. The reality is the vaccines are experimental and new. Interesting technology but lots of data free hand waving,
  • whatlevelisthis7
    Good, but needs to be more data / science based
    This podcast is fine but feels a bit phoned in. I like FiveThirtyEight for its analytical and sometimes contrarian (but always data-backed) takes. This podcast doesn’t have that feel. Instead, the episodes often cover covid topics that you can read in any mainstream newspaper.
  • BerkeleyGrad08
    Podcast is a joke - dumbed down for idiots
    The sing songy tone and personal anecdotes let you know right off the bat this is not a serious podcast.
  • pjk2901
    More science
    Wish there was more science based conversation
  • WhiteguyLuke
    I love this podcast
    This podcast gives me information about COVID-19 I don’t get anywhere else. Great guests, great questions. Keep it up!
  • D.wett
    The worst pod ever. Don’t waste your time unless you’re a sheep
  • ahayron
    Had some moments but...
    Mostly this is more of the mainstream narrative, nothing special. It could have gone so much deeper into data. The few interesting counter-narrative points it had were masks and medical journal bias and inaccuracy.
  • Maxim the Magnificent
    More NPR than 538
    I enjoy this podcast but find it sometimes has a less data oriented feel than I’d expect from a 538 production, including anecdotal, personal elements I don’t generally find valuable.
  • homer8970
    I miss the opening rant
  • hakenfidneb
    Just another political hack job.
    Just another liberal reporter trying to make/bend the news. We need a podcast that just reports the news without the politics. Don’t waste your time.
  • CaityC
    Hope this podcast stays science & health news focused
    Quite concerned after hearing the comments from the new producer.
  • Belinda Zuniga
    Excellent podcast
    This is my second time listening to this podcast this is amazing podcast never heard of a podcast that has in-depth site of the following incoming Coronavirus news you bring together and I hope you do more news like this
  • mda87
    I have found the podcast helpful in digging into the details around COVID. Sweden’s response has continued to pop up and I’d love to hear an in depth report around their response and numbers compared to other countries. Not sure if it warrants a whole episode, but I trust you all and would be interested to see what you report. Thanks!
  • schnifenhouser
    One sided risk-averse reporting
    When the host said she has t gone out of her house to eat in months and ‘finally’ lifted up her mask to have some ice cream on the street, I knew this was crazy. How brave of her! Tens of Millions have had covid and have recovered. As a doc on the frontlines of this crisis I can tell you that the time for fear is over. Now is the time for learning to live with risk and get out of the hysteria-hole we’ve dug for ourselves. There are plenty of people who can give a prudent approach to heath news; remember safety is not first, it should be third or fourth. After things like quality of life, family, love, etc.
  • -BrianBlake
    Information is great; podcast could be more streamlined
    Dump the unnecessary and precious musings, personal journaling anecdotes and intros and this would be 6 stars. Hard data, information, and interviewing is all people want from a Covid podcast, not NY Times style culture elements.
  • Outragedbyu
    Great information, hate your cover art
    Love the informative nature of FiveThirtyEight and this pod specifically as a separate investigation and documentation of COVID-19. However, the cover art messes with my trypophobia and so it’s pretty hard to engage. I know it’s a visual of the virus but it’s unnerving.
  • LeftCoastMan
    Great interview
    Anthony Fauci is a patriot who is trying to save lives. He is so optimistic and thoughtful, that this interview made me think we could win. Then I see the next set of stats out of Republican states and I go back to worrying that we are doomed. Anyway, thank you for this podcast. I wish it were on seven days a week.
  • Winnifred165
    Thank you.
    Great interview.
  • jskwrite
    Very informative
    This podcast is packed with information but weaves together with a good story telling. The episodes always seem longer than the running time because so much ground is covered.
  • Ginagina Smith
    If Dr F says a vaccine is safe & effective, I want it! I shocked that w all the pain we are going thru, people wouldn’t want it—hopefully not the same people who refuse to wear masks.
  • Claudz1973
    Good but intro anecdotes are lame
    Good content and true to the 538 brand and quality. But PLEASE drop the non sequitur intro anecdote — it’s both embarrassing and boring. That’s the only reason I took off two stars.
  • Oguibe
    Could do without the stiff scripted humor
    The information is useful even if sometimes the host’s clear lack of expertise means that guests have to circumnavigate her questions to get to their answers. The biggest drawback, however, is the scripted attempt at humor. It’s stiff, it’s not at all funny, and often it’s just plain distracting. Humor can be great in a podcast, but the poor attempt in this podcast makes it regularly difficult to get through the episodes. Would give the podcast 4 or even 5 stars without the turgid comic fail.
  • Jeremy X
    Good podcast when you get past annoying intro
    Maybe I’m weird but I don’t care what reality tv thing or scavenger hunt is happening for Ms Anna. I’m a busy working dad and it’s a big waste of time. Maybe I’m just annpyed that other people are so bored and I’m so busy. But whatever. Once you skip two to three minutes in, it’s a quality podcast.
  • Mr.Ferpect
    Data is king
    What I love about 538 is that data is king. The contributers work hard to check their biases and challenge each other constantly to get at the facts of what the data is saying. If you're looking for absolute certainty or to have your existing opinion validated, this isn't the place for you! This series on the pandemic is a must listen for me.
  • JackRye45
    Great information
    Good to have something that’s unbiased and informative. Really enjoy it.
  • CLKobe67
    Not sure where this podcast is going
    The first few episodes were interesting and informative but the latest on counting of deaths feels like a stretch. Perhaps the value of this podcast has run its course.
  • Max Edison
    Best Info
    A rational look at a terrifying disease. No hype no false hope. Just the facts. Thanks for the data-driven outlook.
  • Eric Thirteen
    Not enough
    Do we really another a Covid show? What’s the unique value of this show? How does it fit in to 538’s lineup? They don’t spend a lot of time on facts or numbers, just un-cited opinion. Even if it’s expert opinion, tying it to some data or at least sourcing it would help this show seen smarter.
  • Nic0101
    Very interesting
    PODCAST-19: seems to assume a general audience who didn’t sleep through their science classes. They’ll remind you of the biology you forgot but then apply it such that this scientist is interested and learning new things.
  • OKChemist
    Informative, thoughtful
    We’ll reported evidence-based podcast. Definite new add to my regular podcast lineup. Appreciate their attempt to report up the moment information while making it clear that not everything has been through the rigors of scientific review. Great new show.
  • scoopjw84
    Peer reviewed
    If I study has not been peer reviewed then it should not be reported on. All that does is create confusion.
  • DAK Podcast fan
    Quality I’d expect from FiveThirtyEight
    Loved the first episode, but we need a plandemic emergency podcast! I’m seeing the video shared everywhere.
  • Caesar'sWife
    Podcast 19
    Likely to be another stellar podcast from 538. If not, I will return and re-evaluate my remarks.
  • Grog519
    Best coronavirus podcast!
    Well researched and incredibly informative! Highly recommend for those who are more interested in the science than in the editorializing about science.
  • Anonymous pls
    Perfect runtime and perfect in its honesty..
    About how we don’t know what we are contending with. Anyone (ahem, Trump) pushing something in particular in regards to medicine or policy is doing so prematurely and this podcast entertains many hypotheses in a digestible way.
  • Hannah in DC
    Great podcast and host
    I thought I had heard everything there is to know about covid-19, but this podcast is full of fascinating new details presented with careful scientific explanation and no sensationalism. Anna Rothschild is a brilliant science communicator and perfect host for these times.
  • Chadiusdarwin
    Sharp, approachable analysis
    So much coronavirus coverage is hard to understand, or dumbed down so I don't get any real detail. This one hits the sweet spot.
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