I Am All In with Scott Patterson

TV & Film #42

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY first time, Scott Patterson (aka Luke) is watching Gilmore Girls. 154 episodes and 4 movies. We'll visit Stars Hollow, Doosey's Market, Miss Patty's, Mrs. Kim's antique shop and more pop culture references than you can count. Join us whether you're Team Dean, Team Logan or Team Jess. And, we'll see if we can figure out "who's the daddy". We'll talk fast, and if you can smell snow, if Paris isn't just a city in France, and Friday night dinner is a requirement... you don't want to miss this. Finally, cell phones are allowed. Listen everywhere you listen to podcasts. I AM ALL IN, an iHeartRadio podcast.

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  • Summer fun girl59
    My name is Sophie antenet Fartellem
    I love this podcast so much, though Luke or (Scott Patterson) doesn't talk as much as he's honored to! Amy and his other co-host talk for practically the whole episode while Luke or Scott only gets to pitch in wee little Peeps! I've looked over all these reviews and watched all Gilmore Girls films as in a "Year in the Life" and their OG "Gilmore Girls", it's a great podcast but looking at other reviews we all think the co-hosts should let our true host talk for longer time! We're only listening to the podcast because of him, so let him talk and fell as shared as Amy and the other co-host! Another thing I feel is troublesome about this podcast is the recapping! my people, my hosts, my recappers, please try to not talk about other things for one second and try to stay of track of recapping the episodes, we need full attention to one episode not peeps from others here and there! We're here for all the description and design of episode structure, you are breaking the structure when you place the episode as one from a newer season! And what if a newer gal watching Gilmore Girls is here? They don't need your spoilers prancing all around them! They need freshly baked good old plan episodes, not spoilers from higher seasons!
  • IselaC
    Just love it!
    This awesome podcast is full of laughs and it’s great getting to know more about one of my top favorite shows. I’m on my second rewatch beginning to end and it’s on my list of shows to rewatch yearly. I hope I can catch up before your finale episode. Thank you for doing this podcast.
  • LMBummed
    Demise of the Gilmore Girls
    I was hoping when I listened to this podcast I could get a revised, optimistic review of seasons 6, 7, and the movies. Unfortunately, even you have been unable to do that, but it’s comforting to know I haven’t been wrong. They ruined Luke’s character in season 6, they ruined Lorelai and even Lane in season 7, and Rory and Paris in the movies. Going forward I will stop all rewatches at the end of season 5.
  • Sigkapoli
    Great until Season 7
    Love, love, love the podcast, but much like Season 7 of the show, this season of the podcast is on life support. The pop culture minis are mostly ads, and the ads cut in at weird times. The regular episodes are much shorter, it’s like they can’t wait to stop recording. As someone who didn’t watch the show when it originally aired, Season 7 was off, but I didn’t know why.
  • whyareallthenamestakentho
    Best podcast I’ve ever listened to!
    This podcast is so funny and just so good. I love to listen to to this podcast in the morning and just whenever it’s so amazing and it’s just so funny to hear what Scott Patterson thinks about all the love interests and just the show in general! If you’re looking for a good podcast you should definitely listen to this podcast! It’s also really fun to learn about the auditions and just how they got into this INCREDIBLE show. I think you should listen to this podcast too!
  • GamingCait
    Super Fan is an understatement!
    I started watching Gilmore Girls probably 25+ years ago (I’m 29) with my grandmother and I watch it probably twice a year ever since. I even have a Gilmore Girl tattoo (like many other fans). Being obsessed would be an understatement. Coming across this podcast was the greatest thing ever. I love you guys, I love the show. One day I would love to make it to California to do a tour!
  • Abupixel
    Amy, just stop.
    I can’t take the whining and the over the top childish reactions here. Fine to criticize the writing and the story arc of season seven, but can you try to converse like adults? I had to turn off the latest podcast episode before it was over.
  • loveloveliveloveloveutah
    Sometimes great, Sometimes not
    I have enjoyed this podcast overall. I love all the hosts. I appreciate how it is organized. I enjoy all the extra knowledge about the filming of the show. All the extra interviews and how much Scott loves the fans. So good. I’d say my biggest beef is it can get stressful, annoying, and a downer to listen to them rattle on and on and on about the things they dislike. I get it. Season 7 isn’t as strong as all the other seasons. I genuinely get it. Get over it and just move on. If you don’t like how the writing is or that Luke isn’t as front as center… it’s because it’s “Gilmore Girls” not “Gilmore Girls and Luke”. Just move on.
  • jlroses
    Amy… enough.
    For real, though. Everyone just please let Scott talk. He was the one on the show and that’s who we want to hear from most.
  • MorrMarketing
    So good!
    My comfort podcast! Love listening to the debate and discussion. 💯👏
  • bish0106
    Amy, pipe down already
    I have tried to get past it, but I cannot take Amy’s constant cutting in and screaming over everyone that her opinion is correct. Whether she agrees with the other hosts or not. No one cares! It’s incessant and is stressful to listen to on a podcast. Try another producer and this podcast might be better.
  • CassoLaMags
    I enjoy this podcast, but their love for Logan is exhausting
    I just don’t understand their love for Logan. I watched this show live and I hated him then, and I hate him now. His character is such a player and he has proven to be untrustworthy time and time again. Sure, the actor is charming, but the character is so bleh. And yet they hate Christopher, who is basically Logan. So that makes no sense to me. Anyway, now that they are on season seven they are fixated on the Luke and Lorelai relationship, with is something else I don’t care about. I never have and I never will. And I know I’m on the minority in that, but frankly they both deserve better. Luke is too grumpy and Lorelai can just be too much. It’s a poor match.
  • lorelai jinsoul
    Love this show! Hate the rude comments
    I love this podcast I listen to this podcast because I want to hear different opinions about my favorite show not to hear someone agree with my same opinions and a boring show just about the plot. I frankly think all these comments are rude and if it doesn’t bring them joy to listen then they just shouldn’t. I might not agree with everything you say on the podcast but that’s the point!! To hear different opinions and hear interpretations that is completely different from how I interpreted it. If you have to write a 3 paragraph comment on the problems you have with the podcast then just stop listening. I love Amy! Scott Danelle Tara and Suzanne I’m sorry for all these comments I think the show is great and it brings me so much joy to listen to ALL of your opinions it’s what makes the show interesting !!
  • Tracya210
    Podcast that I used to love
    Officially unfollowed the podcast at season 7, I love this show I have been watching since it was originally on TV, I have the DVD sets, it is on constant rewatch between me and my daughter at home. But it is just too stressful to listen to.
  • ulwamgelin
    Truly amazing
    I love all the insight and opinions of these guys. I truly do. I find myself wondering what they think and feel about other movies/tv shows I watch all the time! After Gilmore is done, they should start just doing movie/show reviews!!
  • meecch
    Listen to Feedback
    Anyone sending Amy nasty messages, or commenting awful things about her as a person, is out of line. That’s unacceptable. BUT, you need to acknowledge the difference between hateful trolls and fans with constructive feedback. If large amounts of people don’t like something about your show, maybe make an effort to work on it. You are who you are, but there are definitely things in this review section that are fixable. For example…if you spend an hour arguing about one tiny thing, maybe we don’t need to hear it all…It’s silly to completely disregard every single opinion because you’re labeling it as “hate”. Listeners are money, and there’s always room for improvement.
  • dk74922
    Used to be 5 stars
    I loved this podcast until Suzanne joined the team. She’s too intense, talks over everyone, and kinda acts like it’s her show. I feel like the vibe is off with her and the other team members. Please go back to just the 4 of you. Otherwise I love this show!
  • Kennapenguin
    This Crew Rocks! and I love hearing each of their opinions!
    I am listening to S7E1 Part 1 now and I just have to say, Scott speaks the truth to Amy when he says people hate to hate, if it’s not directed at you it’d be directed to someone else. It’s not personal and even if I may personally disagree sometimes with someone’s opinion, I appreciate hearing it. Thank you all for being willing to share your opinions and have these discussions openly on this platform. You guys rock!
  • Apriltastic
    Scott and Amy make my days better
    I love being able to relive each episode of the Gilmore Girls with Scott and the rest. It’s so fun to get the lowdown on each episode and I welcome listening to other people’s opinions on what they think an episode/actor/scene means to them. Scott is a real down to earth kinda guy! I love Amy, the fact that’s she’s a super fan, she is a great co host, her voice just makes me happy. I came here for the deep dives on the stuff in the show I have no clue about!! I think at the end of the day these people are just having lots of fun watching Gilmore Girls, which is what I came for!
  • Copper-Boom
    Oof.. can’t stand to listen any longer
    I really tried to like this podcast but I only made it to Season 2 and just can’t listen any longer… From the beginning I have consistently disagreed with most of Scott’s very strong opinions of the show. Especially his commentary on the characters and his attempts to psychoanalyze them. The format of this show is completely haphazard often resulting in multiple tangents of inside jokes between producers and Scott that listeners don’t have any interest hearing. I know they all like to minimize or make fun of the reviews, but perhaps they should actually take the feedback and restructure this show.
  • Kthuluu
    For God’s sake, Amy, please shut up.
    I want to enjoy this podcast, but Amy makes that impossible. Rather than acting on what has to be a voluminous amount of negative feedback she receives, Amy doubles down and becomes more insufferable.
  • margiejef
    Love it!
    I love this podcast!! I look forward to it whenever they’re on. Scott and all the gals are so funny and I love their opinions!! I had lost my husband last year and just listening to this podcast has really put me in a good place! I’m so happy they’re doing this!❤️❤️
  • Sup3rj0rd
    The belittling is too much
    While I often appreciate constructive conversations on differing opinions it’s a whole different thing when Amy is constantly belittling Suzanne, Danielle, and Tara and telling them their opinions are wrong and to have Scott back her. And not only that but literally YELLING at them over it while constantly stating “it’s just my opinion”. A huge contradiction and just very unprofessional. And when they push back, her “I’m fine, it’s fine” is so patronizing. Specifically the 1/28/24 episode so I’m gonna try to keep going and I hope they address all the reviews surrounding this because it was absolutely gross to listen to.
  • DoneWithIAAI
    Had to stop listening
    I’ve listened from the beginning and was really excited to hear from “Luke Danes” but I had to unfollow. I stopped listening because both Scott and Amy are so unlikeable and toxic it was causing my blood pressure to rise. Scott seems to be in it for self-promotion purposes. Amy just seems to like the sound of her own voice. They both lack the ability to entertain positions other than their own and when the other younger women try to voice their opinions, they are disrespectfully shut down. Amy, in particular, is guilty of this and refuses to hear or address repeated feedback from fans to interrupt less and listen more. I’m of the opinion that women should support other women and that there is absolutely no reason to be dismissive of the opinions of others, especially over a silly tv show. Started listening to other GG podcasts that are far more entertaining and less anxiety-provoking.
  • Plain penguin
    Is Scott Patterson envious of Lauren Graham?
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while and consistently disagree with Patterson’s take on the show. I have suspected for a while that Lorelai rubbed him the wrong way. He disagrees with her on almost every front. What I think now is that what we’re hearing is actually the bitterness an actor who wanted to be the lead but wasn’t.
  • Lindsay2024
    I used to like the podcast
    It is so hard to listen to Amy getting mad at everyone so I can’t listen anymore
  • Suzanne Venker
    The Anna Debate
    Amy is 100% right. what she’s proving is how deeply rooted the bias against men/fathers is, that mothers get a free pass just for being mothers.
  • Weaver Woman
    Might be done
    Just listened to 1/28/24 episode. I have listened from to this podcast from the beginning, but this might be the end. It was so painful to listen to Amy belittling the others for their opinions. This is supposed to be a discussion, rather than a case of “I am right, you are wrong!” I had to laugh when Amy said it could be years before someone is introduced the children of someone he/she is dating. Thats not a serious relationship.
  • J Broady
    I’m REALLY trying to listen…
    But all the girls are talking over each other and interrupting Scott. I’m here for some BTS and his perspective, but he can’t get a word in edgewise. Didn’t even make it through 2 episodes. Could be so much better.
  • shydjz
    The best ever!!
    Gilmore girls is my favorite show ever, I could watch it every day for the rest of my life. I’m only on season one of the podcast (the second to last episode I think) but I love it!! I’ve laughed out loud SO much. I listen to it when I’m working, when I cook or clean, on my drives, just anywhere. I hope by the time I get caught up, the podcast is still going. Also, I realize this was started a few years ago, but when I go to the Scottyp website it looks like it was taken down. I’d love to get some coffee!! How could I do that? (I’m in Florida- so no go on the cali Warner brothers store) Seriously, you guys make my whole day and i thoroughly enjoy listening to you talk. Also!! Great voice, Scott. I love the theme song. Much love to all of you, Shyanne 🖤
  • rachelswens
    Listen to Gilmore Guys instead
    This podcast became way too hard to listen to. Drew the line at Amy yelling at/over her coworkers and then continued to defend herself and patronize the fan base. Gross.
  • kam a lam
    Love Scott!
    Love this podcast! Amy needs to chill and not diminish people who are 20 years younger than her for not knowing every single thing that happened before they were born. “Really, you don’t know that unknown song sang by some unknown singer that was written in 1980”? No, girl. We weren’t born yet.
  • valiegirl26
    Amy is insufferable
    Could be so much better for GG fans. I was enjoying it at first for the nostalgia but Amy is so hard to listen to! She just shouts at people, puts down their opinion, and doesn’t let them simply disagree with her. It’s exhausting and one of the only times I really felt like turning a podcast off. It just kept going, they needed to move on and cut a lot of that out. Amy please allow others to talk and share opinions, it’s okay to have different ones. Also Scott seems quite uninterested and bored in interviews, which feels awkward. Hoping it gets better and feedback is acknowledged…
  • pcenthusiast
    Trying to stay with it but….
    Love GG, but not sure I can listen much longer. Not sure why they are planning to extend it beyond GG. Scott is insufferable. Amy has lost me but unfortunately they don’t let the others talk who we actually want to listen to. I dislike Scott so much that I’m hardly rooting for Luke and Lorelei anymore. The odd thing is he has a hard time separating himself from Luke- and he’s nothing like Luke. Please just give us a couple of weeks with Suzanne, Danielle and Tara. Scott should not do interviews alone- he’s not good at it. I feel like Scott is hurting the GG brand. And for the love of God the last thing anyone wants to watch in a reboot is a big wedding.
  • Rikk RO$H
    Shut upppp
    Amy is so insufferable in this last episode! People are allowed to have other opinions like why are we screaming
  • Min19737
    Used to love it
    Listening has become unbearable and I’m DONE. Suzanne and Danielle are the best, have valid viewpoints and opinions, and smug Scott and overbearing Amy just steamroll over them and force them to agree for some reason! It’s honestly disgusting and so predictable at this point. Suzanne, find a new job. They’re disrespecting you and it’s infuriating to me.
  • AMiller-Utah
    Too many interruptions
    Amy and Scott please stop talking over and interrupting so much. This week’s episode was almost too much to listen to. I appreciate your opinions but let the others fully express theirs.
  • M giblits
    Be Honest
    I love you all and everything that you have been saying. You make my week!! But if Luke and Lorelai would have been honest in the beginning this wouldn’t be an issue. Keep up the good work. 😘
  • cowgirl riding free
    Re re watch?
    I feel like the last few seasons you have finally worked the kinks out. I’m disappointed pop culture isn’t what it use to be, it use to be my favorite but now seems to be more commercials then content and I only listen if I’m desperate for something to listen to. I really appreciate the interviews being on their own because they aren’t enjoyable for me and I felt like I lost a lot of content when they were in the middle of the episode. All of this to say I am an avid re-watcher. I’m on re-watch 12 maybe? When I restart my re-watch I will notice something new and be curious what you guys said about it but when I go back to season 1 or 2 or even 3 of the podcast it’s painful to listen to. So I would love if you guys re re watched it so I can get the now podcast on those past episodes.
  • kaylynshell
    2 stars is generous
    I LOVE Gilmore girls, I even have a GG tattoo. However, Scott and Amy are insufferable. I made it to season 3 episode 19, and called it quits. Amy is always interrupting, rude, and constantly giving spoilers, and Scott is very dry and seems like he thinks he's actually Luke. If the show was more of Danielle and Tara getting to actually talk, I would keep listening. Pop culture has gotten worse as time has went on.
  • nonickname thank you
    Scott thinks he is Luke…
    I want to love the pod, but Scott is insufferable. He has the biggest ego and a superiority complex that is just painful to listen to. I love Tara and Danielle, however! Scott is so condescending and seems to think he is actually Luke?? It’s odd. So much of what he says is insanely smug and makes me rage lol. Still love the actual show, but this is rough.
  • Kidnice_1
    Show would be better without Amy
    I am really trying to stick with it. On season 4 and I keep getting more annoyed with Amy’s interruptions and thinking her take is the only one that’s important. I like hearing Scott’s opinion and take on the show and he’s constantly interrupted. I may give it one more season.
  • Kayla17468
    3 stars because the reading of the pop culture references are really annoying. Sometimes they are re-enacted scenes and others are just information being read aloud. Her mic gets zoomed in in so it picks ups all the noises from her spit. They try to read them really fast, as well, and trip over their words.
  • KB4Family
    Loved the Sebastian Bach interview!
    Amy, Suzanne and Danielle did a great job interviewing Sebastian! Absolutely hysterical and entertaining!
  • Meg2084
    Please Amy or any of the others please join Scott when he interviews people on the podcast. Scott alone is so dry and boring and half the time I don’t think he is engaged. I am so tired of him saying “yeah yeah yeah or right right right”. Is he even paying attention? The podcast was so much better with all of you participating.
  • deacons_mommy
    Scott seems like the worst kind of person. I was an every week listener but him blaming Lindsey for the infidelity was the last straw. He just as bad as the actor who plays Christopher.
  • Marcie Centers
    Late to the fun
    I’ve been binge listening to this pod and binge rewatching GG, and I am soooo glad I FINALLY caught up! I do wish Scott remembered more of filming, but what he does remember is definitely worth the listen. The best aspect of the pod is listening to Scott’s reaction to what happens each episode bc he’s never seen them before!! His sidekicks are nothing but enjoyable for me to listen to and their banter is very entertaining. Each of their insights are really interesting and informative…if you’re a Gilmore Girls fan, this pod is a MUST! Listening is ALMOST as uplifting as the show itself. Thank you iHeart radio for making this pod!
  • morgmagnoli
    Clumsy Feeling
    Seems overall pretty random. Random hosts, random theme song, random formats every episode. Why are there so many hosts? I know they were trying to have 2 who have seen the show and 2 that have not, but that doesn’t translate well. I never know who the “experts” are because none of them seem super knowledgeable about the show. I’d recommend the Gilmore Guys podcast to true GG fans over this one. They have a very knowledgeable super fan host and a comedian who has never seen the show and do an excellent job recapping it. Side note: I find it hilarious that Scott “had no idea rewatch podcasts were a thing” when he was literally on Gilmore Guys multiple times and basically copied their format down to the rapid fire and fashion segments.
  • anon010101010101
    He is a rape apologist
    That’s all and enough. He is just bitter he committed to a film for so many years where he could NOT dominate like he wanted and wanted other male characters to dominate. A lot of het male “artists” have this complex. Whenever he references or refers to a another show or movie it’s all male-led or dominated. Is that surprise? No. Women and girls do not need to be “balanced” and “grounded” by men.
  • Fan of GG
    Love, love, love this podcast
    Love this podcast. Love the crew! It’s interesting because it’s Scott Patterson watching it for the first time. We get some behind the scenes information. Suzanne, Amy and Tara have seen it. Suzanne is the ultimate fan because she remembers a lot about previous episodes and reminds everyone about them. Danielle is watching for the first time too(she’s out on maternity leave now) and it’s fun to hear what she and Scott think will happen (although Scott sometimes knows since it might involve his character). They also do a pop culture episode on Saturday and sometimes a special guest interview on Thursday.
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