D&D is For Nerds


Australia’s most popular D&D actual play podcast! Set in the world of Ogg Nott, a place full of mystery and intrigue - if only the players knew it was ending. Listen to this award winning podcast as our heroes delve deep into adventure, with each season bringing a new story, new characters, and new threats to face. New listeners can start at any season, but veteran listeners will find themselves following a greater story, set over centuries. New episodes every Sunday!
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Recent Reviews
  • Ruuyn
    Never a dead moment.
    Hilarious, & well-edited! The battles are decently short and well-choreographed. Trigger warning: somewhat brutal descriptions of finishing blows. Goddammit Adam. You Lawful Evil GM. Jarren ’s Outpost Hustle (and Rumble) is my favorite campaign by far for any Live Play Podcasts. The characters are SO GOOD. Edit: +1 EXTRA Star because: Vampire Infested Barovia HAD an entirely passable season, but then they swept that under the rug and redid the series WAY WAY BETTER with the Sanspants flair I love to see! Wonderfully turned that on its head, and did it *IN STYLE*! Both Chult experiences have been amazing though! The best dynamic for the Nerds seems to be 3 players + 1 Adam. Don’t know why, but the math says so. A theorem without a proof, if you will.
  • Phins Fan #1
    Best D&D Podcast
    Only question is do all Australian DM’s roll for the players?
  • river dragon G7G7
    D&D is for me, and so is this show!
    This show is amazing. The players and dm have such great chemistry. They also have similar campaign styles to me. It’s just my campaigns.
  • I love wof and sp
    I love dnd
  • plopler
    I love you Adam!!!!!
    I love youuuuuu Adam!!!!!!!
  • Larseniowa
    Do not subscribe to Imagination+
    I subscribed to your patreon because I wanted to listen to your episodes add free. But your patron doesn’t actually have them, it just directed me to your website. Which does have your add free episodes, but only as individual links, so you can’t stream one episode after another. But your website does have a link to a RSS feed. And after loading that to Apple Podcasts, it requires a login and password, which is useless, as I logged into your website through patreon, and I logged into patreon through my Apple account. Is anyone seeing a pattern here? So, recently, you posted a new RSS feed to patreon, and you can even successfully load the rss feed into Apple Podcasts, but that RSS feed STILL doesn’t have the add free episodes, only bonus episodes. So I decided to cancel my patreon membership, and give Imagination+ a chance. I subscribed, pulled up the “subscriber” editions of DnDIFN, and guess what? They’re STILL NOT the add-free episodes. So I’m about to cancel this too, because even though I’ve actually paid to listen to your ad-free episodes on patreon, your website, and now your subscription service, it’s just not worth the hassle. Find yourselves someone who actually knows what they’re doing, and let me know when you actually offer a service worth the money. I’m happy to pay for it.
  • Eclipse702
    Better than Critical Role
    Yes I’ll say it, this makes me laugh more, I enjoy the people featured in this podcast more and I like the story telling more than critical role. I’m sorry Matt Mercer.
  • flatwoods monster
    The single best dnd podcast
    Just listen to season one and you will know it’s true.
  • hank mandarin
    Best show ever!!!!!
    It is so good I can fell the characters.my favorite is pop mandarin.
  • fisher gunderson
    Absolutely hilarious
    I haven’t laughed this hard and this constantly in years. This podcast is good for anything, work, sleep, studying, road-trips. Absolutely hilarious. Pure comedy in its prime form.
  • Tallowhand
    Chock Full of Gryphon Lust!
    All DMs/GMs/Storytellers should be required to study at the feet of Adam Carnevale.
  • scorpion kills
  • Big3rchee5e
    Best podcast I’ve heard about four people playing the best game ever
  • MSUcatz1
    For the podcast algorithm gods
    To future podcast lister. If you read this, and listen, after enjoyed the show you must comment and 5 stars. Give ‘em a reward for the hard work they put into the episode.
  • Hendizzleslizzle
    DM hates the Players
    Such a good podcast. Enjoy the silly players trying to create characters, enjoy the DM for trying to kill them; don’t worry they definitely deserve it. This Pod will make you want to DnD, but nobody will ever want to make it as awesome/terrible as this pod makes it. Kudos to Adam for putting up with this nonsense.
  • Netsa2000
    Love it!!
    I love listen to how crazy y’all adventures great!!
  • ameerhuman
    Bullying isn’t fun
    I listened to 2 and a half episodes of the Jungle Island series. I enjoyed the performances and overall creativity of the party, but the DM was a complete jerk to Luna. If he wasn’t hurling some random attack or disadvantage at her character, he was dismissing her ideas. If the game can’t be fun for everyone, I don’t want to engage.
  • Crashlion2020 the Gamer
    I love your show, but quit cussing.
  • Fox De'Vil
    What's D&D...
    I don't know much about D&D, but Sanspants Radio is great & so is this! Update, I’m now a DM because of listening to this podcast. Thanks for all the entertainment! Handsome Tom and Casa are the best cast, by far!
  • Meg n Jeremy
    The absolute best out there. I laugh, I cry, and I carry the joy that this podcast gives me throughout my day. It is the first podcast I recommend when someone asks, whether they ask for d&d content or not. It’s compelling and beautifully done. Thank you.
  • Parakozm
    Well-balanced comedy, D&D podcast!
    There is a great combo of D&D, storytelling and comedy! Plus, one of the best DM’s I’ve heard!
  • JonBonilla
    Chaotic World Burning
    You know the saying “some people just want to watch the world burn” Now take take a small group that possibly ate crayons, lead paint chips and maybe snorted the glue when they tried sniffing it when they were kids into their adult years. Then let them go murderhobo into a fantasy setting. I normally don’t like games like this but the amount of fun they have and the amount of stupidity they throw at the DM is basically genius. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in a time that I needed it the most. This is a must listen!
  • Zirdsoldmanfinger
    I am addicted
    I love Pop and Tieffany. That is all.
  • TotemQuote
    One of the Best
    This is one of my favorite- if not my favorite- podcasts out there. (Most of those are Sanspants Radio podcasts anyhow.) If you’re into ironic humor, quality RP, fantastic DMing, unique and intriguing stories, and awesome chemistry among best pals: here she is. Look no further, my people. Genuinely, it’s a blast of a podcast, with a cast of talented and charming people to boot. Inspiring and hilarious. THAT SAID: If the story aspect is important to your viewing experience (same here), I would skip the first main campaign. While it is hilarious, it’s more for laughs than story. The first taste of the goodness that is DndIsForNerds is when they get into the mini campaigns, and THEN their new, main campaigns catch up. Trust me on this one. Adam is awesome. The cast is awesome. Sanspants is beautiful. Give em a good shot. If one campaign doesn’t appeal to you, I promise you, pick another. They are all as different yet impressively wonderful as it gets.
  • Street sk8r
    One small step for podcast, one giant leap for.. podcast?
    Started listening to this show just trying to learn about D&D and became an instant fan. I have since become an avid Sanspants Network fan and listen to a variety of their shows, going so far as being a Sanspants+ member. Thanks for the years of good times and making me feel like I always have a group of people who can make me laugh at the touch of a button. Keep doing great things.
  • SirCharlie9191828
    I’ve listened to a lot of DND
    I’ve listened to many dnd podcasts and this is the only one I’ve stuck with throughout the years.
  • CuriousCashew
    If Flask dies I will stop listening
  • _damak0s_
    why does something this good exist?
    there are so many jokes i could make but i feel like none of them will be universally recognized. the fact that there is still content of this quality in the world gives me hope
  • Nebulaoblivion
    Favorite dnd podcast.
    Great crew who strike a perfect balance between serious role playing and storytelling, and humor.
  • york4000
    A great listen
    This show is a example of a D&D podcast done well. The DM creates an engaging world while the characters bring to life fantastic characters that engage in entertaining antics.
  • Toast Jerviss
    I love it
    I love D&D more because of this podcast... and I didn’t think that was possible. I have fallen in love with
  • owen (you liked my tweet)
    Best DnD Podcast out there
    These guys (and girls (hi cass)) are consistently hilarious, creative, and incredibly fun to listen to. This podcast is super friendly for those that aren’t experienced in DnD, but also interesting for those that do have DnD experience. All of the players are funny and creative, and Adam is a super well rounded DM. I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone out there, especially those that might be interested in learning DnD.
  • Garza28
    Every Episode & Session is amazing!
    First! The DM Adam is The type of DM I hope I can one day reach! Second! Just give ever Episode a listen! You won’t be disappointed!
  • Willy249249
    Great D&D Podcast!
    The DM Adam is always well prepared, funny, and inventive with his plots. The players are always funny and charismatic. There’s lots of jokes, lots of adventure, and it’s just a joy to listen to. I especially enjoyed the recent Zombie Plague Chult storyline. It was really good fun. Good job everyone 🙏
  • Cubone&NatutrainerLannisterfan
    😂🤣😆 Finny funny funny
    Krifpum Pumkrif is a funny wizard all thanks to his fat cat familiar Jigalump who wasn’t having it at all or would just do his own thing like all cats do. As the owner of a lovely tortoiseshell I can attest to the actions of Krifpum’s cat Jigalump. And Ainsley Foggyfeather wanting to roll to see how many bangs she and Greyson had was good. I do not add the title Princess simply because I don’t recall and nor does the player. Its not a permanent thing until she weds Greyson. Which leads over to Haus Firma Pride. With hilarity such as, trying to befriend a pack of wolves and crit failing to slaying a unicorn, and trying to figure out what the hell is it going on between Daniel and Cassius, then the DM getting frustrated with the players as they were determined to get the wolves so he abandons his great plan. The best part is Cassius constantly turning into a Werebear without considering the consequences or his surroundings. Oh I hope Mr. Fists the owl is okay and didn’t freeze and die
  • Rachieryan
    Adam is mean and I love it
    Hilarious - and at its best when there’s a female player playing with Jackson and Zammit, or any of the other boys. Loved Alli and love Cass! *EDIT: unlike other actual play podcasts I’ve heard, this one is fantastic on re-listen! Because I’m a bad mom, I’ve introduced both my daughters to it
  • soaring sora
    One of the funniest
    This is honestly one of the funniest D&D actual play podcasts I’ve listened to. I finally caught up with all the episodes and I get so excited when a new episode comes out. Thank you for all your hard work! Why was Flask of Wine so cute in the last episode (Zombie Plagued Chult S01E16)??
  • Nexus2992
    Started strong, got irritating
    Adam is an okay DM. He’s okay because all too often he breaks the RAW or he ignores them or he doesn’t know them and chooses not to look it up in order to screw Jackson. And he does this for one reason: to kill Jackson’s characters. He has no other goal in mind. The first season was excellent. Hilarious and funny, he had a good storyline to run and the character development was awesome. But then it slacked a little. He began specifically targeting Jackson every chance he got. It’s no longer about storytelling and gameplay and fun; it’s Adam vs Jackson and anyone else is just a tagalong at this point.
  • Jere_
    Funniest Content
    Funniest group of pals on a podcast. Awesome adventures.
  • MrTNewC
    Side splitting
    This series is one of the funniest series out there. The only podcast I’ve ever thought was funnier is Failure to Launch from The Consumption, which is a severely under appreciated which is why I’m throwing my recommendation here, but back to this series. It is hilarious. I tend to binge it now that the format has changed from an ongoing saga to individual adventures. I love both dearly. It is why I play D&D and love it the way I do. This podcast gave me a new hobby, and I will always love it for that.
  • Spaceball luggage combo 12345
    Simply amazing
    By far one of my favorite D&d podcasts, the shuffling of players is a nice change of pace letting listeners get a wide selections of different classes and play styles. Wile the campaigns are broken up into many one shots that allow for great story’s to be told over a range of different settings and glorious adventures. Possibly the best part of this group is there are actual player character deaths, wile most podcasts make the game easy so there players don’t really have a chance of death. Adam holds nothing back thrusting the players into perilous danger all the wile laughing at there pain an sorrow. All in all a absolute blast and by far the best goofing between players characters as well.
  • Justinhong
    Hilarious and engaging!
    Love the sanspants gang and all their shenanigans!
  • Skeptiqueer
    The Best Actual Play Podcast
    This is the best actual play D&D podcast. Enjoy the suffering of players paying penance for their actions, living in the detailed worlds of one Adam Secretlastname, and the wild and wonderful characters the Sanspantsers bring to the table. A bad wizard that punches things! A monster hunter with a plant pet! A tiefling who just wants her dad to accept her! Always bet on Piss.
  • Empty_Glass
    Adam is a master DM ✊🏾
    Señor Carnevale is a true story teller of old reincarnation into a fine gentlemen. His words are so vivid images are easily conjured to my mind to enhance the story. Beautiful work, and to all the players who help (and whatever Jackson does) tell these great story. Always bet on piss 🤙🏾
  • kylemarkwell1987
    Interesting story
    I like the them of the new ark but nothing happens. Very in depth story telling, but for god sakes fight a werewolf or something
  • TheExogenesis
    Jesus stay in character
    Such a funny group but recent episodes are like 10% adventure and 90% out of character telling personal stories no one listening was there for. I find myself clicking the skip forward button quite frequently
  • d&dmakesmehappy
    l o v e t h i s
    i love this so much! listening to people play a game i really enjoy makes me so happy (also my name is ainsley and it’s so funny and weird to hear them say it!)
  • S p beck
    A fantastic podcast for people who love the vibe of playing dnd around a table with your friends, the folks are funny and the adventures are nice and short so you never have to get bored with a long convoluted story.
  • xj1nine
  • Shadowstorm Vash
    One of the bet podcast shows available
    I absolutely love this podcast. The players are hilarious. As is Adam Creampuff’s retribution. I’ve been using the highs and lows rule as well as a variation of the good boy bad boy system in my tomb of annihilation game.
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