Hidden Brain


Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.

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Recent Reviews
  • katelin16
    Tone deaf
    Citing a study about how Israeli women deal with the “stress of conflict” right now — without any mention of the constant stress of the horrors of the genocide being committed against the innocent men, women, and children of Palestine — is extremely tone deaf at best and disgustingly insensitive/insidiously drumming up sympathy for the “victim” colonizers at worst. You should be doing an episode about how historically victimized/targeted groups can go on to dehumanize and commit mass atrocity onto another group, and how media and average citizens there and abroad can just sit by or support such despicable actions.
  • makeupmyname
    Animal experimentation?
    Shankar seems like a compassionate individual, which is why I can’t understand how he’s okay with guests — like today’s neuroscientist — referring to animal experiments (in this case monkeys). The episode was on “resparkling” — hardly an important enough reason to warrant experimenting on monkeys. As a host, there are ways to address this issue, but first he has to truly care about it.
  • Olga Mezhova
    Hello, As you may have noticed I ranked this podcast at only 3 stars. Which has nothing to do with the context of the episodes, those are great. But rather with the fact that you are trying to get the best of both worlds at the cost of your audience. You charge for the podcast, but same time you include commercials. This looks simply unfair and dramatically reduces the pleasure of listening to your episodes. I hope you can reconsider your approach and make it more audience friendly.
  • ebajou
    Excellent show! A few too many sponsor breaks.
    I love everything about this show—except the sponsor breaks, which feel disproportionately frequent and long.
  • Mkseradj
    June 17 show
    I like your show, but I believe some of your guests opinions are not valid. Specifically your guest Ara Norezayan’s view in regards to religion seemed to be biased by his own experiences. Most times certain types of religions were forced on people by rulers of the time. Sometimes there were economic incentives. People were killed in wars in the name of God. But the aim may have been gaining power and soldiers understood the main aim while fighting in the name of God. God is just a representation of power and order. But our inclination toward order does not mean that our brains are programmed to believe in God.
  • Nina, CSC
    Informative and rewarding every episode
    Thank you Shankar and every person that makes HB happen! It’s rare to find a program that offers an infinite amount of learning in a space and is consistently interesting and inspiring, and hopeful!
  • shoppella
    Listening to this show be required. Even if you know the subject in and out, you’re getting new perspectives. Shankar is the best interviewer, he has the best guests.
  • matchumoo
    Buildup matters
    The first half of each episode makes me roll my eyes. It’s usually filled with info, ideas, or opinions that I’ve heard or thought about a million times and I’m like “this is a waste of time, I’m not hearing anything new.” It just feels superficial, and sometimes even ostensible. But then, around the halfway point, they (the host and guest speaker) use that information to introduce something new and interesting. I’ll say this: there are other shows that can make the first half interesting and have a strong conclusion, challenging my views or making me interested throughout the duration. Hidden Brain doesn’t do that, but it also doesn’t need to. The slow burning buildup helps to establish a foundation for their main point, which is usually a home-run. My only complaint is that it sometimes feels like fluff - like the teacher wants a 10 page essay, and you have a really solid 6 pages but need to add 4 more the meet the criteria. I’ll continue to roll my eyes at those 4 pages while enjoying the other 6.
  • k777?!
    Interesting detail
    The subjects are just what I need to hear to shift from a negative perspective to a positive one through interviews that keep me enthralled.
  • snuffleupagusAMA
    Still empty no thanks to Keyes
    Love Keyes shaming those not in supportive relationships. Really unhelpful. I suppose he also suggests ‘bootstraps’ and ‘pull ones self up by’ said straps. not a revelatory conclusion, and unhelpful to those in the throes of the problem
  • olivekasper
    Talking at the dinner table
    I love this show and learn something every time I listen. This particular episode fell short and explained away polarization in this country. It portrays it as those who are deeply involved in politics opposed to those who are not. MAGA is the movement of discord and this peacemaker who hates conflict feels called to scream it out. Not what my neighbor says but the politicians . I had just listened to your segment on Lincoln. That was superb amd left me reminded we must work together.
  • SouthernSalesCoach
    Always Uplifting and Helpful
    Thank you, Shankar. I love this show and know that if I am having a hard day I can open a podcast from Hidden Brain to help me push through a work or life challenge. Thank you for doing the work that you do to get others stories out into the world that will serve others to get through life’s challenges.
  • GUAP18
    A great way to start my weekend.
    I love waking up, making my coffee and sitting down to listen to Hidden Brain. The interviews are well researched, dealing with current and every day issues. It can be a way for me to see my own issues and it helps me in my relationships and work. I highly recommend it.
  • mysterymach
    I swear I have listened to half a dozen of these episodes always hoping to get some actual tips. The last one I listened to was about having purpose. I was hoping to get some tips on how to find mine but nope, all I got was "Stanford University did a study showing how GREAT it is to have purpose." Fast forward ten minutes. "Some MORE benefits of purpose are....." fast forward again. "MORE benefits of....." i was done. What's the point?
  • Kimi1234*
    Great podcast!
    I enjoy listening to this podcast. There are lots of great psychology topics.
  • Hoping for Love and Community
    Pretty Please
    pretty please do well, so I can justify my not performing well / working.
  • Appu shah
    House manager
    I love this podcast.. every time i listen I always feel good and I get motivated . Thank you Sanker
  • CardiffMary
    Distracting sound effects
    I love the content but the sound effects and music are so distracting I often do finish the episode.
  • Mesofrustratedg1234
  • Suenmz12
    Parents keep out
    Great podcast. Encouraged by efforts to understand children’s behavior, and the difference between supervised play and unsupervised play. I just wish I’d heard what happened to the fourth grader who couldn’t follow rules!
  • Calvin&Hobbes2023
    Interesting and useful
    Hidden Brain is both interesting and useful. It offers a unique perspective on people, how they think, and their behavior that I've found to be helpful in my work, how I choose to live my life, and how I engage with other people.
  • LisaVOlson
    I learn a lot when I listen to your podcast. Thank you for providing rational answers to questions I have about human behavior and psyche.
  • reddbul
    The Curious Science of Cravings
    I was on my second week of not drinking and was in the middle of a craving when I saw this episode. I listened while doing chores. Completely got me over that particular craving and gave me a new perspective on why I drink at all. THANK YOU! Made it through my second weekend with alcohol!
  • CarolynMHOC
    Quality programming!!!!
    Thank you for your choice of topics. This is one of my favorite podcasts. I always know I will be challenged or informed. Yesterday’s message “What is Normal?” was over the top excellent, so I needed to finally review the show. Thank you, Shankar! I’m 61 years old and still learning!
  • OskarDon
    Obtrusive Ads
    The podcast is great but aggressive ads are killing it. It is really ridiculous that not even paid version is free from these extremely obtrusive ads. Please fix it!
  • MASSyogagirl
    It really makes you think!
    Shankar is such a great host and the guests are intellectually stimulating, from various backgrounds, who elucidate the subjects that are discussed. I feel I am always learning something! Never miss it!
  • L.Grace.Wolzie
    Can’t get rid of ads from archived content
    The content is marvelous. The ads - 2-4 per episode- are maddening. I tried subscribing to get rid of the ads. Didn’t work. And, until I saw the opportunity to post here, I found no easy way to provide feedback.
  • Quinti320
    Feels unique
    This podcast has a unique feel. It’s like an video without the video!
  • 123454567ű9io0oHow’dIDoThat?
    Shankar is Dramatic LOL
    Haha Shankar ur so dramatic all the time. <3
  • lostvegaseve
    One of the BEST shows ever!
    This podcast has helped me so much in my life! Every single episode has shone a light on things that I have never fully understood or thought about before. I love every single episode!
  • Yumenescene
    The latest episodes finally tipped it for me: interviewing an Israeli professor at the University of Haifa, a colonial institution, about listening, with no mention of the atrocities his government and nation are carrying out, is just cruel. Shankar even asked, “Guy, is there a moment when someone has come to you and you haven’t been able to listen?” and Guy responded by talking about his three daughters, and how, living with four women, of course he’s always hearing how he needs to listen better, ha ha. I kept waiting for some mention of the Palestinian people, even a passing reference. This show has always been liberal, meaning, invested in upholding the status quo but with a more humane color scheme. Finally, I can’t tolerate the apathy from a host I feel is probably genuinely kind. It’s hard to put one’s own living at risk, when speaking in favor of the Palestinian people carries such heavy penalties; I will just be spending my listening time elsewhere.
  • Carrots&Celery
    Deeper Understanding
    Some things you just don’t think about until you have to. Some things you don’t think about at all. Hidden Brain brings those things to you. Sometimes it’s heart wrenching, heart warming, or completely confounding, and it’s always worth the listen. I just listened to The Ventilator and I feel that I’m sobbing at the intersection of philosophy and storytelling. I am so deeply impacted by the ideas shared in this piece.
  • 1smartchick
    Love this show!
    Hidden Brain is by far my favorite podcast. The host is so endearing, asks wonderful thought-provoking questions and chooses amazing topics and guests. I frequently share episodes with my kids and friends. Love this show!!
  • MelMan_8840
    Always appreciated!
    The insights I get from this show are priceless. I learn so much about myself and how I can improve. The empiric nature of most shows adds great perspective and credibility. I share and recommend shows routinely.
  • AAI83
    Hidden Brain at times Hits the Spot!!
    I give Shankar 10/10. But the latest episode hit me, I noted half these Psychiatrists are from Jewish and Israel background. With the current affairs of the world, it really makes me wonder on how the Jews who suffered so much through out history can inflict the same suffering and worse pain on the Palestinian people and get away with it. It makes a lot of sense. They truly mastered the Human thinking and divided the peoples thoughts on what is wrong and what is right to such an extent that anyone who says anything against or about them will be destroyed. You can make fun of everyone else and their cultural, political, and religious beliefs but not them. Truly disheartening that we the United States are at Israel’s mercy and not the other way around. That is because they have infiltrated the major influential circles since the dawn of time. Hats off to them, absolutely brilliant. I understand Democrats being fully supportive of Jews but not Republicans. I have keep reminding myself not to generalize Jews with Israel and Zionism. Gets harder. I’ve met Palestinians, who were the lucky ones that got away and left the war torn areas and what I noted is that some have brutish characteristics due to their experiences. Peace
  • Melissa weiss
    Haifa is Palestine
    The irony of interviewing an Israeli about listening is just too ridiculous.
  • Wildlife Margrit
    Thought provoking
    Most every episode provides me with much food for thought. There’s also generally some moral or ethical dilemma that’s being explored which I love. The most recent episode “The Ventilator” is most compelling and has left me grappling with my own mortality. Thank you… and keep these quality podcasts coming.
  • Hellerbox
  • Phoenixgrl
    Compassionate and wise
    Shankar’s interviews and guests bring amazing perspectives about human behavior, thought, and ethics. I listen for inspiration and wisdom.
  • Banks Latenser
    Haidt Episodes
    Shankar, excellent work here. Your podcasts are consistently profound. Your interview with Jonathan Haidt was nothing short of amazing. Thank you for your great work… keep it up!
  • Lala akins
    Great podcast. I highly recommend you listen with an open mind.
    Subscribe and follow for sure.
  • Biggixyz
    Masterful storytelling!
    The topics you guys cover are so captivating. I love this podcast. Keep up the good work! -Niles
  • Id in ID
    This show helped me transform my world view…
    Hidden Brain does such a great job moving the listener through stories and discussions about thought-provoking topics. If you are in a place where you’re challenging your own personal growth, trying to overcome interpersonal or cultural challenges, or just interested in science updates about how our brains work then this podcast is for you. The full hidden brain team does great work. This podcast continually helps me in overcoming life’s challenges through thought provoking discussions and encouraging logical decision making.
  • Marie_0822
    “Love this show, but the matrix misses the mark.
    “If a societal moral system exists, it’s because it has helped people coexist” Yeah, right. Coexist. Or it has helped one group of people control and keep down another. If that’s how you define “coexist”. Traditionally most societal moral systems have built in systems for shaming , controlling and making property out of women. I guess that’s “coexisting.”
  • Vgsryghu
    Shallow right wing apologists nonsense.
  • kspo_co
    One of the best
    Captivating, engaging, and thought-provoking with a 5 star presentation/production. Shankar's voice and presentation alone make it worth it. Thank you!
  • alfonina
    Your show about the effect of social media
    Just a short note to tel you haw much I love your show!!!! Miriam, CA
  • Zombie64_
    Subscription + showing AD
    It informs no add, but all episodes comes with ads
  • Bekah20122021
    I love this podcast! There hasn’t been a single episode I’ve heard that I didn’t learn something new. Every episode is interesting and Shankar has almost become my friend along side me as I discover new things.
  • Paz2222
    Pseudoscience as a podcast
    This is essentially a podcast that features self-serving pseudoscience about the brain to essentially make general ethical claims about how to live. The lack of substance in this show combined with the superficial references to “behavioral science” really make this show a product of our era. Imagine if phrenologists in the 19th century had a podcast and that would be this.
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