The Lead with Jake Tapper

by CNN
News #194

CNN's lead DC anchor and chief Washington correspondent, Jake Tapper, hosts this two-hour long weekday afternoon program, with headlines from around the country and the world, the top stories in national and international news, politics, health, money, the environment, sports and popular culture. The Lead also concentrates on bringing stories that aren't found on front pages—buried leads—to the forefront.

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Recent Reviews
  • Brianycpht
    Shows drop way too late now
    Most of the shows through “The Source” would post about an hour after airing. Now you get a dump of Jake, Wolf, and Erin at 10pm which is way too late. The rest of the evening shows don’t post until 4am. MSNBC is able to put theirs up right away, even the late shows. Do better
  • Cynthia Elayne
    Fox News
    Jake Tapper should be hosting on Fox News. Sorry Jake, some of us want to keep our freedom and democracy. Please share with your colleagues that pointing out over and over again President Biden’s debate issues is not productive it is a huge distraction from the reality of what we will be getting if MAGA pulls this off, you never hear Fox News putting out Trump trash. This should not be tabloid news.
  • 112124567
    totally biased
    cnn, in order to attract trump supporters away from fox, has become the mouthpiece of the anti-democracy movement. jake tapper, in nearly every episode will argue and support every talking point that trump spews, but in a cleaner version. jake tapper is no longer credible. i have watched him change over the years and his “news” is merely a bunch of anti-democracy memes and sound bites. i would just avoid this source.
  • jkbrks
    Rick scott
    Please ask Scott about his Medicare fraud. JK Brooks
  • epg- bookish
    Dressed up bias…
    Dressed up bias…
  • shannonsophia
    Generally Balanced News
    I appreciate his more balanced approach to news. I don’t always like what I hear or agree with it and that is a good thing. What I do like is that I am thinking and learning more. P.S. Sick of this Trump trial coverage please talk about it less. There must be plenty of other stories to cover. The coverage level is almost as gross as the trial.
  • simon dope simon dope
    No credibility a news outlet
    Lazy reporting. Use to be decent show until they followed the Fox News playbook and lost all credibility
  • dottielucia
    Love Jake Tapper
    Thank you for always giving us the real news every day! I especially enjoy you’re side show on Sundays where you dig deep into corruption scandals that are apart of news history. I look forward to your show at 4 pm every day!
  • Wave2Jen
    Jake goes to Fox!
    That’s a headline that would not surprise me in the future. Been feeling for a while that Mr. Tapper’s reporting has become more or more biased. Tonight’s episode was it for me. Unfollow.
  • dndbhdj
    Substitute Host Unrelentingly Partisan
    Whoever the host was for the January 10, 2024 episode was so gratingly and transparently left leaning it bled into the interview, so much so that the guy wasn’t even allowed to make his point. He’s an elected official, even if we don’t agree with his politics. I typically like Jake and also appreciate that center-right folks aren’t really welcome on most news platforms (including the lionshare of CNN shows), so perhaps this review really reads like a triumph for this host. Anyways, unfollowing and would suggest that even never-Trumper right leaning people choose a different show.
  • Patty2347
    Not good anymore
    Jake Tapper is a smart enough person to know he has sold out to Trump and dumb “both sidism” idiocy.
  • Done1968!
    Where is he?
    I am tired of the Jake Tapper show having everyone else other than Jake Tapper.
  • midwestBlue
    tapper, it is being reported that you said trump had been exonerated by the durham report, that it was a witch hunt. if you said that, then I have 2 things to say to you: 1. you are wrong, the report said specifically that there was *not* any bias by the fbi for implementing the investigation and 2. put your hat on, walk out the door & never ever think that you can do truthful reporting, go home and start a cooking show on youtube.
  • Clovergrlz
    Secret trump lovers; Hitler like platform for trash politics all for ratings Go ~uck yourself
  • knucklehead1946
    Have you always enjoyed…
    the aroma, redeeming qualities, and tactile properties of fresh dog$hit? You’ve struck it rich!
  • soccer353
    Losing faith
    I’m confused. How long has Jake Tapper worked for Fox? Listening the last few weeks it has been apparent that he has floated softball questions to Republican leaders and attacked Democratic leaders. Part of an overall effort to lean right and gather trump supporters. Shame CNN. Shame.
  • PolFlows2
    It’s incredibly embarrassing what CNN and Jake Tapper have become. This show feels like Fox News, just for the other side… very disappointing.
  • JC30204
    Trying to hard to keep his job with his new master.
  • PAyscue
    ANOTHER failed "journalist"
    The demise of CNN is near complete with Tapper insane suggestion our President invite Trump to the Queen's funeral. Going for the sound bite for clicks/trends is the lowest of schitcks. You had a good run, time to spend your remaining career at Faux where you belong
  • Melon-chan
    The reviews say it all
    When trump people troll you and Biden people say your too harsh, you are closest middle ground at that point. I would go more in the direction your headed, maybe call people what they are… partisan fu€€ing morons. Maybe at that point people will start agreeing again!
  • statedept1515
    Please no more Pamela Brown
    Tapper is on even though I wish he would give more pushback when guests say ridiculous things, but whoever decided that Pamela Brown is a good fill-in host for Jake whenever he’s off should be removed from future decisions.
  • DJinKy
    Only opinions no facts.
    Why does CNN market itself as a news organization when it fails to report the truth? Political hacks!
  • App User 27
    Podcast Quality Decreased
    The files have been available so late, there’s no point in listening to most of the stories. Also, the audio editing is choppy. A segment often restarts midstream. It’s happened for several episodes now.
  • gabfanatico
    Stop criticizing Biden!
    Stop criticizing Biden so much! You should inform the listeners by explaining the facts and the challenges. The president is doing a good job but gets no credit!
  • Waliwali1
    Good. But Why Is the Upload So Late?
    I actually listen to this everyday and it's good. But i don't like that it takes like 4 hours at least to upload this. It's news after all. It used to be better but recently it feels like it takes a long time. Can please upload faster?
  • MarilynBethS
    Podcast is late
    Why is podcast not available at 5 pm PST?? That is 8 pm EST. I’ve stopped listening if it is so late
  • Mr.Bob Dobalina
    Pompous pervert
    Looks like we should shut down CNN until we can figure out why there are so many pedophiles. Including Jakes producer. Any comment Jake?
  • Wondering_The_AZ_Desert
    At one time Jake was a journalist, what happened?
  • bri, va lowercase lib
    Jake The Jerk
    He’s rude. Dismissive. Patronizing. Yuck.
  • Chucki3Fr3sh
    You’re no better than Fox hosts Jake, instead of specializing in outrage journalism you specialize in negativity and disappointment, leading viewers and listeners to a cynical worldview. Do better, or your abysmal ratings will inevitably continue to fall.
  • Marilyn Marin
    Stop trying so hard…..
    It’s almost as though CNN tries so hard to show they’re “bi-partisan” they want to sound like FOX. Please don’t. The reason 2 Congressmen are repudiated for going to Afghanistan is bec they’re taking resources from the Americans & Afghanistanees US helper refugees need.
  • WilliamPeach316
    You’re not fooling anyone
  • jules from ne
    New pic
    Sorry, love Jake, but new pic seems abrupt. Seems a bit startled and not as much confident as his image usually has been. Jake is the apidimi of confidence and strait forward interviewing. This image does not give “me” the “Jake’s got my back” kind of reassurance. Please reconsider, julee
  • Daniel Nixon
    Fake news
    Fake news
  • SydneyNSW
    Love tapper but want 2 hrs
    I love how assertive tapper gets with the politicians. He really tries to get answers. Please give us 2 hrs on podcast! I live in Australia and so I cannot get it on the TV. I rely on the podcast. Keep up the great Work!
  • Tyler Yaughn
    YOU ARE FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!
    “unbiased”...... really? smh
  • 🤦man
    This guy is such a FRIKIN MORON
  • braezen1
    I love you. Your passion is contagious.
    You are a professional journalist and I am hanging on your words. Thank You for all you do. I like your pace and clarity as well as the fact you speak the reality we all need to hear. The actual truth. What a time to be alive.
  • שטיין
    Interesting interviews but obviously biased
  • Colin Graven
    Jake is an amazing journalist this guys got real quality stuff to say.
  • Freddie bag of donuts
    NY is now rounding up Jews in NY and Jewish Tapper is an accomplice.
  • Pokemoniscool
    Cnns best
    Jake is the best on cnn
  • C10 Junkyard King
    Fake News
    You have to be a complete moron to believe any of this fake news garbage!
  • edwardre429
    Clarity is needed.
    Regarding the gym remaining open during this pandemic. I believe a simple “ it is a stupid idea” is perfect. The problem for many people is confused and conflicted answers. Going to the gym will not protect you from Corona Virus period.
  • Raul Kirkpatrick
    A great podcast
    Keep up the good work Jake!
  • lost farm
    Ok then
    Saying is your are what you eat?? This guy must eat #hit because #hit comes out his mouth. You listen to this idiot you need help oh; stupid is as stupid does.
  • fezweab2222
    Our Constitution
    Have your White House Correspondent ask Trump to respite the “preamble” of the Constitution.
  • P Mimmy
    Snake Crapper
    This dude is a judgmental clown. I lost all respect for him. (2 weeks ago. He became “enraged” when he saw a video of like 4 San Franciscans, exercising during shelter in place order. Exercise is allowed under the order. Meanwhile, this moron is in a TV studio with hundreds of people. He’s a fear monger.
  • esssjeee
    Very timely
    Friday’s episode very timely & full of relevant information.
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