Pregnancy Podcast


A resource to support expecting moms (and partners, too!) with evidence-based information to navigate the awesome adventure of pregnancy, birth, and being a new parent. Vanessa Merten provides evidence based info that goes way beyond the typical “pregnancy instruction manual”. Every episode is designed to give you all of the evidence, research, pros, cons, risks, and benefits – all so you decide what the best option is for YOU and feel confident about your decisions during your pregnancy and beyond. The show covers everything from pregnancy to caring for a newborn. Topics include prenatal care, labor, natural birth, hospital birth, cesarean birth, preparing for your baby, breastfeeding, postpartum, and caring for a new baby. This is your​ evidence-based resource to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy and your baby.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kaiya Elric
    This used to be good…
    I loved this podcast back in the day. You always had to skip five minutes in because there were soooo many ad reads. Now it’s just kind of a sad money grab where she rehashes the same info she’s said a million times before into more and more episodes so she can read out more ads. Now they’re even in the middle of the episodes! This was a beautiful concept made into a money-grab. So disappointing. Now you can’t even view old episodes without Vanessa getting even more money. Smdh.
  • Tstarky
    Don’t bother unless you are a paid subscriber
    About every 2 minutes, there is a reference to a “full episode” on a topic where you can get more information. It’s very annoying. I unless you are going to pay to subscribe, I wouldn’t bother with this one.
  • Krisa Menger
    i have learned soo much from this podcast. this is my first pregnancy and it feel way more prepared than i ever thought i would be. i love that all information is all research based ! thanks Vanessa !
  • beth oehn
    Great podcast!!
    This episode is a hydration game-changer! It's a quick but essential reminder of the significance of water for overall health. If you're pregnant or simply looking to enhance your well-being, this episode is a must-listen. It's like a refreshing
  • Badgers mom
    I love this podcast so much. Very insightful and I can’t recommend to my clients.
  • JanOsbRD
    Evidence based information
    So grateful for this podcast. It is an easy way to obtain information while on the go. I did subscribe to the premium membership and feel it is 100% worth it. The most valuable part is that the information provided is evidence based. It’s a huge time saver and has really put my mind at ease with pregnancy related topics.
  • Madnis534
    This podcast is the single most helpful resource to feeling informed going into labor
    Can’t thank this podcast enough for the concrete factual researched non bias information on literally everything you can think of regarding pregnancy. I wish she would make a parenting podcast because I feel lost without her after birth. I recommend her to every expecting momma. This pod is truly a gift. Thank you for all you do
  • spsgr88
    Informative and positive
    Although there is a lot of ad content on the public feed, if you ignore that, the content is informative yet distilled done enough that it's easy to digest. Vanessa also delivers content in a positive and encouraging way so it doesn't feel overwhelming. I would love to have access to more of the archive for free, but I understand that money needs to be made at some point. I also love the 40 weeks podcast for snippets of info!
  • dks2008
    Okay but too many ads
    It’s a helpful podcast for dipping your toe into the waters of a given topic. It’s not detailed enough to listen and be done, but it’s definitely a good starting point. That said, there are *way* too many ads. I’m not shaming for some ads—we all need to make money—but at least 1/3 of each episode is advertisements. Combine that with her removing old episodes to put behind a pay wall and it doesn’t make me want to pay for her product, it just makes me go elsewhere for the information.
  • Jincheng Zhu
    Very informative and educational
    I really like this podcast. The host’s voice is soft and soothing. The content is educational and informative, evidence-based. Really helpful for a first time mom like me.
  • GPhoya
    Host having an issue?
    Not sure what’s going on but host is pausing and making sighs many time during the talk, ‘ Your Due Date.’ She sounds like she is having a bad day. I like this pod cast but this episode is hard to listen.
  • JenicaB
    Great podcast on pregnancy, caution on organic/GMO content
    I really appreciate this fact-based podcast that gives a lot of information on many different aspects of pregnancy. There are many topics that are addressed that are not commonly talked about on other pregnancy-related podcasts or groups, so it is a great resource. My only caution is the content provided around organic and GMO. I did not follow up on the research that was used to create this content, but as someone who is personally involved in the agriculture industry, I was very disappointed with what was shared and the inaccuracy.
  • mom_2022
    Too many ads, barely content
    This podcast could be great, but the episodes are only like 15 minutes of actual content. She spends the first 5 minutes going on and on and on about her ads; same with the last few minutes of the podcast. It feels like half of the podcast is just her promoting brands and sometimes, it is. Although the content could be good, she needs to do better about half of the episode being promotion.
  • Leslietron
    Lots of obvious information or just the recommendations of ACOG reiterated with no real. Insights. Awful voice of the host makes this impossible to listen to. She’s also an apologist for anti vaxxers while also including some other scientifically unfounded warnings. Just can’t get over the voice though. Host, please Stop spitting into your mic!!
  • Jelly & Jam
    Excellent fact based information about pregnancy for parents
    Please listen for fact-based research on pregnancy. If you want a fluffy podcast, this isn’t going to be your jam. BUT, if you want real world research based on what your physician will be talking to you about…this is your podcast. I wholeheartedly recommend. Health professional and researcher, here.
  • GA Cassie
    Great Educational Pregnancy Podcast
    I’ve learned so much from Vanessa through this podcast! The information in each episode is organized, thorough and well presented. Plus, she does a wonderful job at finding/explaining applicable studies and research on each topic to give listeners the knowledge they need to make their own decisions regarding their pregnancy. I love her honest, straight-forward approach. I highly recommend this podcast for all future moms. It’s empowering and interesting! Good job, Vanessa! Keep up the great work! We appreciate it.
  • Brookley94
    So helpful!
    I absolutely LOVE this podcast! It helped me get through a miscarriage and then having a successful pregnancy. I love how focused Vanessa is on research and she does an incredible job of weighing the pros and cons of all the stressful choices to be made in pregnancy, birth and afterwards. She also keeps a tone of inclusiveness by emphasizing the need to choose what’s right for you and that doesn’t look the same for every person. Highly recommend!
  • atierraj
    So many ads!
    I appreciate the information and think she does a good job of research, but the ads are way over the top. It’s like the first and last five minutes of every single episode and so many are the same ads over and over again. I understand you have to make a living but 10% or more of the air time is ads. I can barely stomach listening to the episode because it just feels like it’s pushing endless stuff to buy.
  • AshRat1996
    Too many Ads
    I understand ads are how podcasters make money but 3+ minutes of ads was a turn off especially before the episode starts.
  • Sabweenz
    Ads Ads Ads + Google search
    I’ve listened to multiple episodes now, and although they’re very short none of them seem to have much new information beyond what I could quickly glean from a Google search myself. Also I swear 75% of the time is spent on advertisement. No thanks.
  • Calmandpeace
    Phenomenal podcast, so thorough!
    Thanks for your research and saving us moms some time. Thanks for sharing
  • vegemama
    As a recent subscriber I was excited to see the plant-based episode but quickly became disappointed and angry after hearing it. I find it upsetting to hear someone inaccurately describe the effects of soy, details of soy production, among other things. I can’t honestly take this woman seriously after saying there’s no studies for “....” (fill in the blank) when there most certainly are, while she simultaneously references studies that have many conflicting outcomes. It’s not right to say these nutrients are found primarily/in higher amount in animal products when the animals themselves or their feed is supplemented just the same.She should be very aware with all her “research” about the actual estrogenic effects of milk that comes from another species mammaries, the increased cholesterol intake since plants naturally don’t contain cholesterol, the increased antibiotic intake when eating animals, etc. I stopped listening I got before it was over but my god, “ethically raised” meat? How can something be ethical when the entire purpose for its existence is for you to murder it and eat it’s body parts? Absolute nonsense!
  • britanyshea
    One of the BEST pregnancy podcasts
    I’m about to have my second baby and I’ve listened through to some of these episodes 2-3 times..SO informative and I think her voice is calming, not annoying. Of course there are things you can end up having a different opinion on-but I think she’s very good about offering up the information and then saying, “..but whatever works best for you and your baby.” Also, lots of ad BUT it’s super easy to skip through them... there’s a button for that🤦‍♀️
  • Flakiitaaa
    Bad Advice
    She lost all credibility from the episode encouraging pregnant women to take the mRNA vax because it’s “safe” despite having a significant increase risk of miscarriages. It also didn’t age well since they pulled one off the market already. She just reads directly from google in a monotone voice. Not even sure what her credentials are. Please do your own research on everything.
  • RoseSLP81
    Very informative
    Useful and practical information!
  • Eggy_Ash
    Woman = Women
    I wanted to like this podcast. The host has a great non-judgmental and factual attitude toward pregnancy. I’ve noticed she pronounces “women” as “woman”. Example “woman who take x have y”. It’s super distracting and after hearing the word mispronounced multiple times in one episode... I had to stop listening. I see from other reviewers that it’s not just me. It just takes me out of the content completely. I also wish there were more interviews instead of just the host speaking. Also, a much larger chunk of the episodes (compared to similar podcasts) are dedicated to advertisers.
  • Opinionzzzzz
    So helpful for a first time mom!
    I was really nervous starting my pregnancy, but this podcast (plus my helpful RN) have helped answer so many of my questions IN DETAIL. Much better resource than mommy blogs. Would pay for a subscription to remove ads
  • Raycrizzle
    Voice issues
    I’m not exactly sure what her credentials are. Seems fairly informative but mostly just seems like she’s looking stuff up on Google which I can do myself. I had to unsubscribe because her voice is not enjoyable to listen to.
  • jlndlc
    Her voice is VERY annoying. She also mispronounces important words which makes me think she has no idea what she’s talking about and essentially just reading off google. Editing needs to be better as well.
  • strongsmom
    Lots of info
    So much info! Love love love ! Thank you
  • Marissa87__
    I’ve been listening to this podcast via Spotify. Today was the 2nd time that it triggered my anxiety. I am 39 weeks pregnant and was told I might need a csection so I wanted some info on it as this is all new to me, I listened to the Csection podcast episode 39 and instead of giving me peace of mind and the confidence I needed it triggered my anxiety terribly bad. This podcast was mostly about the things that can possibly go wrong during a Csection. Not what I was looking for I was hoping it would give me guidance on the recovery and the confidence to get through it. Not even my dr made me feel like this. Unsubscribed.
  • Munchkin37
    Good info!
    Well-researched and good info for pregnant people!
  • CassaundraLove
    Relaxing and Informative
    This podcast is packed full of information and the host always encourages you to check out the research behind it which is available on the pod’s website. I love that info is evidence-based. The host has a soothing voice so even when she is describing some of the less enjoyable symptoms or something to be cautious of, I still feel at ease. I love the length of the shows. They are short enough to maintain my attention yet long enough to give detailed info. Also, the range of topics is incredible. I can’t think of any pregnancy topic that isn’t covered.
  • Jess Burchill
    My Go-To pregnancy resource
    Vanessa spends so much time researching issues that are important to moms. I’m pregnant with my first and consider her podcast as a go-to resource! Highly recommend to anyone pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
  • MegR34528
    Annunciation and Pace
    Content is great but host needs to find a middle ground with pace. It’s far too slow and robotic to keep me interested. No need to over-annunciate either. Speak to us naturally please! The podcast is so helpful but I don’t know if I can continue with this pace.
  • Rjf122247
    Not a trustworthy source
    I’m only one episode in (dogs + babies) so I may update this but I’ve already heard some very questionable advice. Using a fake baby doll before the baby is born?! Ridiculous. They seem to corner the market on pregnancy podcasts but they haven’t convinced me they’re experts.
  • kitty mama 2468
    Pregnancy Podcast
    I love this podcast! Vanessa really does her homework and shares information based on the research available. She offered up her birth plan as examples for her listeners. So helpful!!
  • Lucia Quetzal
    O le long commercial
    Barely made it through one episode hoping she’d get to something good. Nope. It’s just a long commercial for all her sponsors.
  • Jessmorrhoops
    Feeling Heard and Seen!
    I just found out I am surprise condom pregnant with me and my partners first child and I have to say thank you! Your podcast was the first I found that made me feel like I wasn’t loosing it because of all my mixed feelings. The way you tie in your own experience with research and cover so many different types of perspectives means there is something for every Mom, partner, and family. I’m hooked and listen to at least one episode a day. Thank you so much!
  • Duqueen13
    Informative, but too many ads
    I did like the information provided and the notes to research that is given, but the amount of long and repetitive ads is super annoying. I found myself frustrated having to keep fast forwarding through the ads. This hard to do when driving. Sometimes the episodes are short (18 mins) and there are (5 mins of ads).
  • cmartt221
    Lots of information, but I can’t keep up with the pace. Has there been a speed increase on these episodes?
  • Hill317
    It’s been informative and so helpful.
  • A Little Strange
    Regurgitating Emily Oster
    The episode I just listened to regarding whether or not you should drink during labor is almost word for word from Emily Oster’s book ‘Expecting Better.’ That was strange...
  • Leslovely88
    Informative BUT
    This podcast is informative but the advertisements go on forever and can be super annoying.
  • Sara Boquist
    I trust Vanessa’s advice
    Vanessa clearly does so much research on every topic, and she always puts me at ease while making me feel so informed. When I listen to this podcast, I feel like I have the info I need to make informed decisions. And she is so kind, presenting choices without judgment.
  • mollzDL
    Body image episode!
    All the episodes I’ve listened to so far are very informative and research based but I particularly appreciated the body image episode. As someone with a past eating disorder and experiencing body image issues within my first pregnancy, it made me feel less alone and dug into a subject not often found in the space of pregnancy conversation. Thank you!
  • daralynne
    Best pregnancy podcast
    I love this podcast because it’s non biased and evidenced based. It seems like other podcasts I’ve listened to seem to get really off topic about other things but Vanessa gets to the point with the information on each subject and that’s exactly what I was looking for in a podcast. I even reached out to her with a recommendation on a new episode and she actually responded, I’m super have to have this resource in addition to my OB of course.
  • Old information..
    Good info, less ads
    Love the information and that the episodes aren’t long. Too much time on ads!
  • sally kaced
    Great podcast
    I have been listening to Vanessa podcast since I found out I was pregnant I am now 28 weeks and still enjoy it Thank you !
  • Mrs. Fraley
    10 out 10
    I love the pregnancy podcast!! I found out I was pregnant at 2.5 weeks and found this pod cast 2 weeks to a month later and I’m soooo glad I did. I listen in the car, at work, putting things together in the nursery, you name it! This pod cast is always chalked full of valid up to date information. Vanessa does intense research be for each episode to give her viewer the most accurate information out there. Would definitely recommend to any mom!
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