
Arts #171Books #62

The literary podcast presented by John Mitchinson and Andy Miller. For show notes visit and get an extra two shows a month by supporting the pod at

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Recent Reviews
  • Hoodunnit
    Bookish blokes
    Very blokey even when women participate. The panel are always talking over each other and laughing for no apparent reason and cutting off people mid-word. However, they have brought so many great authors and books to my attention that I can’t condemn them for having a good time while I have no idea what words are actually being spoken.
  • Curious Lo
    Really enjoyable
    I just started listening to this, and I can’t get enough, kind of like the way these guys feel about many of the authors they discuss. This is so very good.
  • thisaintit1
    Perfect podcast. No notes.
  • SRRpod
    A pure delight
    What a joy. These are the conversations I don’t get to have in my day to day life. It’s not often you find another person who’s read Gaudy Night. These conversations have filled a hole for me, made my reading richer, and bring me pure delight.
  • bechill59
    Stone Angel
    Absolutely smashing episode. The very book I’ve been searching for.
  • didjjxjxjd
    Love the Podcast But Please Fix the Sound!
    It can be really hard to listen to in the car due to the audio levels. Phone and stereo volume have to be at max, but some voices are too low and some too loud. Find myself constantly having to adjust and still can’t hear everything that’s being said.
  • Saint Mgrn
    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
    I only ever really listened to the first 15-20 minutes of each episode to hear what the two hosts were currently reading (I would look up the episode’s book on my own). Since they recently came back from hiatus they have stopped doing that (without an explanation). I guess people just want to listen to a discussion of a forgotten book so that they can pretend that they have read it themselves.
  • doilyparton
    Neurodivergence does not equal cruelty
    I love this podcast and I've listened for so long, but they really miss on some points that can be super hurtful. As a neurodivergent person myself, it can take me well out of the experience. On the recent summer episode, Nicky states that the passage she's about to read is proof of why she believes the main character is neurodivergent. The passage describes a cruel and violent interaction wherein the character harms a baby. After the passage, Andy responds "there it is!" As if further proof is not needed. Nicky then goes on to say that because the character behaves in a way that is "objectionable and horrid," she believes the character must be neurodivergent. I cannot overstate how painful it was to hear this and poorly this represents neurodivergent people. Being ASD or neurodivergent does not mean you are cruel, uncaring, or careless towards other people. To say that ASD people do not understand physical harm is so reductive and really brought me so much sadness. I love this podcast but I really hope the hosts can do a better job of humanizing and showing empathy towards people who are not like them, and take some time to learn and understand neurodivergence instead of piling on to a long list of harmful stereotypes. I'm so sad about this.
  • Socialfit
    Thank you all for doing the episode on Hubert Selby Jr and Last Exit to Brooklyn. That got me hooked. Many thanks. Love and respect to you all. Joe S. Thomas/ USA.
  • neabinorb
    Great podcast, poor production
    I really enjoy these discussions. But there’s no effort to balance the mics. There’s too much whispering! It’s easy to listen to but often hard to hear.
  • 7dogs7
    Intelligent conversation
    One of the few podcasts that has intelligent conversation on books! Thoughtful observations on theme and style, with specific references to actual text to demonstrate great writing. A joy to listen to, this is engaging and inspires my reading.
  • afterclaude
    A total pleasure
    I just started listening to this, and I’m so happy to have access to an archive of passionate conversations between genuine book lovers. The hosts and guests read widely and are deeply curious about the authors they are reading. They are sharp and knowledgeable, but not pretentious. Thank you!
  • RuralWriting2018
    An ageing hipster book lover’s friend
    (I bet those who are not ageing hipsters can also gain much enjoyment!) A perfect podcast, introducing me continually to books I’ve missed & reenchanting those I love. The hosts’ and guests’ tone is just perfect: playful, open, learned but unpretentious, unashamedly in love with reading.
  • Orrickle
    Great listen
    The audio version of #neglectedbooks Even better bc of the great guest discussions. Calm but not slow. Funny and kind.
  • Dehradun Jo
    Life Affirming, Life Enhancing, Life Changing
    I love every single thing about this podcast. My life is immeasurably better because of it.
  • Sarah 613
    New old books
    Fun & informative. Many new authors I’ve found by listening to this podcast. Thriftbooks and Amazon sends me new or used books that I am compelled to order because of ‘Blacklisted’ recommendations.
  • changcao27
    Best book podcast
    Best companions on book journeys. Thank you for your hard work and infectious compassion for books.
  • ehaning
    Evan Haning
    Outstanding podcast! Listen to one book you don’t know and another you do. Pick up the rhythm of the show. Andy, Mitch and Nicky Birch NEVER let you down.
  • Ken Sonenclar
    The best Books podcast bar none.
  • Bearhugger2020
    The best literary podcast by far
    Love, love , love every episode. Intelligent, funny, always incorporating interesting and unexpected tidbits. Excellent guests. I used to dream of being invited to the Inklings’ table at the Eagle and Child; nowadays I dream of hanging out with John and Andy.
  • Eileen.corbeil
    Blessed intellectual interludes
    I feel immense gratitude for those who give their time to introduce us to new authors. Today’s discussion of Cassandra at the Wedding by Dorothy Baker was amazing.
  • Mary Pagones
    Utterly delightful!
    Delightful, literate, offbeat literary conversations I wish I could have with friends in real life!
  • Mjeansiem
    Best Book Podcast. EVER.
    Started listening to this podcast 5-6 weeks ago (from the beginning) and am now on Episode 65. It’s just that good. The two hosts are wonderfully passionate and thankful to discover new/old books and their enthusiasm is catching. I’ve had to restrain from buying books nearly every episode. I’ve just read my first (“A Month in the Country”) and it was phenomenal. Thank you for bringing new classics into my life!
  • ErikNTanner
    Great book recommendations and conversations
    I’m so glad I found this podcast! It’s helped me find some great overlooked books, and I love hanging out with people who care about literature
  • Burleith20007
    always fascinating
    Every couple of weeks Andy and John and their invariably sharp and witty guests take on a classic or should-be classic book, and do not just inform and entertain us, but really educate us about literature. Erudition and humor go hand in hand, along with a deep sense of humanity. Am I going to read all the books they discuss? Absolutely not — but having listened to the discussions, I am so much richer for the experience. I look forward to each podcast — highly recommended.
  • GPSnark
    Slap Happy!
    I am floored by hearing mention of Slap Happy, which recalls listening to all-night alternative Canadian radio back in the mid-1980s from across the border here in Detroit. I absolutely love Backlisted and am still working my way through the back catalog. So much enjoyable erudite back-and-forth, this podcast is for lit lovers of any stripe. Thank you Andy & John for bringing to light so many fascinating writers and intriguing gems.
  • Catsloveme2
    I do not find the cursing on an otherwise great podcast, necessary. It detracts from good and interesting discussions.
  • CA reading
    Thanks to my Pandemic Friends!
    We eat lunch at our desks at work now. I look forward to putting my earbuds in, opening my lunch box and joining you all for a fun rollick. I enjoy it all, the joking around, the reviews of your current reads, and in depth multi-media discussion of the main topic. Thanks for the company at lunch and additions to my reading list- means a lot!! Nancy Fort (US)
  • Dmurphy55
    In-depth conversation about books at last. Quickly became my favorite literary podcast. My favorite episode so far is The Dark is Rising. The conversation was so exciting that I ordered as many books from the series as I was able to find. The music presented was gorgeously haunting. Thank you!
  • 613Beenie
    And a bit like listening to a dinner party. I am a literature buff, so perfect for me.
  • Kaishalovesbooks
    Simply the best
    A haven for bibliophiles of all stripes. I have been introduced to some of the best books I have ever read via this pod. Well done, my friends! Read on!
  • dukeriviera
    Engaging, informative, enjoyable
    I regularly re-listen to the episode on Raymond Chandler's "The High Window." LOVE the Bryan Ferry story (which has nothing to do with Chandler) and excerpts from the "High WIndow." Rather copper-y! I don't have much time to read, but I'm now considering re-visiting "The Information," by Martin Amis.
  • Susanfriberg
    Adore this podcast!
    Smart, funny, & I learn so much ch each episode!
  • Ice toad 3858294800
    I wish the sound quality were better but I still love it
    I have discovered and revisited so many books I love!
  • lpbgmm
    The best podcast
    Everyone else, pack it in and go home.
  • Sanjivbee
    Just wonderful
    It’s not just the superb choice of books, or the literary insight, it’s the sheer enthusiasm on this show, you can feel it, the joy of books. I always learn so much here, and leave feeling inspired, regardless of the particular book or author being discussed - it’s John and Andy’s love of reading that’s so infectious, their large-hearted appreciation of authors and writing and their own individual idiosyncratic tastes. Backlisted has enriched my life enormously. Broadened my tastes, expanded my thinking. And the banter, so funny and gossipy, brightens my day as much as anything else. Makes me miss England. This podcast is an absolute treasure.
  • ez301
    The rainbow
    I enjoy their personalities but they didn’t really discuss the book the episode better to be title the author behind the work, I was hoping for a bit more discussion about the novel..the characters and plot lines...
  • stellaherzig
    Makes me laugh and think and discover
    I have read so many new books suggested by this podcast for many enjoyable hours of reading! Thank you so much!
  • Dara1999
    Actually perfect
    Perfection is a state that must always be approached and never reached, except here.
  • trillionshelper
    Almost Perfect
    Thank you for your great podcast. If you didn’t waste time in the first 25 percent With drivel (see Anita Brookner podcast) the podcast would be perfect. But why have a great book as a podcast, entice and interest a listener —-and then waste one-quarter of the podcast on non-related uninteresting stuff? Maybe that’s why those I recommend try it out your podcast give up.
  • Natstrum
    New Find
    Came to this through Slightly Foxed. Excellent! Great enthusiasm!
    Top notch!
    I happened upon this podcast recently while looking for some discussion on William Maxwell’s So Long, See You Tomorrow. What a delight! I learned a great deal about Maxwell and got excellent recommendations for other works of his to read. I love the exploration and passion put into this program and that past classics are brought back to light. I’m now a subscriber and can’t wait to discover more!
  • Sherri207
    Great books-Drop the musical asides
    Backlisted as a book podcast is a joy and a treasure. John and Andy and their wonderful guests have thoughtful conversations, and I look forward to each episode. The one fly in this otherwise delightful ointment is when Andy chooses music to accompany the review. Music is a personal taste, Andy, and this is just a distraction. We’ve signed on for the books.
  • emilymcmc
    Source of some of my favorite book Recs
    This show is a delight to listen to: smart, enthusiastic conversation between well-prepared people who like what they’re talking about and seem to like one another too. The “what are you reading” segment has led me to some astonishing books I wouldn’t have found on my own. Thank you !
  • Heather- Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    Heard about your podcast from another podcast
    It is truly amazing, I’ve binged your most recent episodes and they are great! The hosts are fabulous the books they discuss are fabulous. I highly recommend, I look forward to listening to all back episodes and future! ♥️
  • JayWigley
    So much better than any other literary podcast!
    My expectations were not great by any measure, but I what a wonderful discovery this podcast is! If you love words, sentences—really excellent sentences!—and well-crafted books, young and old and well-known and obscure, you’ve come to the right place! The discussion is always excellent, useful, and so engaging! Even if I’ve never heard of the book, I never skip this podcast!
  • Frog 372
    My favourite books podcast
    Don't miss this one. Out every fortnight, this show brings forgotten but excellent books back to life or sheds new light on old favourites. I could listen to John and Andy talk books for hours and recently took in four episodes to help get through a long car ride. If you are a bibliophile, you could not ask for better company.
  • Hattiehein
    Smart & Funny, well produced, honest.
    The hosts read a book of the guests’ choosing, and discuss it with them. Simple, right? But everyone brings research, honest humor, and secondary sources including audio clips and great stuff beyond Wikipedia. The first 15 minutes cover the hosts’ last week of reading, so it’s worthwhile even if you hate the main topic. My current favorite!
  • JanHBlack
    Wonderful Podcast
    Adding to my first review below, the following: Just finished A Dance to the Music of Time which has been on my list for 30 years---thanks to BL. Keep it going. Hope Imbecile finally gets a review. I just recently discovered this hidden gem. If you love literature, you will love this podcast.
  • cincysport
    A treasure for booklovers! My favorite podcast.
    I discovered this wonderful podcast by chance and am a faithful listener. I’m in the US and struggle with the accents from time to time but I always come away feeling both entertained and energized. Please keep on keeping on and I’ll keep on reading and loving books I’d never heard of.
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