The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe


What started as a series of short mysteries for the curious mind with a short attention span has evolved into enlightening conversations for the not-so-short attention span. Whether it’s a short mystery, a long conversation, or an audio book, The Way I Heard It is a veritable box of chocolates for the ears, because you never know what you’re going to get.

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  • woodoaks
    When Smart people speak….listen.
    With a sip of whiskey and brain full of “things you should know”. Mike Rowe presents important topics, talking with people that know far more than I. The ad reads are music to the ears. And “the rest of the story” is definitely the best of the story. Thank you to Mike and Chuck!
  • Bay119
    War in Warriors
    Definitely will read. I am from a military family and a member of the DAR. We as a family are very patriotic . Debbie Troy, NY
  • akelaMom
    A true David and Goliath story!
    The episode 378 with Harmon bros was amazing! Had no idea the history behind Angel Studios and The Chosen! Thank you so much for interviewing these two! Will be sharing this one out for sure!
  • BSO carnival
    Great Episode
    Truly enjoyed your conversation with Pete!!
  • Hank 63
    Good content with solid values you can build with and facts to back it up!
  • LaurenJn83
    How the best podcast was born
    There was a man with a smooth voice and his gambling best friend. They loved to listen to Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the story and wanted to create a broadcast podcast in that same style. Thus, this podcast… the best Podcast was born. Anyway, that’s the way I heard it. Seriously, this is my favorite podcast! I’m a millennial so I caught the end and replayed episodes of Paul Harvey’s shows but I too enjoyed the style. You two do great work! Thanks Mike and Chuck!
  • Big Ki
    So good!
    Always entertaining, informative and eye opening. One of my favorites.
  • Piano Jan Florida
    Thank you!
    Just started this podcast last night after thoroughly enjoying the movie “Something to Stand For.” (We told our four adult children that if they saw it, we’d pay for their tickets!”) All high school children should see this as a field trip! Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the episode with Riley Gaines as your guest. What an impressive woman! Can’t wait to hear “the rest of your stories.” Thank you and keep up the great work!
  • Kelikini
    Poop du jour, de jure or de facto?!
    😂 Love the episodes with Peggy Rowe! Still giggling 🤭 !
  • Ethan1912
    Just finished a Mike Rowe binge
    Chuck, assuming you are still the one to read these, I started this podcast in November 2023, I caught up officially today June 28 2024. I had a great time listening to the progression from short story to long form interview. You guys have handled this medium of podcasting much better than I think most would. Can’t wait to see Something to Stand For on Sunday June 30th. Tell Mike not to fire you till he’s actually done podcasting, that would be a fitting end. - Ethan Williams
  • Yv135
    Love the Shows with Peggy
    Thank you Mike and Chuck!
  • JMG is me
    Best thing on since Paul Harvey
    I'm sure I'm not the first to say this, but I really miss the cleverness of Paul Harvey and "The rest of the story". I have since fount TWIHI, and I love it. No more long trips drivng and listening to the same music the whole way. This podcast is the most enjoyable listening on the WWW, hands down.
  • Moleman0623
    Best part of my week
    Each week I cannot wait to listen to the next episode. Everything that Mike & Chuck (yw chuck!) create is top notch!!
  • Hagerstown Native
    5 Star
    Only podcast that I regularly find each week - love everything you do…the humor, diversity of topics, guest list, parents…it’s all great.
  • avrycait
    Engaging and Funny
    Been listening since day one and think this is one of the only podcasts that continues to get better with time. Mike is thoughtful and effortlessly entertaining without pandering for the sake of monetization. Hope this podcast never changes!
  • vwwatson
    Always interesting and fun
    A great way to spend a coffee break!
  • The Brisket King
    National Treasure
    Keep the conversations going - great range of guests!
  • Benhoni
    #384 Poor Matt Hogan
    Is Chloe Hudson married to this guy. She would not stop interrupting him. The constant talking over each other gets boring and obnoxious. Take a breath!
  • MadMexAz
  • lovebandb
    My favorite thing to listen while on my morning walk. Great guests imparting wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration.
  • Bear_RH
    Another great episode and guest (lol Chuck)!
    Episode 386; I was, in fact, on the treadmill as I listened to this one. And only got off the mill when the thing shut itself off after an hour.
  • MacDaddyBean
    Worth your time-if you have five minutes or 75
    Great podcast! The short format of the first 180 or so episodes is fantastic - just enough to be interesting but not so long that it’s boring. Somehow, Mike and Chuck took that five minutes of interesting and turned it into over an hour of great content. Best episode so far is 249…stinky Mr. Beeper and all his winkling has nothing on the host, producer, or guest!🤣
  • Covington, Ga.
    Run for president
    All the shows are awesome
  • LarrbearNinas
    Needles and Frogs
    I really enjoy listening to Mr Metaphor. On behalf of all the frogs he has slowly boiled, and all of the needles he has moved or is moving, I salute. Thankfully we are metaphorically boiling metaphorical frogs and the needles we are moving are small. I have used your podcast and plethora of metaphors to literally point my middle school and high school students to learn a trade. My self taught blacksmith wife is a good example for learning a trade at any age. Thank Chuck for keeping the reins tight on Mike and yanking the bit once in a while to keep him in line. Larry Ninas in Georgia.
  • Kkristynik
    Riley Gaines
    Thank you for chatting with her and allowing her to share her story. Also, join and be one of the strong male voices we need to help end the madness!
  • chicago Ken
    Your Mom’s Book is Riot!
    I either smiled or laughed continuously after each short chapter. I brought back similar memories of my past. Oh, and by the way You Podcast is also a great dog walk. Keep it up, but I need more pooper bags.
  • JesterJP
    Mike, I was a fan before, but I’m a bigger fan now. We need men like you - thank you.
  • #dogwalker
    Wonderful info
    All episodes, I have listen to them all, are full of information ! #389 is something everyone should listen to! Get that guy back.
  • Prestigious gamer
    As a father and a teacher
    I’m a father of an 8 year old boy, and a 6 year old girl, and an elementary teacher. I completely respect what Riley is speaking up against. Thank you Mike for having her on. I have seen this issue infiltrating our schools as both a teacher and parent, and it is scary. The loudest voices in our society have lost their sense of truth and morality, but that does not mean that our society has. Those of us who have not lost our minds need to follow Riley’s example and stop being scared to stand up for what we know to be true. I cannot even imagine my thoughts if my daughter was put into the same situation as Riley.
  • Central Valley Farmer
    5 lousy little stars to Mike and Chuck!
    My favorite podcast by far. Makes me yearn for a good barbershop quartet every time! Oh-and the guests you host are a great too! ;)
  • Dswanson71
    What can I say?
    It’s Mike Rowe. You all know him. Love him or hate him, it’s him only it feels like you’re sitting in his den, with Chuck, and whatever super star guest he has. Is it arrogant that he drinks from a cup with his face on it? Maybe. But, “guests drinking from it is good marketing!”. You know when his show is REALLY good? When his mom is on. She’s the best!… 🤣
  • Java1derful
    A much needed message!
    Riley, this message is way overdue! Thank you for being the strength this country needs. You are a breath of fresh air in crazy times. Mike Rowe and team, you knocked another one out of the park. You are by far my favorite podcast!!
  • David Springlake
    What a great interview with Riley Gaines. thanks for all the information and the alerts that you and she raised about what’s happening to our society and what we can do about it
  • Friday Girl 714
    Bravo Mike!
    I’ve always enjoyed the interesting guests and conversations on Mike’s podcast and greatly respect what he’s trying to do to restore work ethic and pride in our country. The latest episode, with Riley Gaines, is a must-listen. Too many one-sided conversations have been pushed out in to the media. This full, thoughtful look at the issue with trans athletes in sport is informative and very well done. Bravo, Mike, and bravo Riley for having the courage to speak up against the lunacy taking center stage in modern life.
  • snchztwn2
    I hate losing more than I love winning!
    Great Podcast, you hit a hard topic with some good whit dispersed throughout!!!! As a mom do 3 daughters and a coach of young softball players; Im empowered to keep this fight going thank you for taking that stand.
  • Michael Gass
    Benefits from Rowe’s Unique Perspective
    The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe is a delightful podcast that offers a perfect blend of storytelling, humor, and wisdom. Whether you’re a fan of history, a lover of good stories, or simply looking for a quick yet enriching listen, this podcast is sure to become a favorite. Mike Rowe’s engaging style and keen insights make it a standout in the crowded podcast landscape.
  • ColoradyWay
    The Best
    Quite literally THE BEST podcast available today, I look forward to it every week! Mike and Chuck are so incredibly entertaining and the guests are awesome. Would give 6 stars if it was an option. Updated: The most recent episode with Riley Gaines was pure perfection. I love that this podcast truly takes an interest in everyday, average Americans. Thank you, Mike and Chuck for the most productive conversation and insight into what the REAL America looks like.
  • Di Robin
    Thanks for tackling the tough topics and still make it fun to listen to :-)
  • F3Bunyan
    Amazing episode
    Thank you for having Riley on your podcast. What an inspiring episode. She is the type of woman who my wife and I want our girls to see and know, and sadly in this culture, she isn’t the type of woman who is put in the spotlight. Thankful for her courage and voice, and also thankful for Mike and Chuck and their podcast!
  • Chickadee dee
    Riley Gains
    By far the best interview! I love the courageousness of this young woman and I am thankful for her boldness. As always, I love and appreciate Mike and his team
  • HappCapp
    Enlightening & Entertaining
    Great conversations with fascinating people. Mike Rowe is a keen interviewer and conversationalist- curious mind and terrific sense of humor! Devoted to encouraging good work and exploring ideas with smart people- often his friends with delightful stories they share. I also appreciate his courage for tackling controversial topics with an honest open mind. You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free!
  • Don's iTunes
    Incredible eye opener
    Thank you Riley for your strength to stand up. Thank you Mike and Chuck for helping bring this to my ears. I have enjoyed your podcasts in the past, this one really moved me, your comparison to Germany was spot on.
  • cycle carl
    Thank you and Riley Gaines for shedding light on behind the scene of the self-serving corruption of the NCAA. While I am a sports fan I am getting “sick” of college sports. At least the professional sports are transparent about their primary goal of making money. “Good Germans” is a proper description of the NCAA.
  • Sgtpopeye
    Episode 388
    The San Francisco police et al can be sued for non and mal feasance .. no statute of limitations on that !!
  • KarenA26
    Sooo funny!
    You both talking about Shrek hysterical! 😂 Thank you for having Riley Gaines on a well spoken, articulate, intelligent woman!
  • tryToLoveIt
    Thanks you so much for the interview with Riley Gaines as the mother of a daughter and now 3 granddaughters I appreciate you putting yourself in an uncomfortable place. I have so much respect for her standing up for us. I have worked in a male dominant profession for 30 years (operator in a chemical plant) and so glad there was a women’s movement that has allowed me the opportunity. But this gone to far. I’m with Riley, you can do whatever you want but you can’t compete against women.
  • Gleestr
    Return of the podcast for the curious mind
    Loved the latest short story. I enjoy the long format also, but have missed the clever storytelling that makes you think as you listen. Well done. Riley Gaines discussion rekindled some of my dormant patriotism. Fighting for your rights is in the American DNA. I hope her Quixotic battle ends in fairness for women. It isn’t fair and a level playing field is also very American. If the Lea Thomas’ compete, then a handicap must be added to level the playing field. It is also odd to see the feminist get on board with misogyny. My only thought is they want unisex for all. They fought hard for equality and now seem willing to throw it all away in a world devoid of common sense.
  • Kelly Rooney
    Waste of time. Extremely transphobic and offensive.
  • JesusFreakBecky
    Another slam dunk
    Riley Gaines interview was fantastic! So thankful to hear a confirmation that the tide is turning on the ridiculousness of men dressing up like women and taking our trophies! Keep up the great fight
  • TN Landscaper
    Swimming Against the Current with Riley Gaines
    Great show. Thank you for having her on and letting her tell her story on your platform.
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