Parenting Beyond Discipline


Erin Royer, MA Psy. is the go-to expert on all things parenting and child development for today’s common challenges. Her parenting podcast covers way more than just discipline. She dives into topics such as self-esteem, development and health, modern parenting issues and even education. Erin is not just knowledgeable but also relatable, warm, and sometimes even funny.

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Recent Reviews
    Good content but the ads..
    The content is good but there are SO many ads in such a short 25 minutes episode.. feels like at least 8-10 minutes are spent talking about ads. Not sure if I’ll keep up with listening or if the ads will get to me.
  • doctorTND
    5-Star Review - Dr. Tay
    I love that this podcast is centered around giving parents and families the resources they need to raise their children to be their best selves. As a licensed child psychologist, I love hearing Erin’s perspectives and the fantastic guests she brings on to talk about engaging and relevant topics.
  • jbg85jbg
    Love the content but it seems like the beginning of each podcast is cut off! They all start mid-sentence.
  • LetTheSunshine_In32
    Not for me and my family
    Have listened off and on for awhile. Have a 2 and 7 year old. Just tried again and decided I won’t listen anymore. To me this host comes across a bit harsh and recommends somewhat outdated methods of parenting. This last podcast about how to handle a “disrespectful” 4 year old missed the mark big time for me. No consideration of why the child was behaving the way they were, just straight to behavior management, and in a cold way nonetheless. Conversely, I have seen HUGE positive changes in my own child using respectful parenting the past few years rather than punitive methods. Unfortunately what I hear on this podcast just doesn’t align. I am sorry to leave this review, as I know a lot of people like her. A good podcast I recommended is Project Parenthood.
  • AfroA
    Disrespectful Amount of Ads
    As an avid podcast listener, I am completely shocked that this podcast has any good reviews. I’ve never heard an episode with so many ads. Even 3/4 of the way through there was 30 seconds of content and then MORE ads. That’s beyond disrespectful of my time. Stay away. Sprinkle of content for a bulk of ads. Money grab. Disappointment. Not at all worth your time to even check out.
  • Fleshlight guy
    Thank you for sharing your voice.
    Thank you 🙏
  • Urbanokie
    I’m a mama of two small children and this is a go-to podcast for me and one of my favorites!
  • Holly A. Dillon
    Erin’s Podcast is a Database of Parenting Gold!
    There is so much great content in this podcast I can reference depending on what I am currently having a parenting challenge about. It is parenting gold to have such a large database of content available. It’s also a weekly reminder of how to get in the right parenting mindset.
  • Arielle Kay
    Great parenting advice
    The parenting advice contained in this podcast has helped me tremendously to sort through my PTSD from the Child Abuse in my childhood. It has helped me not use the same bad skills with my four-year-old. It has helped rebuild a bond between my daughter and I made of respect boundaries. In short, the advice works. My husband and I will be taking the journey of doing all of her classes in the next three months. We are going to work for them together so that we can continue to grow together the way we have as parenting while listening to these podcasts. The only negatives to the podcasts are the ads, you can basically skip the first three minutes and the middle three minutes of every podcast if you don’t care about the ads.
  • trublkgold
    Your podcast is an answered prayer
    When I listened to the ep on needle fear and the tips and remedies that were offered, I could’ve cried. Tears of joy because after my sons last visit to the hospital for lab work, I vowed, I’d never put him through that terror again. Thank you for sharing your expertise, knowledge, failures, and lessons with us moms. We are each other’s tribe. Many many blessings!
  • Cburton1985
    Love this podcast
    This is one of my favorite parenting podcast! I’m a mom of 3 children one with special needs I love Erin she has such good advice.
  • lestoutable
    I started listening to this for the first time and was shocked that the host publicly asked for all positive feedback to be shared publicly but all negative feedback to be shared via email? I can understand the need to get constructive notes sent for organization purposes but this struck me. Are you trying to control it so no one else hears negative feedback?
  • 91nessa3
    Mom of 3 review ☺️
    I appreciate this podcast so much. I’m a single mom of 3! Almost 9, 3.5, 18 months. It’s wild! I put this podcast on as I put away laundry, do dishes, or pick up the toys. Erin’s voice is so relaxing. I’ve learned to many great things and I am eager to keep learning through this awesome parenting tool. Thank you! Happy new year!
  • JennLaw34
    Incredibly helpful
    There is no handbook for raising kids. As a stay at home mom to a three year old and a 6 month old the task of raising them to be confident, competent, secure people can feel overwhelming at times. I so value this podcast and the tools, tips, and knowledge that Erin shares each week. The episodes are relatively short. I have personally always enjoyed the tidbits of personal stories she shares. The focus always remains on providing tools to make the entire family successful. Thank you Erin for being an uplifting part of my week! Just the act of listening to this podcast gives me confidence that I am setting an intention to parent the best I can each day, and that’s really a win in my book.
  • CMichael1211
    BEST Parenting Podcast!
    I’ve listened to many of the top parenting podcasts and this one is my favorite! I love the warm yet firm approach. I learned how to set boundaries when I was really struggling and got my nightmare bedtimes and power struggles fixed using her approach! SO happy! She’s a relatable mom raising her kids and share her own experiences. I love knowing she’s facing challenges too and isn’t afraid to share them.
  • celebrateKate
    It’s ok
    Was hoping for more advice regarding my controlling toddler but the 30min podcast was filled with about 15mins of info and the rest commercials. A lot of the advice given was also for older kids and was hoping for younger. It’s got some good points but feel they’re might be better info with less commercials out there!
  • Kellybelly0801
    Very helpful
    These are very good advices! So glad I found this podcast! You have made my parenting job easier!
  • CKTonka
    Really tried to like it
    Episode 255, talking about a wall remodel for 10 min?? Tried to listen to a few other, too much rambling about herself. Not helpful.
  • NaturalVegasMami
    Not my cup of tea
    Sounds like it’s based for older children, maybe? Host says things like “don’t give them the attention” “ignore the toddler” “don’t look into their eyes” for a a child that’s a toddler!? Seems a bit too harsh. Not my cup of tea.
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Erin, host of the Parenting Beyond Discipline podcast, highlights all aspects of parenting, family and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Erin, host of the Parenting Beyond Discipline podcast, highlights all aspects of parenting and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • WTF420
    Sound Advice…if you only have children under 5
    I agree with the other poster, it’s hard to relate to much of this material as it doesn’t pertain to one of my children, the one I need the most advice with that’s 8 1/2. My other child is 16 months old, so much of this advice is premature but will most likely be of assistance in a few months. Since it’s a general parenting podcast it would be nice to include advice for parents of children of all ages, at least up until teens.
  • m_____e
    Waste of time
    Felt like a waste of precious time. Wanted to learn something and instead was left listening to a lengthy advertisement of sorts. No knowledge was passed on to listeners, just a constant if you take my classes you will find solutions to parenting struggles.
  • McDuff49
    Favorite Parenting Podcast
    This is my favorite parenting podcast. I appreciate that there isn’t a lot of fluff and that each episode has actionable items I can take and use. It has helped shift my mindset in the best way. Thank you.
    Wish there was more school age content
    I appreciate the FREE advice and sound information. Yes, she has a site and at times will encourage those seeking additional information to take one of her classes. I personally don’t have a problem with this, it’s an investment in your family. Yet, I see it was be wonderful to hear more pertaining to school age children.
  • TheBahamaLlama
    Packed with Quick Useful Tips
    Erin finds a way to squeeze useful tips and valuable insights into quick podcast sessions - an ideal solution for busy parents!
  • Anna3387
    One complaint but otherwise love it
    I love listening to these suggestions. So incredibly helpful thank you. Only complaint I have is, I wish you had your link for your classes on the iTunes podcast page to access easier. Unless I’m missing it some how I’m not very technologically savvy.
  • C.Caton
    Helpful but kind of condescending
    Host has lots of helpful parenting advice. The way she talks about her kids’ teachers is a huge turnoff for me, though.
  • jennybutlermd
    Helfpul answers to common questions
    I am enjoying the answers to questions that are sent in. I also enjoyed the episode from Colorado when you talked about self care. That person that emailed you and told you that you talked too much about yourself is pretty foolish. It makes me think they are just jealous that they don't have an amazing parenting podcast. Keep up the great work and thank you for being open and vulnerable with us
  • Anjsingh83
    Wonderful and a lifesaver
    I’ve been having basic developmentally appropriate issues with my three year old - really understanding the “threenager” term - and I checked this podcast out and it’s helped A LOT. Love it all. Thank you much!
  • 1385ds
    Love this podcast!!
    I have found this podcast to be so incredibly helpful already. My son is only 15 months old, but we have started to build a foundation of these concepts and suggestions so that as he grows and develops, we’ll be better equipped to handle the changes. Learning the “why’s” of his behavior has helped me have more patience and understanding with him. I share everything I’ve learned with my husband and my mom (our primary caregiver) so that we can all be on the same page. I also share the link to the podcast with anyone who has any questions about parenting. I’ve shared it so many times that I now have the link saved to my notes so that I can access it more quickly! Thanks for all the incredible work you are doing. I feel so much more prepared to tackle all the stages of parenting.
  • pkhsssss
    Plug for website
    Pretty good podcast but seems like a plug for online website and doesn't get into details as much.
  • Greenephoenician
    Love her approach
    Just wish there were more issues with content for Elementary age kids . I have been listening for a few years and now my kids have grown and sort of outgrown the podcast for helping me .
  • PRAT_TAN85
    life savior!
    I listen to several parenting podcasts but this is by far the best. I love this podcast so much that I recommend it to every parent I know. I was struggling so much my toddler lately and I had no idea how to deal with her tantrums and outburst of emotions in the right manner. The way Erin explains it using real life situations and giving practical solutions is amazing. Thank you so much Erin. I am eternally grateful.:)
  • jcodispoti
    Erin is our mentor
    I have been listening to this podcast since my daughter was around 6 months old (currently just over 2 years old). Erin has been our guiding light and mentor during this parenting process. I had ideas of how I planned to parent, which included time outs and reward charts, but by listening to this podcast, I learned why those (and more) are not good ideas for the long run, and what to do instead. This style of parenting has completely shaped our relationship with our daughter, and with each other and I truly feel it’s been a much more fulfilling journey than it would have been if we were “fighting against” our daughter, rather than “working with” her. Thank you Erin!!
  • J Dawe
    Life Changing!!
    I am a pediatric nurse practitioner and parent of 2 girls (2 and 9). I can not say enough good things about this podcast!!! It has truly changed the way I parent. I recommed the podcast and the classes to parents all the time as the information provided is easy to follow and reasearch focused. The classes are worth EVERY PENNY!!!
  • calli81257
    Inaccurate info
    SIDS is not the same thing as suffocation. Unfortunately, the confusion is part of why the research is so often misinterpreted. Suffocation is often caused by unsafe cosleeping in the US, not by families who follow safe cosleeping practices, just like others all over the world. This is suffocation, not sudden infant death syndrome, which is an unexplained occurrence of infant death. Unfortunately I discovered this inaccurate information during one of the first episodes I listened to, so I will no longer listen. I can’t support a station that does not ensure accurate research understanding. Please stop the fear lingering for no reason
  • TinaV1987
    What if they don’t understand
    I think everything you said it’s good advice but what if they are too young where they don’t understand? Like you said give choices when you said that I’m really? He doesn’t even know how to talk how is going to know that I’m giving choices. Do you have advice for when they are too young to understand or they aren’t at that point yet ?
  • Lover33whang
    Really one of the BEST parenting podcasts ever!
    Sensible advice, tips I can actually put into practice, specific reasons for certain decisions and actions that make sense! Just fabulous. Thank you. Also, Erin has such a soothing, pleasant voice.
  • ChelleGinee
    A ploy to get you to her website
    It’s obvious after listening to a few episode that she only puts out this podcast to get you to go to her website to sign up for classes. She rarely finishes the topic, stating that she is out of time and suggests you sign up for the class on her website about that particular topic. The birth order episode barely even scratched the surface of birth order. What a waist of time.
  • Ninjump player
    So informative, love this podcast!
    Very informative. Provides logical answers to so many daily parenting questions. This is exactly what I was looking for.
  • Ev Evy
    I love this podcast! It gives great advice and insight that us useful to raise kind, confident kids!
  • miekemama
    So very helpful, grateful to have found this podcast.
    I really appreciate the sound advice given in each episode. As an elementary educator I thought I had a good handle on infancy and toddlerhood. But, there are so many daily challenges that this podcast addresses that I had no idea would come up. I find myself talking with friends and my husband about each topic that I learn about. Keep up the great episodes. This mama of two little ones is benefiting greatly!!
  • :) Happy
    Thankful new listener
    So glad I stumbled upon this Podcast; it’s beyond helpful and encompasses a wide variety of helpful and important topics. As a mother of two toddlers (3&4), so many of these topics are really pertinent to my current life; and I feel like I’ve found a flashlight in the dark. Erin thank you, I really think you’re a rockstar and a master of your craft. I believe I’ve found a new role model to look up to!
  • Guy Zipp
    I DIDN’T Expect to learn anything
    I’m a father of two young daughters, and I’m a divorcé. To be frank, I was looking for a podcast on another subject and this show came up. Immediately seeing an episode on permissive vs. peaceful parenting, I downloaded it. Plus an episode on tantrums. Something about the flowery nature of the thumb nail made me expect soft conversations and flowery stories. I didn’t expect actual usable content. Apparently I am a permissive parent! And now I know what that is and how to work on it. I also know how to handle my daughters tantrums better as well. THIS podcast is useful and enjoyable and educational. I recommend this to anyone. I’m very impressed. Thanks for making a subscriber out of me.
  • Vail resident
    Perfect Easy-to-Listen with Real Takeaways
    I’ve tried several parenting podcasts and this is the best by far. I greatly appreciate the professional sound quality, and the amount of pre-planning that Erin must do before each episode is apparent. Each one is so well-thought-out and organized, flowing in a logical way that it is easy to listen and actually take something away rather than “what did I just learn?” Each podcast manages to hold my attention - no small feat for someone whose mind tends to wander!
  • High Impact Club
    Amazing episode
    I loved your episode about child discipline.
  • Jessamynlaura
    Title misleading
    By the title I expected for the parenting advice to be more outside of the box, respect based, positive parenting, connection based, etc. but I was disappointed to learn it’s not. There is some interesting discussion on topics unrelated to discipline, but overall it’s the same old conventional American parenting wisdom involving ultimatums, giving consequences, behavior modification techniques based on studying dogs, ignoring signals that your child need to connect with you and not allowing children to problem solve organically. Research shows that positive parenting (authoritative) shows the best results! Look at Denmark, the happiest country in the world, this positive style of parenting is what they have used for a long time now. The Danes do not regard a child having a tantrum as “manipulation” but a cry for help that a basic need is not being met, even if it seems they are only crying because they want a toy or something, this is not REALLY the reason. Often it is because you have ignored them all day and you dragged them to the store when they were tired and hungry. The child doesn’t know why they are throwing a tantrum, you as the parent need to figure it out, prevent it in future and give them some empathy! Ignoring a tantrum is teaching a child that their feelings are only relevant when we their parents have decided they are. Research Dr. Laura Markham for life changing advice on parenting and skip this podcast.
  • PandaAttack
    Overall Great, With minor issues
    Overall this podcast is a good listen. The host seems well informed and I defintiely learned some new things. It's great for parents who want to have a strong relationship with their child, while still maintaining the parent role. A thing that irked me was how often she touted the "millienials are self important narcissists because of participation trophies" mantra. There are frequent side comments giving stabs implying this. I fall into that age group, but I had authoritarian style parents and trophies weren't much of a factor in my life. It gets irritating hearing over and over, when I'd perfer to focus on parenting and not generation politics. While I understand her intention, I don't appreicate the condesending attitude towards multiple decades of people.
  • flared_jeans
    Birth order episode was unhelpful
    I listen to a lot of parenting podcasts on my commute. I decided to try this podcast somewhat on a whim and picked the episode on birth order. Some of the information was fascinating – I really appreciated the insight that siblings differentiate personalities to reduce competition – but much of the episode was simply a meandering meditation on this podcaster's specific children. I found myself fast forwarding over her personal anecdotes and then suddenly the episode was over. What? Anecdata is fine in small quantities and can help illuminate information, but I was flabbergasted that this person assumed that stories about her kids would qualify as an informative podcast about the psychology of birth order.
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