ClutterBug - Organize, Clean and Transform your Home


Maintaining your home doesn‘t have to be hard. Life is hard enough, your house shouldn‘t be adding to your stress and workload. In this podcast, I share REAL tips and advice to help lighten your load and make your home, and your life, much easier.

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Recent Reviews
  • LilC67
    Encouraging and Enjoyable
    Cass shares such great information and is so encouraging! I also laugh out loud because she is absolutely hilarious.
  • polkadottodot
    Used to love this podcast…
    …I used to LOVE this podcast, when Cass started out talking about the different kinds of “Clutterbugs” and ways to best organize based on your type, as well as her history and experience getting her home together. Now I’ve noticed a shift (ever since she mentioned listening to the super problematic Andrew Huberman podcast) where the show focuses on pseudo-science and pseudo-psychology to talk about cleaning and decluttering. Cass will take one fact she heard about the brain and extrapolate it to talk about cleaning and decluttering for a whole episode, with no scientific studies or factual research to back it up. I’m so bummed. She’s a super dynamic, fun host but I can’t listen to this anymore. Sorry Cass!
  • ncfjjchf
    Episode 221!
    Cas is the best!! The difference between her and other organization podcasts women is that she has actually BEEN WHERE WE ARE!! She’s not just teaching from a book, she has actually lived it !! I love you Cas! You’re changing my life as a fellow ADHD’r in my 40s. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • wiccanjh
    What an eye opening experience, I never really knew what exactly ADHD entails. Thank you so very much!
  • rue'
    You have changed my life
    Cas you are a life changer. I now have hope for a more peaceful home. I have a long way to go but listening to you empowers me to keep going. Thank you my forever friend ❤️❤️
  • Alivaden19
    I love cas! So motivational
    So funny and relatable and uses the Best analogies that really make you think! Love the analogy of your junk being squatters in your house. I feel like we are friends from listening to her podcast! Thank you Cas for making my life easier!
  • Supernatural Fan 68
    I am a super longtime listener, but just came across your full personal story and thank you so very much for sharing. I’m sure that was hard to put out there and I applaud you being so vulnerable in front of strangers, but this community adore you! You have come a long way, baby!
  • Francine368
    5 Habits
    WOW! Thank you for this podcast. Hearing all this to remind me, cause I got lost in the tornado of things and to dos, then can’t begin feeling overwhelmed. This is something I will listen to again for motivation.
  • sparky in Sequim
    My house has never been so tidy!
    Whenever I am feeling less motivated in regards to house chores, decluttering I just listen to Cass. I love her kind voice and positive motivational podcasts. Keep it up Cass, you’re amazing!
  • Icecreamdonuts
    Don’t understand the good reviews
    The first episode I listened to was a long rant of her condescending tone, as if she were speaking to children who were too lazy to clean their room. She made so many assumptions about the audience and it was an upward escalation of irritation on my drive to work. I wanted to give this podcast a chance, so I continued listening for months in case it was a one off episode that just turned me off. Overall, this podcast isn’t for me, but if you have ADHD, like to be scolded like a child, enjoy her inability to share the microphone with her guests and speak all over them, like to listen to long, drawn out speech with repeating comments said in different ways, then this is the podcast for you!
  • MaryKourieh
    Your adhd episode was so touching. Really made me remember moments from childhood, as well as consider the words I say around my children.
  • pdcali38
    Hope it gets better. Still waiting for the cluttering tips. Been listening and the first 15 minutes have the host and guest chatting. Where are the tips??
  • Mes1220
    Look forward to it every week
    Cas is so relatable! Wether it’s talking about struggling with ADHD, or just normal adulting life, she is always encouraging me to get and and do something to push the needle forward. I look forward to her new episodes weekly, and also being her past episodes when I need a extra bit of inspiration and motivation. I love that she gives me real tools to improve my live while also being so relatable, that I’m not the only one struggling.
  • Madgehart
    Find it painful to listen now
    I love your work, Cas, and I continue to listen. But every time I do I think about your little dig being neglected and barking in that terrible boarding place and then seizing and dying of dehydration. I know you just wanted to share, but we have burdens of our own. I relive that story whenever I hear your voice. Please follow up and help us to heal from that event as you probably have now.
  • Let’s Be kind
    Favorite podcast!
    You are my favorite. I love to hear about you and your family, while learning tips and tricks every time! You are authentic, hilarious, and kind.
  • michelle.perry713
    Thank You!
    Just Thank you ! End Stop!
  • BrooklynNonni
    Alexandra Gater and You!!! Bonus ❤️
    I had goosebumps and also tears in my eyes listening to the both of you! Women lifting other women, nothing better! I have watched and loved you both since your beginnings. This podcast will remain a favorite of mine and I will listen to it again and again. You both are part of my special table that I think about, having all my inspirations together having a talk. Thank you again. A Brooklyn, New York girl living in Texas (the Grandkids brought me here 😀)
  • Dun5Delrey
    The right solutions at the right time
    Thank you Kat! I’ve been a fan of Clutterbug for a few years, and your stuff just gets better and better. After listening to your pod on lighting, I went to Amazon and click, click, click, updated the bulb colors in every room, and what a difference! I love the idea that a small change can feel really big. As a side, in our house, “Clutterbug” has become borderline pejorative, sadly. With three kids, I’m a daily declutterer. There’s a lot of turnover. So when an item “goes missing” my kids will say dismissively “The Clutterbug took it.”
  • annabailey
    Loving this podcast. Simply motivational and she encourages so well!!
  • caregiver times two
    Episode-Steps for Big Goals
    Class has identified exactly where I have been stuck. As she points out, it’s all pie in the sky wishful thinking without identifying the steps that lead to a goal and taking action. Writing them down is key. Thank you, Cass for this insightful podcast. Understanding my bug type has changed my outlook and enabled me to organize in the way that feels natural now.
  • eg060416
    A little too much complaining…
    I have listened to the podcast for some time now and there is no doubt that there is valuable information here, but I can’t get over how she talks about and refers to her family. Some episodes that I have heard her give examples about her husband and kids are just really lean towards the negative side. Obviously this is just my opinion, and she has a lot people that really love her podcast, but I just don’t. It’s not for me
  • G Place
    #204 Fantastic and inspiring way to start 2024
    I love her honesty about her journey to being tidy. She has a great way to help you see why you have clutter and gives you great suggestions to get yourself to the point you want to be. This particular episode is a great one to listen to at the beginning of the year when people are already thinking about making changes. When I want inspiration or motivation to tackle my clutter I can always listen to an episode and it really helps me out.
  • Wisconsin Educator
    A bit cringeworthy…
    I genuinely wish that the first episode I listened to hadn’t been the one with you tirelessly putting down another professional woman. Even P. Walsh was clearly embarrassed by this. You may think it doesn’t matter, but here’s a teacher tip, your audience needs to find you likable in order to want to learn from you. Hope it was a one-time vibe and best of luck!
  • Mo426
    Discovered by happy accident
    Discovered Cas by accident when I fell asleep watching something on discovery plus and woke up to her show and now I’m obsessed! I love the podcast too! Her voice is so soothing and she gives so much great information and is encouraging.
  • crissylea123
    Cas is the best
    I love the clutter if podcast, it really helps me get in the mindset to get some stuff done around the house
  • BrendaKeil
    You are awesome! Thanks for all the good you put into this world. I love listening to what you have to say. Your personality shines & thanks for showing up weekly and making me want to become the person I know I can be.
  • cassfangirl
    Thank you
    Cass you and minimal mom are my favorite! You both have helped me so much. Thank you. One way that helps me focus on my core values over the holidays is to read the Christmas story in the Bible. It puts everything into perspective every time!!! Luke 2:1-20. Christmas miracles! So beautiful and hopeful and the reason for the gifts and love that we celebrate. Blessings to you wonderful lady!
  • marilf14
    Love Your Podcast!
    Your motivation is so helpful! My favorite way to clean is to put your podcast on and get SO motivated to get my house better! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Hakshed
    Fight like a warrior.
    I enjoyed listening to this. I felt like she had a camera in my home. How did she know all these feelings and emotions I have for my stuff. Lol. Thank you for this. My 1 hour starts now.
  • Mbrohms
    Love this podcast!
    Cassandra is so relatable! I am inspired to get back in there and declutter. She shares so many great ideas. This is helpful and I feel hopeful about getting my home in order.
  • Wishful_Thinking19
    This is the most sincere, honest, and authentic podcast I’ve listened to. I really appreciate Cas’s vulnerability and openness. Thank you!
  • believe survivors
    The Warrior episode
  • Msauce in the CLE
    The episode on recharging really hit home. When I have moments where I think binging on Netflix is what I need, I realize pretty quickly that it didn't really give me the recharge and rest I needed. Alternately, if I spend a relaxing day going on a slow walk with my dog, or working in the garden, even taking my time to prep a meal, but without hurry if possible, I feel recharged and accomplished and rested. It's about setting up a day where I don't have to hurry around and stress.
  • Bringamessss
    Fight like a WARRIOR episode
    Best cleaning motivational podcast ever! I’m not a touchy-feely personality type, so it’s difficult to find a good cleaning motivational podcast to listen to while cleaning. As soon as podcast hosts start talking in that “I understand… and it’s okay” voice, I am done. I keep on searching. Then I found this fight like a warrior episode. Wow! Exactly what I want to hear. I am relistening to it this week for REAL cleaning motivation. Haven’t found anything else like it. It’s my favorite so far. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 Didn’t paint my face, but great visual. 😁
  • longingly cenimatic
    I love to listen this podcast while cleaning
    Over the past few years we lost my wife’s Dad and several elderly grandparents. We kept a lot of stuff for “emotional reasons” and absorbed a couple of households, not horder level but a lot. Since I discovered this podcast I have remodeled one room and cleaned out our garage, re-organized the kitchen. Life seems much better. Also your episode on ADHD made me rethink medication.
  • KDH1237
    I’m a Funk
    I’ve listened to most of her episodes and re-listen to many when I need motivation to move forward. Specifically, her “In a Funk” episode from August 2021 is saved because that episode always seems to bring me back to a good headspace when I’m in a funk. Her words, kindness and empathy are always helpful in pushing me to commit to the right steps or re-commit when needed - Thanks Cass!!
  • Malinda Claire
    Life changing
    Cass is changing my life, one piece of clutter at a time. I have re-listened to her episodes over and over— her name has become a staple in our home! She gives me the tips and motivation I need to take back my space and start living a more fulfilling life. Thank you, Cass, from the bottom of my heart for helping me make big changes and finally have the home I’ve dreamed of!
  • E. M. M. A.
    Favorite Podcast
    You are my favorite “life teacher” of all time! Your podcasts and YouTube videos always make my week. Thank you for making real life content. You have such valuable things to say. I am forever impacted.
  • Jess28<3
    Helpful and inspiring
    Cas is fun to listen to and talks to you like a friend. This is one of my favorites to listen to right now on my journey to take control of my home. I get motivation and inspiration every time I listen.
  • PugLove94
    Down to earth and fun
    I’ve been listening to this podcast, among others, for a while now. And this has definitely become one of my comfort podcasts to listen to not only just when I’m cleaning, but when I’m feeling stressed out. It gives me that motivation and inspiration to get moving and get my house clean, but also have grace for myself at the same time, which is not something I get from my other cleaning podcasts. I will be a loyal listener for years to come!
  • m1985-x
    First world problems!
    Complaining about the new, large house you just purchased is just down right annoying. Try to have a more positive mind set and appreciate what you do have.
  • Goods to Give
    Honesty, Hopeful & Hilarious
    It has taken me over a decade to “clear out my goods.” I have had so much emotional baggage with my stuff. I love her guest speakers that have helped me figure out why I do the things I do and give me solutions. Moreover, I appreciate Casandra’s candidness in her struggles and the process she has gone through. I am proud to be a “butterfly” 🦋and rejoice in the other bugs 🦗🐞🐝 styles too.
  • DaJoyK
    Like my cooky good friend
    Best podcast. I feel like she’s my friend, no idea how the insides of our heads are so alike. I am often cracking up at her ending stories. Cas is SO funny, her way of being so normal and just still gets us normal folk still battling the inner slob. Gives me hope because I don’t see my adhd ever leaving fully. She has a balance of exploring, tough love, and slow and steady for different people. 5 stars fo sho.
  • Brooke in North Dakota
    Best organizing podcast!
    I love to listen to this podcast. Cas is so real and down to earth and her experience in organizing is incredible. I listen to her episodes multiple times and I gain so much knowledge and tricks that I can use in my life. She is by far my favorite podcaster out there. She has made such a difference in my life.
  • jfalansimm
    The push that I needed!
    The past few years I was extremely stressed out dealing with helping my elderly dad on a non stop basis, personal issues, getting two dogs for my son (that stay downstairs) gaining weight on antidepressants before Covid, etc. I started to self medicate buy shopping on Amazon way too much, especially after my father who was my only living parent (no grandparents) had passed away last year. I was physically and mentally checked out and wasn’t tidy anymore. “Shopping therapy” got out of control. Everything was cluttered even though I still kept things “clean” such as doing laundry, dishes, vacuuming fur up everyday downstairs, etc. Now I’m starting to throw junk away, donate my smaller sized clothing and extra shoes to a refugee family (which was like Christmas for them), foster facilities, and to the Goodwill. I now realize that I don’t need my dad’s expensive medical equipment that paid for (walkers, etc) cluttering my garage. I can part with items now after learning my personality type. I now understand that the money has already been spent and I can re-home my shopping spree items. I can finally see my kitchen table again and now I’m working on the upstairs of my home. Thanks so much for helping me to give myself PERMISSION to part with items that are no longer needed!
  • SoVeryBright
    Changed my life
    Learning my organizational type from Cass has literally changed my life. I was organizing for a different organizing style. Now that I am organizing for a butterfly, I am staying organized for the first time ever! She is real and she is honest. I can relate to her struggles and she offers such practical solutions. I am so grateful for all of the work that she puts out there, and especially these podcasts.
  • sammylbrown
    Please don’t disparage other organizers
    I’m a long time follower of the ClutterBug podcast and YouTube channel but will be unsubscribing. I’ve always appreciated Cass for her humor and emphasis on being kind to yourself as you work to find a system that suits you. It was really disappointing to listen to her put down other organizers in this latest episode, and while I’ve certainly heard harsher comments, listening to Cass make fun of organizers whose styles don’t resonate for her or whose reputations she finds overblown apparently as a method of gassing up her own organizing hero made some of her prior emphasis on giving yourself some grace and celebrating any system that works for you ring false. I hope this was a fluke in the tone for ClutterBug, but I personally will be taking a break and seeking out my inspiration from other media with a more positive vibe.
  • tgayer
    Awesome information and inspiration!
    The ClutterBug podcast is awesome! Cas passes along all the info she’s gleaned as an organizer and a self-help book junkie. She’s fun to listen to, and the info is life-changing!
  • Farm*life
    Life changing insights today- thank you!!!
  • HolAnnBro
    Excellent, insightful, relatable, informative podcast
    Cas, I remember you from the beginning days of your YouTube. You started wonderfully and have evolved so beautifully! Your topics and even inflections in your voice are perfect for podcasting. It’s all insightful, helpful, relatable, and informative. I’m learning so much! Thank you!
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