
Design #33

Clever is a window into the humanity behind the design of the world around us. In each episode, designer Amy Devers has candid and revealing conversations with the visionaries, culture-makers, and creative forces who shape our world and inform our society. Through raw candor and honest shop-talk, Clever peels back the layers to unearth the gritty, authentic and sometimes surprising details of their creative paths.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Recent Reviews
  • Lia.moudi
    Amazingly amazing
    Clever is the only podcast I listen to. I am a graphic designer/art director and listening to all these people make feel less wired. I learn a lot and enjoy it tremendously. Thank you Amy Devers for the great show!
  • pezz26
    Great podcast, but there are way too many commercials.
  • kcowwww9
    Less gushing
    Trying to like this design centered podcast, but I canā€™t with the hostā€™s constant unnecessary and obviously unauthentic giggling after every other another review said ā€œgushingā€
  • diehdbdidbidbdketrowlanxbrveg
    Clever Confidential is a Winner
    The Clever podcast remains the best design podcast around, and their spinoff "Clever Confidential" is a winner. Their deep dives are edgy and informative, and the addition of Andrew Wagner is pure genius!
  • paco17
    Inspiring & thought provoking
    Every episode is full of thoughtful conversations about not only the creations of designers but challenging ideas about how we interact with our world and the role of design. The conversations are genuine and flowing. Love it.
  • LeahMCN
    This show is a smart contemporary look into the design word
    The Clever podcast is one of the best podcasts about design that I have found in my quest to know more about art. Amy Devers and Jamie Derringer are connected to the world that they inhabit and bring a behind the scenes perspective with the designers they interview. Itā€™s fun to listen to these interesting conversations and step into their unique, complex and beautiful worlds. It has been great to be able find this smart relevant artistic audio resource like CLEVER Podcast that has helped me understand more about who the movers and shakers in the design industry are. -Sam P
  • Dill BeBasio
    X2 super woke white ladies
    ā€œGushingā€ is the best word I can come up with for these two RISD Beckys.. when any woke topics are brought up.. gag me with a spoon šŸ„„ šŸ¤¢
  • Wagsissticks
    Always a big fan
    Talking about design is always hard. The folks at Clever have figured out how to bring a highly visual medium to vivid life with just their (and their guests) words. And if youā€™re dying for some visuals, well then, check out their accompanying blog and social presence. Good stuff! Thank you Clever!
  • Ty622
    Finally! -UPDATED
    Iā€™m very glad that thereā€™s now a good podcast that is for designers, by designers. Thereā€™s always an interesting guest who has great insights into design and the world at large. Iā€™d love to see some University of Cincinnati grads on as guests, as the design program at DAAP is world-class. Thereā€™s a clear bias towards RISD faculty and alumni. UPDATE: as the years have gone by, Iā€™ve noticed an unfortunate trend of the host injecting her own personal politics into some of these interviews. This should be a program focused solely on design, not a place to forward any personal beliefs they may have about topics unrelated to design... Bad form.
  • Omar Elmady
    My favorite podcast
    Wow. What a joy to listen to this podcast! The guests are always vivid and very much alive. The hosts have such soul and passion. I love it!
  • CX Newbie
    Extremely Insightful and Engaging
    I'm always looking for good interior design podcasts, and this is one of the best I've come across! It's a good mix of focus on the human and the designer. Something that really sticks out to me consistently is the great questions that the hosts ask. The conversations are really insightful and flow extremely well.
  • obacker19
    Empowering, insightful and actionable! šŸ”„
    Whether youā€™re well established as someone who can translate creative energy into the impact you want to have on the world, or just getting started - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Amy does an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of building a thriving career and life you can be proud of as a designer - from leaders who are actually walking the path right now. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • 1decorfreak
    One of the top design podcasts in my book!
    I love how they really dig into the whole story of a creativeā€™s journey. Excellent guests, interviews, questions, and insights. Look forward to each new episode.
  • Katie Haremski
    I Canā€™t Recommend This Enough
    This show is such a gem. If you call yourself a creative then you need to listen to this.
  • Number1156
    Such a fun, interesting, and thoughtful look at any and all aspects of design & creativity! The depth & breadth of the amazing people being interviewed is like no other. And the wisdom, joy, creative thought and processes shared by people most of us would never have a chance to meet or know in any other way is a gift. Thanks! This is inspiring & one of my go-to podcasts for when I am creating. šŸ˜ƒ
  • Goal god
    Amy and Jaime get some of the most influential designers to give up an hour of their time for the same questions: tell us about your childhood, howā€™d you start [insert company or profession here], whatā€™s your process like. The absolute least they could do is at least try to think of a question based on the conversation and the insight the guest is offering. Content aside, Amy seems to always be yelling at her mic which makes listening a painful endeavor while Jaime has an ever-present echo so it sounds like they record it in a bathroom.
  • whoisjanet
    I love it
    Iā€™m a student and this podcast has opened my mind to all kinds of new ideas and designs. I love learning about how people made it as artists and designers. I would love to hear more advice for students from each guest. New episodes canā€™t come soon enough
  • Auds82
    Canā€™t get enough!
    I am late to the game, I know, but I just discovered this podcast and I am totally enamored! These ladies are wonderfully insightful and are showing such deep content into the lives and minds into creatives. I feel inspired, enlightened and less alone in my crazy mind every episode. Thank you Jamie and Amy for this concept and its fantastic execution!
  • immodad
    I heard about Clever when creator Amy Devers did a panel at parents weekend at RISD, where my child had just started. I must admit Iā€™m one of the art school parents a little worried their child has signed up for a lifetime as a starving artist. But I started listening to this podcast and am amazed at the number of creators/designers featured who have found wonderfully interesting and rewarding careers using their creativity. The interviewers always make the designer go back to their childhood to tell them what inspired them to be so outside the box and it is always engaging even when I have never heard of this person, which is usually. I highly recommend it to all, but particularly to parents of creative types!
  • bdjixksnbhhabs
    I love this podcast so much. The interviewers ask the right questions and the conversation flow always feels genuine and intentional. As a art and design student itā€™s important to hear the process and journey of designers and this podcast lays it out in such a helpful way! I feel motivated and inspired when I hear about the tribulations a variety of designers have faced and Iā€™ve picked up many bits of advice and philosophy that I can incorporate in my own life moving forward. Thank you!!!!!!!
  • Gymphobicnomore
    A must for designers and beyond
    I started listening to clever when they interviewed my design leader. They did an amazing job excavating the insight and inspiration of not only him but all subjects they interview. Iā€™ve left every interview with new inspiration and hunger to progress my own design career. So many amazing ideas to explore in our short time on this pale blue starship.
  • designmilk addict
    deeply personal and insightful
    dear amy and jaime, thank you for sharing your intoxicating joy and passion in these interviews. i love the insightful is rare to learn about the personal side of these designers and you two make it so easy and relatable. BRAVO!!
  • buddysayhi
    A fave.
    I love this podcast because it mixes both brains and heart seamlessly to keep the conversations intriguing. Interesting guests that I would not have otherwise heard of. I like that they are not afraid to laugh at themselves and also be frank about their own challenges.
  • mariobanderfa67
    this podcast is bad. the interviewers are ditzes frankly- they ask boring questions and constantly laugh while the guest is speaking. they also exclaim ā€œcoolā€ and ā€œwowā€ like children. nothing about this is profound
  • zneliana
    Could be better
    I donā€™t feel comfortable when the interviewers repeatedly interrupt the stories to say anything meaningful, too many confirmation onomatopoeias. In the other hand even when I like that they ask about childhood and beginning of the guestā€™s career, I think the final segment when they review the talk commenting the same that the guest already said, is not necessary at all. I wanted to like this podcast but for me it still needs rethinking the way theyā€™re conducting the interviews.
  • TootsiePapi
    I really wanted to like this but I can't look past how the interviewers so regularly interupt the guests mid sentence to talk about themselves. I also could do without the last segment of each show where they recap the interview; that muddied everything for me.
  • marthapg
    Great interviewees
    Whatā€™s great about Clever are the folks interviewed and what they have to say about their lives. The show has three main problems, though: 1) The hosts never deviate from the same q&a format... the questions they ask are exactly the same from one guest to another. As a listener who hung on a bit too long, this got very boring. Even the summaries of the episodes look like fill-in-the-blanks. 2) The hosts often interrupt the guests mid-sentence to talk about themselves. 3) Once the interview is over, the hosts spend approximately 10 minutes gushing over a given guest and repeating everything the guest already said, but much less eloquently. The episodes are already quite long... I really wish an editor with fresh eyes would come in and give this part of the show the axe. For a long time I just remembered to hit pause before this part started, but today I decided to write this review in hopes that the show could be improved. Clever had so much potential and I love the designers, architects, etc. that are brought on to share. Hereā€™s hoping the producers get out of their way and let them share their amazing selves with less interruption and unnecessary commentary.
  • sloanesexton
    Design Student
    As a design student, nothing is better to work to than something that also makes you grow as a designer! I love how inspired I feel listening to these stories.
  • L. Quiche
    So Inspiring!
    Iā€™m a young creative and I love listening to this and learning more about all different areas of design. This podcast makes me want to create more and do better with design. I love Amy and Jaime and how personable and down to earth their conversations are. Since I started listening I have shared so much of what Iā€™ve learned just in everyday conversations. 20/10 would recommend
  • CBennettCreates
    Wholistic Exposure
    Great podcast - Iā€™ve learned of so many new Creatives in different realms of the artistic world I otherwise wouldnā€™t have found through this podcast. Itā€™s also great to hear interviews from people who work at companies I work with regularly. Some of my favorite episodes are with employees or Owners of companies in the trades and contract world. This podcast keeps my creative passion flowing!
  • Keekmojo
    Like, lame, like wow man
    Lame questions. Lots of ā€œwow. Thatā€™s so cool.ā€ Really? Two Valley Girls who embarrass themselves and waste the time of talented designers. The Azerrad episode was beyond cringeworthy. One of the Kardashians could ha e done better. Donā€™t waste your time. Listen to the DNA (Design and Architecture)podcast instead.
  • Joadal_
    Statt Design
    Clever is a warm conversation with artists. There is exciting conversation going through the lives of designers. There are all these sparks of inspiration in each episode to see how art affects the guests as they develop their skills and eye for expression.
  • ccarwell
    Inspiring and Informational!
    Love love love this podcast! It is so difficult to find down-to-earth practical yet inspirational design podcasts and this one has now shot right up to my number one. The ladies have wonderfully insightful questions and the guests are open and vulnerable. I will also add - the voices and cadence of the audio is so easy to listen to which is another rarity in the dry architectural podcast world. I am so appreciative for Clever and am sending out gracious good vibes to Amy and Jaime for putting this out in the world!
  • HopsFan1234
    Insightful and Fun
    The hosts do a great job of getting the whole picture of the designers they interview, from their upbringing, how their business got off the ground and what they're up to now. Some of my favorites were David Trubridge, Harry Allen and David Weeks.
  • RobofTexas
    My favorite podcast!
    I love this podcast. You just never know what will be discussed, and there is a wide variety in the type of design being discussed. Over time, I've seen a pattern in the lives of designers. I find it very interesting and encouraging.
  • Tom Tiner
    My Brain is Tingling
    Thank you both! Iā€™m a busy mom but your thought provoking podcast has enlighten the way I view the world and influence my children. Iā€™ve started my list: Epiphanic Quotes from Clever 1. Irreducible Complexity
  • Marilyn mcd
    A great way to spend an hour!
    I discovered the Clever Podcasts about a month ago. They are so inspiring and fun to listen to. Iā€™ve listened to at least 20 past episodes. They open your eyes to highly talented people who are so creative in many different ways. I love hearing about their childhood and how they found their path toward a career in design. I think Amy and Jamie ask the best questions and it generates a great dialogue. Truly a great way to spend an hour listening and learning.
  • Kulpio
    Much needed!!
    This podcast is probably the only design podcast that really gives you good insight as well as inspiration and most importantly motivation. I love it.....really love it
  • Singer Kate
    This is a wonderful podcast, well done with excellent guests and hosts. Very inspiring to hear the guests talk about their work and tell teir stories. I also really appreciate the intelligence and curiosity of the hosts. Brava!
  • Ilana yaker
    Awesome podcast!
    Honest, funny, insteresting, inspiring...what else can I say. Love your podcast!
  • Be Rad Lee
    Deep dive into the people behind great design
    Such a great format that delves into the minds of the people behind the designs we know and love. Unlike most design media, these ladies delve into the personal side of their guests, and itā€™s fantastic!
  • Mountain Lou
    Wonderful and fun
    This is a wonderfully entertaining and insightful podcast. Love the complete snapshot the hosts provide on their subjects and the backstories. Love it!
  • kev_paris_88
    Designer's Favorite Food!
    I just stumbled upon this while working at the office and can't stop listening. Inspiring, sharp, new-wave! Thanks Amy and Jamie
  • Scribblesandbits
    It is a combination of the hosts' style and the quality of the interviewees that make this podcast stand out. Jaime and Amy hosts bring their curiosity, enthusiasm and compassion to each interview, resulting in an authentic and unique conversation each time. It is inspiring, refreshing and always exciting - I never know what I am going to learn or discover! Looking forward to many more episodes by this dynamic duo.
  • Interior Designer Marina
    Great for creatives
    I really love listening to this podcast. I enjoy hearing about the background of the guests and their stories. It's a great mix of all types of creatives and there's something to learn from each episode. Great guest finds, keep it up! Marina, principal of Marina V Design Studio
  • Elle11511!!
    Every episode is intriguing and gets the creative juices going for me. Thank you!
  • Cmurphydesigns
    Great conversations!
    Iā€™m really enjoying this podcast. Conversations are insightful and very inspiring. Iā€™ve been waiting for a podcast about Design that was both entertaining and thought provoking. Keep it up. Loved the Debbie Millman interview.
  • Amy Genser
    Love it!
    I enjoy listening while I work. I am inspired by the love of design by both the designers and Jamie and Amy. Canā€™t wait for more. Thank you.
    Each episode is as interesting and inspiring as the last and I can't get enough! So appreciative of the thoughtful questions and candidness of the guests. Thank you for the endless inspiration, Amy and Jaime!
  • eyemusing
    My "Go To"
    This is the podcast I listen to while I work, when I walk long distances or have to sit through a dark tunnel (subway), or just when I want inspiration. The podcast is pretty relaxed with great guests. Love it!
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