Genius Network

Marketing #107

Genius Network® is the place high level entrepreneurs go to get their next big breakthrough with access to connection, contribution, and collaboration not available anywhere else. The best minds on the planet in business from over 10 countries and 188 niche industries are thrilled to call the Genius Network their own. Joe Polish Presents The Genius Network Show: the world’s greatest wisdom from the world’s top experts. Ranging from exclusive presentations from luminaries like Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, and Brendon Burchard, to Ten Minute Talk ® presentations from Genius Network Members including Dean Graziosi, J.J. Virgin, Cameron Herold and more. The Genius Network Show gives you a glimpse into this amazing community.

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Recent Reviews
  • Spiff777
    The Jenius Show
    With the less common “J” spelling.
  • RayFein
    Great Topics that Keep you coming back
    Great show with very helpful and thought provoking topics. I’ve learned a lot from this podcast and gained some key tools I can use in business.
  • Brett1000
    Among the Best
    One of the best deep dives into business and life lessons that you will find in the podcast space . Joe asks all the right questions to a stellar array of amazing guests.
  • Fizzle Whiz
    Genius Concepts
    Exceptional ideas and principles to accomplish whatever you choose.
  • Stacey Shapiro
    Awesome podcast!
    I am loving this podcast! Joe Polish packs every episode with tons of amazing content, guests, and interviews that will motivate, uplift and inspire you. I highly recommend!
  • Tara Zirker
    Binge Worthy!
    This is one of the most valuable podcasts. It’s nearly impossible to listen to most of the episodes without taking copious notes or giving it a re-listen. Seriously so valuable. Thanks Joe, Dean, and guests!
  • So easy to listen to!
    Joe is an incredible human being.
    I find that the people I resonate with the most are the people who aren't afraid to share their stories with the mission of inspiring and helping others with it, and Joe is absolutely one of those people. His story is incredible, his business is incredible, and his mission to both help entrepreneurs become more successful and decrease the stigma surrounding addiction is so, so powerful. As for his podcast... Joe creates the perfect mixture of business, life, and health into his podcast, and his guests have shared so many powerful insights. Thank you for making this available to the world!
  • bionrice
    Life changer
    Joe Polish is a phenomenal human being. I am so grateful for what he is doing for the world and for me personally. As a result of his 10x podcast and this series of inspiring interviews, I have woken up and become motivated to pursue my ambitions without fear.
  • PBI Brother Alex
    Treasure Chest of Treasure Maps
    Joe Polish is the most "connected" interviewer on the planet. It's a little annoying because I've done over 4,200 interviews myself since 1993 and I still can't get the quality of the Thought Leaders that Joe has on his show ... unless he refers them to me - hahaha. Listening to Joe's GN podcast is NOT just having a treasure map that leads to a treasure chest full of gold and riches ... rather, the GN podcast is like handing you a treasure map that leads to a treasure chest full of other TREASURE MAPS! BACKSTORY: I listen to Joe's interviews while I'm working out in the gym. The guys and gals who are pumping iron often overhear a segment and end up asking me (in-between sets - lol), "What podcast is that?"and then I tell them. I recommend you SUBSCRIBE and listen to the Genius Network Podcast give it 5 stars. I also recommend you share this podcast with at least 2 colleagues: The first could be one of your strategic alliance partners, with whom you can share new ideas as a result of listening to a specific GN segment. The second one should be a friend or colleague who has lost hope in growing their business. Let the GN Podcast (and Joe's guest) recharge and infect them with new hope to rejuvenate their business! I'm totally serious because that's what I've done.
  • Betska1
    Lessons from industry transformers!
    Joe's podcast opens your eyes to possibilities you haven't even thought of yet. The speakers he invites on this program are the ones defining where business is headed. If you want to stay ahead of the game...this podcast is a must!
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome Podcast
    Joe host of Genius Network highlights all aspects of managment and marketing in this can’t miss podcast. The host and expert guests offer insightful advice that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Pipe75
    Joe is the King of Marketing
    Joe has the ability to extract from the best, the best information to reach us through this podcast. The value is incalculable of what we can get from the interviews he does.
  • John R. Collins
    Entrepreneurial Intelligence - Democratized
    Now anyone can access the world's best entrepreneurial insights & minds - for free!
  • Big krow
    Who doesn't love Joe and all this valuable info! Huh? Fagetabout it!!!
  • cpay_32
    Joe Polish INSPIRES
    Joe is the most quotable person I follow, and to think he came from such adversity and challenges just blows my mind and makes me want to dream big and execute! Thank you for this....Peter D and Tony R were ELECTRIC on the stage with Joe in 2015 at 25k and this podcast does not disappoint either! You show by example what is possible. I'll be listening to this while I run every week. Thanks Joe! Robyn Openshaw
  • IncrediHill
    I love marketing, do you?
    Great podcast, Joe Polish is a rockstar. He's one of the best because he surrounds himself with the best. Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis on episode 1, nuff said.
  • Peter Louis Kaczynski
    A BRUTALLY HONEST review of Joe Polish's Genius Network Stuff
    When I was at one of the lowest points in my life (living off of credit cards, buying my clothes from the Goodwill store, receiving foodstamps from the government, and living in a run-down studio apartment) I decided to make a change in my life and focus my efforts on education. Being in need of some fast cash (and with plenty of free time on my hands) I decided to spend 40+ hours a week at the local public library listening to Joe's "I Love Marketing" & "Genius Network" podcasts so I could educate myself enough to start my own business. Well... to make a long story short... six months later I was no longer living in that studio apartment. Nope! Instead I was living undrneath a freeway in a cardboard box, sucking on a bottle of Night Train... cursing the day that I "met him". I'm kidding. Here's the real truth... Joe Polish is a "Marketing God." His advice (if you follow it) will make you rich. He very well may be the #1 marketing mind on the planet. - Peter Louis P.S. Oh hey... one last thing... Joe Polish is probably the most honest, ethical person I have ever met. If he ever needs a kidney... I'll be there for him.
  • Jessica Zielke
    If you love this podcast you must check out 10x talk with Joe Polish & Dan Sullivan.
  • doctorrugs
    Good as gold
    Absolutely love Joe's nuggets.... Nuggets of wisdom that is!!!
  • Stask007
    Awesome, insightful interviews
    Joe brings immeasurable value to this world. I so enjoy all the content he creates.
  • bizusa
    I am Loving it
    Every word in this interview is important. It took my 3 hours to listen this interview and taking notes. This interview is a guide line for someone entire life.
  • Thaddeus Gala
    Timeless wisdom
    I love how the care and generosity towards others is genuine and woven into everything Joe does. The world needs more Joes. Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
  • McTaz343
    The very best of the best
    Knowledge is potential / The Application of knowledge is power! These sessions provide both the what needs doing and how to do it the rest (the why and the execution) are on you. Listen / Learn / Do - you will be flippin AMAZED at yourself!
  • MassageChairGuy
    Chief Connection Officer
    Joe Polish "Is Your GURU" All entrepreneurs MUST have exposure to his Marketing expertise... Podcasts...Wisdom... Insights... He is a Sellution Specialist... Listen to what he has to say... absorb it... Apply it... It will change your LIFE!
  • sipandom
    I get to be a fly on the wall
    I'm such a big fan of I Love Marketing where Joe has shared many presentations from Genius Network. I was thrilled to hear he was launching an entire podcast dedicated to these presentations. I feel like I get to be a fly on the wall at Joe's exclusive annual event of world class business leaders!
  • TheChipper
    Holy crap--this is free?!!
    Full disclosure: I love Joe Polish. Not in a creepy way--but the man has changed my life. I've gotten his Pirahna Marketing course from Nightingale-Conant, I've listened to literally EVERY ONE of his and Dean Jackson's, "I Love Marketing," podcasts; and I've geeked out over his 10X Talks with Dan Sullivan. I've implemented a LOT of these into my businesses, and as a result, they have become much more ELF (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun). As I understand the Genius Network format--we're getting the very top level marketing, business, and personal development information in the WORLD...and it's FREE. Seriously, I LOVE technology like this that blesses lives. I was lucky enough to be there at the Genius Event where Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis had this talk in the first podcast--and JUST this is life changing. "Find something that you'd die for, and go live for that!" --P.D. I can't wait to hear more. Thank you so much for putting out this wisdom for the ages, Joe.
  • umanzorjulio
    I have better sleep, in a better financial standing, better relationships, clear on my goals, and became a better all around person listening to these two! Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandes and Joe Polish! Love this
  • CzTheDay4U
    Genius network
    Awesome information! A home run!
  • lbryan
    Genuis Network Will Make You A Genuis ;)
    Joe has cureated some of the top minds in the world and this podcast will showcase them! If you want to learn from those who have gone before you in the areas of business, marketing, spirituality, healthy, philanthropy, you name it, the top players will be featured here! Highly recommend.
  • Peter Scott IV Fearless
    Access decades of wisdom in 30 min. from the world's most brilliant minds.
    Before I was introduced to Joe Polish and The Genius Network I was a "Wantrepreneur". I wanted to start a business, but I was terrified of the responsibility, the unknown, and leaving the false security of my paycheck behind. Since learning directly from Joe Polish and many of the brilliant people he's interviewed, I am now 3 years into my entrepreneurial journey and am impacting lives in ways I once only dared to imagine. Simply put, this podcast will help you collapse time. Each episode condenses decades of wisdom, failures, and strategies into 30 minutes of your time. I simply would not be where I am today if it wasn't for the wisdom I've learned from Joe and his Genius Network members.
  • Ringg100
    Best Network Ever
    Forget Verizon. The Genius Network is THE Network you want to be a part of. No will never meet a group like this where so much wisdom and success is completely accessible. This group is EGO FREE, and so the connections and information sharing that flows is truly inspiring.
  • Jason Fladlien
    The best
    Living or dead there is no one I look up to more in the marketing world than Joe Polish. Excited for this new podcast and was fortunate enough to be there live when Joe interviewed Tony and Peter!
  • Bomomma!!!!!!
    Incredible value, in business and life
    Joe Polish’s genius lies in his ability to set standards that attracts only the highest quality people who think bigger than you can even imagine - and then pushes them further. Even at this high level, the synergy created takes everyone involved to new heights they didn’t know was possible - even to the most successful and highest achievers. He has an uncanny ability not to make or demand, but rather inspire people to commit to their highest aspirations. People come to his workshops, podcasts and events with their best ideas, burning questions and deepest issues, and leave knowing exactly what they want and how they’re going to get there - and they do. Being a fly on the wall at one of Joe’s workshops was the single moment that changed the way I see the rest of my life, and I’m not the only one.
  • Blakedallen
    Joe polish is a master marketer
    I follow the top Marketers in business and Joe's podcast is the best I've ever heard. He has somehow connected with the top entrepreneurs in the industry. This is my rocket fuel
  • Downloading!
    World's Best Wisdom
    This is a great interview!! Looking forward to hearing more from Joe Polish. Loved the line. " It's impossible until somebody does it" - Spot on and a great reminder. Thanks for making this available...10X your life!!
  • mastruc
    As always amazing generosity by Joe. He freely shares information of great value. Cannot wait for more of what is to come.
  • SleepDoc 2011
    This was cool! And not what I was expecting.
    I really liked hearing Tony Robins talk about work/life integration (not balance), and Peter Demandias about how and why he continues to be motivated, he speaks about how he does NOT WORK, he lives. I love that TR said "impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion" PD said " It is a state of mind." I love Biographies. I always have, because I wanted to see in side the head of great people who do great things. This was pretty f'ing cool. I am going to have my son and daughter listen.
  • Lopaul1710
    Inspirational interviews
    Joe always interviews amazing people with inspirational stories. I've loved all of his podcasts.
  • Charles Poliquin
    Great product
    Thank you Joe for the life changing information. Looking forward to many more.
  • Marguerite Crespillo
    Everything Joe touches is Gold!
    Having followed Joe for a few years I can tell you that this podcast is first class! Can't wait to hear who he has next!
    Joe rocks
    Listen to words of wisdom from the planets most experienced entrepreneurs.
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