Wine & Crime

Comedy #89

Wine & Crime is a true crime / comedy podcast. Join two friends as they chug wine, chat true crime, and unleash their worst Minnesotan accents!

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Recent Reviews
  • Hypoxia!
    This show has turned into boring conversation without Kenyon.
  • juniebthatsme
    Love it!
    I am so loving the show in the last couple months. I loved it at the start, fell off for a bit but the energy of Amanda and Lucy has just reinvigorated the whole show lately. They are so fun and relatable.
  • MFMRocks
    The gals (for the most part)make the flyover states look good!!! Update: Still amazing, love each of these Queens, especially Lucy and Kenyon!!! Amanda’s ok too! 2024: Wow, totes unable to call it. In fact Amanda and Lucy are wonderful humans who are here to have fun, entertain but to also grow and learn. She who shall not be named but whom I’m sure is still a friend to them both had that bad B infallibility energy and such is the downfall of giants. They’re greT tho
  • 12readere
    Wine, Crime, and too much time???
    If you’ve ever sat around with your best friends at brunch with a cocktail or mocktail AND talked about that “horrible” or “odd” or weird” or “random” crime in the news…THIS IS THE PODCAST FOR YOU! I suggest starting with the episode “cats in wigs” 😂😂😂 I actually cried laughing it was SO funny. Great job ladies (still miss Kenyon).
  • RaeDoesThat
    Oh yeah, you betcha.
    I might be slightly obsessed with this podcast. If you have a dark sense of humor, some dad joke vibes, and a love of true crime...stop here. Ever growing and always entertaining, The Gals will keep you laughing and crying and swearing and possibly screaming into your pillow. I highly recommend contributing on Patreon for the extra content. And the ‘worst Minnesotan accents’ make me feel at home. PS- I only recently found out if you put swear words in your review, Apple won’t post it. So there’s that.
  • Keeley Flaherty
    I love this podcast!!!
    I'm a spotify gal so it's taken me a while to figure out how to leave an ITunes review oops! To counteract all of the Alans in the world (yeah of course not all Alans) I need to say I LOVE THIS PODCASTTTTTT. Amanda, Lucy, and (rip I love you) Kenyon are the most smartest couple of broads I've ever had the pleasure of listening to in my life. I CONSTANTLY have an episode playing whether its with my morning coffee, working in the lab, or falling asleep (the harsh vowels seem to soothe me). I've always been quite liberal and socially aware, often moreso than my peers, so hearing you proudly voice your opinions and wise elder millennial knowledge has been so inspiring and reminds me that there are truly good people still out there (Lucy I know that's a run-on sentence but I'm a STEM gal). 5 stars aren't close to enough to describe how amazing this show is!
  • JMSmith24
    🍷 + 🔪
    I love the 2 Wine & Crime gals! I’ve been listening since 2017 and feel like a part of the friendship while also learning about background and psyc as well as true crime stories! Y’all keep up the great work! 🩵
  • GeekyMom09
    Wonderful show!
    I discovered this podcast by complete accident while lookin for something to listen to while I work on crafty things. I’ve fallen in love with it! I’m very behind only in the first hundred episodes but I am so excited to see where they go! Let’s get it girls! From a fellow Midwesterner in Missouri!
  • RebbRom
    Almost a full hour before getting to the first story. I don’t know what happened to this podcast 🤷🏻‍♀️. I need to go shopping for another podcast
  • mjf310
    Love these gals ❤️
    This has been my favorite podcast for years. Glad to see the podcast prevail with having to lose one host. Love you gals ❤️❤️
  • Heartoftheforest
    Dead dogs :(
    I was on the fence with this show and was starting to enjoy it until the latest corpse cart where the hosts were cackling for FAR too long about how a family killed their dog after the idiot son blamed it for pooping a bed. It was not funny. And then the rest of the episode they joked about dead dogs. Incredibly insensitive.
  • FlavaEnneaear
    3 salutes and a critique
    I am sticking around because I’ve grown to love the ladies, and appreciate the time and effort put into every episode. Clearly, they research well and the three prong original model was pretty genius. My critique is that the constant editorializing really interrupts the storytelling. I really cannot stand to be told what to think about something, and truly feel that most of the listeners are going to end up in the place you’re headed- emotionally, politically, morally, whatever. I don’t need to be patronized about who’s good and bad in the story. There is just so much righteousness baked in that really steals from the humor, horror, mystery, etc. When y’all hit the mark, you really hit it and deliver interesting context, great wine recs and potently sarcastic exploration of the themes.
  • Jess Rodz
    I’m not a Kenyon apologist but this show is hard to listen to now. They’re just too much, trying too hard, the laughter is forced and it’s just like dude, give it up and admit your show is lacking. I’m trying to power through but I fear if I roll my eyes any more they’ll get stuck like that
  • Corey Knierim
    No crime.
    It’s used to be really good. Now there’s like 1.5 hours of history and like 30 mins of crime.
  • EWW24
    Used to like it
    Was once one of my favorite podcasts but they’ve become so self righteous I can’t listen. The fans and the community they foster are now openly hostile to others. What was once amazing is now gross.
  • Lissdogmom02
    So happy they’re back
    Love, love this podcast. The ladies have great senses of humor and are great storytellers, love their friendship and that their cats make appearances on camera.
  • slur.puff
    Performative fems
    Performative feminist think they’re better than other performative feminists, when in reality, they’re the exact same. Also, multiple listener episodes are treated poorly. Obviously, the Swiftie episode, but let’s go back to the Skateboarding episode and Veterinarian episode. On Reddit, the listener’s who paid for the skateboarding and veterinarian episodes are upset how the gals just kind of threw the topic to the side. They’re were good for years, but listening to the newer episodes isn’t fun, it’s just negativity on top of negativity.
  • ebritt83
    not worth it.
    I used to love the show, but it has gone so far downhill in the last year- especially with Kenyon gone. The performative activism is exhausting and Amanda being a hater on anything just to be quirky is unbearable.
  • shanshan22222
    Slowly went from 5 to 1 star
    Has slowly declined over the years but Kenyon leaving did the trick. I’m out. You need her
  • SammyLToth
    Spooky Lil Fun!
    Lucy and Amanda keep it real while having a great time! The wine coven keeps the laughs flowing for all the spooky lil b’s out there!
  • againstthem@n
    Lucy & Amanda Are Home
    I love listening to these gals banter, chuckle, and give their perspectives on true crime. They are so easy to listen to, always put a smile on my face, and make me feel like I’m with friends. I truly appreciate the way they cover their cases and the research they do… even when they intentionally misunderstand the assignment. Definitely a great add to your true crime weekly listen or occasional binge.
  • cassikayeiam
    And we’re back!
    Amanda and Lucy are amazing and have been since the beginning of wine and crime, now that they dropped their grandstanding zionist fake progressive co host the show is better than ever.
  • Lana Smithbaumsteinberg
    No new opinions podcast! *eyeroll*
    It’s not the same without Kenyon and im grossed out by the “wine coven” just being degenerate bullies who are all so self righteous. Thanks for the mems though
  • JuliaJ1129
    In a post KL world
    Took a hiatus from W&C for a while and am now back … interested to see how the show evolved in a post ‘three friends’ world. The recent episodes are like the feeling you get when you get in the car w your best friend after a party and you are free to dissect everything everyone did and said at the party. Energy is lighter and the pace of the show clips along at a nice pace. Super glad the show didn’t lose steam and that it, in fact, picked some up. Way to go girls.
  • Ninsco
    I loved this podcast for years. It was hilarious, uplifting and I felt like I was hanging out with friends when I listened. I am pretty liberal and accept others views but the anti government, anti law enforcement rhetoric has become the main topic of late. The anger and negativity now drag me down and I find myself turning the pod off. Perhaps Wine & Crime isn’t what they really want to do anymore. They no longer have wine pairings and seem to lean more towards ranting on the state of country and criminal justice system. Important issues for sure but definitely not what I pop my AirPods in for. I wish them all the best and thank them for the HOURS AND HOURS of entertainment and company but I’m out.
  • itwasntmesir45
    This is one of the worst podcasts I have ever heard. So obnoxious and not funny!
  • SS arah
    I miss Kenyon but y’all are killing it
    Love y’all’s dynamic
  • McDinan
    So vastly different from what it used to be
    I used to love this podcast, particularly because the women all seemed very intelligent, progressive and open minded, but it has become closed door virtue signaling. Meaning the topics they know well they articulate well. But over the years they often (one in particular) has declared themselves an expert on a wide variety of topics you can clearly tell they know little about. Yet that does not prevent them from pontificating on subjects with only a passing amount of true knowledge. This has become glaringly obvious with the departure of Kenyon. I hope this is a reality check and that the virtue signaling and confirmation bias are replaced with occasional humility. It’s the biggest turnoff and I’m sad it’s likely going to end when it was something so enjoyable for so long.
  • -/ellehelle\-
    Vibe is off
    I don’t know what Kenyon said to rile everyone up, and my god, it is impossible to try and find out via google without running into extreme hate that absolutely churns my stomach. And without Kenyon, I honestly have found my formerly favorite show to be boring. I truly hope no one ever turns on me the way everyone seems to have turned on Kenyon. I don’t need to know what she said to find it all pretty gross. And the content has certainly suffered.
  • Freedasiy
    Thanks for making a hostile work environment tolerable.
    You are the best and thank you for talking about mental health.
  • jeniphurmishl
    still good phew
    i was scared when they went down to 2, but amanda and lucy still have a great dynamic. good job! loved the snek ep.
  • Stupid now
    Yes please
    Update!!! I thought I would miss Kenyan and that the Pod would suffer. NOPE! I love the Amanda/Lucy dynamic more than ever! Is there anyone alive our there? (Fave Amanda moment). Keep it going gals.
  • Brevdala
    Extremely Disappointing
    I used to be an avid listener and Patreon subscriber, but then Kenyon started spewing Zionist propaganda, attacked a BLM chapter that W
  • Dear_Mattey
    I feel like these women are my very own BFFs. We may not agree about everything but we listen. Love the tangents Love the pop culture references Love the passion for justice You make me laugh and convinced me to buy pepper spray when I walk downtown. And if it were up to you ladies…I’d never ‘meet a man,’ but actually I hope I do. However my current demographic is white men 40-50, so maybe I’ll wait.
  • Martineasy
    Love these ladies
    I love how genuine the hosts are about giving info and also bring a touch of laughter with true crime. The format has recently changed but the ladies moved on smoothly and with all the joy and laughter. I really do feel like I am sitting in the room with them every listen.
  • mrsSdH
    I love them so much
    I’ve been a listener since 2018 and while things have changed recently in the podcast, it’s still one of my favorite podcasts. Lucy and Amanda together are perfection. Can’t wait to see what’s coming next for these TWO gals.
  • Kellikins11
    Great podcast!
    Updated- I’m sad they’re three gals are now two. The vibe seems off, but I’m going to give it a chance. I found this podcast thru the And That’s Why We Drink podcast and enjoy you gals. Your banter makes me laugh, a lot. Keep up the great stories!
  • ThePamPack
    Thank you is not enough ❤️
    I cannot imagine the heartbreak you all are going through and wish peace to you all. Thank you for continuing with the show despite everything you all are going through. It is the only thing that gets me through my stupidly stressful work day. Thank you for the laughs, hot takes, and the joy that radiates through. It is greatly appreciated and I cannot wait to listen to you all for as many episodes as you both are willing to make ❤️
  • Yololikikemeya
    Love this podcast
    Glad you are still going with 2. Love your content and as someone from WA state, make sure you try that Rough Justice from Barringer. It’s a local favorite! @lesbianspeaking on TikTok
  • AdgeKetchup
    I’m restarting. I’m back to ep103 and honestly y’all need to have the Coven A) cut together every time one of you says “I’m so hungry” which is once an ep AT LEAST Also, I swear yall could see your future. The way some of your earlier ep comments age fantastically
  • carkey7
    The gals are baaaaack🥲
    I’m so glad A&L were able to move forward with the show. I can’t imagine how hard this has been but I’m happy to support my two favorite gals!!!
  • nmastrom
    Forever my favorite podcast!
    Wine & Crime is such a great mix of true crime and comedy! I listen to the show on most car rides or when I’m getting stuff done around the house and these tasks are way more enjoyable because of the gals.
  • justicedwh
    Still One of My Favs!
    I’ve been listening since 2018 and have been a huge fan the whole time! Love the gals and the new refreshing dynamic to the show, can’t wait to see how far Lucy and Amanda go ❤️
  • khazard7
    Amanda and Lucy
    I’m glad the two of you are back! Can’t wait to hear more of Wine and Crime.
  • maddmaddi93
    Thanks, I DON’T hate it.
    Just adding to my original review: I’m so happy the podcast is back on track and can’t wait to hear Lucy and Amanda take us to new levels of wine and crime. Still hands down my favorite podcast! Xoxo I started listening to Wine & Crime about two months before the COVID pandemic hit and honestly I don’t know how I would have gotten through this past year without them. I started listening while a drove across the country to move to a new state and I haven’t stopped. When I listen to them it’s like I’m sitting in a room with three of my best friends talking about murder and life. They kept me company while I was locked down, alone in a new city and made my insane amount of free time way less lonely and waaaaay more funny. If you wanna listen to a podcast that can gross you out, intrigue you, and make you laugh so hard you cry all in less than ten minutes, this is the one. Sprinkle in some midwestern love and rivalry (we hate Wisconsin, jk, but really), some alcohol, and some great political discussions and you have my perfect podcast. Keep it up girls, and don’t forget to plan ahead and salt your dead.
  • .?!?.?!?.!?!
    Was my fav for years
    Nothing online is with ending real life relationships. You will never make everyone or even a majority group happy no matter what views you publish or support
  • JenBlowsLow
    Still a fan
    I can’t imagine the heartbreak y’all are going through. I’m still a fan and will keep listening. I wish all three of you peace (and a reconciliation if it’s in your hearts). MORE WINE FOR LUCY AND AMANDA!
  • Lady Rue
    5 starts for 7 years!
    While those seven years with Kenyon might be behind us! I’m still going to tune in every time so listen to y’all! The drama, the gasps, the pregnancies, the laughs, and the wine! I’m here for All OF IT!!!!
  • Walking blind 28
    Glad they are moving forward without Keyon
    I’m so glad they are moving forward just Lucy and Amanda. ❤️ This pod cast has gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life and I love listening to you gals.. I was devastated when Keyon started revealing herself as a Zionist supporting the genocide… but I’m glad Amanda and Lucy didn’t allow that to dismantle everything… you guys are more than just a comedy podcast. You’re a voice and a light on the things that society doesn’t like talking about.
  • ConcernedYakker
    Excited For What’s Next
    I’ve loved this podcast since the beginning - it has gotten me through breakup, brain surgery recovery, and countless bad days. Excited that the pod is back with new episodes and ecstatic that I’ll keep getting to hang out with Lucy and Amanda. Thanks for everything gals ❤️
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