History Unplugged Podcast

History #38

For history lovers who listen to podcasts, History Unplugged is the most comprehensive show of its kind. It's the only show that dedicates episodes to both interviewing experts and answering questions from its audience. First, it features a call-in show where you can ask our resident historian (Scott Rank, PhD) absolutely anything (What was it like to be a Turkish sultan with four wives and twelve concubines? If you were sent back in time, how would you kill Hitler?). Second, it features long-form interviews with best-selling authors who have written about everything. Topics include gruff World War II generals who flew with airmen on bombing raids, a war horse who gained the rank of sergeant, and presidents who gave their best speeches while drunk.

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Recent Reviews
  • ****kevinhayes
    This podcast is awesome
    I've learned about so many moments in history that I was never taught in school or college. I look forward to every new episode and enjoy going back 4-5 years to episodes I had not yet listened to. For example. The recent story on General Geoffrey Keys, was such a moment of learning. I enjoy these on my long commute to work.
  • Wardo Ky.Boy
    15 hr workweek
    I do like the podcast a lot. From time to time it goes a little left for me in revisionist history, CSA for example. Well, nice educated Englishman seems to make some good well-rounded points but seriously an ancient 15 hr. work week is ridiculous. Has he ever been camping / survival trek like the Indias did for Brave initiation, alone with limited supplies or no food. It’s sunup to sundown work. Utopian & socialist academic stuff. However, great point on effective tasks being focused, done quickly in one fell swoop. Yes indeed. Agree, being in an office tower at a desk for 9 hrs. is not healthy for us.
  • Scot2944
    What is going on with this podcast? This is the second podcast in short order that is steered off the rails. This is not history. This is pure speculation come on guys get back to what you knew. Best give us history.
  • Rickygclef
    Consistently Interesting and Relevant
    One of my favorite podcasts . Scott possesses a broad knowledge base of subjects with refreshing, varied views on the interesting topics covered in the show.
  • Kaeto123
    Factual, Informative Podcast Offering Great Perspective
    I love this podcast! Each episode provides research-based information about historical events, giving not only facts but context in which the events took place. I particularly appreciate the author interviews. I’ve listened to every episode, and I’m always happy to see a new episode pop up in the latest episodes feed! Keep up the great work.
  • barrybzz
    Garbage podcast
    Wow. Let’s interview a guy who wrote a book called “The Case for Trump” about statue removal. Absolutely done with this podcast.
  • Rudy7200
    I got hooked on this a few weeks ago with the series that they did on the Revolutionary War. It’s an excellent podcast that gives nuanced perspectives that are needed when reporting and analyzing history.
  • elvanp
    Worst Music
    Worst background music on the entire internet. Plus the background music is playing behind the host’s introduction, obscuring everything he is saying. Sounds like a Yankees game instead of a podcast
  • fuzzbuzz215
    Obvious Bias
    So obviously a right-wing crank. Its cute.
  • Don Laycock
    Slow down
    I agree with others You talk to fast but I love your topics. Don
  • Sunset_watcher
    Slow down please
    I enjoy listening but agree with other reviews that you speak too fast!
  • n60340z7
    Golden age of piracy
    The February 27 episode was an example of the new DEI enhanced history
  • TildaJean
    The program is very goid, but
    The abrasive “Hey hon!” Commercials set my teeth on edge.
  • Simply A Sister
    Great show
    Always very interesting!
  • BrooklynMum33
    Loved this podcast until biased political rankings ruined it.
    I loved listening to this podcast to get a more fully rounded view of history. I was shocked however when I got to the authors absurdly racist take down of the 1619 project. History is messy and painful truths are often hard to stomach, but we have to. Just because something makes someone uncomfortable, as the 1619 project clearly makes the author, is not a reason to denounce it. For every historian he has claiming to debunk the project, there are 5 more who applaud it. A fair and balanced approach would have been to have BOTH sides of the argument on. But that would mean letting go of deep seeded implicit bias, which the host seems unwilling to do ehhchbis a shame.
  • Another Texas fan
    Slow down please
    I like your show very much. It would be great if you could slow down you’re speech , particularly when reading, so we can take in everything you’re saying. I tried listening at three-quarter time, but you sound drunk in that mode. 🤣
  • MC 2 fast 4 u
    For lack of better words I love this podcast. It is so in depth while also focusing on the important things. Scott is so good not only in this but all of his podcasts. It’s amazing how many experts come on and show what they know. LOVE IT.
  • Old Boy Himself
    Lost Lee in the Wilderness
    H.W. Crocker, Scott’s “expert” on Lee, swoons over the Confederate general with very little regard for the facts. Lee “managed” nearly 200 slaves, owned a few, and arranged for the severe beating of more than one who sought freedom. Slavery was wrong, plain and simple, and no “great man” emerges in its wake. I’m a native Virginian, distantly related to Lee, with a slave legacy of my own. I can say with confidence that Crocker is a fool.
  • DiMV19
    Homework Needed
    I listened to the Oct. 10 episode on Robert E. Lee. I did learn something about this historic figure. But the guest was patently biased and uninformed and almost gleeful in exposing his unchallenged personal opinions. Lee may have been against slavery and torn between his allegiance to his roots and his country. But the loser doesn’t have a right to statutes in the public square. Those statutes of confederate characters were erected post reconstruction, some 40 or more years after the civil war. The purpose was to further the oppressive atmosphere of the Jim Crow era. Black residents were subjected to this ugly reminder - that they live in places that fought for their enslavement. Next, Crocket threw the term “critical race theory” around a lot. But he clearly does have a clue what CRT is about. It is not a generic term to be used loosely. It is a subject taught in law schools that explores the fact of structural racism (which is real). I listened because I try to keep an open mind. But your guest’s lack of serious intellectual rigor made it difficult to get to the end. Please either schedule other academics on the topic or be prepared to challenge biased nonsense.
  • S8185
    Long time listener, disappointing interview
    Overall a good history podcast however I do not understand why Scott didn’t ask even a few tough questions during the Robert E Lee fanboy episode. I actually do appreciate Lee’s many positive attributes but criminy he was the military leader of a war against the USA which makes him a traitor. I understand the guest is firmly entrenched in his point of view but I think it’s the interviewer’s responsibility to question and have a hearty discussion vs a very one sided white washing of history. Do better.
  • The West Family
    A lot of great episodes and few clunkers
    This is one of the better history pods. The host is engaging and well-versed on each topic. I try to listen to each episode - including the few where I find myself in personal disagreement with. Today was one of the episodes I took great issue with - the interview about the legacy of Robert E Lee. I think the host could have asked more probing questions. I don’t need the lens of critical race theory to perfectly understand that Lee was a traitor to the country. Would most Americans be pleased with giant statues of Benedict Arnold proudly presented in town squares across Southern America? This episode was an advertisement for the Lost Cause. The guest’s comment about CRT to dismiss modern criticisms of Lee were especially galling and unquestioned by the host. One doesn’t need to view American history from a CRT lens to understand that Lee was a traitor. Period. I’ll continue to listen in each week, but with slightly less anticipation. You are typically much better than this.
  • ADS12341999
    Lost cause propaganda
    Robert E Lee fanboy episode was shocking. Painted Lee as “abhorring slavery” when he held slaves and fought in Cort to keep slaves from his father in laws estate. Absolutely no pushback from hoast. Shameful.
  • iCentaur.com
    The blindness of moral equivalence
    H.C. Crocker offers nothing but a intellectualized justification of white supremacy. If Lee was so principled he would have rejected the evil of slavery & commanded the Union Army. Being courtly does not equate to righteousness. Please.
  • @SurryElle
    Celebrating Racism
    This podcast seems to trot out a new boomer week after week to espouse racist propaganda and quite frankly it’s getting old. Stop giving these people a platform.
  • German Juggernaut
    Your rhyming ads
    I give you 5 stars because of your content but your ad with all the rhyming makes me want to unsubscribe. Seriously it’s quite irritating.
  • 🥰🥰🥰😘🥰😘😘
    Love love and more love
    This helps me sleep at night thank you so much for making this!!!!!!!!!
  • seabrook82
    Not good
    Highly biased and feather vapid.
  • ursulamichelep
    The Italian Squad
    Great episode!! I just ordered the book
  • buts JFK
    FBI was a great night and a good night to see
    Bu the game was so good and it is fun and fun for kids and fun for a while and fun to watch them and get the hang gliders I don’t think it’s fun and
  • MrB10nde
    Informative and well produced
    Always enjoy these podcasts - lots of great overviews and good conversations with guests.
  • JJ reads
    Loving the choice of episode topics
    Enjoying the variety of subjects. Just enough information for me to consider reading more about them!
  • Irish gal 333
    Fantastic stories about history
    Scott is excellent at telling the stories from History from both side and remembering the time the events took place in and not judging by today’s standards and look forward to each new show . Keep up the great podcasts. John Yonkers New York
  • jlawler410
    Great show!
    Just found this show, listened to the first episode, now I’m hooked! Very well done, great storytelling, and interesting history. Thanks for the show!
  • MattBastard.666
    Bonzo omission
    Ronnie Reagan was an idiot and a placating puppet.
  • Tallmanwalking
    Keep up the great work!
    Excellent podcast!!! Scott is fantastic and asks insightful questions that get to the substance of a topic. Great guests. Among others, I loved the 1619 Project episode. So refreshing to get insights that are well researched, factual and substantive and not just flavor of the month history. Love this! Thank you!
  • Father Serotonin
    This guy is one of the worst interviewers it’s painful
  • rskillion
    Used to be pretty good, now a MAGA mess
    For several years, this podcast had fairly interesting topics, presented in an accessible way for a mass audience. But in the last couple years the host has increasingly become an open and strident rightwinger. Hard pass.
  • Dvcycle
    One of the best!!
    One of he very best podcasts I’ve ever listened too. The depth of Scott’s knowledge is profound, and his ability to synthesize info to cover these diverse topics is truly amazing!
  • doubledownmoney
    Has gotten political
    Used to love this podcast. Unfortunately, like most things nowadays, politics and ideology have interjected themselves into what was once an enjoyable and educational experience.
  • TroyJSF
    Not history but propaganda
    Too often, the objective is to present a political objective. It is what tone expects from the CCP or a theocracy.
  • LobePDX
    An example of the medium in its preeminent form
    Podcasts are an entertainment medium and this podcast entertains, educates and enlightens. History Unplugged is today what PBS was to many of us years ago, prior to co-opting a political slant: a provider of content which nourishes the mind with stories of the human experience. From Genghis Khan to the story of a typist who saved many lives from the horrors of the Holocaust - from Abraham Lincoln to the stories of Encyclopedia salesmen, History Unplugged provides you a historical glimpse of the globally epic, quirkily mundane and everything in between. Thank you Scott Rank.
  • DarMax59
    Love this podcast
    I’ve been, for quit awhile, listening. I just stopping my running to finally leave a note. I usually scroll through picking what sounds good that day. Very very interesting. Although I’m a lone history geek , I still pass this podcast along.
  • &steven8882
    Egregious omission
    I generally enjoy this podcast but this week’s episode failed miserably. Any discussion of 20th century leaders that does not include Ronald Reagan is a farce.
  • HarbingerofLove
    Easy to digest nuggets of history
    I’ve enjoyed this podcast as a quick and low stakes dip into the waters of history. The topics can be interesting and take a deeper dive but you aren’t committing to 5-6 hours of history lecturing.
  • crystalavx
    Great host, great content
    Update: I love this podcast but am disappointed the intro music has changed. This Podcast is still #1 in my opinion for history. But @Scott, if you can, plz bring back the previous intro song 🙏 it beats the original 1770’s song and this new 60’s jingle is meh. I loved hearing the old intro! It got me pumped for the podcast 🙌
  • Hiyotfhyebjhssdjfjfsfc
    Thank you Scott
    Absolutely love this podcast!
  • JakeSoll
    Great show and great informed interviews
    Scott does a great job at looking at tough questions in a fair and balanced way. He gets to the heart of the matter. This is a great podcast and I highly recommend.
  • History Raff
    A hard review to leave
    I loved this show for years, I left a 5 star review because I don’t want to hurt the show in any way. I have been pretty disappointed in the shows new format. It’s become formulaic, it’s just an author plug your book podcast now. I understand that making a regular historically researched podcast is a lot of work, interviewing some dude about his book is way easier but the show is nowhere near what it used to be. I’m not saying you can’t do book reviews but it should not be the bulk of the content. Please bring back the history podcast, it was great we miss it.
  • Maddie Torskopet
    Very entertaining and informative!
  • dinglepeggy
    One of my faves. Scott asks great questions and uses creative metaphors and analogies
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