The Evolution of Horror


Welcome horror fans! The Evolution of Horror is a weekly movie discussion podcast that covers the history of horror cinema, one sub-genre at a time. From Universal Monsters to 80s slashers, from Alfred Hitchcock to Jordan Peele, we've got it covered! Each week, host Mike Muncer is joined by a different guest from the world of horror to discuss a movie in depth and its place in horror history.

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Recent Reviews
  • sbombara
    A must listen for horror fans!
    I have been listening for years and I have to say this is always in my weekly rotation for my playlists. Mike does a great job of exploring very relevant films and also obscure ones as well that you likely never heard of or just haven’t gotten around too. In appreciate his thoughtful breakdown from the social contexts, to the acting, score, cinematography, etc. His guests also tend to bring another layer of thoughtful discussion as well. If I had one slight criticism it’s mostly the guests have clear political influences for their criticisms in certain horror films and the genre: and they lean a very obvious way as does Hollywood. Mike does a good job of not making it the focal point but sometimes his guests get carried away with tangents.
  • ThePrincessConsort
    Horror snob or new to the genre, this is for you!
    If you think you might enjoy this, do give it a try. Excellent guests, offering knowledgeable, insightful, varied opinion. It’s just so impressive and entertaining. Five flaming skulls of approval!
  • Loki1981
    Amazing show
    Just an amazing show. Feels like being with friends while getting to be nerdy about horror films.
  • gh3rzog
    Good cohosts and bad cohosts
    The quality of an episode really depends on the guest. Some cohosts have a lot to say, they are knowledgeable about films and are willing to analyze and provide insight. Some shut down discussions of sociological context or authorial intent or subtext. Others irresponsibly spread misremembered facts or pseudo-psychology. And others consider themselves the be-all-end-all of what is or isn’t Horror. Muncer rarely pushes back or tries to steer the conversation. So I guess find some good guests and listen to their episodes. If you skip a handful in a season, you won’t miss much.
  • DaiHard5
    My go to podcast for long drives
    I grew up in the 80’s/90’s in Wales, and worked in a video store. I have spent a few years listening to these fine podcasts on long drives for work in the USA, and it feels like you have a couple of good mates in the car. Great guests that beautifully discuss classic, as well as little known flicks. I really enjoy the ‘Also Ran’ features that give a run through of films that while not great are still worth a mention. This podcast has gotten me rebuilding a collection of horror movies on VHS and DVD that are unavailable on streaming services.
  • MsShel330
    A horror show that scaredy cats can enjoy
    I watch very little horror because I’m a wuss but I do love this show. I like the spoilers since they help me decide whether or not I can handle watching the film being discussed. I also like Mike’s sense of humor and his rapport with the guests.
  • sexybabybaby
    A wonderful podcast
    This is my favorite podcast right now. It’s based out of the UK so I enjoy their take on American cinema and also some British horror I wasnt as aware of. Well researched and educational. I enjoy the variety of guests on the show. Plus the host Mike has an engaging tone.
  • John Lawton
    So good!
    Super engaging deep dive conversations on horror genres. I really enjoy the pair of films each episode….nice to revisit some favorite films and discover some new favorites as well.
  • Owyhee775
    Love this podcast!
    Everything about this podcast rocks! From the music, to the host, to all the contributors and the subject matter…flawless!
  • Danglerzx
    Favorite Horror Podcast
    The time, preparation, and production of the show all helps this show be the best of the best. The guests are awesome and the host’s voice is so calming. Love it!
  • malcojojo
    Brilliantly done and highly entertaining
    This is one of the best horror podcasts I’ve heard. The depths the host goes into various horror sub-genres is incredible and his guests are fantastic. He doesn’t only bring the knowledge and thoughtful reviews, but he and his guests are always highly entertaining. The kind of podcast that makes you feel like you are hanging out with cool friends. Love it!
  • Brianna Bass
    Honorary Horror PhD
    How do I even describe the impact of this podcast on my horror journey?? I used to be someone who’d shiver in fear all night with the lights on if I saw even a horror commercial. I started analyzing the fear and got more and more curious. Then found this podcast and my world flipped inside out! It’s extremely educational, Mike always chooses amazing films, the guests are always knowledgeable and cool. He frames the evolution of each sungenre from its origin to modern day, weaving in history to unearth our deepest fears, desires, and dreams. It presents horror as one of the most important genres in the canon of human creativity. Now I watch the most twisted films and sleep like a baby. Thank you Mike for everything you’ve done!
  • wendilr
    Love that this podcast is hosted by and has guests who clearly adore the genre and discuss the films/shows in their entirety. A really fun listen!
  • ScooterBoots97
    Evolution of Horror
    I’m OBSESSED with the set up for this show!! I love how the host Mike explores the different subgenres of horror. While I have not yet watched all the episodes, I really enjoy the films Mike chooses to highlight, he has an excellent balance of recognizable horror as well as new ones I have yet to explore, it makes for a fun way of discovering new horror films. Also I’m current listening to the “Black Christmas” episode as I'm typing this review. I agree with Mike, it was MY FAVORITE SLASHER!!! I was sooo beyond ecstatic that there is someone else who has voiced my same thoughts, when I heard him say “Black Christmas” is underrated I was like “whattt?! Someone else feels the same way I do about this film” idk how to articulate how I felt, it just felt good to know someone else shared an opinion as me, I felt seen! :)
  • tlkeesee
    Best Horror Movie Podcast
    I have been listening to this podcast for about the last three years and it is my favorite! I find the guests interesting, the conversations are insightful, the host is wonderful. I have also discovered a lot of new and new to me horror movies while listening. If you are a fan of horror, this is the podcast to listen to.
  • jules1013
    A dream Horror diehards and accessible to more casual listeners
    I came to EoH during quarantine, after hearing them mentioned on my favorite queer horror podcasts. I listened to the current series, then quickly started into the backlogs during hiatus. I’ve since made my way through every series and have been a patreon supporter for the better part of the year. There’s so much content to explore, and all of it worthy of revisit. EoH consistently has the best guests, and I am filled with glee upon each occurrence. It’s interesting exploring the history of horror from a non-american perspective, understanding what weights certain films hold internationally and how that has changed over the decades, due to distribution. I listen to several episodes of EoH weekly, and I never tire of Mike’s enthusiasm, joy, inclusion, and genuine interest. It’s become rather a comfort for me!
  • modernwerewolflovesongs
    My favorite podcast.
    In depth discussions that never forget the fun. Great host, great guests. Can’t recommend this podcast enough.
  • manayunk wall
    great for movie lovers!
    Really enjoying these. One after the other! The only downside are the truly horrible essays by Mary Wild.Talk about bloviate! She sounds/writes like she swallowed a thesaurus but doesn't understand how to use it! I fast forward through these "essays", just aweful stuff though. The regular movie takes/reviews are jsut great! 5 stars.
  • Jazluna.
    Great podcast!
    I'm still barely on the slasher episodes and honestly, I love it so far. Host is charming and funny and I really enjoy all the guests. Really really loving this podcast!
  • jhgiofd
    Awesome podcast
    Love listening to evolution of horror. I’m a big horror fan and you discus so many movies I’ve seen and I haven’t seen. I’ll go watch (or rewatch) of the ones after listening. Love all the guests.
  • Kasey Phillips 🖤
    Absolutely obsessed! Feeds my nerdy soul! 👻🤓
    This podcast is truly one of a kind. I listen and watch and read a lot of horror—and the analysis is top notch! The conversations about the genre are fun, informative and clever. I am not a Patreon to subscriber to anything —except EOH! It’s a pleasure supporting this brilliant podcast! The amount of bonus content you receive is worth every monthly donation. Still hoping for my shout out one of these days (but maybe I missed it!?)—either way, I just have nothing but positive things to gush over! It’s easy to do a media review, but it’s not easy to critically engage in the way Mike and his colleagues/friends do. A special thank you to Mike and the team for always taking the time to recognize any biases and privileges they may have dependent on a films subject—and for not only being vocal and responsible about it, but for bringing on guests and friends that can fill in those gaps. The real analysis of any kind of art can only come if you’re inviting people into the room who can see the same art, but whom stand and look at it from a different place in the room than your own. For me, film criticism is only as interesting as those in the room talking about it and it’s lovely to experience new discoveries with everyone involved and am thrilled to learn alongside. I can’t wait to experience the ever changing evolution of this podcast! I feel like these are my people and it’s like sitting around with good friends talking about the thing we love the most—horror! 🖤
  • Sigma Taurus
    Just when the rebirth of my love for horror movies was gaining steam, I found The Evolution Of Horror. Now I’m on a runaway train!!! This podcast is addictive and so satisfying. A real horror fan’s podcast. Couldn’t recommend it enough! All the best across the pond in America!
  • Ivans_Nightmare
    The Premier Horror Podcast
    I can’t say enough good things about this podcast. As an obsessive horror fan, I love the way Mike and his guests weave their way through the history of the genre, teasing out the fascinating ways that horror tales have evolved into what we see today. Mike is a fabulous host whose enthusiasm for the genre is palpable. His guests unfailingly bring unique perspectives that push the conversation to interesting places. Many episodes have inspired me to rewatch movies I’ve seen before with a new perspective, or given me new movies to add to my watch list. Can’t recommend enough.
  • Dotty'smom
    OBSESSED! Come to the US!!!!!
    I’m absoluuuuutely in love the EOH. My boyfriend introduced me to it several years ago when the Slasher season was still in progress, and now I listen way more than he does, am a member of the patreon, and have made a Letterboxd because of the pod 😅 All of the guests are fun, insightful, and lovely people; I truly feel like Mike and the other hosts are my friends who I just haven’t met yet. Mike- PLEASE come to the US for some kind of event!!! Love, a Midwest listener. ❤️👻🧟‍♀️💀
  • tracysterrors
    Informative and Fun
    I had caught up on my backlog of The Faculty of Horror and needed something new. Smart and funny, this fit the bill. If you find yourself in a similar predicament—or even if you don’t—check this out. You’ll always have something new to watch.
  • AndiDel
    Addicting and so, so well done.
    I am crazy about this podcast. It somehow flew under my radar for ages as I love podcasts of this ilk and now that I’ve discovered it I have not stopped listening! Mike and his guests touch on so many incredible films and their discussions make you see well beloved films in a way you might not have ever thought of, and inspires to you see films you may have slept on or not heard about. I love how I’m depth and intelligent he and his guests are. I have not heard a bad episode and I’ve probably listened to 20+ and can’t wait to rewatch some of my favorite films again to see things I’ve apparently missed!! I came to this pod via Faculty of Horror (also amazing, subscribe immediately) and I am just so pleased that I’ve discovered it. I’m telling everyone I know who loves horror about it and can’t wait to listen to more and sub to the Patreon, as the perks are so enticing. Thanks for all the hard work on this cast! It’s one of my new favorites!
  • Moondevil11
    Top notch podcast!
    Stumbling onto this podcast by accident was one of the best things that have happened to me all year. The deep dive conversations Mike has with his extremely knowledgeable and well spoken guests are concise and comprehensive while being witty and charming. Most importantly this show keeps the torch burning for the classics ensuring they’ll never be forgotten. Kudos to everyone involved. I LOVE THIS PODCAST!
  • jbsaup
    A horrific, bloody, disturbing, breath of fresh air
    I. Love. This. Podcast. I am alone in my friends and family regarding my love of horror cinema. This podcast has finally given me a place where I can be in the conversation and analyzation of the greatest horror films of all time. After devouring many episodes and listening to all the guests and their repeat appearances, it feels like listening to friends chat. Mike Muncer is the ultimate host. His enthusiasm is contagious and he is further proof that horror fans are the coolest and kindest among us. Thank you for making this and if/when you get someone to foot the bill for your trip to the states, I will be there!!
  • Crescent Meadows
    Can’t Get Enough
    I have always loved horror, but Evolution of Horror has grown my appreciation for the genre to a whole new level. I have learned so much about not just horror, but history as well. The content is always interesting and amazingly well researched. Tons of great new movie recommendations. I’ve listened to almost every episode. Thank you Mike!
  • TexGrooveGuy
    Simply Entertaining!
    Fumbling with my phone, I accidentally hit the podcast icon and a whole new form of enjoyment presented itself. Being the movie lover that I am, a true horror hound, I started searching for movie themed shows and the first one I was intrigued by was ‘The Evolution of Horror’, Jackpot! Mr. Muncer’s love of horror films and his in depth conversations with with his wonderful guests, have provided me with endless hours of entertainment and nostalgia. Though relatively new to the show, I am already 19 episodes in and eagerly look forward to the next. I listen throughout my workday and in my downtime at home. The Slasher sub genre was amazing, a perfect place to start. Having been the ages of 12-22 during its 80’s heyday, I fondly reminisce about my countless hours in the local video stores while I tune in. I relive all that and appreciate the time put into this obvious labor of love. If you’re a fan of horror I can’t recommend this show enough. Keep up the great work!
  • c.rib
    10/10 would follow this evolution from amoeba to alien
    10 out of 10, every season is a horrifying, magical journey through film history and I am along every step of the way! I started with the home invasion series and am now working my way through the back catalog and having a great time.
  • Ktj913
    Can’t believe I slept on this one for so many years! Mike is such a great conversationalist, such fun chemistry with every guest! Love it.
  • It's alright; I'm a doctor.
    Nice, but too cheery for me
    This is a pleasant listen. Myself, I like to hear more close analysis and criticism, which help me understand the films more.
  • SingItBack
    Every episode of this is pure joy, but the chemistry between Mike and Stacie Ponder makes for one of the most delightful podcast episodes ever.
  • CJ Emily
    A must listen for horror fans
    Without a doubt this is one of the best horror podcast to listen to. The guests and host are absolutely amazing at presenting these films with a deep understand of the film itself, but also the genre as a whole. Highly recommended for those who want to hear about movies they love or if they need new ones to watch.
  • itz_daniellerivera
    Love it
  • AndyArmstro
    Fun and informative horror podcast
    I like listening to this not only for the walk through of some of the most iconic horror movies ever made, but the interesting insights and sometimes behind the scenes tidbits. It feels like having a conversation with friends.
  • The Infamous Niko
    A Must Listen for Horror Fans!
    I listen to a ton of Horror movie podcasts, & this is definitely one of my favorites. Mike has fantastic guests, & his analysis & interviews are always thorough & interesting. I really enjoy his specific attention to all of the sub genres.
  • javisalami
    5 stars but…
    I can’t believe he called Chris Rock a horror icon 🤢
  • Slazdom
    I started at the beginning and am only on season 3 so I have a lot of listening to do still. I am a relatively new horror fan and this show has just made me a bigger one. I do not take their advice and watch the movies first. I really enjoy the story telling and break down of the movies. If I really love a film after listening I add it to my watch list on Letterboxd. I occasionally feel a bit left out or confused being an American listening to a British show but I quite enjoy it.
  • horrorkope
    Best horror podcast
    I want to thank the hard work of Mike and his great guest to provide such a thorough analysis of a variety of horror genres. The history of each is done with an such passion and attention to detail that any horror fan can appreciate. You have provided us all a detailed list of the evolution of these genres that we can always go back to to see how each has evolved. Thanks for all the great horror movies your podcast has exposed me and keep up the good work.
  • Scarletminded
    I’ll never see Barbarian now…thanks…
    I wish your podcast would come with a trigger warning. I was looking for a film to watch on Halloween and your podcast said see Barbarian without knowing anything about it. Glad I used my own red flags to listen on. Your podcast shouldn’t recommend seeing a movie blind if it contains sexual assault and its aftermath to, let me put it bluntly, most women. It’s great that some entitled white guy can make a movie about it and ask women if it is “good”, yikes. I am sure female directors with the same idea probably would never get it made, while they try to navigate the horrors of being a women in film. Plus, why not film in Detroit all the way through? Why not support Michiganders? I feel bad when shows like Ash vs The Evil Dead and the like suggest Michigan love, but don’t film there. Plus, making Detroit a horrible place to live…why not give people jobs to balance this stereotype…sadly, I will probably never watch this. It bothers me on so many ends, and not the reasons the movie wants me to be bothered by. I like your podcast besides this. Seems a bit heavy on the slashers but I have been liking the folk horror and vampire bits. Just being a female film maker in Michigan…sigh…Barbarian rubs me seriously the wrong way and I haven’t even seen it. I was going to give you three stars instead of my original five just because it seems like you need more female directors on. Like have Rose Glass on or maybe Jennifer Kent if you can get her. Or Lisa Hammer. Or Dame Darcy, etc. Ugh, rape babies. Make them into monsters…it just seems like it would really upset a person who was a product of rape. I keep listening to this podcast anyway…I am a masochist, I guess.
  • claytongumbertfan
    Great horror movie podcast
    Informative and interesting. Awesome cover art too. Great job, Mike!
  • Pokemon not a go
    I just randomly found this podcast. Huge fan of horror and this has been a treat to listen too on my morning commute to work! Fantastic work keep it up!
  • horrorFan6six6
    Amazing show!
    I recently started listening to the show and as a self labeled horror fanatic, this show is amazing. I really enjoy the breakdown of each sub genre and deep dive into each is awesome!
  • MusicNooker
    A Gem, Glad I Found It
    Chose this from several results from a Google search looking for a horror movie podcast and I'm glad I did. I haven't listened to the most recent episodes yet, but having sampled a few dozen, the host is both knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the subject matter and it shows in every episode. This is extremely important as nearly all of the podcasts run well over an hour. There are a wide variety of guests throughout the podcasts. They are also very knowledgeable and, equally as important, the interactions between host and guest are engaging and informative. This podcast has re-energized my interest in horror movies by providing enough information to enable me to decide whether to watch, re-watch, or avoid a particular film. I should also add that the sound quality of the podcasts is superb and the organization of the episodes, mostly by subgenre, is effective. Why only four stars? In some of the episodes the frequency of profanity is annoying. I get that occasionally it can be used for emphasis but in a few (not by any means all or even most) episodes the frequency renders the emphasis ineffective. Hope my final comment doesn't negate my overall enthusiastic endorsement of thie podcast. It is really, really good!
  • B Camaro
    Fun and Interesting, Great Podcast
    Great review of new and older films, fun guests, and well informed discussion. Well worth the listen!
  • 450923
    Best Horror Film Podcast
    This is hands-down the best horror podcast I’ve listened to, and my favorite podcast overall. Whether you are a horror nerd or casual fan, there’s something here for you. I frequently find myself jotting down notes on films that I’ve somehow missed for future viewing. If you read Rick Worland’s book, “The Horror Film: An Introduction”, and listen to all episodes of this podcast, you’ll have a pretty thorough grounding in this genre.
  • Gonzoateme
    The Quintessential Horror Film Podcast
    Whether you have loved horror since you were just a kid, sneaking late night viewings on cable or huddled with friends after the cool parent rented you something transgressive and frightening; or you’re just starting to appreciate the genre as an adult, this podcast is for you. Covering an enormous library of horror classics and lesser known gems, Mike and his diverse group of lovely guests celebrate these films through thoughtful research and comparative analysis, personal fandom, and historical context. The hosts are lively and pleasant, even when discussing the most unpleasant of things. For horror fans brushing up on previous movie blind spots, rewatching their all-time favorites, and learning new facets about this fascinating and important niche of art and pop-culture, this is the only podcast you’ll need.
  • SirHugbot
    An Insightful Journey into a Maligned Genre
    I have never been a fan of horror, but this podcast has done an excellent job of opening up my mind to what the genre offers and how it has changed throughout the years. A fantastic podcast filled with passion and insight. Would highly recommend it to anyone curious about horror, but has always been a little to scared to dive in head first.
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