This Naked Mind Podcast


Bestselling author Annie Grace invites you to explore the role of alcohol in our lives and culture without rules, pain, or judgement.

Ready to make a change? Join The Alcohol Experiment - a FREE 30-day challenge designed to deliver happiness, wellbeing and self-respect. Check out The Alcohol Experiment at

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Recent Reviews
  • sherrygreen79
    So real
    Love the common sense real HELP!
  • Polajenko
    The real deal
    This show allows me to truly understand what was happening in my life when alcohol was in control. Without this knowledge I would still be drinking.
  • Gabriel Fowler
    The bookIs more helpful
    I read the book a few times over the years and found it very helpful for n understanding what happens when we drink. Some of the things Annie says during the interviews makes me not want to listen. For example, she had a guest on who said she discovered she was gay and left her family- with young children- because of her sexual desires. Annie told her that was very brave? What??? Leave your children and destroy Their home and future because of your physical impulses is brave? Selfish, cowardly, shameful maybe. Get your head on straight Annie! It’s ok to call people out.
  • Kateskins
    Fave podcast
    I look forward to listening to the new episode every Thursday night when I drive home from work. Some of the episodes resonate SO much. I like how no-nonsense the podcast is— no long intros or ads. Thank you for everything Annie 🙏🏽
  • marinmcgreevy
    Audio quality needs work
    Hello, the audio quality of the podcasts is very cheaply produced and difficult to listen to. The host’s voice is significantly louder than all guest’s voices making for a difficult and annoying listening experience. Will be unsubscribing for that reason.
  • CFreddo
    Leaving Alcohol in the past
    Annie is so great about opening up and talking about something that most people think is taboo. I was so dependent on alcohol because at the time I was dealing with an abusive marriage a dead end job. It felt like there was no escaping, and my only outlet was drinking. After making changes in my life and leaving my marriage, I became sober and it was the best thing I could’ve ever done. Thank you so much for speaking about addiction and overcoming it!
  • Devonrex2
    Your podcast and book is awesome! I love the title of your book because it talks about the brain, which is our most important organ in our body. I think it gets more readers that way! I know that if I saw a book that said something extreme like “just stop drinking” I wouldn’t have been interested in reading when I was severely addicted to alcohol! You’re clever title may very well help save lives! Alcoholism is a progressive disease and it kills. It also hurts the people we love, and negatively impacts all aspects of our lives. I almost lost my life to alcoholism and I’m grateful to the doctors who saved mine. Your book & podcast is so great because you’re not just telling people to just stop drinking, instead you’re asking them to look at their relationship to drinking. By doing this, you may get more people who have a problem with substances read/listen to your book & podcast. For me, I drank because I had major surgery and was in abusive relationships. I isolated myself completely. My drinking ultimately lead me to the hospital, as I was in active withdrawals trying to quit on my own. It was an awful experience and definitely a wake up call! I would not wish that experience on anyone!! My case represents the worst case scenario, besides death. I was very addicted and I didn’t want to admit it. I have been sober for 4 months now and all aspects of my life have improved…my health, my relationships, my financial stability, etc… I am fine calling myself an alcoholic these days because of the severity of my addiction. I go to AA everyday…a life saver for me. I used to be so against AA and thought it was a cult but my disease had gotten so bad, I just needed to be around people and so I decided to try AA. I know AA isn’t the only way to sobriety, but for me it was all that was available to me and I took the courage to go. Thank you Annie! Your helping to save lives!
  • suuuzyg
    Unbelievably helpful
    This is so timely. I can’t believe I had not heard of this before. I love everything about Annie.
  • I Have Grace
    Annie is remarkable and has helped me to allow myself grace and compassion. She has also helped me to understand that I am not crazy. Alcohol is an addictive drug that society has mainstreamed into acceptance. We have to change the narrative for our kids and it starts with looking inward so we can live outward.
  • Aud Ball Ham
    I’ve been reading books and listening to podcasts for over a year and could not quite get a hold on things. With Annie Grace I am starting to make sense of everything. So informative, educational and helpful. I feel hopeful and optimistic for the first time in a few years. I wish I had this information when I was in my 20’s but I have it now. Thank you Annie ❤️
  • Happy H in Love
    Love the book, research and podcasts
    I have been alcohol free for two years. Still listen to the podcasts regularly to continue to learn and to support. The freedom I feel and have is amazing! I am so grateful to Annie for her work.
  • roaming_jane
    So much mind changing information
    After reading this naked mind, I’ve been alcohol free since January 2, 2021. I listen to this podcast every week and it has helped me tremendously to continue learning and feel part of a community of like minded people. Annie has such interesting guests on who share their journeys of becoming alcohol free. I enjoy Scott’s talks with the other coaches as they answer questions. This is an amazing resource!
  • Blsurr01
    Thank you
    I have been sober for 1yr 9mo because of This Naked Mind. I listened to the audio book twice and an so thankful for this podcast. I love hearing pieces of my story in the testimonies of the guests. I feel like a new person and I’m so grateful that I am bot stuck anymore. Keep up the good work, spreading hope and freedom.
  • hwin77179
    Not given the underlying reason
    For Karla’s anxiety does not help. Too vague. To say we need to go a different way is too vague. What is the way to go? What is the training? Be specific. Too much beating around the bush.
  • lbeach1963
    Annie Grace sharing truth saved me from alcohol
    I am a Christian who has struggled with over-using alcohol off and on for years. I am now 59 years old and was in a daily alcohol routine that often meant an entire bottle of wine at night. I could repeat so many things I’ve read and heard thru the books and podcasts. It was overwhelming in the most positive way to know I’m not alone. It was freeing in a way that’s hard to explain to finally hear the naked truth about my relationship with alcohol. I don’t want it any more!!! I know the truth now…and the truth has set me free!!! ❤️🙏🏼
  • LindaYogaGirl
    Small and irrelevant—exactly what alcohol is to me, thanks to Annie and Scott. Love the interviews and questions. Beautiful!
  • Mama2x
    Life altering changes, thank you!
    This naked mind has altered my mind and how I look at alcohol. I have read the book several times both paper and audio book. I love your podcast and the relatability to others that share similar stories. Over ten years ago I stopped drinking with the support of AA and it never resonated with me. I needed some more “data” points through the years and had stopped in 2021 and had yet another need to revisit alcohol and whether or not it added value to my life and it in fact has no positive value. I decided to stop 90 days ago and with the help of this book and following books and podcasts of yours my mindset is completely changed on my opinion of alcohol. Thank you for all that you do!
  • Santa Cruz Michele
    I have been with you for years
    But the constant sales clobbering and Coaching sales tie ends means we have to part company.We get it you have a lot of great products but please calm it down
  • mom5132
    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful- the interview w Dax was beautiful. So many of your Interviews are beautiful. You are beautiful Annie. Thank you🧡
  • AWC141012
    Ruined alcohol for me (in the best way)
    This approach is amazing and has helped me in so many ways, in addition to me feeling in control of of myself and alcohol - something I’ve struggled with for years.
  • CarterSusie
    Love the stories
    I love this podcast! Hearing stories of other people like me who have re-evaluated their relationship around alcohol has made this change feel so much more normal and possible. I don’t know anyone in my personal life who is sober so this has been so impactful.
  • Baby Jack's Mommy
    Lifesaving podcast
    I can’t say enough good things about how amazing Annie Grace and the community she has created. Her approach to helping people make alcohol irrelevant in their lives is a much better fit for me than a program like AA. This podcast is a great supplement to her book and programs. I listen in the car, on walks with my dog, or whenever I have some free time at home. I’ve found that saturating my day with this podcast has helped make the transition from a “can I moderate” mindset to a full commitment to remove alcohol from my life completely.
  • mrstuom
    Great podcast, great find!
    Thank you to all who contribute. We all take a different path but every experience from the person next to me helps me on the path to wellness!
  • One more Sober and Happy
    This Naked Mind
    Love these podcasts!
  • Chance2011
    Best podcast!
    Thank you Annie! Grateful follower.
  • dccrdc
    67 year old female Daily Drinker Since I was 17
    I have only listened to 3 podcasts and am inspired to totally quit. I have been thinking about it for a while now. Thank you for the encouragement!
  • itstotallypossible
    Hip to be sober
    This podcast helps offer many lenses to being curious about the role alcohol plays in a persons life. The courageous stories people share and the knowledge to ponder the effects of alcohol all support a person looking to change their relationship with alcohol.
  • morganking97
    I love this podcast! As a social drinker who has decided alcohol isn’t working for me I am enjoying listening to the variety of stories. Thanks!!
  • pheonixfox9
    No longer deprive
    This worked when nothing else did.
  • Nelson7171
    Great information and very motivating !
    This podcast is awesome (as Annie would say). I have now been listening for about 2 months on a consistent basis. Many of the stories resonate with myself and have really made me ask some hard questions. Though I have not stopped drinking, I have reduced my consumption greatly and am in Dry January. Not sure what February will look like—just plan to take it a day at a time. I’ve definitely learned some new tricks and tools for reducing or abstaining from drinking. I’ve been experimenting with some NA beers too. Anyway, the book that Annie wrote was one of the best books I’ve ever read and I find the podcasts are incredibly helpful too. Thank you.
  • VWM108
    Keep the reminders coming
    I quit the alcohol habit a couple of months ago
  • toomanyaveragepodcastsnow
    Some good information but declining now
    Got some good information from here at first, but lately I’m just not into it. 1. Annie seems less engaged with her guests in some of the more recent episodes. One recent interview was a long series of “and then what happened?” questions from Annie. That’s not how good interviews are done. I felt a bit bad for the guest here, who seemed really excited at first to be on the program. It was if Annie was just bored and going through the motions. 2. Not sure if the audio has been fixed yet (I probably came to expect it to the point I stopped noticing) but agree with the other reviews here. 3. Lack of diversity with guests and their experiences. A lot of the guests seem to be the same—white upper middle class women. More male guests and guests of color could help, because white women can’t be the only ones who struggle. 4. Constant plugging for the Alcohol Experiment. I get that you’ve got a product to sell, and I’ll tolerate a little shameless promotion, but it’s starting to become a constant sales pitch.
  • AmyDawn1
    Game changing. LIFE CHANGING. Love the book. love the info. Love the variety of this podcast with life stories, coaching questions, readers questions etc.
  • GreekGal58
    A jump-start to a new life
    When I began to explore how to get to a place where alcohol could be a smaller part of my life — or have no place at all — this was the first podcast series I listened to. It is excellent — a great resource for those thinking about cutting back, and useful for people further along in their quest to be alcohol free. Annie and the coaches in her program are engaging, encouraging and explain how to reduce the urge to drink in easy to understand ways. Be sure to try the free 30-day Alcohol Experiment as well.
  • Depauwdan
    Incredibly helpful
    This is an outstanding podcast for anyone looking to understand why we make the compulsive, subconscious decisions we do, including binge drinking. Annie takes a zero judgment approach to laying out the facts and giving her listeners the tools they need to quickly and intuitively make better decisions.
  • prism was here
    relatable, factual, trustworthy, empowering
    after decades of meetings, treatment programs, therapy, medications, a hospitalization…as a poly addict, you name it, i have consumed it to excess & attempted to recover from my disjointed self medicating. my mentor in an agnostic/secular 12 step program turned me on to Annie’s podcast. easy on the ears, the heart & the brain this chick is doing it right. it feels home. so greatful.
  • Its Andie
    This is the best podcast! Absolutely LIFE CHANGING. I seriously cannot believe how much I learned about something I pretty much considered part of my identity 😬 Annie could not hit the nail more straight on the head. I love it and it has turned around my whole perspective. Something that was unpleasant to think about is so much easier. She has it all figured out. Thank you Annie!!!! ❤️
  • Dsmonteith
    This book / podcast saved my life
    I cannot stress this enough. Read the book and stay connected.
  • MaggersNM
    Elizabeth Vargas best of the best interviews!
    Great interview with with Elizabeth, heartfelt compassion and understanding of recovery.
  • rrr in texas
    Elizabeth Vargas interview
    The interview with Elizabeth Vargas was phenomenal. Thanks for what you do!
  • cvihm
    Wise and Spot On
    So thoughtful and helpful!
  • Mom_Aud
    Awesome interview
    Love the Virgo references - I am right there with you!! 😂
  • rumorlevato
    Good podcast
    I wish the audio were better.
  • mel123456kz
    Great Interview
    Ryan O’Connell was just a delight 😂❤️
  • ianostrowski@
    Two awesome women on one podcast! Loved this episode! Yay!
  • OwlQu
    One quibble
    Annie, you are incredible but I have to ask since you stated if we drink too much alcohol, our body rejects it and we throw it up. Valid. But consuming too much of anything, e.g. milk, cookies, curry, and our body will reject too much of those too. I know from experience. So I don’t buy that logic for that particular point to prove alcohol is poison. Other than that, your points seem well-thought out and ring true.
  • hair62
    We have never met but she’s my soul sister! Because of Anne I have been AFAF fir 2 years! I love you Anne
  • LRFitnessTN
    Life Changing!!
    Annie’s message has slowly, but completely changed my life!! Take it slow- listen to her podcasts, read her book and watch how all your beliefs about alcohol completely get turned upside down. Annie is the best interviewer- patient, not overpowering, and connects with every guest. I have learned so much- Thank You Annie!!🙌🏻
  • OT LJ 1215
    The best
    Annie grace and her podcast are the bomb!
  • Jersey Claire
    Appreciation to the max!!!
    This podcast has meant so much to me and my health and outlook on my future. Please don’t stop! 💙💙💙
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