GZERO World with Ian Bremmer

Politics #128

The United States will no longer play global policeman, and no one else wants the job. This is not a G-7 or a G-20 world. Welcome to the GZERO, a world made volatile by an intensifying international battle for power and influence. Every week on this podcast, Ian Bremmer will interview the world leaders and the thought leaders shaping our GZERO World.

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Recent Reviews
  • Red Raider MDR
    Essential Listening
    Fantastic well researched in depth commentary which succinctly explains how the world works.
  • Jess Apple Family
    Complex issues made understandable
    Ian B is brilliant but I never feel he’s talking down to his audience.
  • Nerd Frenchie
    I would have rated it 5 if the show went into more depth on issues
  • Geoplanter
    Friedman interview
    As usual, Friedman is dead certain about all of his Middle East certainties. I’m shocked to hear him suggest something of a moral equivalence between Netanyahu and the Hamas leadership, and surprised that he thinks that Netanyahu is solely running the strategy! It’s a triumvirate of Bibi, Gantz and Gallant, fully supported by the Israeli electorate. I’m shocked to hear both Friedman and the host take Hamas’ death toll numbers as gospel! Im equally shocked that Friedman, with all of his journalistic experience, can presume to know more about military strategy than the IDF leadership. With respect to precisely targeted special operations, if took the Mossad years to retaliate for the Munich massacre, and it took the USA ten years to get Bin Laden. Why no mention of the inhumanity of Hamas fighters hiding behind and under the civilian population. Why isn’t the world incensed about that?
  • B70M
    Smart and insightful
    This podcast and the Fareed Zakaria GPS are the only two foreign affairs programs in all of media that are insightful
  • mhaliett
    I always learn something
    This is a great podcast. I always learn something from the show and I respect Ian‘s viewpoint. I listen to most every episode.
  • JPMorton
    Ian is always right
    Ian Bremmer is the closest thing we have to a prophet. He makes predictions with a high degree of accuracy, but sadly he often focuses on dangerous world events. If you want to stay informed and ahead of the rest, follow Ian into the future.
  • David Miltenberger
    Border interview
    Love your thoughtful world-order review and insight. You totally gave the democrat an easy pass on the border crisis. From my understanding, the Dems have fought against border security since at least 2015/16 in the Trump presidency. For Dems to pretend now that they want to fix the border is ridiculous. You should have pushed back on that. Why doesn’t Biden do anything by executive order?? I’m surprised how weak you were… you are normally very good at being in the middle and very thoughtful
  • Mickey O’Malone
    Lamborg episode
    Terrible Ian really went easy on this non fact based ‘imaginative’ seeming proponent for fossil fuels
  • MidWestner
    Listening to the Canadian astronaut talk about the Artemis mission, one would come away not really appreciating that it’s a NASA-funded mission ($93billion). Thanks for the robotic arm Canada….but some perspective
  • zxxcb.
    220- US Midterm Shakeout
    Ian I listened to this pod with your guest Tamara Keith 3 times and this division and media hype election fraud rhetoric conversation with very little credit being given to Joe Biden and Democratic consistent messaging ignited the Youth vote which you didn’t even mention! Biden’s Presidential representation to the world in Bali with side discussions with XI Jinping was a vital tamp down to “tensions” escalating. Diplomacy is paramount to world peace. All media and polling agencies are collectively responsible for fueling this “divisiveness” and disinformation leading up to our Midterm elections. KF- Albuquerque, NM
  • dylanator247
    Not woke enough! 😤
    This show needs more Demonrats on it and more pro-BLM/Antifa stuff 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇸🇾🇧🇾
  • 111342
    these are “extended” interviews?
    I’ve never heard Ian Bremer on NPR but his segments must be no more than .00004 seconds long. He offers these “extended” interviews that run as long as 20 minutes. “explain to me global nuclear weapons strategy…in 14 minutes after ads”. would be a 5 star podcast if the medium was fully utilized. Seinfeld episodes are longer and more informative.
  • Gmaqtx
    Excellent interview
    Thank you for the insightful interview with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. Going to go back and listen to more of your podcasts!
  • William Kern
    Ian … on Brazil, you failed to mention …
    Ian, Ian, Ian … I love you man and the type of information you are a purveyor of … but how in the Lord’s holy name can you discuss Brazil, Bolsonaro and Lula - with another former Brazilian President - without ever mentioning the fact that Bolseneros and his henchman had Lula jailed so Bolsonaro could win the last ejection!? … And in the context of comparisons to Trump? How did this happen? … And in the meantime, the man you interviewed illuminated nothing about what is really going on there. To my eyes - you pulled your punches and allowed this man to give a mealy-mouthed interview signifying nothing. All I’m saying man, is that you let me down. William Kern
  • tobbi moomoo
    The Enrico Latta interview is clown show
    Absolutely incompetent interview. Corona response in the EU is a disaster, and these guys thinks it is an opportunity for the EU. This type of propaganda will destroy the EU.
  • Hal at CM of Glass, Corning
    Jared Kushner
    I listened to your recent interview? of Jared Kushner. You lobbed him more softball questions than at a Cinderella Softball game for kindergarteners. Are you really a shill for the Trump regime as you asked nothing of value. Just let Jared spout his missives without meaningful follow up questions. I am cancelling further downloads of you padded podcasts. Might as well watch Fox News
  • VanTan
    Kushner interview a joke.
    Absolute puff piece with zero hard questions or fact checking. This isn’t journalism.
  • obacker19
    Empowering, insightful and actionable! 🙌
    Whether you’re already deep into your journey of understanding the forces shaping our global power dynamics, or just getting started learning what’s at play behind the scenes - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Ian does an incredible job leading conversations that pull back the veil on the factors influencing global dominance in our modern world (and makes the concepts accessible to all of us!). Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • ashtar84
    Excellent interviews
    Mr Bremmer always gives you detailed but concise conversations with a great mix of A-listers, foreign policy wonks, and important players in past and present national governments. Thank you.
  • Joe "A"
    On my “I devices” (current model iPod and brand new iPad) the episodes either don’t load or, if they appear, indicate they’re playing but there’s no sound. Very disappointed, because I really like the shows!
  • Chairman.Chao
    Update your podcast on time plz?
    Fire whoever is doing the podcast update!
  • Epoi
    Recommended. (Episode list problem.)
    Thoughtful discussion. Episode list doesn’t update properly. Episodes later than oct 29, 2018, and several episodes prior, appear under ‘Unknown Season’, which iOS displays below ‘Season 1’, making it difficult to find what’s current. As of this posting, today’s episode doesn’t appear anywhere on the list, and is not locatable by search function; it only seems to appear if subscribed.
  • EpiclySteve
    Tasteful, Genuine, and Clever
    Ian Bremmer and Eurasia Group have done a fantastic job of bring some of the world’s most intelligent and thoughtful geopolitical influencers to the table for candid, digestible conversations that high school students and PhDs alike will enjoy. It’s cerebral without being pretentious, authentic while remaining reasonable. Recommended listening for any ideology wishing to cut through the all-too-prevalent static in today’s democratized media.
  • Fiona-Angelica Smith
    Recommend G-Zero World for students studying International Relations, especially MBA candidates. Ian Bremmer podcasts and YouTube videos are excellent discussions on global affairs, changing markets, and on geopolitical risks.
  • Mikehhyhtd
    Episodes are always interesting and informative, I wish they were hours longer.
  • KTSavage
    Wow! Finally! Ian Bremmer has a pod!
    Just now saw on Twitter. Just now subscribed on iTunes. Writing early comment. The ease of having a Bremmer pod on my subscribe list could not be better. Gonna be a fav without having listened to a word. Thank you, Ian Bremmer!
  • Mase24
    New platform
    Excited to see how the podcast works. Book buyer and “your world in 60 seconds” consumer, I love the material and perspective you bring to the conversation. As a young 20-something in Oklahoma, there isn’t enough exposure to individuals like yourself.
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