The Night Owl: True Ghost Stories


True ghost stories; haunted places, haunted people, and the mysteries that surround them. Follow host Stephen Belyeu and his team as they investigate paranormal events and those who are affected by them. Have a personal ghost story or haunted home or business? Share via voicemail at (512) 270-8859 or email

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Recent Reviews
  • 911Moneek
    My Absolute Favorite!
    I am a ghost story junky! I listen to any and all supernatural podcasts I can find, and this one is at the very top of my list. šŸ˜ I love everything about this podcastā€¦ the stories, the host/guests, the music, the transparency, the evidence they provide, the research, the healthy skepticism, etc. The BEST part is that they give mediums and spiritual practitioners the ability to practice their skills in places they are investigating. I wish I could get a new story every day, but can only imagine how much work goes into it. It is my guilty pleasure and I get so excited whenever I learn a new episode has been dropped. I just wish I lived closer so I could attend an event and practice my own skills. Maybe one day in the future I can take a trip and live that dream. šŸ˜ŠšŸ™šŸ¼ THANK YOU to all the people working to make this podcast a success!! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ„°
  • Jqloufnncihd
    Favorite supernatural podcast
    Iā€™ve listened to a lot of spooky podcasts and only recently discovered this one. It is by far my favorite so far! Highly recommend to anyone into spooky podcasts!
  • Upman89
    Fine podcast
    I love this show itā€™s my favorite podcast.
  • RRJJack
    Love all these episodes
    Such a great podcast to listen to when doing work around the house or driving.
  • Rmeowkittenme
    I love this so much!!
    I miss you guys! I hope everything is okay since I havenā€™t seen a new episode out. But i absolutely love this podcast. I drive so many hours in a day and I am devouring episode after episode. We need a new one! Thank you
  • mysterymach
    Satanic Panic is OVER buddy
    I kind of liked this until the Helltown episode- obviously these kids didn't grow up during the Satanic Panic and believe that because a pentagram was spray painted on a bridge devil worshippers are everywhere. DUDE. Do some reading. Bored teens are notorious for spooky graffiti, and I promise you ain't no real Satanists going to spray paint anything. And they are probably nicer than a lot of people who go to your church. 1 out of 5 stars for terrible gullibility and ENDLESS asking for money. I made a pod too, and I did it 100 percent alone. You don't need a team dude. Seriously. Like at least 25 percent of this is him begging for money, or giving credit to the huge team he has. And you still came up with this????Never listening again.
  • smcevoyster
    Wow! Great podcast!
    Iā€™m a skeptic but this podcast has me wonderingā€¦. Very well presented and narrated stories. Research and investigative methods are hard to dispute. I highly recommend this podcast for anyone interested in paranormal occurrences.
  • Quiet Haunt
    Losing interest šŸ˜•
    This is by far the best paranormal podcast out there. I love your tone and your cast seems believable and authentic. I have stuck with you because I found your show late in my search for a good podcast in your genre. I have now listened to all of your shows. One show a month just doesnā€™t do it for me. Especially when you stretch a location over three episodes. You need to produce more shows more often like you did in the beginning before you lose your listeners. Most of the good shows in your genre are doing shows at least once a week. They are still producing quality shows. They are finding stories around the globe. I hope you can branch out very soon.
  • Peanut_Cashew
    JUST WOW!!
    So I needed something new to listen to to pass time while at work. Well it just so happened I stumbled upon this podcast, and in doing so the first episode alone was just amazing and intriguing. I love it sooo much!!! I highly recommend for those looking for new stories that are true but creepy and unknown.
  • Alicebracy
    Stumbled upon
    This podcast is actually like so great! Iā€™m listening to ALL episodes while I clean this weekend. Please keep the stories coming
  • ytitsahc
    big fan
    i love this podcast so much, my only complaint is that i wish there was weekly releases šŸ˜­ iā€™ll be patient though, itā€™s worth the wait!!
  • Renee o
    Amazing šŸ¤©
    I love the paranormal and I ran across this one and no im addicted and literally binging it. I would love to see you guys come to Colorado as we have a rich history here. Also would love to see a YouTube channel to see your investigations. But love it no matter what. Great job
  • Hadley4ATX
    Not just my fav podcast, also my fav topic of conversation
    No matter where in the world you live, this podcast will hook you! It's an added bonus for Central Texans who will know the haunted locations featured in The Night Owl podcast. Stephen Belyeu writes and produces like a journalist--researching the history of people and places, taking a non-bias stance on what may or may not be happening, and weaving a helluva good story. You can tell his heart is truly in this podcast in order to help people on both sides of life and death to heal and be understood. Stephen and his team are doing truly important work, and we're lucky to get to listen in!
  • Erika JoJo
    I have been binging this podcast and I am just amazed by how each investigation just gets better. Stephen thank you for telling your origin story as this helped me make sense of a similar situation I had as a kid with a spirit that would visit me at times my life felt dark. It changed my perspective on how this spirit may have been helping me instead of scaring me. I love your thoroughness with investigating your cases and the compassion you give to the spirits your working with. This really shined through with Oscar in the Demons that Haunt Us episodes. Saraā€™s abilities and Alexis coming up with an appropriate game plan to deal with Oscar crossing over was outstanding. Needless to say Iā€™m addicted to this podcast. Thank you for showcasing a compassionate way to dealing with spirits and finding solutions that most paranormal shows donā€™t do.
  • Ellie Led
    Family Favorite
    I absolutely love the way this team shares their investigative stories! I love it so much Iā€™ve got both my sisters and my mom hooked! So your podcast is now a Family a favorite!!
  • Shaymin2007
    The Best Paranormal Podcast
    Iā€™ve listened to many other paranormal podcasts but Iā€™ve not been able to find one like this one. Iā€™ve listened to every episode and have seen the changes made to make ever episode after even better. I love the care and dedication to providing full transparency and the research done into each investigation. Most paranormal podcast just talking about ghost stories. On this one we experience them. The narration is flawless and I can imagine being at these locations and what the situation is. Iā€™m always excited to see that there is a new episode and I hope to get more for years to come! I also recommend watching from the beginning as each series is its own contained story and truly worth it!!!
  • Ben likes ghosts
    The gold standard for paranormal investigations podcasts
    Excellent production, entertaining, well edited and narrated. Fantastic approach to investigations and use of evidence including the way itā€™s presented in the show. Love that they have an occult specialist and use psychic mediums on top of well researched history to sites investigated. Spooky good, add it to your feed you will be entertained.
  • lindzerchic13
    Love it!
    Iā€™m obsessed with this podcast. Not only are all the tales well-researched and extremely well-narrated, everyone involved makes safety and courtesy a priority. It is so wholesome and heartwarming to hear how much yā€™all help everyone you come into contact with, and how respectful yā€™all are in every single interaction. I love listening!
  • Jackie Rho
    Just the right amount of creepy šŸ‘»
    I was born and raised in central Texas, so hearing these stories from local towns is fun! The host does a great job of researching and I appreciate that he doesnā€™t just hype up a lame story.
  • Batgirl64
    THIS is the podcast Iā€™ve been looking for! Amazing group of people doing incredible things and helping so many along the way! šŸ’œšŸ§™šŸ¼šŸ’œ
  • HRegann
    I love the campfire episodes! Itā€™s super interesting to hear other peopleā€™s experiences and encounters with the paranormal. Canā€™t wait to hear more!
  • FendiChic
    I am Hooked
    This is such a great show. I binged on this podcast and am proud to say Iā€™m all caught up in just a few weeks! I just couldnā€™t stop listening! I love them so much I started supporting on Patreon. I am super busy and donā€™t get to take in very much tv, books, or television but this had me tuning in every chance I got. I highly recommend!!!
  • Amynaitor
    Quality Show!
    I am one of the fans that would be absolutely obsessed with having more than 1 new episode a month - HOWEVER. Because I know he already works a full time job, I understand. The quality of the stories, research, audio, interviews, mediums, everything - is immaculate. This podcast has easily become one of my favorites to listen to! You can feel the effort he pours into this and it shows!
  • prx121721
    Wish it was weekly
    Iā€™m so glad I stumbled across this podcast! I love the way itā€™s done. Everyone involved does a great job. I really wish there were weekly episodes.
  • Ghostgirl424
    My fave paranormal podcast
    Iā€™ve listened to many paranormal podcasts and I truly believe that this is the best one out there. The way that the episodes are set up with context, the investigation, and recap of findings is very organized. You can really tell the team is doing their due diligence on the research and respecting the land/subjects they interview. There are too many paranormal podcasts out there with ramblings and are overall unorganized. This podcast is head and shoulders above the rest and I am literally salivating when another episode gets released because the team is going for a quality production not quantity!!
  • Kris TTTT
    Pompee House, Navajo listener fr Farmington NM
    Love ur podcast. Working and listening at same time. We r Navajo from Farmington, New Mexico! First off taking and even touching and WASHING??!!!!!???????!!!!!! the skull is such a negative and DISRESPECTFUL thing to do. This is where the negative spirit is from. Firstly, Digging up of the skull could have even been part of a Skinwalker ceremony for the bones and items of the dead. We find it very distressing and upsetting to hear how it was used and treated. How would u like for us Navajo go to ur family plots and dig up and open ur family members coffins. Go thru their things and play around with it? See how that makes u feel. Navajo r not the only natives to use negative forces. Why do u think he was told not to ask about it again! The ignorance!!!!!! This man deserves more than he got.
  • kelseaw06
    LOVE! Thorough, honest and captivating
    This show is SO. WELL. DONE! The stories are so interesting and Stephen (host and creator) has done an awesome job of carefully researching the details that knit together past and present (when available) to make the story as whole as they can be. The audio track and descriptions that paint the setting are awesome too, and you feel like youā€™re right there exploring each property with Stephen, as he meets his guests and they, with psychic & mediums he brings in, tour the space. Also love that he does his best to honestly debunk anything he comes across. Well done. Canā€™t wait for more!
  • Maoberb
    Stop with the weird repetitive music
    I will never understand why good podcasts have to have an annoying undertone of music. Itā€™s distracting. I really do enjoy this podcast and the stories but the music has done me in.
  • tiffy spiffy
    Ouija Board Psychics
    Interesting podcast that is done very well. But I'm a bit over guests thinking they attrack paranormal activity or believe they are gifted psychics, when in reality, they've messed with witchcraft or played with Ouija board and invited dark spirits into their lives. These entities pose as loving, wise spirit guides and nothing could be further from the truth. Having these things attached to you (because you gave them legal right to your life) is not a "gifting", it's wicked and people are being decieved.
  • Katrinae
    My new favorite podcast
    Iā€™ve listened to about 10 or so stories and it is well done. I love the skepticism and trying to debunk some things. I enjoy Sarah a lot and love her perspective and how she talks to them. I was Moved by the Native American cleansing episode
  • Bri7389(7278492
    I have listened to every episode and as an og all things horror fan, no other podcasts hits like this one!
  • fosterlu
    Annoying sound effects
    This podcast would get five stars if they would cut it out with the buzzing and piercing sound effects. It does not add attention, it takes me out of the podcast. It hurts my ears and it makes me think my car is broken.
  • BusyMama
    Amazing podcast!
    Stephen and his team not only present the paranormal stories, but they research and thoroughly investigate each case to go beyond just the ā€œghost storyā€. Stephenā€™s narration style and storytelling draws you in and fully engages. This podcast is such a treat that Iā€™m a little sad I didnā€™t discover it earlier. I binged all the past episodes and am now eagerly awaiting a new one each month!
  • papa lovr
    Wow wow wow!
    I just finished the Deamons that haunt us and Iā€™m hooked on your podcast! I cried during the last scene in the final part and was so excited when Tiffany agreed to join in on the Mass. There were cool similarities between Luna and Mama Nora too. I just found your podcast and it looks like I have some catching up to do šŸ˜Š
  • More Than A Local Boy
    Great show
    Iā€™m glad I came across this podcast and really enjoy how thorough and informative you perform your investigations. I will say this last campfire story wasnā€™t a fan favorite; not to say it was bad but I personally believe you were played. The cold reading she did on you was pretty obvious.. Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t notice it. She led you to reveal more and more about your grandfather when she first took a swing with it earlier in the phone interview. Iā€™m not a paranormal expert or one who conveys with the spirits but Iā€™ve seen John Edward enough to know what an ice cold reading looks like.
  • bankers hill
    Best Paranormal Podcast!
    Love the format and host. Wish there were more episodes! Keep it up!
  • NUCCA doc
    Warning: Highly addictive
    This show is incredible! The second Sara comes along itā€™s even better. The way the podcast is put together, the editing, the voices, the stories, itā€™s incredibly well done. 5 stars on the guests, the hosts, the clairvoyance, the stories. Everything is gripping. Iā€™m only disappointed I finished it so quickly. Hard to find anything quite like it sadly.
  • SaraSnedly
    One of the best paranormal podcasts!
    I highly recommend this podcast to those interested in the paranormal. They donā€™t sensationalize or use fear to explain whatā€™s happening. Instead they investigate and stay open and curious throughout the process. Their team is excellent- Sarah and Alexis rock!
  • Destyco11
    Favorite podcast
    I love a good paranormal podcast. Iā€™ve listened to so many different ones out there and this is by far my favorite one. This team does such a great job with their investigations. They are so thorough and make you feel like you are there experiencing these investigations with them. They leave no stone unturned to make sure the listener feels they have a completed story. I canā€™t recommend it enough!
  • Jadaltonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    Love campfire episodes
    Amazing pod. Love the host, love Sara. Just wish there was more to binge
  • Sassafrass54
    So very well done
    Stephen does such a great job making this not only interesting but produced in a way that is pleasing to the ears. The investigations are delved into sincerely and respectfully for all involved. Truly fascinating!
  • shajabxieif
    Spooky story/ghost haunt fan? This is the podcast for you
    This podcast is everything Iā€™ve been looking for. Scary stories and ghost hunts - all backed by an honest host who works simply off the facts. Couldnā€™t recommend more!
  • Jas Con
    I love this podcast and it is everything I have been looking for in a listening experience.
  • Kimba125
    Love your podcast!! Thank you for coming back and alll your hard work! šŸ˜˜
  • anniemcfreebo
    Iā€™m so pleased I came across your pod. Youā€™re a talented storyteller and reporter with such a good voice! Iā€™m very picky about voices! Yours is both soothing and compelling. Thank you for all your hard work.
  • greenivy6
    My favorite podcast right now
    This podcast is fascinating and well done. Thank you all so much for all the hard work you do to bring it to us!
  • GoldenGoddess333
    Listen to every episode!
    I love this podcast. Thanks so much for doing such great work. I think Iā€™ve listened to almost every episode and plan on continuing to do so.
  • Brandiwhine1127
    Love the show!
    I have been listening since the beginning and have enjoyed every case. The current Pompee house is so interesting! I canā€™t wait for episode 3 of this case! While I miss Sara and I was afraid her absence would effect the show Iā€™m glad to tell that it is not. Great job!
  • Blong585
    Absolutely Incredible šŸ¦‰šŸ–¤
    I found this podcast as a recommendation in Apple Podcasts, and Iā€™m so freaking happy that I did! I grew up in the Texas hill country, lived in Austin for many years, and have now settled just south of the Devils Backbone. Iā€™ve always been a bit more ā€œconnectedā€ or ā€œin-tuneā€ spiritually, and the familiarity I have with the locations investigated makes this podcast more meaningful and intriguing. The care that this team has for the locations they investigate, the humans who work & live in these locations, and the spirits that share these spaces is truly something special. If you arenā€™t already listening, what are you waiting for?! Do it! To the Night Owl Team, keep doing what youā€™re doing, itā€™s absolute perfection. My only complaint is that I want more! Lol! Much love yaā€™ll!
  • JR in ATX
    Stephen and team never disappoint! The best paranormal podcast!
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