Manifestation Babe

Education #71

The Manifestation Babe Podcast is a top-rated show made for the ambitious woman who knows she is here to unapologetically create and live her best life. Hosted by leading manifestation expert and multi-millionaire, Kathrin Zenkina leaves you with the best of the best practical tips, spiritual advice, and energetic hacks that are guaranteed to lead you to your next breakthrough. If you’re ready to defy all logic and manifest your impossible dreams, hit that follow button and get ready to experience THE transformation you deserve.
Follow Kathrin on Instagram @manifestationbabe:
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Recent Reviews
  • BrookeLynn2024
    Main Podcast
    Kathrine, this podcast has helped me so much in life. Leading me to take action by listening to myself, Find myself in motherhood, and be the woman that I want to be. I have been listening to this podcast since 2020 and it keeps getting better through every episode. Thank you for the work you do, it has lead me to find the life that I dream and continue to create daily. Xoxo— Brooke
  • ConcepcionFam
    Hi Kathryn, I know it’s a super longshot that you might see this review, but here goes everything! I just wanted to take the time this morning on my hour and a half commute to my 9 to 5 that is now temporary at the moment... My boss that I have been working with (or more like my mentor) for the last four years, which was when I decided to take the leap of faith and move across the country at 20 years old with my childhood sweetheart (now with a beautiful almost 2 year old), is set to retire in exactly 30 days. I literally just opened an LLC and started a contract in a field that is part of my enormous passion. What a coincidence that I was aligned enough to be able to experience this episode this morning, right when you tell us to set a date with a universal contract for whatever it is that we would like (50k my 1 year salary I’m now transitioning on making through myself). I’ve always wanted to write a review but never knew exactly what I would say, so I would always tell myself that the day I have the balls to do it I will make sure the words just flow right out. You have been such a tremendous part of my self-concept journey and I cannot begin to thank you enough. Thank you for your love, your light, and your radiant energy that causes the most inspirational feelings to help assist us to manifest exactly what it is we are supposed to be doing for ourselves, as your light is just a glimmer of a possibility to what we hold the power to make our reality. I aspire, actually, I know that when I release my content whether it be on TikTok, Instagram, a podcast, or all three - it’s gonna be filled with just as inspirational things as I have the best guidance/spiritual team I could’ve ever asked for, and I am so blessed that you are spiritually a part of that whether you know it or not. Thank God that he is so amazing and that Source/universe connected me to such a light being. I really hope this message finds you well if you ever do have the time in your most precious busy life to hear my words I love you and let’s keep manifesting babes 🫶🏼 (ps not me literally finishing this message about to click post then looking up to my right & the car next to me is the third 555 I have seen on this drive and while listening to the podcast.. I am telling you the synchronicities have been wild!)
  • Cinlan7783
    Thank you for sharing your fear of flying episode
    Thank you so much for sharing with your flying with fear episode. I am going on a trip next week ; and I am so glad I found your episode 🙂
  • Mrs cookiez
    Ive been listening daily now
    love the messages, the energy, and the instructions!! Thank you so much for being you and sharing your wisdom!
  • him098765
    This podcast has given me so much information, guidance and hope. I look forward to new episodes and love how it could be about anything from money to fitness to mental strength to her own personal situations in life. Love love love you Katherin! Keep being you 🫶🏻
  • janers3
    I love this podcast, SO much information!! She is a bright light and just so good at what she teaches! ❤️🌺
  • Libraparadise
    I absolutely love her podcast I try sharing with everyone I know ! Blew my mind . Changed my way of thinking about things and got rid of most of my negativity.
  • Amy11521
    My FAVORITE new podcast!
    Just discovered & I am binging! She gives manifesting techniques in a way that’s more practical and easy to understand than most other resources out there. Her voice and energy are lovely too! Highly recommend!
  • Meenu Ananthh
    Loving these episodes so far. I can totally feel Kathrine’s honesty and realness in her voice and I love that. The stories and her experiences are inspiring beyond words! Thanks for keeping it real!
  • christyRNball
    Thank you!
    You are the best!
  • jacks1991
    Life Changing
    I can’t explain how much this podcast has helped me. Not only has it helped me transform my life but it has helped want to achieve my full potential. Thank you for doing this podcast, you have taken me out of the hardest days of my life Katherine.
  • drennan97
    10/10 would recommend
    Just push play on any episode and I promise you that you will leave empowered! I have been listening to this podcast for years and it has helped me in the deepest of ways. By far the best podcast out there!!!
  • Tiffany H-C
    Done let the “babe” in the name fool you!
    This is potent information, and she shares her experiences, struggles, and what works for her in such a simple and easy to apply manner. I just started listening this morning and am 3 episodes in and have been sharing with friends and even my “babe,” who’s a dude! Seriously love this podcast and am so glad I finally listened! I guess I was now ready for it after hearing about it from so many people who I look up to in the spiritual community. 💕
  • honkiecat
    Just listened to Glucose Goddess Episode!!
    1st - I love this podcast. She keeps it so real & is down to earth (a little happy for me 🤣 but I guess I just haven’t reached her level of positivity & change yet) & is easy to listen to. I love her podcasts on her own, but when she has guests, I know they’ve been hand-selected for specific reasons… the episode w/Glucose Goddess has def been my FAVE episode thus far! Thank you for such informative & eye-opening info yall!! Keep it up mama! P.S: you’re beautiful!! 😘xo
  • Mikayla Lashae
    Weekly dose of elevation!
    Loving this elevated version of The Manifestation Babe! The authenticity and vulnerability of Kathrin while she journeys as the CEO of her life spurs inspiration and empowers me to get out of my comfort zone and be the change I wish to see in my world. In a year, I’ve witnessed the level up in who Kathrin is being/becoming and appreciate the effort she is putting into this podcast. Thank you for showing up and being you!
  • rhliz
    Love but can’t watch with kids
    I love your content so much, but the only time I have to listen to you is when I’m with my kids (in the car, cooking dinner), and you swear so much! But other than that your content is great :)
  • HollyRad1217
    Just discovered
    I recently discovered this podcast and I’m so obsessed. I find often with manifesting people talk in circles and don’t real practical advice and really break it down. But she DOES! It’s a must listen.
  • sassywitch541
    The Best Manifestation Resource Around
    Kathrin, her podcast, and her programs have changed my life in the best possible way. I wasn’t new to manifestation when I found Manifestation Babe, but I truly feel that I’ve unleveled in ALL the ways since I started listening last summer. Anytime I need to raise my vibe, I listen to Kathrin, and literally no other resource does the trick as well or as quickly. I always leave her episodes inspired and ready to step more fully into the abundance the Universe has to offer. And — and I think this says it all — I still come back to the podcast to listen, even though I’ve bought a few of Kathrin’s programs (which are all amazing!) just because I can’t get enough. Thank you, Kathrin, for everything you do!!! I so appreciate you!
  • reischmon
    LOVE manifestation babe!
    I’ve been following Kathrin for over a year now, and I listen to her podcast almost everyday. I love to listen to an episode every morning to start my day with a positive mindset-I even re-listen to episodes. This woman has unlocked the code and has drastically helped me in my life.
  • Abatoir
    My mom got me into your podcast and I’ve been obsessed since I started listening! I’ve done your 21 day challenge and manifested a new vehicle and 2k in 21 days! You’re amazing & I love how real you are! 💕
  • Bucherbabe
    i love this podcast- ive been a fan for a while now, so uplifting and helpful🙌🏻❤️
  • Mila Junge
    Thank you 🌟
    Love your podcast, thank you for empowering women and spreading this energy ✨ You’re amazing!
  • Cool mom Mary
    Love her!
    So knowledgeable. This lovely lady has taught me so much and has helped me in my manifesting journey as well as spiritual. Thank you love!
  • Peaceandyen
    The only voice I need for manifestation.
    I found Kathrin around 2021 when I made a resolution to finally implement all the self help information I had been digestion. Her MBA program is life changing and now onto Sovereign Money. I am so excited about expanding my money aura, and turning up my financial thermostat. I am already living my dream life and can’t wait to do and make more.
  • Ami Martin
    6 years later and the impact has been amazing
    I’ve listened to this podcast now for six years (since 2018), and it led to enrolling in her some of offerings and eventually to 2 different iterations of Manifestation Babe Academy. It’s hard to quantify that impact that Kathrin and her podcast have had on me because there is so much that has been integrated and weaved into my life, and so many things that I’ve manifested as a result. I’m forever grateful that she started Manifestation Babe and shares what she does and knows so freely. I know thy you will absolutely love her podcast, too!
  • Reiki_Ginger_
    Life Changing!!
    I found Kathrin/ Manifestation Babe about 4 years ago during the pandemic when I was going through my spiritual awakening. When I tell you that she literally changed my life, I’m not exaggerating! I started out with all her free content including this podcast as well as her Instagram and while the paid programs are totally worth it, she is soo generous with her free information that it makes it so accessible for those just starting their journey. She’s a wealth of knowledge, but in a fun, approachable way. I’m constantly recommending Kathrin and her content to anyone who will listen! So grateful for Manifestation Babe 💟
  • Angelamariec7
    Life changing & authentic!
    This is the podcast I look forward to the most each week. I love how authentic Kathrin is and she shares in real-time with us how she heals and grows. Kathrin is a true light in this world and my frequency feels upgraded just from listening to her. Thank you Kathrin!!! ❤️❤️
  • yassyyassy1245
    Love this Podcast!!
    I forgot how I came upon this podcast, I think I was looking for inspiration on instagram. And then I thought this was just for entrepreneurs, so I just listened to some episodes here and there. One day, maybe a few weeks ago, I decided I would start at the very beginning of the podcast and really understand the story here. So relatable, so informative, so helpful!! I learned so many great things on this podcast and am so grateful for the work that the manifestation babe team do! I have implemented the 10/10/10 and feel amazing about it, I am generous with tipping and get excited when I find a penny on the ground, all because of this podcast and Kathrin!
  • Amy Bartko - chatterbox
    Fire 🔥
    Girl, you are fire 🔥 I’m loving your podcast. Excited to learn more about SM. I just listened to you on Lindsay Schwartz podcast, so I’m new to you but obsessed. I’m excited to take my journey with you 💕 thank you for being so real. xoxo Amy 😘
  • ladyhdrider
    Manifestation Babe
    I love this podcast! I listen when each new episode comes out. Kathryn always is so positive and provides her unique insight about life and how to manifest the life we want. I really liked the episode on the 4 things she is doing to up-level her life. It just goes to show that small changes are just as important as big ones. Thanks Kathryn for what you do!
  • HappyLifeofLove
    I love Kathrin! She is fabulous. I have both of her books and listen to her podcast religiously! She has made me remember that anything is possible in this beautiful life. Thank you, Kathrin!
  • KTinCali
    The Best!
    My favorite self development podcast!! I listen to dozens of them but always come back to Manifestation Babe. She makes things fun, inspiring and shifts the way I’ve always though about money, what’s possible for me, etc. We can literally do, be and have anything we want! Thank you so much for everything you do ❤️❤️
  • jeniwaitforit
    Life changing
    I look forward to every episode. I’ve learned so much from Kathrin and her frequency is unmatched. She delievers everything in such an easy to digest manner. I will never stop recommending this podcast to anyone and everyone!! Love you Babe <3
  • Preciousboots
    Can’t stop binging
    I found this podcast a couple of weeks ago and immediately went to work on my personal growth journey. I can’t stop listening to Manifestation Babe… she makes it easy to understand in a high vibe way and I love how she shares her strengths and weaknesses.
  • Kinley Lane
    6 minutes in and a full body YES🪬
    Wow. I paused episode 304 unintentionally at 5:55 to come and leave a review/thank you for this episode. I’ve listened to the show for a long time but this one… even less than 6 minutes, in is giving me a full body yes. I needed someone to put words to what I feel in my body, and that’s what Katherine did. Thank you friend for sharing your heart. I am cheering you on in this breakthrough and I’m right there along side you sis!💛 ~ Kinley Lane
  • Rosa Pinto Flores
    Wow I'm so grateful I stumbled upon this podcast and at the exact right time in my life. Everything you say resonates with my life so much. Thank you so much for your guidance and help !
  • KatrinaMowbray
    You’re most vulnerable episode was my fav yet!
    I’ve been listening to you for over a year, and I was in you’re March 23’ MBA program. All have changed my life and lead me down this personal development path & I’m so grateful for you being my pioneer to this new journey I’m on! BUT this episode, was by far my favorite of all of them!! It was just hands down amazzzing!! helped me see things differently & helped me reframe some of my old programming. So THANK YOU for being vulnerable and allowing me to have another breakthrough in my life. 🫶🏽🙌🏽
  • karmically paranoid
    Love Kathrin
    Wonderful woman, wonderful work! Exceptional!
  • Dr_Lv_
    Money Mania
    KZ is amazing!!! I was hooked after first listen. Joined her sovereign money group and truly breaking down how easy we can manifest money and the life we are destined to lead.
  • kbryson1
    I usually start my morning with a podcast that motivates me to enjoy everything the day has to offer. This podcast has inspired me to live my best day ever and to work towards making my dreams reality. Thank you! 😊
  • Beanski6
    Always learn something new
    Big fan and love your energy. Every time I listen I learn something new and my mindset shifts. Thank you so much for all your programs and offerings plus a free podcast for us to take what you’ve learned further.
  • christinav73
    Love this podcast
    I am not a huge podcast listener…or rather, I wasn’t …now, almost every time I am in my car alone, I am turning on this podcast. I love her sense of humor & outlook on life The tips and advice she gives are incredible and she seems very authentic.
  • Rose City Songbird
    Great content for shifting your mindset
    So many good nuggets in each episode.
  • Ambrosia1776
    New to spiritual manifestation
    So like I said I’m new to manifestation and I’m still struggling with fully believing in the things I can bring into my life with this process but she does such a great job of explaining each step in the manifestation process with science and breaking it down small enough I can understand and implement. I love her energy and it’s the best way to start my day.
  • dejiakat
    This podcast changed my life
    Thank you, thank you. It’s been almost 5 years since finding this podcast and every episode is so filled with great insights, takeaway that are genuinely life changing.
  • Leah Naomi R
    Love love love this podcast
    Short or long, solo or not- I love listening to what Katherine brings. It’s a great Pod to listen to for expansion and belief altering in the best ways possible.
  • Jenni’s Reviews
    Just what I needed!
    I came across this podcast as a recommendation from other boss babes in one of the communities I’m in and I am so thankful! This is just what I needed to push my mind further, especially into new territory, mentally and financially. This is a must listen to podcast!
  • Sherry Nicols
    Pls number the podcasts
    Hi! I really want to listen to some of your content but was trying to find episode 116 and none of the episodes are numbered and I’m having to scroll through all of them to just find one and click on each to see the episode number. I know this isn’t the appropriate place to ask for this, but you have no contact form on your website.
  • Alida1001
    I love this podcast
    As someone who listens to several podcasts about manifestation, this specific podcast is so relatable and digestible. It doesn’t leave me feeling discouraged like I’m way behind on my goals or like I have a long way to go. It makes me feel so positive and empowers me every time!
  • tkloesel
    thank youuu
    Kathryn your seeking discomfort podcast was for me! I have also been second guessing and feeling unworthy of a Sedona retreat I have booked. My ego has been stealing my joy about it and looking for a way out even tho I was led to it thru meditation and it feels very aligned. Thank you for helping me shush my ego and also thanks for linking to your friends in the notes. Already following them and loving their content. 🩷
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