3 Point Perspective: The Illustration Podcast

Arts #100Visual Arts #3

Illustrators Will Terry, Lee White, and Jake Parker talk about illustration, how to do it, how to make a living at it, and how to make an impact in the world with your art.

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Recent Reviews
  • Review970
    A Podcast not "Just for Illustrators"
    This Podcast truly has something for every artist! From the highschool art student to the veteran illustrator, anyone can find something useful to apply to their career or art journey. Jake, Will, and Lee's wealth of knowledge from their experiences working in the illustration industry, to self-publishing, to teaching, and everything in between is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to advance their artistic ability or make a career change. Whether you are looking for specific information on a topic or if you are just looking to "hang out" with other creatives as you create art, this is the podcast for you.
  • 1CallBS
    Anti Union
    Had to unsubscribe after hearing Will Terry’s anti union nonsense. In a time where we have never had a larger disparity of wealth I will not listen to or support someone so disconnected with reality.
  • OverkylArt
    (Hard drive emoji) 💾?
  • Morgau77
    Honest, Insightful and Entertaining
    Honest, Insightful and Entertaining. A must listen for anyone with an interest in illustration. Offers valuable advice and honest information that will help anyone looking to make money as an artist. Highly recommended.
  • Devon Holzwarth
    Kelsey Rodriguez interview!
    Hey guys, I’ve been listening for a long time and enjoy the episodes greatly - thank you. This interview with Kelsey Rodriguez was fantastic - such a motivation for me as an auth/illus looking for additional sources for income and connection that aren’t tied to Instagram etc. Definitely got me thinking on where to put the time and energy currently tossed randomly towards social media.
  • Jami Allen
    Total Game-Changer!!
    I’ve been listening to these 3 incredibly talented and brilliant illustrators for 4+ years. I first found Will Terry’s YouTube channel when I started to get into illustration, and then along came SVSLearn.com and then the TPP Podcast. I can’t even describe how much I’ve learned from these guys. The TPP podcast is my go to when I have time to myself (I’m a busy, working mom of 2). I listen when cleaning house, cleaning our AIRBNB, driving, drawing, etc. Such a great way to make the most of my time. This podcast gets me motivated and keeps me focused on my art career and I freaking love it. (It’s also saved me from falling for the “Will you illustrate my childrens book?” question) ;) I’m currently taking the Children’s Book Pro course on SVSLearn created by Jake, Will and Lee and it’s been incredibly valuable so far. I’ve already learned a ton in 3 short weeks and will have all this content in my bag to take take with me in the future. Couldn’t be more thankful for these guys. Thank you Jake, Will and Lee! You guys have been a game-changer for me and my career!
  • @camztattoo
    Been listening to these guys for years. As a tattoo artist our careers differ in many ways but are more alike in others. Listening to their insights have often helped me in my artist field. Not just for illustrators…this is a podcast for artist. Thank you for all the work over the years. From each of y’all’s YouTube channels to the podcast I try to never miss! Keep up the great work and don’t ever change you sweet honey bunz!
  • Gian Galang
    Valuable & fun industry insights
    I love listening to Jake, Lee, and Will because they have awesome stories and advice about being professional illustrators, and because actual first hand information from real working illustration professionals is extremely rare. Even as a non/children’s book artist, it’s fun listening to their journeys and drawing parallels from their experiences. 💪😎
  • Obsidian Pearl
    Inspiring, Helpful, and Entertaining
    I’ve listened to every episode for the last two years. These guys are so fun to listen to. They offer helpful advice to illustrators of all levels. These upbeat podcasts keep me going. I googled how to leave a review on Apple Podcasts just to rate this podcast.
  • Jordyn Bridge
    These guys!!
    Jake, Lee and Will are so down to earth and informative. They demystify the illustration industry. They are generous with their knowledge and they all have a great attitude. I’m always sad when a podcast ends! When I listen to each podcast I learn so much - how to create great illustrations, navigate the industry, life and even loss. 😢 I’m a long-time listener and I feel like I know them. What a gift you are all sharing with us! 🤗 Thank you for all you do!!
  • ScottD890
    Great advice for illustrators
    I enjoy the show. Its nice to have working artists taking about these subjects while I’m working in the studio. Since going freelance I’ve missed the lunch time conversations I use to have while working at a studio. This is a nice supplement. Great job guys and producers.
  • Fishnecktofu
    Always informative! This podcast delivers real world professional insight into the world of a working artist in a natural and conversational manner that is often humorous and entertaining.
  • Redhedsaysrawr
    This podcast has helped me so incredibly much
    Entertaining to listen to, and super informative on everything you could ever need to know about the illustration industry (or just creating in general). When I first heard about their podcast I thought how can a podcast about such a visual subject matter be that helpful? But I finally gave it a chance this year after switching my career goals and diving headfirst into illustration, and my god I’m so glad I did. This is now my favorite podcast and I recommend it whenever I can. Mixing humor, entertaining tangents, and incredibly crucial design information, this podcast is fantastic. Also, I just realized that my partner bought me a book for my last birthday on Kickstarter by Will Terry, “What They Don’t Teach In Art School” and never made the connection that he’s also on this podcast. It of course makes sense now because between reading that book and listening to this podcast, I have some hope for being able to be successful as an illustrator that I would be otherwise lost without.
  • Pamcake318
    Favorite podcast by far!
    I recommend this to everyone. It’s funny how often I can throw it in conversations when people are talking about non art related stuff. I seriously love the practical advice and book recommendations. I’ve found some great books through you all. I think my favorite part, though is when you guys make analogies to other careers that you don’t know anything about. Being the wife of a contractor it’s always funny when you guys try to make analogies to contractors… “No one ever asked the contractor to…” cracks me up EVERY TIME. 😆
  • Crust is the best part
    Amazing podcast
    I found this podcast last year, but felt intimidated by the idea of professional illustrators giving advice. I started listening a few weeks ago and I’m hooked. I’ve been binge listening. They are amazing and very down to earth.
  • AnnaLucile
    Thank you
    I’ve been wishing to become an illustrator for 20 years. My dream feels practical and possible since discovering this podcast. I am so grateful.
  • SHINKS1208
    Informational AND Entertaining
    I love this podcast, it is always in my rotation, and am always excited when a new episode shows up in my feed. And I am always inspired to create more afterwards!
  • Painting with Podcasts
    Fun podcast for newbies and old-timers
    Been doing this illustration thing for a while now and yet I tune in regularly for each episode. True, I will often find myself talking to — well — myself as I agree or disagree with a point being made, but it always gets me thinking and more importantly clarifying my own ideas on this profession. Love the current format of taking random listener question. Gives each episode a looser “grab bag” quality that is fun. Don’t shy away from genuine disagreements though — your friendships can clearly weather them and there’s no one way to navigate this career!
  • burvantill
    Happy to hear your banter again
    For a few months there you guys were getting a little DRY. All work and no play. I'm happy to hear you veering off track of the strict question and answer format. I think your spontaneous conversations have nuggets of gold in them. Plus they're freaking hilarious. I immensely enjoyed the extra track time in the cast a couple of weeks ago, as well.
  • Heather Freed
    Soooo much great Information!
    Love this podcast! Every episode is so helpful and packed full of pearls for illustrators on every level! Thanks for putting it all out there guys and not holding back with all of the details. Feels like you are sitting at a table having a real conversation with them and not at all like you are being “taught”, even though I am constantly learning while listening. Great podcast! Can’t wait for more.
  • Blaze Fowler
    Cynical Bro…Teachers?!
    I love and buy art but I myself am not an artist. I am, however, a teacher. Ira Glass: Nobody tells people who are beginners… and I really wish somebody had told this to me… is that all of us who do creative work, we get into it, and we get into it because we have good taste. But it’s like there’s a gap… that for the first couple of years you’re making stuff, what you’re making isn’t so good – it’s not that great. It’s trying to be good, it has ambition to be good but it’s not quite that good. But your taste – the thing that got you into the game, your taste is still killer! And your taste is good enough that you can tell that what you’re making is kind of a disappointment to you. A lot of people never get past that phase, a lot of people at that point they quit. And the thing that I would just like to say to you with all my heart is that most everybody I know who does interesting creative work, they went through a phase of years where they had really good taste, they could tell what they were making wasn’t as good as they wanted it to be. They knew it fell short. It didn’t have this special thing that we wanted it to have. And the thing that I would say to you is everybody goes through that. And for you to go through it, if you’re going through it right now, if you’re just getting out of that phase is you gotta know it’s totally normal, and the most important possible thing you can do is do a lot of work. Do a huge volume of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week or every month you know you’re going to finish one story. Because it’s only by going through an actual volume of work, that you’re actually going to catch up and close that gap. And the work that you’re making will be as good as you’re ambitions. It takes a while, it’s gonna take you a while, it’s normal to take a while. And you just have to fight your way through that.” Back to your episode—I can’t believe that “Maybe your art just isn’t good enough” was part of the podcast. As a teacher, I was always taught to flip the narrative to find the positive. How about saying, “Your work is great, study what sells in (children’s books, comic books, etc.) and use your skills and your talent and always keep studying toward the market you plan to enter.” Otherwise you might discourage a highly talented kid from their ultimate potential. Sorry, but even if you’re laughing and having a good time while criticizing someone else’s work, that person is listening and pushing back against your words instead of learning what needs to be changed. People instantly dig in against criticism and become defensive. I bet when you read this review’s title you became defensive, too, and you instantly wanted to hate me. That’s exactly why I chose the title. Hopefully you can be more constructive than critical when someone asks for help and wonders why their art isn’t selling.
  • artofjulie
    Favorite Podcast: Haven’t Missed an Episode
    I really appreciate how candid and open Lee, Jake, and Will are in this podcast. They share so much great information that I’ve found useful in all facets of my illustration and writing profession. I always look forward to each episode and haven’t missed one yet. It’s like hanging out with friends that want to help you level up your game.
  • jadedice
    Glad I finally gave 3 point perspective a chance
    I’ve been recommended this podcast for years, but it was only this year as I rebrand and rethink life as a creative that I’ve started reinvesting in myself and started listening to it. For the past 3 years I’ve been giving to my partner, my community and have left little for myself. Thank you for this podcast because it reinforces what I know I need to do. If I give myself the same energy that I’ve been giving others, there’s nothing I cannot do. Thank you for the conversation and I’ve shared you with my students, my peers and my community. Don’t stop creating.
  • Kara Hemsworth
    Favorite Podcast
    This podcast is everything! It truly feels like you’re in the studio or classroom with other artists and shooting the breeze. It’s really nice to feel their friendship and light hearted demeanor come through when you’re working alone in your own studio! I cannot believe I stumbled across y’alls entire platform of services from this podcast, to SVS learn (which I’ve taken some classes and they’ve been spectacular), or simply y’alls websites and instas. All three of y’all are so down to Earth, have EXCELLENT point of view, and the cadence of each episode is absolute fantastic. Please keep doing this for the next 30 years and making me laugh so hard sometimes.. most of the time. (And yet still learning like whoa!) Thank you for all that you guys put into this! It is greatly appreciated.
  • mgdoodlestudio
    I always learn something!
    I always learn something from these guys as they chat. I'm especially loving the new format, where they answer listeners' questions. They are really fun to listen to!
  • CStoltz1
    Three perspectives: all the same
    Painful to listen to the appropriation podcast. You guys seriously need to start introducing/including a rotating cast of non-white, non-(cis)male people. You obviously have a ton of experience & good, valuable input, but your podcast and viewpoints are severely limited by your obvious similarities.
  • Alpha-Dog
    These guys are some of the best mentors you could ask for. They’re entertaining, honest, and almost wizardly. I feel like they are family or, at the very least, friends that I am sitting down and spending time with every time I listen to a new episode. I have listened to other art and illustration podcast and none of them have been able to hold my full attention for 70+ episodes. I have listened to every one of them! Thank you Will, Jake, and Lee. Cheers!
  • Mira Bartok
    The Best Podcast on Becoming a Professional Illustrator
    I am so obsessed with this podcast! It's like sitting in a room with three incredibly generous mentors who not only offer you brilliant advice but are warm, funny, and passionate about what they do. I can't think of one topic they haven't covered. They're organized, savvy, accessible, and often hilarious. :-) I highly recommend this podcast to not only illustrators of all levels but also to anyone in the creative arts who wants to learn a few good tips on how to actually make a living at what you love. Bravo, Lee, Will, and Jake! Please keep these episodes going. And your school (svslearn.com) is awesome too!
  • SJVanDam
    Like listening in on my own illustration professors
    I’m studying illustration at BYU right now, and I listen and re-listen to these episodes ALL THE TIME. I am so grateful for their collective advice—Not only do they have a large bank of professional experience to draw from, but they are also just great people whom I feel I can look up to and call my mentors whether they know me personally or not.
  • Josh_Espo
    Halfway throught the first episode, and already loving it.
    Lee White, one of the podcast hosts, was actually one of my professors in art school! He was one of the few teachers that made us do work that would look good in a portfolio. Halfway through the first episode, I can see that the same care is given by all three of the hosts. These guys know what they're talking about when it comes to illustration and good art. I'm a professional animator, so I love animation podcasts; but I love to draw as well, so this was a good find to inspire that side of my creativity.
  • stripedbread
    Keep up the fantastic work
    Just found this, and I have to say I’m listening to it every night loving every episode. So insightful and helpful, dreading the day I’m caught up.
  • Sofialmallo
    Fun and educational
    I started listening to this podcast as I finish my thesis and prepare to dive into the illustration professional world full time, and I have had the best time. I have learned quite a bit and feel way more prepared to look at the business side of illustration, and I’ve laughed A LOT in the meantime.
  • bemocs
    A most worthwhile listen…
    I have been illustrating professionally for almost a decade and I heartily suggest anyone interested in art making, illustrating, or picture book making listen to this podcast. The abundance of knowledge between these 3 pros is invaluable, accurate, and worthwhile to beginners and seasoned professionals. For me it has validated so many experiences I’ve had as an illustrator and I’ve gleaned quite a bit of wisdom from listening to it. Give it a listen and hear for yourself!
  • Amanda_Panda_
    Extremely helpful
    I just started listening and I am obsessed. I love the different perspectives given and have taken away so much valuable information.
  • PhoenixStories
    Enjoyable and informative show
    I enjoy hearing about the collective experiences of three professionals in the illustration industry. Their banter is funny and informative. Also, I tried out SVSLearn.com as a result of this show and it’s going well so far. Thanks guys!
  • AlphaCraft5
    I love this podcast!!
    I’m only 14, still unsure of even doing illustration as my career path, but this podcast inspires me. I feel more confident about the possibility of an illustration career. I love the very laid back conversational style. This has also helped me to practice more. I think anyone who is considering a career in visual arts, or just practicing visual arts, can get a lot out of this.
  • RonVT
    great stuff
    super helpful show. nothing quite like it.
  • Aristratus
    Can’t stop listening
    I’m pretty young (14) and whenever I start drawing I just open my podcasts app on my phone and just start playing this! It’s full of amazing information about drawing and the business side of an art career and I can’t get enough of it! I would love daily podcasts(of course just saying I don’t want the group to get tired)
  • Prettylines
    Professional perspectives!
    There’s several podcasts as an illustrator and an art professor that I go to—and this is definitely one of them. Three Point Perspective offers a fabulous interplay between three hosts—what’s valuable and engaging is the moments where there’s agreements as well as differences in opinions. That makes the experience so much more interesting for listeners to take something from.
  • Mason Studios
    Hands down, one of the best art podcasts of all time.
    Why do I say that? Because, much like the courses they teach at SVS Learn, this podcast isn’t just about, “what pencil should I use” or “how do I achieve this very specific technique”. Lee, Will, and Jake explore the bigger picture of what it means and what it takes to be an artist. The mental side of being an artist is far more important than most artist media would have you believe. So save yourself hundreds (thousands?) of hours pouring over YouTube tutorials or vlogs. Instead sit back and listen to these guys while working in your art. Heck, you don’t even have to take notes as they post the most extensive show notes I’ve ever seen! Great work guys. I hope you’ll keep this up for years to come.
  • JustJoeKingJr
    Entertaining and informative
    Worked my way through all of the episodes over several months. I don’t have any immediate plans to go into illustration but I like to draw and found the episodes really interesting. Learned something new from every one.
  • mirandomthoughts
    A genuine look into the world of illustration
    I binged all the episodes in less than a month (54 episodes at the time of review). This series is like a conversation with 3 experienced mentors that want to share the good, the bad, and the unexpected in the illustration industry. They often get side-tracked and go on tangents—which gives you a peek behind the curtain that you won’t get from a lecture. But they always come back to the important points. My whole life I’ve been dancing around illustration as a career because I didn’t want to turn something I love into a job and become a “starving artist.” As a result, I’ve found myself waist-deep in careers where I had little to no drive. Listening to this podcast has given me the perspective I wish I’d had 10 (or even 20) years ago. I have a lot of catching up to do to become a professional illustrator, but thanks to this podcast I know what to expect going forward and how to get there. Thank you so much for creating this podcast.
  • TaraGArtist
    Some of the most useful information I’ve learned
    These guys are so helpful—every episode, I’m taking away tangible steps to improving my craft. It’s also really encouraging to hear well-establishes illustrators talk about the business, where to start, how to improve, the current market, and so many other things. They’re like my mentors. I highly recommend this podcast!
  • Jseoul
    So helpful
    Gentlemen, I’ve been binging on your podcast the past couple weeks. I need to start putting your wisdom into practice to really get it, but I can sense there’s so much gold in here. Thank you for what you’re giving all of us listeners! John from Seoul, Korea
  • love this song from him. CAN i
    Please do a show or just give some advice On Licensing your art! If you need an attorney. So important ASP Thank you
  • Video this
    Definitely enjoy listing to these experiences, advice, stories, etc. I’ve been listening to these guys for about a month now and I really appreciate the advice they give and how honest they are when talking about their topics of discussion. Enjoy the show notes and any links they have available that may help us learn further as an audience. Keep it up. Thank you for sharing your life experiences and work.
  • Gumby_Mac
    Fantastic for all kinds of artists!
    So glad I found this podcast! I went to a good college for a graphic design degree. My curriculum included figure drawing class, Color theory, 2D/3D Design, and then desktop publishing apps. 20 years later after calling myself a graphic “artist” I’m sitting there doodling with crayons with my 4 year old when I realize I can’t really draw. That’s when I discovered all the amazing illustration books, artist/teachers, and courses available online. I found the 3-point perspective podcast and learned a great deal about the world of illustration. I’ve signed up for their SVS Learn program and I’m going to start the foundations course this week. This show has great content for those getting into illustration since they focus on the technical side AND the practical business side. Keep the great content coming!
  • AttackOfTheRivals
    Love the podcast!
    Love the podcast, been listening since the beginning. Love the dialog and topics. All 3 of the guys have great chemistry obviously are friends in real life. My only complaint would be the new intro and outro music. Guys what is with the corny soft rock? Lol! I know, I know. It’s a small meaningless complaint. Just not a fan of the new tune. It makes the brand feel like it’s pants are up and over it’s belly button!
  • Jim Gleeson
    Three Distinct Voices Give Depth and Dimension to Illustration
    I was thinking about giving a one star review because the download was going to slow, but figured you guys weren't responsible for download speeds. Love that you guys have three distinct voices on what you think about the Illustration game. You guys definitely bring it in terms of issues that deal with illustration. Also I like the fact that you don't prepare that much as it makes the conversation more of a conversation and less stilted. You always have good tips and ideas on how to deal with the emerging issues like how to deal with clients, how to get clients, and the truth behind the "romance" of being an illustrator. Of the three of you, I am most familair with Will, second with Jake, and third with Lee White. I stumbled upon Will Terry's youtube videos a couple years ago and found them to be a great source of information and support as I started devoting more of my time to illustration work. Jake I know because I've participated now in three inktober™ events. I look forward to attending it each year now. LeeI am just beginning to know, but enjoy his voice as well and love how each of your viewpoints deviate from one another.
  • Jason d. Rodriguez
    When you guys actually argue it’s hilarious
    Oh my goodness I’m in episode 39 and you’re arguing about hypothetical situation and it is hilarious... I love you. Is that weird? Keep being yourselves -Jason Rodriguez
Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork on this page are property of the podcast owner, and not endorsed by UP.audio.