MASH Matters


Jeff Maxwell (Private Igor from M*A*S*H) and Ryan Patrick host a lively discussion of all things M*A*S*H, Hollywood, acting, and other jocularity. We will also feature interviews with super fans and creative geniuses who helped to create the greatest television show of all time. Step into the VIP tent, grab a heaping bowl of creamed weenies, and join the fun … because now, more than ever, MASH Matters.

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Recent Reviews
  • sweet lou iv
    Late to the Podcasts
    I entered mash matters late and started at 100 and something. Decided it was time to start from #1. Well worth it!
  • ndsailor43
    Great Show
    I’m a long time fan of the greatest show ever. I think you for bringing back wonderful moments and memories from the show I grew up with. Keep up the great work. Thank you.
  • Locomotive Gaming
    Best podcast for the show that changed television history
    I first started watching mash matters podcast in college it is by far my favorite
  • Kurt & Sara
    Great show
    I’m 62 and have watched mash forever, know most of them word for word, not much of a radio listener but almost always have Mash on in the background
  • nursissistic1
    Best. Podcast. Ever!!
    About six months ago, I found MASH on HULU and began to stream it. Having watched it as a teenager and then as a young wife and new mother, I had loved watching it but missed several episodes ; then I watched MASH on Hallmark during 2001. Now I find myself watching it over and over — when the movie is over I go right to the pilot episode and start watching it all over again. Why I’m doing this is a mystery to me, but I haven’t really spent much time trying to figure it out; all I know is that it’s comforting to me at this stage of my life. My mom recently passed away after I was her caregiver for 2 years. I had emergency back surgery. And I am trying to navigate some tricky family problems. Then, I found this wonderful podcast after doing a search! And I am very glad I did. Keep up the fantastic work!
  • Lia Starflower
    An overdue review
    For three years now, I have listened to these two amusing souls delightfully, engagingly, and respectfully discuss a topic dear to the hearts of many, myself included. They have freely given me so many hours of honest joy; and if all they ask in return is a simple rating, I offer all the stars permissable. For anyone remotely interested in M*A*S*H, it is undoubtedly the finest kind of pod ever cast. Thankyou, sirs ❤️
  • awritr
    Just started listening
    I came to the party 5 years into the podcast and love what I’ve heard so far. I just finished rewatching the show yet again and still laugh out loud at certain scenes. Thank you guys for your dedication.
  • churilla88
    Mash matters
    Awesome podcast I have all seasons mash. I watch it all the time. Just trying to catch up with them. Keep it going.
  • ll.beall
    I love M A S H, this podcast is a must !
    I just found this in the past 2 weeks, and can not listening. It brings back many memories. The only episode I really did not like was the final, with Alan Alda was on the bus. I can not watch that no matter what. I did watch the final espoide, back in 1983 while i was in college. I mentioned at work today, the epsiode with henry blake & klinger, about half the family dying and half the family pregnant. Just love the show & Pod Cast
  • Jeff Ream
    I want nothing else! More liver!!
    I am way late to finding this, but I am working my from the beginning to get current! I stopped all other MASH podcasts after finding this
  • Kiki cook
    Hilarious and informative
    Jeff and Ryan are incredibly entertaining and so fun to listen to as I’m driving to work. It’s great to learn so many interesting back stories about M*A*S*H. Terrific podcast! Jeff’s voice reminds me of Casey Kasem, the voice of Shaggy on Scooby Doo.
  • Aldo Hoff
    Simply fantastic
    Unbelievably entertaining and informative. M*A*S*H was an important part of my childhood, and one of the reasons I became a physician. The show was so special for so many and it is great to have such a high-quality podcast to remind us all of that. Thank you for the first hundred episodes. Looking forward to the next hundred!
  • Jnm0U812
    A p*o*d*c*a*s*t for all seasons
    Highly recommended for M*A*S*Haholics everywhere! Discovered (or more accurately stumbled across) the podcast a few weeks ago and have been catching up on past shows. A tasty buffet of interviews; back stories and reminiscences; and answers to listeners’ messages, that makes each episode a pleasure. Unique in that it’s hosted by a longtime fan with a strong radio background, and a member of the cast for nine years with a unique perspective on the making of the show; their chemistry, humor, and knowledge are a perfect fit for the podcast. Thank you for doing the show, Ryan and Jeff, and don’t forget to put a new fang in the tone-arm cobra so you can enjoy doing many more shows for all us hot potatoes out there in MASH land!
  • Bm1tony
    Found this podcast about a month ago. Scrambling to catch up. Jeff and Ryan are a great team. Really brings back great memories of the best show on tv.
  • Jmt Kal El
    Mash Matters
    This podcast is fantastic and helps keep the nostalgia of mash alive today. Thankful and grateful. Keep them coming!!!
  • july39941
    Best Podcast ever!
    Just like M*A*S*H was the best care anywhere, this is the best Podcast (at least in my opinion). I always glean a little bite of information out of the podcast. I don’t listen to very many. But I do listen to this one fairly regularly. In fact, it’s the only one ii listen too. I know there are other out there, But, this one is just the most comprehensive one I have found. One of the two people who created it is Private Igor Jeff Maxwell, So he has first hand accountants of that transposed during the making of the show. He and his partners have wonderful guest from time to time. I’d your a fan give this podcast a listen. You will not be disappointed.
  • Ffdgbjvbg
    Amazing podcast like listen to good friends
    I started listening at the end on 2022. I just listened to the table read episode aired February 2021. Wow it was an actual time capsule to listen to this.. Jeff and Ryan thanks for doing this podcast.
  • onthejo247
    so so fun!
    I started watching MASH with my mom this year (a rewatch for her, the first time for me!) and it’s been such a delight to get these extra insights and snippets - what an incredible way of compiling an oral history of the show!
  • Kevin R.-K. Davis
    So much jocularity!
    I was introduced to MASH mostly by my wife, although when I began watching it, I learned that all of my dad’s funniest sayings were Hawkeye-isms. I found MASH Matters probably 3 weeks ago now, and have been listening to each episode when I can. MASH Matters has successfully took over my Phone podcast line-up, that I’m losing ground on all the other stuff I listen to. Ryan Patrick and Jeff Maxwell (the best actor on MASH by far, I mean, wasn’t Igor the main character?) are beyond awesome, and I love tuning in most days as I catch up. I don’t know what I’ll do when I finally make it to where they’re at now! But I hope they go for 11 seasons and beyond!
  • amyrchapman
    So glad I found this podcast!
    I just started listening last month and am up to episode 37. What a delightful podcast! I can’t wait to get up to date (hopefully by next month). I was a MASH fan from when it was initially on and it was my favorite program. I can’t wait to get to the Alan Alda episode (I listen to his Clear and Vivid podcast). Maybe when I finally get more current I’ll send you guys a question:)
  • Pinkimedic
    Pod for the soul!
    This podcast is pod for the soul! I love MASH and only show that is neck and neck is Star Trek DS9. I learn so much and I love the banter between the hosts! Since finding this podcast I listen to at least two shows per day! I also had no idea about the cookbook by Egor or Klingers books. I act am going tomorrow to pick up the cookbook my local bookstore ordered for me and they found an original publishing version!!! Eek!
  • habsfan802
    Just what the Dr. Ordered
    I just discovered this podcast and can not say enough good things about it. I love the banter and jokes between Jeff and Ryan. The interviews are amazing and I love the behind the scenes look. I have been waiting to leave a voicemail until I’m current. I’m almost there so be on the look out for it. Also when are you going to interview Gilles Gentley.
  • Wmscott24
    Best Mash podcast!
    Thank you for creating this podcast! Mash has been a part of most of my life. When I was about 7 years old I had a swap sign on my bedroom door and had a “still” I made in my bedroom . It only dispensed water so no worries. My favorite character is Hawkeye but I always like to watch scenes with the supporting characters as it gives the the show depth. I always enjoy when Igor makes an appearance in a scene! My wife and I will be going to the mash site on September 17th to celebrate the airing of the pilot 50 years ago. We will be tipping back some grape nehi in honor of my favorite tv show!
  • Tlcbrown
    Best podcast every, Mash fans listen ❤️❤️❤️
    This is the best podcast very. I just started listening to the podcast back in March 2022, and to my surprise this podcast started in 2019 and I have had the joy of listening to as many as three to as many as eight in one day and almost to the more recent podcasts. If you are a Mash fan, you will love this podcast, Patrick Ryan and Jeff Maxwell do a top rate job in every show. It has, like so many other Mash fans, has renewed my love for this show I have always loved so dearly over the years
  • jelvetica
    Father/daughter bonding
    After my daughter grew up and moved away we would stay in touch by shooting MASH trivia at each other. Your wonderful podcast has helped me load up with lots of new questions to stump her with. The downside is that I love MASH Matters so much that I shared it with her. Now we’re both pulling our questions from the same source. Thank you for all you do!
  • Mitch Hallock
    77!and still going string
    I was happy to see that my podcast library was populated with the latest and greatest episode, number 77! Wow! Now just another 4,000 to make it more symmetrical! Start up he IV drip of energy drinks for Jeff and get the extra server space to host all the shows! Keep it up and I’ll keep listening. Mitchell A. S. Hallock Connecticut
  • Quadpus
    Love this Podcast!
    Gentlemen, Thank you so much for bringing this podcast to the fandom of M*A*S*H! From Ryan’s Uber-fan knowledge of the show to Jeff’s insider-insight of being on the show, you knock it out of the park each episode! Thank you so much for this entertaining and informative podcast about my favorite television show of all time!
  • hot vet
    The Best of the Best
    Episode number 062 is absolutely, hands down, the best! Being able to listen to such talented writers discuss their collaboration was quite a treat. Good questions, great answers! I’ve known Jeff since the 1970’s and have always loved his stories and humor. (The advantage of pod cast is hearing him when I want to, then shutting the computer down and going to sleep and I’m sure, Ryan, you understand that feeling totally!) Here’s hoping the two of you can continue entertaining us for years to come, in spite of Jeff’s advanced age. Hugs, Dianne Devoll used to be Burney 615 924 2090 BY THE WAY…. JEFF HAS NEVER TOLD THE STORY OF THE TIME HE RECEIVED THE HONOR OF, THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON TEXAS.
  • D. M. S. Hogan
    A M*U*S*T* for M*A*S*H* Fans
    Interviews with the cast members, writers, and producers, with peeks behind the scenes with co-host Jeff Maxwell (Pvt. Igor) and all expertly guided by co-host Ryan Patrick. (An actual period recording of a live table read would alone justify this podcasts existence, but there’s so much more.).
  • 65!!
    Love it
    I found your podcast about a month ago. Am listening to all espisodes and started watching MASH from the beginning yesterday. Thanks for this treasure.
  • 084RKC
    Coming Home
    This podcast is like attending a family reunion. I enjoy the conversations and the storytelling of the behind the scenes. Keep it up.
  • Kage6574
    Holy Cow
    Holy Cow!!! This show has given me a more in depth look at a show I used to watch with my father and grandfather. Now I get the joy of sharing it with my Children! My oldest daughter absolutely loves MASH and is always asking why so much liver and fish is served! She’s a real Hawkeye Pierce!
  • Italian Meatball
    This Podcast Completes Me
    Hello, Jeff and Ryan. I’m your biggest fan, among many of your biggest fans. You haven’t heard from me yet because incredibly, I just discovered your podcast this year. As luck would have it, I’m currently in my umpteenth rewatch of M*A*S*H on Hulu. Right now, I’m in Season 6. I’ve binge listened to you as quickly as possible, so I can catch up to where you’re now. This show means a great deal to me, and I will share that soon in an email. Everything about this podcast is perfection: the insight, the guests (all of whom have made me cry), the stories, the memories, and the banter between you two. Thank you for giving us this great gift! Frank Saraceno Bristol, CT (Gary Burghoff’s home town)
  • Suezbb
    Love this podcast
    Hello Ryan & Jeff - I have just started listening to your podcast (my first podcast ever) and began with episode 1 and am currently listening to episode 25. I’ve loved listening to the episodes and have started rewatching M*A*S*H* on Hulu. It’s very interesting hearing your two viewpoints of the same show. I grew up watching MASH and would watch reruns ievery morning while getting ready for work when I was pregnant with our first child. We noticed after she was born, once she started turning her head towards sounds, she would always turn towards the TV when the MASH theme song came on. Even as a toddler, she would look up when the show came on although she didn’t know why. Thanks for celebrating such a great show!
  • David_K
    Simply superb
    This podcast is can’t miss. Hosts Jeff and Ryan are a perfect duo. With each offering a different perspective on the MASH experience the result is far more than the some of its parts. On their own they are both delightful to listen to and on top of that their interviews with various people who were involved in the show are so well done, both informative and entertaining. An absolute must listen for MASH fans, which in my opinion should be everyone on earth!
  • MarkDoraSpirit
    The Best Dang Podcast
    My pandemic world was starting to get boring until I discovered the MASH Matters podcast in Dec 2020. On top of the stay-at-home prison I was in, I retired after 42 years of work and now I’m a couch potato. An overload of political news led me to streaming M*A*S*H and watching all 11 seasons over a 3-month period, alternating with episodes of this podcast. What fun I’ve had comparing behind the scenes stories and trivia with the episodes. I feel like I know Jeff and Ryan and this show is now part of my MASH-universe. Jeff and Ryan have quite literally created an oral history of M*A*S*H and they should be very proud of their hard work. Thanks also to the cast for supporting Jeff and Ryan. Keep up the great work guys! Here’s lookin’ up your old address!
  • laurielynt
    Love MASH Matters
    What an amazing podcast!! I am a HUGE fan of MASH and still watch it daily, it is such a great escape from everyday life that is just comforting to me. I have only recently started listening to podcasts (mostly true crime). However since I have discovered MASH Matters it is the only podcast that I have been listening to and I am “binge listening” to the episodes in order everyday to catch up to the current episodes. I’m not sure what I am going to do when I finally catch up and then will have to wait 2 weeks in between episodes. Thank you so very much Jeff and Ryan for creating this podcast and sharing your stories and knowledge of the best show ever!!
  • Dru P.
    Love it!
    I just found this podcast, ( June 2021 ). I’m 52 and have been a MASH fan since I was a child. I’m rewatching the whole series currently on Hulu and while I can usually tell you the plot within the first few moments, I never tire of this brilliant show. Love the podcast and Ryan & Jeff thank you for the stories. - Andy
  • Justal814
    The best just keeps getting better
    Love the podcast and the interaction between Ryan and Jeff. No matter how many times I watch an episode I always find something I’ve missed. The interviews with cast members still with us are timeless as is the show. Keep up the good work.
  • MBbluesky
    A classic comedy treasure trove!
    I’ve been slowly but surely catching up on episodes over the course of the pandemic - I dove into the show when I was looking for “comfort food” podcasts as current events were at their bleakest. “Inside baseball” podcasts that go deep into TV shows that are dear to me are my sweet spot - and Ryan & Jeff, you’ve got me hooked! The precious table read recording from Episode 56 is a must-listen. Thank you for the much-needed “jocularity! jocularity!”
  • Ricky Hazel
    Very Entertaining
    Jeff and Ryan, I have really enjoyed listening to the MASH Matters podcast this spring while working in my home office. I have always enjoyed watching MASH, back to when the series was on and in reruns for the many years since. I’m sure I have seen every episode. So many great episodes that it is hard to pick just one, but one of my all-time favorites was “The Joker is Wild”. Keep up the great work.
  • Mdooloo
    Thank you for your service
    I’m late to the party having just discovered your podcast but I’m enjoying all of the detail and perspective you both provide. I worried that the “inside” information might detract from my enjoyment (magicians never reveal the illusion) but I’m happy to report that it’s only deepened my love for the characters, writing and the actors. Keep up the great work and thanks for all of your efforts!
  • Rbd01
    I just discovered this podcast and I’m listening in order from the beginning, bingeing The way Jeff and Ryan bounce off each other with humor is great. I loved MASH as a kid and to hear their insights and guests who were connected with the show is so enjoyable to listen to. I’d recommend this podcast for anybody that loves the show.
  • mvgeier
    Great podcast for MASH fans
    Just found this podcast and listened to the first 4 episodes to check it out. If you’re a MASH fan, this is a must. Find out behind the scenes stuff from someone that was in the show (and from what I’ve seen, guests also from the show), talking about favorite episodes, the writers, etc. I’m glad I found this. Looking forward to listening to more episodes.
  • Priscilla, a MASH Milennial
    This podcast is why MASH MATTERS!
    As a life long fan of this amazing television series, it brings my millennial heart joy to hear the wonderful stories from Jeff and the various guest speakers about Hollywood from years ago and how MASH touched everyone’s lives in some way or another. Ryan’s knowledge on the history of the television and radio during those iconic times and general MASH trivia, leaves me waiting anxiously for every episode and I know I speak for fellow young people when I say that this podcast, the show, and these fine fellas are literally the most amazing thing to come out of this pandemic. As a MASH fan, if you were debating on listening to this podcast, DO IT! Even if you’re not a fan of MASH, you will become one after hearing the love, laughter, and adoration from not just your fellow fans, but from two very important and knowledgeable hosts.
  • OrderlyLynn
    Life long MASH fan
    My favorite POD cast! The insights, memories and references make this mandatory for all MASH addicts!
  • Richter B
    A must for any M*A*S*H fans
    Worth a listen to any fans of the show.
  • bugcurly
    Thank you
    I found your podcast about 6 months ago. As someone who remembers watching the premier and watched all 11 seasons I can’t tell you how much your podcast means. It’s like taking a walk down memory lane. ( I went to the movie with my mom when it came out. That’s probably why the tv show caught my eye at first.)I’m looking forward to the 50th anniversary of the first show and 40th of the last show. I only gave one cute story to relate. When my daughter was a baby I would play with her while MASH reruns were on. As soon as the music started she would stop and look up at the TV. That was 1983. Keep up the great work.
  • Dchris2
    Although I don’t laugh very much listening to these people, my grandpa sure does and I guess that’s enough for me to give five stars. It is tempting though to give less than five stars so that I could be mentioned in the podcast as one of the renegades who dared to venture from the pack, nonetheless that is not a reason valid enough for me to rate a five star show anything less than five stars.
  • esch3
    My Monday Nights
    Although I hated Mondays as a kid (end of the weekend being free, returning to school where I never felt welcomed), I very much looked forward to TV that night to catch another episode of MASH. It was one of the shows that both my folks and I enjoyed. While in collage, I watched the final episode and was crushed as part of my favorite childhood aspect was going away. With no video taping available yet, I used my 8 mm movie camera to capture some scenes, without sound however. Although I have never watched that film I made, it was there sitting where I knew I could watch parts when I wanted (not knowing reruns would be there for us soon after, thank god). With this in mind, it is a pleasure to listen into your podcasts (which I just discovered by accident while looking up actors from that show.) I enjoy all the inside stories of your podcast, the joking, suggestions, and especially bring back great memories. Thank you. Looking forward to listening more. Kudos to you all! Ps - I’ve passed this podcast info to friends.
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