Good Girls Talk About Sex

Sexuality #148

Deep conversations with women about their personal experience of sex and female sexuality.Sex and Intimacy Coach Leah Carey hosts the type of conversations you usually only have with your best girlfriend late at night over a bottle of wine. Leah interviews people (including people brought up as little girls plus transgender women) of all sizes, shapes, ages, orientations, relationship structures, kink levels, races, religions, cultural backgrounds, and more.The conversations on Good Girls Talk About Sex are warm, welcoming, and non-judgmental. You are likely to hear stories that reflect your own experiences and let you know that you're not alone. You're also likely to hear stories that broaden your ideas about what is "normal" and introduce you to exciting new experiences!You will probably LOVE this show if:* You crave late-night conversations with friends about sex* You've ever wondered if your sexual needs, desires, or fantasies are "normal"* You're curious about sex but don't have anyone in your life to talk about it withYou will probably NOT LIKE this show if:* You are uncomfortable hearing people talk about sex and their bodies in frank terms* You are uncomfortable with swearing and/or raw displays of emotion* You believe sex should only happen between a man and a woman within the confines of marriageMost guests appear anonymously so they're free to tell the good, the bad, and the titillating! These conversations are explicit but never salacious.

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Recent Reviews
  • American Veteran18
    A must listen for men who want to understand women better
    Leah, fantastic pod cast I have been a listener on & off for 4 + years. The subject content you have discussed not only about your journey as well as women’s journeys have been invaluable to listen to especially as a man. Men need to hear these podcasts to understand women more and how we have arrived where we are now in today’s world. As a man actively listening to so many of these stories and guests without prejudgement is how men need to listen and take in the messages from your podcast content. The information you present is such a wide variety which is so extremely important to hear. As a man I feel I am in school getting informed about how I can be more cognizant of my role as a man and my behavior especially considering how I may present to women and not realizing it as so many men have been conditioned by our society and misinformation about women struggles throughout history. Leah, you are a beacon of light for both women and men. Throughout you health struggles you have managed to press forward and that to me shows how deeply important your work is! Thank you for your platform, people are listening!!
  • briguy_nj
    Men Should Listen to “Good Girls Talk About Sex” Too
    It bears repeating: Men should listen to “Good Girls Talk About Sex,” too. So should good boys. Leah Carey is a delight to listen to. She’s informative and entertaining and fun! Guys — listening is a good place to start learning about the love in your life.
  • louisville. lover
    Can die at peace
    71 via meals married for35 tears. Celibacy enforce and no affiliation go almost 30 can die unloved and unwanted knowing there’s women who are sex positive in nature. Obviously mafia bad choices but can be at peace
  • xavier w123456789
    Hot sexy guy
    Can I get your numbers
  • eishipoetess
    Great podcast
    I feel like I’m talking with a friend about rarely shared topics. Thank you.
  • plzNot Again
    Maybe 2.5
    The people interviewed are amazing. They share and educate in very informative ways. Everyone is so open about their sexuality and self discovery. However, I don’t understand how you can acknowledge trans and non-binary people but then you generalize how female and males behaviors are without even citing a study. She spends 15 minutes ranting about how a woman is a victim of all these factors … and then do a two second disclaimer saying “oh well, it can happen to boys too, but it’s a girl problem”. Too many rants about how to find yourself as a woman to be a victim and not enough about accountability. Also, she injects her political beliefs too often. How can you claim to have a judgement free zone as a sex and relationship counselor when you make a point to bring up your distaste for Trump, and then an overall lack of understanding with religion as it pertains to sexual identities and the way it shapes sexuality. She asks about this in an interview and then openly expresses judgement. I guess the judgement free zone only applies to certain people. Quite enjoyable if you don’t mind skipping through her rants and listening to the guest.
  • TWL51
    Interesting conversations
    I’m an older straight male. I find most of these conversations illuminating about the sexual journey we all make. It is distressing that conservative religious upbringing is often the source of source of so much sexual angst (certainly part of mine). But, heartening that these women are often able to shake off its chains and find rewarding and exhilarating sex lives.
  • Jessica Hill Powell
    Exactly what I didn’t know I needed!
    This podcast has helped me tremendously as I unpack many issues around sexuality. It normalizes things I thought were abnormal and only I experienced (not reality!) which has helped me to begin releasing shame around my desires and sex in general. Being able to listen to other women talk openly about their sex lives and history has helped me start to put together some of the puzzle pieces of my own story. Very empowering. Many thanks to Leah, the podcast creator, for the important work she is doing!!!
  • for the bunnies
    Absolutely Beautiful
    This podcast is amazing!! Like seriously amazing, I have been trying to get everyone around me to listen… I am a woman obsessed ✨I have found listening to this has helped me release some of the shame I’ve felt over things because I thought I was alone. Such a healing experience. Highly recommend!
  • Birds Bees Kids
    Great. Eye-opening. Confirming.
    Just what most folks need to hear to feel so much better about themselves as a sexual person. Leah’s interview style is spot on, too. She asks the right questions at the right time and creates a true sense of intimacy.
  • lizzpdx
    Meaningful interviews!
    Leah is great at getting her guests to speak to the heart of things, whether it’s a playful anecdote about make out sessions or a meaningful look at body shame during sex. I truly appreciate how you are shedding light on topics I never would have considered! Thank you!
  • mgettel
    Love Leah’s podcast!
    Leah is honest, vulnerable, and highly engaging, as are her guests!
  • ssm984
    Leah is wonderful!
    I love Leah, she’s so great at asking thoughtful questions and creating a safe space. She has clearly done so much work on herself and invites others to do the same to cast of the shackles of shame we are taught to believe about sex.
  • Ginger_mermaid
    Best podcast about sex for women
    Hands down.
  • RV Dreamer
    Perfect combo of engaging and informative
    Leah is an expert at making this topic approachable and not intimidating. She puts her guests at ease and the listener at ease, keeps things accurate and inclusive, and welcomes all of us to grab a chair and listen. What happens over the span of an episode is we are reminded that we are more than our traumas, more than our lives in or outside of the bedroom, and we all have a ton in common - the same hopes and fears, even if we have different kinks! A wonderful way to learn more about fellow humans, our bodies, and ourselves.
  • JenniferM37
    January 28 Episode
    I have listened to a couple of other episodes and they were cool, I jived with the guests. However, I am so disturbed by the January 28th episode. This speaker is describing an abusive relationship. “Good times” is part of the abusive cycle. Please read Lundy Bancroft’s book “Why Does He Do That?” I am particularly confused because this person is advertising paid coaching services. What! How is she going to help someone who is also in an abusive situation. Your bf has 3 problems - an alcohol problem, a mental health problem, & an abuse problem. When he drinks, he gives himself “permission” to treat you like that. Please don’t normalize this situation. You don’t feel safe in sex anymore because duh, your body and mind are traumatized. You have PTSD. “It was bad for longer than it’s been good.” YES - listen to yourself.
  • Karlo321
    Talk about SiS people not my cup of tea
    Intro is good.
  • P.S.III
    Good listen. Enjoy.
    A good podcast covering a multitude of interesting and sometimes difficult to hear sexual situations. The hostess handles these “difficult situations” with kindness and tact. The only issue I have with this podcast is that it can be difficult to tell who exactly is the the “host” and who is the “guest”. The conversation often ends up off topic and in the weeds. Fully aware that this is kind of the format, a free flowing conversation between friends, but I feel that the show would be improved, if our hostess would direct the conversation a little more.
  • Me and friend
    This show has opened my eyes to so many things about myself and my sexuality and has allowed me to see that many things I thought were abnormal about me are very normal. Thank you!!
  • 1 dc fan
    Great, in-depth topics
    Leah, you speak so clearly and with so much wonderful thought.
  • KKMozart
    Excellent Podcast
    All men can benefit from listening to this podcast, which enlightened me in so many ways about female sexuality. Leah is without peer as an interviewer, and her guests all have intriguing life stories to tell.
  • ColoradoBuffalo
    I Listened to the “Red Line” episode and was really into it until the host went into her “Red Lines” or “Hard No’s.” She became angry!, we get these are your hard no’s but you can share them without making your audience feel like we violated one of them. RELAX!
  • black star brasil
    I love and resonate with so many of these guests’ experiences. I’ve learned so much!
  • LAZY 4B
    10% of Donations
    I have learned so much on this podcast and it has really liberated me on so many things. However I was so sad to find out 10% of donations were going towards a pro-abortion organization. I believe that is an irresponsible way to handle an unplanned pregnancy because it ignores the right of the unborn fetus because they don’t have a voice to fight back.
  • abuxz
    Now I’m that “weird” one
    I’m finally all caught up! And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening our eyes with conversations like these. I grew up in a culture where sex is everything negative and to hear real women talk about real issues is so compelling that I’ve started to re-explore my own sex life and encourage my friends and family to explore theirs as well! Now I’m that “weird” friend/family that just wants to talk about positive and healthy sex all the time! And it’s all thanks to you and the women of this podcast. Lots of love, ABX.
  • tadams229
    A blessing!
    Oh my God, I accidentally came across this podcast about 2 weeks ago while searching for a song on Spotify. What a blessing that I did! This podcast is moving and the interviews Leah does are touching, sincere, and so comforting to listen to. I feel like I’m hearing a friend mindfully and lovingly create a space for women to safely share themselves. This show has opened up my mind to ideas that I hadn’t allowed myself to have and questions that I’d been scared/intimidated to answer for myself and sometimes didn’t realize I was. I feel like I’m in a safe space when listening to this show and moved to tears at times. I can’t thank Leah enough for creating this podcast! I imagine it’s having profound effects me that are still unrealized. Thank you for getting me further introduced to myself.
  • hair62
    Thank you
    I Really enjoyed the honest questions and answered honest answers! Thank you!
  • beerherr
    Bright and Short
    How likeable that Apple has this message we can have as go to for real talk on sinking into sex talk talk
  • Care1691
    This is everything I’ve been looking for
    I have always been so open about sex. It’s so nice to listen to women openly talk about it instead of being ashamed or embarrassed! LOVE
  • Photoman401
    Men We Could Learn From Listening To This Podcast
    I have been listening to this podcast for a while now. I stumbled on it by accident looking for another podcast. Quite frankly, I have only had one woman that talked about sex as openly as these women talk to Leah. One thing this podcast has taught me is women over the course of time have been raised with different expectations than we men have. They have desires and needs just like we do. Listen to these women, perhaps you will find what you significant other is wanting or needing. Your relationship will be better for it.
  • TriniSota Slim
    I learn so much!
    A friend hipped me to this podcasta couple months ago. I've binged every ep since then! As women, we don't talk enough about sex or learn nearly enough about it from our perspective. Listening to these women's stories has been so eye opening and enlightening for me! I learned I'm not alone on some things and I gained awarenes on a lot of other things, and I'm grateful for that. Big fan of this show and concept!
  • loveyourself83
    I honestly love what you are doing! It is so important!! It's very empowering for women to get to hear from other women about their sexual journeys! I'm addicted to the podcast!! I feel a kinship to each of the women who have been on the podcast!! Thank you Leah!! You're such a great host!!
  • CC5988
    Open and honest, real and relatable
    Leah is both friendly and professional in her interviews with a diversity of real women. I love hearing their stories and being able to relate to so many things they discuss. Thank you for opening up this conversation. Keep up the good work!
  • redkat981
    Important For All. Women and men should listen.
    I have learned so much since I started listening to Leah and her guests. We all have a right to enjoy sex, and it is so important for us to communicate if that is not happening. Or even if it is, everyone likes to be encouraged! Not only does this open up the topic to communicate about sex and pleasure, but about communication in all aspects of a relationship. An open and non-judgmental space for women to gather and listen for encouragement and advice. I love it!
  • Marathonmom25
    Thank you for opening the conversation
    This podcast is so important and has given women a safe space to discuss sex in a manner that’s supportive and non-judgmental. It’s so incredible to hear women feel courageous enough to share their stories, and it’s because of Leah’s gentle and caring method of listening. To women who are looking to join in an important dialogue, this is a must listen!!
  • 1moregirl77
    We needed this years ago. So many things that go unsaid and you finally get to hear them from all kinds of women and it is incredibly enlightening. I felt understood listening to each one. As the mother of a young daughter,I'm so grateful to have found this to help me in educating her. Thank you, Leah!
  • piper.pack45
    The best
    The best sex talk ever
  • skyegal50
    Do Not Miss This Show!
    Leah Carey is an amazing interviewer and this podcast has some super interesting women--talking about sex! Every woman should listen, and so should men who are truly interested in how women think, feel, and react. You will absolutely hear things that will validate you, enlighten you, surprise you, and make you laugh and nod your head! Don't wait...start listening now!
  • Durhamhp
    Love it!
    Love this new podcast from Leah Carey! It’s time we start welcoming honest conversations about sex. Bravo!
  • MyssMaya
    Fun, Real, and Relatable!
    Oh My Goodness! This podcast is EVERYTHING! I was smiling the entire time listening to their conversations. The discussions are so relatable and real and I felt totally validated. It’s sex talk without being vulgar or raunchy. Good girls do have sex and this is totally the place to talk about it!
  • Di Tayan
    A wonderful, intimate conversation
    I loved the first two episodes of this podcast! It’s so powerful to hear women speak about their sexual lives in a open and honest way. The good, the bad, all of it. Host Leah Carey asks the kind of questions that I’d be too shy to ask my own girlfriends, but have wondered. If you are interested in the inner lives of women, you will enjoy this.
  • jessikneeland
    Can’t wait to hear more!
    I love love love the discussions I’ve heard so far on this podcast, and I can’t wait to dive in to the rest of the available episodes! ❤️
  • Dia D.
    Thirsty for this podcast to launch!
  • Stuart.Rice
    Excited to hear from the "good girls"
    I am genuinely looking forward to hearing about sex from this perspective.
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