American Hysteria


American Hysteria explores how fantastical thinking has shaped our culture – moral panics, urban legends, hoaxes, crazes, fringe beliefs, and national misunderstandings. Poet-turned-podcaster Chelsey Weber-Smith tells the strangest stories from American history and examines the forces that create the reality we share, and sometimes, the reality we don't.

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Recent Reviews
  • Tbony47
    Nuclear Semiotics - AWESOME
    This is one of the BEST shows I’ve ever listened to. Great story telling, music, facts, honestly everything was amazing.
  • oak wakan
    Favorite podcast
    I love this show so much thank you for all the effort and research put in to create these episodes and the clever language always keeps me engaged!
  • hhb7991
    I love this show with my whole heart
    This show is phenomenal. So well-researched, thought-provoking, often funny and scary and strange all at once. I’ve listened to every episode more than once (except the last ones that are a little too on-the-nose in terms of my irrational fears). Chelsea’s cadence has never bothered me - in fact, I find her voice and the rhythm of speech she uses very easy and comfortable to listen to. Maybe it’s my particular brand of neurodivergence. Anyway, Chelsea, I love you and the way you tell stories, please never stop being you. ❤️
  • screw a nickname???
    Unlistenable cadence
    Every episode is content I would LOVE to enjoy. But Chelsey speaks in an awkward stilt that renders it unlistenable— a theatrical affectation that (clearly) alienates the audience. I tried listening on a faster speed, but that didn’t change the distracting delivery. I love to listen when there’s a guest to bring out Chelsey’s normal human speech patterns.
  • Drmlsherwood
    Enjoyable topics, good info
    I enjoy this podcast. The topics are interesting and the research seems first rate. People have commented on the hosts delivery, but I haven’t had a problem. I recommend giving this podcast a try.
  • Sherriatric
    Content is great, but host makes it unlistenable
    The content is so interesting to me, but it’s not worth it to suffer through the host’s atrocious delivery and speech patterns. Not only does it sound like she’s reading word-for-word from a script, but it’s as though she’s doing a caricature of newscaster. Absolutely unlistenable, which is such a shame.
  • Eric Sudol
    One of best
    I’m easily annoyed, Chelsey’s presentation isn’t perfect but she gets the job done and the content is extraordinary, there’s way worse out there. 4.5/5
  • BobbieB12
    Great topics - but unlistenable
    I keep returning to this podcast to try again, as I love the topics. But narrator’s/host’s reading of the episodes is unlistenable, even at 1.25 or 1.5. I don’t understand her intonation. It’s all I can focus on when listening :-(
  • Clb4211
    Inflection and overall phonetic delivery is intolerable. Very sing-songy and out of touch with listeners.
  • J.B.246
    best of everything
    a wonderful show full of wonderful people!! so happy to see it
  • Karinaner
    It’s time
    Just combine your show with Sarah’s.
  • Mysteries & True Crime!
    Love everything about this podcast!!
    Chelsey is a natural story teller! The research is high quality, and their insight and personal stories add to the enjoyment. I could listen to Chelsey talk about anything, but fortunately it’s always fascinating!
  • didnccidlenfnchdjfkcnn
    Host’s delivery is exhausting
    I love the subject matter! I just can’t get past the host’s delivery - as if she’s a cross between a TV news reporter and an over-the-top gossip columnist. Pleeease tone it down a bit because I’d love to listen!
  • torikeanegirl
    An underrated gem!
    Personally, I love Chelsey’s cadence! The podcast is equal parts entertaining, well researched, and absurd. I enjoy the nostalgia of the bizarre moral panics we know and love or hate, as well as learning new things! Don’t change! ❤️
  • HBD66
    Have grown to love this podcast!
    After finding my way here from You’re Wrong About, I thought I’d give this a try. At first, I also had difficulty with Chelsea’s vocal cadence, but I’ve gotten used to it over time. (And I mostly only notice it now near the start and end of an episode). But the content is just SO GOOD and I love Chelsea’s perspective on things, as well as having fantastic guests. This has turned into one of my favorite podcasts, and is always worth the listen.
  • stephseibs
    A true gem: there’s nothing else like this out there
    Definitely my favorite podcast hands down! This is such a unique podcast and I truly feel like there’s nothing else like it out there. As a professional researcher I can say Chelsey embodies the qualities of a true researcher. Aside from being straight-up brilliant and incredibly knowledgeable, Chelsey approaches any topic from a really rare perspective of one who can balance healthy skepticism, authentic passion for the mysterious, reverence, and humility. In a sea of so much crappy content on the internet, I honestly feel like every episode is a genuine work of art that I feel so lucky to get to partake in. The amount of research and dedication Chelsey clearly puts into each topic is incredible… I love how they even intersperse primary sources like historic audio clips! I love the cultural analysis about the “unconscious cultural psychology” of the times; this podcast has honestly changed my relationship to learning about American History and I wish I had been taught history through this cultural psychological analysis lens when I was growing up. On top of their savvy research mind, Chelsey has the heart of a poet and is a talented story-teller who takes you on an emotionally evocative journey. I love how they every so often reveal pieces about their own personal journey of seasoning a life-long exuberance for the occult with a maturing commitment to logic and reason (which I personally can so relate to). I rarely leave reviews but Chelsey’s podcast is just such a quality offering and deserves so much recognition. Can’t recommend it enough! Thanks for creating such an incredible offering Chelsey. It’s added so much value to my life and I look forward to every episode💕
    Vocal styling unbearable
    I’m sorry I want to listen to this I enjoy the content but the vocal styling is so difficult to listen to. It is only barely bearable on 1.5 speed and the constant emphasis on every 3-4 words is so frustrating to listen to. It’s like the host is reading a title header for dramatic effect but then reads the rest of the script that way. Please consider changing this style as it’s so hard to enjoy the content.
  • jessie-bess1234
    Voice is hard to listen to
    I really wish I could like this podcast but the voice is so robotic and uncomfortable. I feel like I’m watching a watchmojo top 10 video.
  • Janet?Marty?WhoAreYouPeople!?
    Great podcast
    Very entertaining and covers a wide range of topics!
  • 🥯🧄🌈
    Im redacted and this is jackass 💣🤯💥🧨☄️🔥
    I think about the jackass episodes weekly. So good, so incisive.
    What a wonderful show!
    I’ve never liked podcasts. I was actually very snobbish about my distaste (v hipster I know). Since I got a job that gives me the freedom to listen during my shift, I found this podcast and now I just can’t stop! I appreciate the extensive research, how they don’t shy away from the harshest of subjects and the story telling style. Keep it up, fellow horror lovers!
  • kyliejenner666
    Please please please do an episode in the Serbian Dancing Lady! She creeps me out and I definitely want to know more about her!
  • jefferyuniverse
    This is a well researched and entertaining podcast about urban legends and moral panics. It’s worth checking out!
  • Verfied User✅
    Could have been good
    The topics of this podcast sound really interesting but I could not make it through one episode, due to the hosts tone and cadence. Certain words were drawn out unnecessarily, and it just became difficult to listen to. Additionally, some of the banter was a little odd. This podcast has potential, and with better delivery it could be really good
  • luthien13
    Balances entertainment, education, and compassion
    This is one of the most remarkable podcasts out there. It covers riveting, shocking topics—but does so with a depth and with a thoughtfulness that makes you better for having listened. Instead of feeling like a voyeur, you actually become part of a conversation. You actually understand. It’s like if Lore had journalistic standards!
  • hansoloishot
    Love it
    I honestly don’t know what people are talking about in these 2 or 3 star ratings. Chelsey, I think you have a great radio voice!! Such an interesting and informative show.
  • SZX 123
    This show is awesome!
    I am always sharing what I learn from your show. Thank you for all the deep dives and interesting stories!
  • rnw5072
    Always interesting
    I love this pod so much!
  • Elaina Nelson
    Great host and topics!
    I love this host, she’s so smart and a great conversationalist!! I learn so much from this pod & other pods she is a guest on
  • Brewnetbagladee
    Woke wasteland
    Has the potential to be an amazing, interesting podcast but the woke, repetitive talking points are so cliche and so exhausting
  • Rick Astley Axolotl
    Amazing podcast!!
    I honestly don’t know why people are giving Chelsey so much crap about their speaking pattern, just speed it up, and if that doesn’t work for you then JUST MOVE ON! You don’t need to write a review about it. Overall an amazing show and very interesting topics!
  • JLN9654
    Hard to listen
    I agree with others who say the topic and the research is great and really interesting, but the Host’s speaking cadence is very difficult to listen to over time. Disappointing.
  • mculcasi
    Cool information, horrible delivery
    I want to like this show so bad. The topics are all interesting, the host is well researched, and the editing is engaging. I just cannot get past the host’s delivery. The cadence she speaks in is unnatural and, frankly, grating. Each word does not need to be drawn out and delivered so (for lack of a better word) bouncy. I tried listening in 1.5 speed, which helped, but most certainly did not fix the problem. Would be a regular listener if not for this.
  • jfjkwkgc
    Speech Pattern is Unlistenable
    I’ve only been able to get through 3 or 4 episodes and I can’t listen anymore. The host is fantastic but I can’t get past her speech pattern. It’s as if she’s reading a salacious headline or introduction that goes on forever. I keep expecting her to drop it and get to the story. I’ve heard Chelsey on other podcasts and she sounds great!
  • Haloapamnsbdkdoodp
    Amazing show!
    Interesting topics, with well researched commentary from the host with every episode!
  • winsome_lawyer
    Fun Macabre
    Always good to check in with our various American panics of history! Great research and sound design too. Love the storytelling.
  • D. Hendricks
    Why the Weird Speech Pattern?
    I really want to love this but the host’s speech pattern makes it unlistenable. The awkward emphasis on every 3-4 words with a dragged-out vocal fry (something I never much care about) is insufferable. I hope the producers reconsider whatever choice this delivery style was. So bad.
  • poppy joe is late for the bus
    Favorite show!!
    As someone in academia, I am pretty PICKY about my podcasts and American Hysteria by far my favorite. Every Monday they deliver truly well-researched, nuanced, and entertaining episodes, and every Monday I have a new fun fact to tell any unsuspecting person who brings up anything tangentially relevant to haunted houses or chick tracts. Thank you so much for the work that you guys do!
  • AudDens
    Fantastic podcast
    The host takes us through fascinating and sometimes bizarre scenarios throughout history, allowing us to consider and feel what the subject might have been feeling before exploring the who-what-why of it all. This podcast is a well-rounded, thoughtful look at strange and complicated American cultural moments and where they came from. The host even has a knack for voice acting, which feels like yet another level deeper engagement with the subjects at hand. I’m hooked!
  • yrmdt
    I can’t.
    I would love to listen to this - the content is so much fun. But I literally can’t with the host’s delivery. Why make that annoying choice? I heard the host speaking normally on another podcast just in conversation, and she was great. I don’t get deliberately going for this when you could choose to talk to your audience like you’re talking to a person.
  • CrepuscularFox
    Fun and thoughtful
    Chelsey does great research, analysis and offers background and insight on illogical human behavior. The Drag series was an excellent and joyful deep dive.
  • Meli5490
    Love this Podcast! But came here specifically to say I too had “Pish Posh Said Hieronymus Bosch” as a kid! Loved it as a kid
  • EmAnne12345
    Is the editing weird?! Trying to listen to the hot dog episode and I have had to rewind to make sure I didn’t miss something, but I didn’t, they just jump topics in weird editing. The episode topics are interesting and things I want to listen to but the editing is too rough and choppy.
  • Nykneighm
    1.5x Speed is a MUST
    The content and perspectives on this podcast are SO good and so interesting, but the host’s tone, speed, and cadence made it unlistenable to me- until I discovered you can listen to it in 1.5x speed!
  • j b nimble
    One of my favorites
    Chelsea Weber Smith has quickly become one of my favorites. Her research and storytelling is impeccable, and I love listening to her. Well done! And keep up the good work.
  • cassieinsc
    Had to double check the app after hearing the intro
    The host is probably trying too hard to imitate Karina Longworth? The cadence, inflection dragged out enunciation and weird pauses … it is clear the host is able to talk normally, I’m sure it must be painful for her as well having to speak like this, but what’s the point?
  • kitgrdhujf
    Want to like it
    The subject matter is great. The research, fantastic. But the delivery is just weird. I can’t follow it because it’s kind of slow with strange inflections. I’ve heard Chelsey speak on other podcasts unscripted and she sounds fine. I thought I had turned on the slower speed for the podcast but it’s just how it’s recorded.
  • Frannon
    Chelsea Weber smith rules and so does this podcast
    I really enjoyed this podcast. I feel like I never know what the topic is going to be and that is awesome. It can be so wide ranging and I love learning more about this different topics and also our collective response to them done so with Chelsea‘s excellent research, personality and sense of humor.
  • llswartz3
    Stop the robot reading voice!!
    This podcast has really interesting topics, and fascinating content. However, I CANNOT handle listening to Chelsea reading the entire script. Her voice sounds so unnatural and robotic. Absolute torture to listen to. Try not reading the entire thing. I understand that it’s too much info not to read for most of the time… but at least try. Goodness.
  • xoperfectlypink
    Host Ruined It
    I made it 5m 26s through one episode and I am unfortunately turning this off. Topics sound interesting, but the drama and odd inflections of the host Chelsey have made this unlistenable.
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