The MapScaping Podcast - GIS, Geospatial, Remote Sensing, earth observation and digital geography


A podcast for geospatial people. Weekly episodes that focus on the tech, trends, tools, and stories from the geospatial world. Interviews with the people that are shaping the future of GIS, geospatial as well as practitioners working in the geo industry.This is a podcast for the GIS and geospatial community subscribe or visit to learn more

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Recent Reviews
  • BDen321
    More Than An “Industry” Interview Show
    Daniel’s curiosity and focused questioning makes for a productive conversation with a variety of Geospatial practitioners.
  • ndsmith1616
    Geospatial Awesomeness
    Plain and simple, if you have any interest at all in geospatial technology, data, or application, this is a MUST SUBSCRIBE podcast. The host provides a thought provoking and informative model for how podcasts in general should be run and his efforts are likely to spread geospatial to the realm of mainstream thought. Well done!
  • GeoJSONFan
    Attention to detail!
    It’s obvious from the podcast that Daniel devotes a huge amount of time researching and editing the podcasts for a great listening experience! This is a valuable resource for veterans and aspiring professionals in the geo field.
  • MikeDavl
    The best for staying up to date with the latest geospatial trends
    MapScaping is the best way to stay informed about what’s going on in the geospatial world! The episodes provide enough context that anyone can understand, regardless of the topic, and still provide enough depth to be useful to pros. Definitely one of the best podcasts I’m subscribed to.
  • wenfei
    In-depth interviews across the geospatial spectrum
    This is a great show that cuts across all types of topics and professions in the geospatial landscape. Great for taking the pulse of current happenings that also delves deeply into guests’ areas of expertise.
  • HabitTracking4Life
    One of the best map podcasts
    Daniel’s show really stands out with high quality - the guests, the interviewer, the right level of detail and structure. Highly recommended for folks interested in geospatial tech or even maps as a hobby.
  • Mr. Jex
    The podcast for geo professionals
    This podcast is fantastic. I just wish I would have know about it sooner! It covers a wide variety of geospatial content, from technical, career, to helpful resources. As a geologist, I find it a super helpful way to stay current with geospatial happenings. The people interviewed are great, and so are the occasional “solo” casts. Keep up the great work!
  • mattmenendez
    Excellent GIS Content
    I discovered this podcast just as I was beginning my professional GIS career and was relieved to find that there was a resource that discussed trends in the field, the various Open Source resources available to anyone, and some insight into the career progression of many GIS professionals. It’s an invaluable resource to anyone who wants to explore this field.
  • Q-pow
    Best geospatial podcast
    Such a wonderful source of knowledge and information for people like me, a GIS newbie, and for professionals (which I hope to be one day). Thank you for this podcast!!
  • McclainRubinFamily
    My Geospatial Superpower
    Okay. The secret is going to get out. Mapscaping is one of the most valuable resources for learning, teaching, consuming spatial data. You may be over-looking the second part of the one, two punch. Daniel provides the most informative episode notes I have ever seen. I confess to queuing up the entire catalogue while training for an ultra-race. Well done.
  • aatopomaps
    Inspiration for GIS professionals
    I almost always listen to each episode twice - there’s so much interesting information to take in!
  • Yeti3tja
    Great interview style and huge variety
    The Geo tech ecosystem intersects nearly every field. Mapscaping does a great job trying to reach the far corners of this massive domain — and always wanting to learn more.
  • C_Talbot
    Diverse look into geospatial
    Thank you for making this podcast. I enjoy the variety of professionals you have on discussing the multitudinous aspects of geospatial.
  • metasim
    Great diversity of topics!
    Not sure if you’re a GIS nerd? After listening to this you will be!
  • Stevieindb
    Great for a multidisciplinary look on the GIS industry
    I love the episodes diving into QGIS and Postgres. I use these tools in my workflow and I still learned quite a bit from this podcast.
  • mcnooblet
    Amazing Spatial Podcast
    Full disclosure, I am a huge spatial nerd. I operate a side business centered around GIS, I am a full-time GIS developer for a fortune 500 company, and I am constantly trying to evolve with the market. This podcast is just the right mix of informative, technical, and interesting for me. I love how it brings in alternate solutions than what the ESRI universe provides, but I like hearing about the Esri stuff as well since that’s the environment in which I’m developing full time. I’m constantly getting new ideas on how to market spatial skills through this while also getting current information about the industry and where the other experts think it’s headed in the future. Summed up: it’s all sorts of win for me. Keep up the great work. I’m hooked!
  • DerekOuyang
    Great in-depth insight and network building within GIS community
    I have a heavy podcast diet and have increasingly sought out mid- to long-form interview podcasts on technical topics related to my profession and interests. The MapScaping Podcast covers the geospatial field and industry thoroughly, and has introduced me to many new techniques, technologies, and ideas in just a few episodes. Daniel does a great job as a host, staying focused on topics and details that would be of interest to those directly working with GIS, handling pacing and editing professionally, and topping it off with a great podcast voice. I'd especially recommend this podcast for college students getting into their first couple months of learning GIS, but it is great for anybody who considers themselves proficient in one specific GIS tool and is looking to broaden their knowledge.
  • Petrolandman
    A terrific podcast for GIS professionals
    It’s a great way to keep up with trends and new ideas in the GIS world. I learn something new every time.
  • AZMapGuy
    Great variety of topics
    This is a good podcast for people who like geography and tech. Interesting topics and guests.
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