Quick Question with Soren and Daniel

Improv #33

Quick Question with Soren and Daniel is a comedy podcast from the former editors of Cracked.com Soren Bowie and Daniel O’Brien. With new episodes every week, join Soren and Daniel in answering life’s deep and also probably shallow questions.

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Recent Reviews
  • Puerto Rican Demon
    Dope show. 5 stars!
    Great show. Also Jason Pargin is the best guest! Have Jack O'Brien on sometime too, please. Then have one with Jason and Jack. Who else? Maybe Conan. Have Conan on sometime.
  • lilkitten42
    Great podcast
    The friendship is awesome and I just love to hear the very unique stories they bring ever week
  • Jimmy MacDink
    It’s like hanging out with my friends
    Makes my commute to and from work a complete joy. It’s just like hanging out with two old friends, catching up on things, and sharing great stories. Theme song is my jam!
  • NolaHomie
    You will never read this. Understandably.
    Love all the work y’all do. The song is downright hypnotic. Pls let me know who that is….anyway y’all have so much really well put together content. Keep it up. Giving the world a little entertainment is a beautiful thing.
  • Bethlemania
    A great podcast about nothing
    Seriously! It’s just a funny a conversation between two best friends (and comedy writers), but I couldn’t recommend it more.
  • Caplet
    Two Best Friends
    These guys are great. Always funny. 10/10
  • mjk_tool
    Taskmaster App
    This is an amazing show. Been a fan of the fellas since Cracked. I also got into some British TV over the pandemic. Taskmaster has a pay app (Taskmaster Supermax +)and releases new episodes & series every Friday. Worth it! Also get the app Britbox for the show 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown.
  • Viktor Strange
    More of a request than a review…
    The Review: Top Notch Pod without question. I can’t believe there are not one but TWO people who’s thoughts and perception of daily occurrences run congruent with my own. I’ve listened to all eps so at this point I just select rando eps until your thumbnail pops up in the latest eps section. The Request: Can we get the lyrics to the themes song PLEASE and THANK U in advance. I sing along (as much as I can without knowing all the lyrics) every time the eps begins.
  • Jicky Ray
    I wish the bald one didn’t talk about running so much.
  • Intestinal-Bookworms
    Very sweet friendship
    I liked these dudes from their Cracked days but now I just like them. They’re funny and interesting but also clearly have a very genuine friendship that’s very sweet to eavesdrop on
  • JenniferrrStarlinggg
    DOB is my God.
    If you enjoyed DOB (Daniel O’Brien) and Soren Bowie from their work on Cracked.com most notably, ‘After Hours’ , ‘Todays Topic’ , and Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder than this is the podcast for you. Just minus the rest of the previous cracked team. Imagine Dan and Soren of Cracked fame(and later on Last Week Tonight & American Dad respectively), being the exact same perfect dynamic duo that they always were in all of the cracked video features that they wrote, produced/edited, and performed in together and apart for the fact that Katie Willert and Michael Swaim are sadly absent in this project as they were staple characters and talented writers for DOB and Soren’s sketches and their involvement is certainly missed; however Dan and Soren carry this pod on their own like absolute champs. Their dynamic as colleagues, comedy writers, AND best friends is so captivating. No matter the topic they discuss whether it be a 5 minute spiel on Dan’s running times, or a conversation on super interesting topics like pop culture, recent events, and their personal lives no matter what they discuss is absolutely enthralling and I never get bored even if the topic being discussed is one of the most boring subjects to listen to other people talk about they still somehow make it the most entertaining thing in the world and I love them for it and will always be a lifelong fan.
  • Baileypea
    Love these two
    It’s like chatting with two friends who like none of the things that you like but you love them regardless
  • NierOh
    Great show
    It’s really good, not Bag Fries good but still a delightful listen
  • ErinQ.H.
    5 stars
    They’re both funny TV writers
  • peytonfitz
    Great podcast and all that jazz I’m haunted by the ceiling fan tiktok discussion.
  • Meli5490
    S’mores Poptarts are great but hear me out… Turkey Hill makes an AMAZING S’mores ice cream. It’s like a Neapolitan situation but with chocolate, graham, and marshmallow.
  • Woodrow17
    Love it
    I look forward to the new episode coming out every Friday. It’s quite a joy to listen to these gentlemen talk about nothing and sometimes things.
  • Puchi Snider
    Love hearing from these two
    I’ve followed these guys since they were working for cracked, it’s awesome to see their careers progress through the difficulties of the writing profession. I feel like I know them, despite the closest connection being a failed article submission to the old website ten years ago. Happy to keep up with fake friends…
  • ohnofiveoh
  • Th3f00l
    Somewhat toxic men and their friendship
    Look I’m going to listen to every podcast in the Cracked Cinematic Universe but as I keep listening some of the character traits that seemed charming at first now seem like bits hiding very toxic personalities. Nonetheless it’s fascinating to get a glimpse of a rare long term male friendship.
  • Sim8353628
    So glad I found this!
    While nostalgically rewatching an episode of OPCD and decided to look up Daniel O’Brien; I’m so happy I found this podcast and I’m currently binging to catch up. It’s been so long since I heard from these two and it feels like I’m catching up with old friends 😭
  • Phillip-Film Buff
    My favorite podcast
    I have been a fan since the cracked days and listen to every episode(Selfishly wish they were longer) The bits are amazing and comitment is beyond great. Its scary how much I can relate to so many real life things they talk about. Keep up the great work.
  • Rich_r_k
    Fun Friends Having Fun
    It’s so fun to get a peek at two close friend who are just supernaturally funny. You love to hear it.
  • Brave Dessert
    Just found this
    So I just found this by watching old Cracked Videos. There was an ad with Dan and Soren and I said, “Um, Yes please.” Now I love it.
  • ajcamero
    Of all the “two white guys talking” podcasts, this is one of them. And lucky for us, a pretty dang good one! Glad to continue my parasocial relationship with two people I would probably not talk to if I saw them in the real world.
  • Cleto1605
    Love these two
    They were funny on cracked and I’m happy to see they are still just as insightful and funny now
  • qwak, king of the mole people
    Great podcast at a great price! I would pay double for half!
  • Keithimus Prime
    Classical charm meets charmingly autistic
    Dan, you are a National treasure. Been a huge fan for years. So glad to hear you two banter/babble again.
  • Kuleaideman
    Super happy to find half of “After hours” team!
    Really stoked to find you guys! I had to start this at the beginning and I totally can see Daniel as a Ben Folds Five fan in episode 3... That totally made my night, thanks guys keep it up!
  • Michael 998877665544332211
    Love it!
    I can’t explain why I enjoy this show so much. It’s comfort food for my mind just listening to two bright and charming young men talking about mundane (and sometimes not so mundane) topics in a civilized and kind manner. No snark, no satire, just two buddies having a pleasant conversation. It’s an inoculation against the topic masculinity I deal with everyday in my Deep South, working class environment. It’s simply endearing. Thanks guys! Michael
  • Former fat kid
    Good wingmen
    So I started dating this girl and our schedules don’t line up very well, but whatever else happens all week, I can always go to her place on Fridays. Guess what... that’s the day this podcast drops each week... so now whenever I’m on my way to get laid, I’m listening to the dulcet tones of Soren and Daniel. So hearing their voices has elicited a Pavlovian response in me... 5 stars
  • lzy_bku
    DOBs Divorcees
    It’s not that they’re divorced from DOB, it’s more like a separatist cell... anyway, what I came to say was: The Great British Baking Show is back and I cried a little. Namaste Daniel.
  • Dissatisfied5
    Two people apologizing for their past
    This is a great podcast about two cowards who fear colored people so much they feel the need to preemptively defend their prior racist works. 5/5, it won’t stop you from meeting justice.
  • Buscadera
    Finally found it!
    After watching the final “After Hours” special on YouTube, Daniel mentioned the podcast he does with Soren. But he adamantly refused to give its name. Sometimes he really seems to hate the show and doing it. But it’s clearly a celebration of love and friendship between two people whose work I’ve enjoyed for years. Thanks for the show and I look forward to many more.
  • NickyBazzano
    You’ve ruined other broadcasts for me!
  • DanButter
    A Wonderfully Quote-able Show
    "You promised me I'd get to see a dog die; now, let's make this happen." -Soren Bowie
  • Kheryssa
    A solid listen
    I’ll be honest, I’m not an OG Cracked fan or anything. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed Daniel and Soren’s presence on eps like After Hours, I just usually passively watched/listened to episodes that my fiancé was watching, while I scrolled through social media aimlessly. BUT. On a recent 6 hour road trip, he put on the current episode of QQ and I was immediately drawn into it. I started/am binging all of the episodes now and I enjoy it so much. You guys are great and I’m glad to be a Quickla Quessler (there’s no way in hell I spelled that right).
  • pussellrarrish
    A quick question
    I want to give a 5 star review for any podcast I love to help with those ethereal algorithm shenanigans. While I know this probably isn’t the proper medium to ask a question I want answered... I am still going to ask, stalwartly hoping it might get answered. Soren: I got really into the lowest common dominator show and was disappointed it never continued past 3 episodes. The premise of taking a sort of taboo topic and turning it on it’s head in a surprisingly positive way was so fun (Especially the flat earther ep.). Anyway, my question is: Did you have any further episodes planned, and if so, what was the topic you wanted to cover? And, and.., and (if you got that far) what was the direction you wanted to take it? If you never see my question I’ll just end by saying “all the nice things people say about their favorite podcast” but, ya know, about this one. Thanks!
  • EFSteele
    Fortune Tellers?
    I started listening to QQ as a quibbler in May 2020. As I was listening I realized the hosts could see the future: discussed “go” bags and what should be in them in late 2019, talked about how to fill time during long breaks from work, mentioned how you should thank teachers (Soren) before the year ends and now everyone knows teachers deserve it all, etc. I can’t wait to see what else they predict for the remainder of 2020!
  • souch3
    Great Show to Build a Feeling is Impending Doom
    Great funny podcast. Started listening from the beginning and you really get a snapshot of what people thought of 2020 leading in to it. It’s like a horror movie. You keep yelling at your phone “don’t go in there!”. Of course, if it were actually a horror movie, Soren would get killed first, Bacon would be slaughtered next, and then Dan the sexless survives because he’s a good boy that never did anything wrong.
  • Doug luthman
    Great podcast
    So good I’ve taken up running in the hope of bumping into Daniel O’Brien
  • djmorri
    Late to the pod
    I always loved these guys when they were on cracked and I can’t believe I hadn’t realized they had a podcast together for so long. I’ve decided to listen to them in order I’m currently on episode 7 and it’s June 2020 I refuse to jump ahead so this review is going to be weirdly dated. Although I enjoy the sense of humor and how these guys relate to each other this podcast could just as easily be called WPP(white privilege pod) even though I don’t think these guys mean any harm I think they are genuinely clueless about more than a few things here’s hoping the effort to get through some of the episodes won’t always take a toll on my last nerve. If so I’ll update my review but 3 stars is all you get right now.
  • Sveiven
    Excellent podcast!!
    Hey guys keep up the great work with the podcast! It’s comforting getting to listen to light conversation between two friends, especially at the moment when social distancing is limiting interaction. I love when two areas of life intersect, so it was a personal high for me this week when Dan commented on Bill Simmons taste in movies. My taste in movies tends to fall fairly similar to Bill’s but I still thought it was hilarious.
  • BigBeezum7
    Recently been re-watching the show “Recess”, which contains references to two things this show has taught me about: 1. In one episode characters are talking baseball cards and one character swears by Kirby Puckett being his favorite, just like Soren. 2. At one point a group of characters are in a bit of trouble after their usual hijinks, a character, unirionically I should add, says “Cheese it!” as a shorthand for “Let’s get out of here!” when he sees that a person with authority is approaching their present location. Stay well and thank you guys, otherwise I would not have had those calm moments of chuckling to myself knowing present me gets references in a show from the late 90s that Kindergarten me would not understand. You guys are excellent, Bran
  • alias13e
    Expert woodworking and fishing advice
    I have a quick question. Did/does anyone ever tell Daniel that he looks a lot like Heath Ledger in The Brothers Grimm? Particularly when he was making OPCD.
  • Tealy Dan
    Quick Question About Dan’s Emmy Story
    Hey Dan, quick question: how often does your coworker Seena hide his eyes?
  • Holls82
    Subtle, genuine and smart
    As a former After Hours junkie, I was pretty happy to find this podcast. I shy away from most conversational podcasts, but I look forward to sitting in on these every week. Nice job guys.
  • SenatorVulture
    Almost great
    Soren is funny, charming, a pleasure to listen to, almost makes it easier to listen to Dan’s “every white guy on the internet” hot takes on pop culture.
  • Kevlarproof
    These guys
    These guys make you feel better about yourself, in so many different ways. Just great stuff!
  • Cptpost
    Good dudes
    Always makes me laught, just 2 good dudes
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