The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie

Politics #90

Want to know what comes next in politics, culture, and libertarian ideas? Reason's Nick Gillespie hosts relentlessly interesting interviews with the activists, artists, authors, entrepreneurs, newsmakers, and politicians who are defining the 21st century.

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Recent Reviews
  • rabidmoderate
    Glenn Loury
    Another fantastic interview
  • Harryschill25
    Open Minded, but philosophical and pragmatic
    Nick Gillespie is a great interviewer. His conversation with Wesley Yang a few years ago will be perennially relevant.
  • Rememberist
    Sometimes you get what you want
    For some reason, when I finish listening to one of these interviews, I get another older podcast that I’ve already listened to and really like hearing again. Is Reason using AI to make me more libertarian?
  • mattandgirls
    Reason, Nick has been a revelation
    Between the reason interview and the round table I have found such great company. Nick and the others at reason provide the kind of clear, humble and entertaining perspective and interviews that you just don’t really find much elsewhere. Perhaps it’s part parcel of their view points, but I just find their approach to be much less hysterical and hyperbolic then so many other shows. you don’t have to be a libertarian at all to get something out of these
  • Evan Stevoid
    Dave Smith
    The war in Ukraine is due to decades of meddling by both Russia and the West including the USA. Russia was the aggressor and Ukraine is justified to fight back against Russia. The West and the USA shouldn’t be involved, but as a libertarian, Ukraine is who we should be rooting for.
  • Ranselaer
    Fascinating guess, great format
    A friend of mine once called Reason Magazine the “gateway drug” to libertarianism. But I don’t listen to the Reason Interview for a libertarian take on issues – heck, I’m not even sure if Nick Gillespie considers himself a libertarian. But he is a very good host with an easy-going style, and his podcast features an interesting range of guests covering a vast array of topics. It does have an inside-the-Beltway perspective, but with a healthy dose of irony and not a little self-awareness. Generally good stuff here.
  • passepartoot
    Varied, informative and topical
    Gillespie is one of the better podcasters. He’s prepared and very well versed on topics he explores with his guests. He is VERY witty. He asked for comments and suggestions, so here’s mine: maybe reduce the personal anecdotes in each podcast? I know his age, his grandparents’ ethnicity, lapsed Catholicism, grade school adventures and the luxuriance of his good hair.
  • lrhhrl
    No longer with it
    This has been in my rotation for a long time but the subject matter has become less interesting, more conspiratorial. Nick either interrupts every guest or takes over the conversation and makes it about himself. Seems like a show that is less ‘Reason’ and more ‘Nick’ which is unfortunate as many of Nick’s views are disagreeable.
  • GatsbyNYC
    Stop talking, Nick!
    Great podcast, but Nick's questions are usually much longer than the guest's answers. I already know what Nick thinks - now I want to hear from the guest.
  • scareduck
    The Platonic ideal of podcasts
    Nick is disarming, funny, consistently kind with his guests while getting interesting interviews out of them. I subscribe to fewer than a half dozen podcasts, and this is the one I look forward to the most every week.
  • pumpkindog1
    Condescending interview!
    Dave Smith’s podcast ( A part of the Problem) is a much better libertarian podcast! Listen to his interview of Kennedy and make your own decision. The condescending tone of this interview was awful!
  • Christian Segall
    Great guests
    Love this podcast and reason Roundtable!
  • clark lockerd
    Real information
    Interview with Vivek Ramaswamy was the best I’ve heard and I’m a close follower of Vevek
  • History Podcast junkie
    Reason had lost its way
    Not sure why reason has decided that standing up for all libertarian ideals isn’t necessary. I have it two stars because the education podcast was fantastic but after listening to last podcast with Ben Smith I’m was severely disappointed. It’s not just the last one that shows bias. Buzz feed is clearly liberal leaning and Nick shows that he is sympathetic to that also. I don’t like trump and do not support him. I’m not maga and an an cap mostly. Allowing Ben to get away with the Steele dossier publishing by saying we should have attached are doubts on it better. Come on Nick. Really, allowing a completely crazy fake document when there was questions from the begging of to be just shrugged off by the person who published it with a shrug. You allowed Ben to get a free pass on all of the media orgs that Ben has been involved creating fake or at best sensational years of raking trump over the flames. At the same time covering Obama and Biden’s rear end with smoke and mirror stories. I know nick despises trump but how is he any worse than Obama or Biden? If your supposedly libertarian and publish libertarian news why not equal equal ire. Especially on the podcast Nicks biases come through. I think that reason is why the libertarian party was taken over by the misses caucus. The left hates you and so does the right so why pander to the left so much? They don’t like libertarians
  • Lvivinative
    Nick the interruptor is back
    Sometimes I really wonder why nick has guests at all - he talks more than they do. Excellent guests, excellent topics and Nick is really smart. But god almighty - let your guests talk!
  • Bikemon Bob
    Guests are so much more interesting and articulate
    Nick isn’t as interesting or articulate as his guests. So he should keep quiet more often and when he does talk it should be to ask clear questions not to ramble with “kinda” “you know” throat clearers.
  • jag1152
    Reasonable handling of difficult topics
    Jane in Wisconsin I’m not a monetary subscriber because I’m on a fixed income. I have an abundance of curiosity, and I’ve recommended podcast to people who can support the podcast financially. Having grown up in the 50s and 60s, it is so fascinating to see the differences and the similarities. I just listened to the episode about sexwork. It’s fantastic that people can openly talk about such topics. I’m so sorry that so many people are in trouble for saying a multitude of things they don’t know will be a problem. I cringe at the term cancel culture! It’s not going to be in my vocabulary after I write this. Thanks, Nick, for your thoughtful conversations with people who are willing to talk about difficult, though so relevant, topics!
  • nicmart
    Dull and bland like the magazine
    A pseudo-intellectual pseudo-libertarian conducts uninspired interviews.
  • rwake2
    Stop interrupting
    I agree with others who have made the same observation, stop interrupting your guests. He gets even worse when he disagrees with the guest, I had to shut off a recent one about 10 minutes in—the dude he agreed with the tone was: “ok, he can talk, some.” The lady he didn’t agree with couldn’t finish a single sentence. Perhaps Nick could just run a solo commentary podcast to get his opinions off his chest for those in the world interested, but his interview skills are lacking.
  • TheEddy
    Stop interrupting!
    Overall Nick Gillespie’s THE REASON INTERVIEW is an informative and engaging podcast with some amazing guests. My only suggestion is that the host needs to allow his guests to finish their thoughts. He has an irritating habit of cutting his guests off mid-thought to ask another question or make a comment. I’ve stopped listening to multiple episodes out of the frustration of wanting to hear what guests have to say and being denied by the host.
  • cmcquietman
    Ken Burns
    Ken Burns is insane. I mean it. Hitler looked to the United States’ treatment of American Indians for inspiration leading to concentration camps and the Holocaust? Hey Kenny, if you’re looking for pathetic and cowardly immigration policy, you don’t need a history book. Look no further than the Afghan allies the US government left behind in Afghanistan.
  • Miz Luv
    Terrific interviews
    Highly recommend. Nick is not only an expert writer and seasoned journalist, he’s also a thoughtful and genuine interviewer who does a great job in the audio/video medium (i.e., articulate, nice voice/elocution, likable personality, easy on the eyes). That said, I might be inclined to knock off half a star for his tendency to sometimes forget he’s the interviewer, and sort of hijack the conversation. || The guests are usually compelling, and he leads them through interesting conversations that are always informative and often thought-provoking. Some of these interviews may even challenge your opinions and beliefs. Gasp. || Despite his seriously bad habit of ill-timed (and often lengthy) interruptions, it’s mostly just a real pleasure to listen to such a knowledgeable and well-informed professional who’s also ideally suited to this format.
  • Connor Kerl
    I never miss an episode
    I don’t understand half the cultural references this guy makes, but man he’s funny and thought provoking.
  • Casnh
    Offers nothing constructive
    As much as I agree with Libertarians on some issues, I’m still waiting for the day when they actually build something or contribute to society in a significant way instead of endlessly complaining.
  • donkilmer
    Nick Gillespie Rocks
    Nick gives (and takes) a good interview. (i.e., The best interviewers reveal as much about themselves as their subjects.) The Jillette interview was a reevaluation for me about Penn. After more than a decade of loving him, and following his career, reading his books, attending his shows, I had to take a break after Penn became obsessed with Trump. Nick pushed Penn on whether Trump was objectively better than Obama on some things, conceding that he was worse on others, and Penn balked. He admitted that his decision about something he considers important is basically emotional. Like most libertarians, I think our modern political choices are awful. But some choices are demonstrably worse than others. But if Penn is hyper-rational about cosmology, metaphysics & epistemology — hence his atheism; then why short-circuit the process when it comes to mundane choices like politics. I think Penn’s answer was a cop out. Still, I appreciated Nick’s interview. I think I can forgive Penn for not being perfect. (Duh.) He still makes me laugh and think, even our thinking (and feelings) take us in different directions. Thanks Nick.
  • Noodles115
    Smart and fun
    Nick is great. Smart dude. Sneaks in a few good jokes in an otherwise rather serious show. Great guests.
  • strangle the cat
    Enlightened conversations
    While Nick Gillespie as an interviewer sometimes is exasperating (too much monologing!) he ultimately has smart conversations and he is always well prepared for his guests. This is one of my must have podcasts.
  • toomanyaveragepodcastsnow
    Pretty good - refreshing
    Has on some interesting guests, and is not afraid to politely probe a bit. A lot of podcasters are just plain lazy, don’t do their research, and let their guests just ramble on continuously (lookin’ at you, Joe Rogan), so we only end up hearing a singular, very biased perspective. Gillespie, however, knows how to put in well-timed questioning. Interview approach is thoughtful, and not just combative for the sake of “winning” the argument, like so many other podcasters and pundits out there. Doesn’t try to push out a lot of low quality episodes out for the sake of “making content.”
  • Bent_Nickel
    The Podcast I Was Looking For
    I haven’t been able to find a great libertarian-oriented podcast until this one. Nick does a great job giving the show a laid back and easy-to-listen to feeling, while focusing on actual issues and concepts that pertain to libertarianism. Definitely recommend this show to anyone who’s open to hearing new perspectives.
    Great show
    Always interesting content that makes you think.
    Nick Gillespie
    Been a fan for a couple decades….his interview style and humor on this podcast as well as The Reason Roundtable keeps me coming back for more week after week.
  • couldbe
    Smart and informative
    Nick’s podcast on my must listen list. Great interviewer
  • Drubie10
    Nicholas Christakis
    Finally something to explain what’s going on with the Covid pandemic! No conspiracy theories or misinformation! Thank you so much. I’m sharing this with my friends and family! Great interview!
  • fiddlinmike
    Great Pod
    Nick is a great interviewer and the guests are diverse and interesting. I look forward to each weekly podcast.
  • Kenmmch
    Reason is Necessary
    Nick is awesome in his desires to cover all points of view with his interviews. He politely interjects contrary arguments to his guests for the purposes of understanding weaknesses or challenges to their views, allowing listeners to feel as complete as possible in the understanding if the topics covered. This type of intelligent and honest discourse is truly what will save America.
  • AK Heat
    Have listened to Nick for awhile on the round table and stumbled on this for the George Will episode. Love the long style format. Allows for more in depth dialog about a range of great topics. Keep it up and keep it interesting.
  • Shannon frm Fla
    Shannon in Florida
    Enjoyed the interview with Karla Vermeulen. Looking forward to reading her book, Generation Disaster.
    Terrible Afghanistan Episode
    You don’t have to be pro-war to criticize Biden and the Taliban. The guest was a total ill informed callous joke and shame on Nick and Reason for choosing such a bad guest and not pushing back on basic facts. The episode was filled with conspiracy theories such as the Bush did not want to get Osama Bin Ladin and the Taliban was going to hand him over. Also the guest seems to believe there is no issues with trying to leave Afghanistan at this time. It was a horrible episode filled with rewriting reality to fit a narrative. It’s the kind of bad episode that makes you rethink if you should trust the host on other issues. I am generally a big fan of the podcast, but this episode was extremely bad.
  • MrsElska
    Those who Rule the Gold Need no Law
    You cannot take giant corporations like amazon and expect them to function within the framework of the business and property laws we now have, which were created for a whole different era and system. There is no room for the law within these behemoths, that make the industrial robber barons look like hot dog vendors. It's not like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk created their businesses out nothing but a hat and hard work. They - and all business and property owners have their properties and billions of dollars, of which they pay no taxes - because they are beneficiaries of living in a civilized society with public infrastructure that taxpayers have created at enormous cost. To taxpayers, not these corporate behemoths. But they are to be allowed to use the public infrastructure to make money and give nothing back. And you don't think the law has any right to limit what they can do with the property they've gained on our backs? including limiting our right to speak and read what we like? Of course they have no use for the law - it's us who need the law, which unfortunately we're unlikely to get, because they are above the law. What was the golden rule again - those who have the gold, rule.
  • Kayotic1999
    This is one of the few podcasts that I make sure to listen to, every episode. Nick may be my favorite journalist. I always learn something and will drive around until the podcast is finished.
  • junior chomsky
    Refreshing perspectives
    Nick is the perfect host. Always polite, curious, probing, and fun. My favorite thing is that I come away from most episodes with a new take on a subject, or at least my viewpoint has been altered - in a good way.
  • Tucsonfan77
    Fantastic interview podcast
    Gillespie is such a great interviewer- takes devil’s advocate side even if he agrees with the person he is interviewing. Congenial and informative.
  • JPthr33
    One of the best around
    One of the best around, even though he is a beltway type—he’s still Nick Gillespie. And “one Nick Gillespie is better than no Nick Gillespie” as my grandmother always said.
  • dapperdude7
    An island of sane conversation in an increasingly polarized world, the reason podcast never fails to bring interesting subjects into the mix, deftly hosted by nick gillespie. I highly recommend it.
  • rapeatmyass
    What 60 minutes should be
    Informed, revealing questions for interesting, heterodox intellectuals, addressing chronically under-examined, but pressing, issues. It is a testament to the failure of the American consumer that programs like this are not mainstream content.
  • arifan1gabi
    Sally Satel
    The interview with Dr Satel was fantastic
  • Zanercorp
    Incredible & important
    Fantastic and enlightening interview with Glen Greenwald. A must listen. Love Nick . Thank you.
  • Jas1077
    Consistently interesting interviews
    I started listening to the Reason Roundtable Podcast as a reader of Reason Magazine, and Nick’s writings in that publication. I subscribed to this podcast as soon as it spun off from the Roundtable and have found it to be consistently thought-provoking.
  • North Central Pa Reader
    Bob Chitester Interview
    Nick Gillespie’s interview with Bob Chitester ‘the Televangelist of Capitalism’ was the best interview I’ve listened to in a long hat is off to both of these fine gentlemen. Gillespie is an excellent interviewer & I highly recommend his podcast.
  • thecraighan
    Recent Interview
    The Scott Barry Kaufman interview this week was absolutely fantastic. Thank you for all the intelligent conversations you share with us Nick.
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