Acephale: Horror Fiction

Fiction #228

Stories of cosmic and existential horror. Written and performed by Jeffrey Walker.Patreon: @acephalehorrorfictionTwitter: @jeffwalkersdeadContact: acephalehf@gmail.comCover art by Alex McGrath @fractaltaco

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Recent Reviews
  • Sabbiiiiii
    Great Show
    Great horror show, each episode is such a unique concept. The only issue I have is that a lot of episodes are left open ended, leaving it up to the listener to assume what happens. Sometimes it bothers me, but often it just leaves me wanting a part 2, which I suppose is a good problem to have.
  • Drift43
    Absolutely riveting
    Jeffery is a fantastic writer, voice actor and editor the man dumps his heart and soul into every story with gusto. If you like horror prepare to be blown away one episode at a time and if you are not a Patreon member go spend $3 to get you an 8 hour long audio book narrated by the author and episodes a few days early with zero ads.
  • Kazmierski
    Binged it
    Just listened to a bunch of these on an 8 hour road trip. The stories are super creative and easy to get into. I enjoy everything about this podcast except: check your grammar and pronunciations. Mispronunciation and misused vocabulary is a real distraction. Otherwise, šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
  • miiirandiii
    Unique and thoughtful horror
    A great podcast for horror lovers that feel like they have heard/seen it all.
  • petraFS12320
    šŸ™ thank you for your refreshing, unpretentious, creative, and well-written tales
    Quietly Excellent
    One of my favorite horror podcasts! Subtle and perfect.
  • Beamerjx3
    Simply Amazing
    Quiet understated horror at its finest. I never miss an episode- in fact, I have listened to most of them multiple times. Highly recommend!
  • voxx1122
    Top 5 horror podcast authors, hands down!
    Hi Jeff! Let me first say i have been listening from episode one, and you are undoubtedly one of the most eloquent, genuine and talented writers in the oversaturated horror fiction genre. Truly, you are up there with Soren Narnia and WNMTK. I also listened to solace, and I think you have the makings of an incredible novel there. Just a quick note, and Iā€™m not certain itā€™s intentional, but in your new epilogue, you use the phrase ā€œgood riddanceā€ when youā€™re addressing what I think is your listener. From what I understand, that phrase carries a connotation that insinuates a farewell to something troublesome and aggravating. Good riddance, in my experience is something you might say to the flu after youā€™ve had it for two weeks. I cannot express the enthusiasm and excitement that washes over me when I see a new episode of acephale in my feed. Keep up the incredible work!
  • monique schulz
    Wow! My favorite episode . You really dug deep on this one, Sir !!
  • ssnipes
    There arenā€™t enough stars for me to rate properly
    I listen to A LOT of horror fiction podcasts. I stumbled upon this one through a recommendation from ā€˜Shadows at the doorā€™ and it took me a while to get around to starting it. After the first episode, I was hooked! After powering through every episode over the past week, I am about to head over to Patreon to support. If you love slow burn anthology type podcasts (there are Easter eggs throughout) you have found a stellar podcast. šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©
  • CthulhusButtPug
    Uncanny valley
    The latest tales slowly unfolding dread is so well done.
  • Zorli
    Well written
    I first found this horror podcast several years ago. I love the way Mr. Walker tells his stories. Within the short story format he develops his characters and delivers a slow burn horror story. I also wish he could write more. I await and look forward to each story. Your time will not be wasted following this podcast.
  • RhodesyB
    In lieu of reviewā€¦
    a ranking instead: 1. Ghost Wax 2. Gray Matter 3. Acephale 4. Knifepoint 5. Sessions X
  • TiredonFriday
    Much better written than many other horror podcasts Iā€™ve heard. I wish he would write more. Always look forward to a new story from him!
  • KayossGT
    No atmosphere
    Iā€™ve listened to a few episodes now and itā€™s really good, but I have one major complaint: thereā€™s no atmosphere. The narrator is good at what he does, uses vocal tones and pitches to make what heā€™s saying more effective and realistic. The stories themselves arenā€™t all that bad, and I was pretty hooked. However they all lack noise. Thereā€™s no background noise or atmospheric music or anything. Thereā€™s nothing to add suspense to the experience, nothing to make me feel like Iā€™m there. It feels more like kindergarten, where the teacher is reading a book. Itā€™s an interesting listen, but honestly boring. When a dramatic moment happens, it doesnā€™t feel dramatic or intriguing, it feels dull and boring. Perhaps Iā€™m spoiled, coming from The Dark Somonium and Nightvale Presents. But I wonā€™t be listening to this podcast anymore because Iā€™m just bored. I give it three stars for the good narration and decent stories. I canā€™t, in good faith, give anymore without some change.
  • Loganfool
    Pricey subscription
    Thatā€™s six dollars a pop. Donā€™t think so.
  • LicoriceTattoo
    A cut above
    There are a lot of horror podcasts out there. This one is among the handful that I never miss. Solid writing and narration. Always compelling.
  • ErroneousK
    Best horror fiction podcast Iā€™ve come across
    I work night shift all by myself, and Iā€™m always trying to find podcasts to listen to. You would think I wouldnā€™t be so keen on finding the creepiest ones, but Iā€™ve always been a horror fan. I have listened to a lot of podcasts, read a lot of books, and watched a lot of movies, and there arenā€™t very many that creep me out at all. This is the exception. I recommend it to anyone with a love of horror.
  • Phix66
    Great horror podcast
    Iā€™ve been loving each episode. If you are a fan of horror, then this is the podcast for you. This podcast is so professionally well done. Props to the Jeffrey.
  • Steve in Santa Rosa
    Savor these stories
    After listening to Jeffā€™s stories several times again I want to reiterate my last comment: Thoroughly wonderful first-person narrative horror. In this second review I would note the quality of the writing. The slow buildup of the story arc. The recurring temporal element is noteworthy. My favorite stories of this podcast involve demonic entities that have impacts over generations, and protagonists seeking to learn more, then wishing they had not. Also noteworthy is that in the best of these, the protagonist is not destroyed but marked and transformed by their contact with the other. Thanks Jeff, I listen and re-listen to these jewel-like tales.
  • poeteer
    Simply amazingā€”
    This podcast is incredible. Nearly every story captivates my attention and surprises me. The stories are not predictable and very well written. And *smart.* Iā€™ve been looking for a long time for a horror podcast to fill the time between Soren Narniaā€™s, and this one surpasses my expectations by a whole lot.
  • Ahc4959
    Love it
    I really enjoy existential horror, and this podcast is great. Very strong writing and voice acting!
  • Belph Bingalow
    A delightfully terrifying surprise!
    I am relatively new to the realm of horror podcasts, and podcasts in general, but this is the first horror podcast I have found that ACTUALLY scared me. Most are just spooky, or might give you a chill or two, but Acephale is the first and only podcast so far to keep me up at night. I am an avid horror fan, and have been all my life, so I donā€™t say this lightly, but Acephale, and the writing of Jeffrey Walker is absolutely on par with that is the greats. The pillars of the horror genre, such as Stephen King, Clive Barker, and Beam Stoker. H. P. Lovercraft may have created the cosmic horror genre, but Jeffrey Walker has come as close as one can to perfecting it (especially considering Jeffreyā€™s work is on par with Lovecraftā€™s and doesnā€™t have all the awful, gross racism that riddles Lovecraftā€™s works). Not only do I recommend this for any casual horror fan, but to anyone who want to write horror. LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! Listen and take notes. Keep up the amazing, and terrifying work! I am so excited to hear more. It is especially wonderful, having lived my whole life in the Western United States (being born, and raised in Utah) to have much of the stories in Acephale take place in places I know, and many of these small towns that I have seen first hand. Many horror authors like to focus on the Eastern United States, with the Appalachia region having a rich history of spooky events and creatures that are said to roam there. So it is a breath of fresh air, and very welcome to hear a horror author write about the West, cause having lived in the West all my life, I can tell you with certainty, there are just as many monsters, and ghosts roaming the hills and mountains of the West as there are in Appalachia, just most who encounter them, are never heard from again. Anyway, Iā€™ll stop rambling. Have a wonderful day, and pay no mind to the gaunt creature behind you in the mirror.
  • JoshuaPK _CT
    Great Stories
    Iā€™ve been fortunate to watch the progress in story telling from the first couple of stories til now; and itā€™s been incredible to watch. Complex plot lines are distilled in a way thatā€™s easy to follow and not get lost, while still feeling like yer getting a peek behind the curtain of the universe. Also A+ on the Scratch Acid quote in the most recent story! Got to see Yow w Qui once years ago and he brought the house down!
  • Tsnav
    Intelligent and Original
    Fortunately for me, I stumbled onto this podcast a couple of weeks ago and my only drawback is that I wish there were more episodes to binge. I found myself refreshing the ā€œlatest episodesā€ tab daily in anticipation of this months offering. That said, this may be the best compliment I can offerā€¦upon listening to the first episode my initial impression reminded me of the first time I listened to a story from Soren Narniaā€™s, Knifepoint Horror. Much like KH, this is smart, well written, well narrated story telling that doesnā€™t rely on basic horror tropes, nor does the author dumb anything down for the listener. Mr. Walker seems to have respect for the listeners ability to follow the breadcrumbs, however subtle they may be, and I find this refreshing. Minimum sound effects, clever, original stories and unique plots. What more can I ask for?
  • Randall Hunt
    Original and Outstanding Horror
    Recently stumbled upon this pod and Iā€™ve loved every episode. Original. Compelling. Horror thatā€™s worth every minute.
  • pocket-lasts
    High Quality!
    Quality > Quantity is the epitome of this podcast. Love it!
  • Tricia13
    Best storiesā€¦ Awesome Narration
    Truly some of the best scary stories Iā€™ve heard in ages. His talented narration really has you imagining that you are actually there, in that scary room ā€¦ with no place to escape
  • Natalie Thompson
    Great production and sound quality. Awesome variety of stories.
  • skeeze-32
    Great spooky podcast
    Really good podcast, would recommend
  • thoughtsinajar
    Simply Effective Storytelling
    I found this show, ironically, through a recommendation about shows that were easy on the ears. Itā€™s true that the narration is smooth, but the content is anything but sleepy. No over-the-top production, no bait-and-switch titles, no easy-to-dismiss or plot-hollow circumstantials here. Itā€™s brilliant.
  • Girl Ernie
    I discovered this podcast on Spotify, and I am hooked! Honestly, I have been binging these stories, and I feel like a kid now, excitedly waiting for the next episode. Thanks so much for not only entertaining me, but helping me chill when Iā€™m an anxious mess. To anyone who enjoys horror stories, you should definitely have a listen, you will not be disappointed.
  • saber t00th
    Keeps Getting Better
    Just keeps getting better! Highly recommend if you prefer slower, narration based horror podcasts.
  • Against Goggle
    Gets alot better!
    So i came to this show in search of something similar to Knifepoint Horror. When i listen to these pods I always start with the earliest show and work my way up to the newest. The first 5 or 6 episodes I really wasnā€™t that impressed but as time has went on the writing has gotten much more what im into. I definitely recommend. Hoffa
  • Nedy Bonz
    Amazing Horror Stories and Narration
    This is up there with the greats: Knifepoint Horror, Sibling Horror, Goblin Market, etc. Unique slow burn horror stories. This series tends to be centered in the American west, which makes it stand out. Shadowplay is a great story to start with, but everything is great.
    Great slow burn horror
    These stories are insanely creative and haunting. Definitely check it out if your a fan of shows like Knifepoint Horror and others where the terror and dread creeps up slow.
  • Listener in PA
    Genuine Horror
    Brilliant and innovative stories with eerie, stripped down narration.
  • nph3
    Going from good to excellent
    Supernatural horror thatā€™s often grounded in real-life human struggles. The early episodes are solid but he seems to raise the bar with each subsequent story. He also has an audiobook called Solace on his Patreon that absolutely blew my mind. Lots of talent here and the show is increasingly reflecting that.
  • Daveiii
    Good Stories and Atmosphere
    Minimal sound design (which I prefer) and major talent! Give this pod a listen if you like Knifepoint Horror and story-focused horror
  • bpbp*
    Elegiac, haunting, thoughtful storiesā€”a welcome addition to literary horror pods. Excellent work!
  • Not-fun
    Slow burn cosmic horror
    While each story stands alone as an unsettling tale, there seems to be an over arcing story universe(s) with running themes and recurring works. The author writes terror and anxiety and nightmares made real with such a real voice, sometimes i wonder if he himself is not haunted by the specters that slip through the cracks in our world. A must listen!!
  • Piecemeal
    A Must for Lovecraft Fans
    Really looking forward to the authorā€™s future works!
  • Antonius404
    Great horror, incorrect vocab
    Very interesting horror concepts - podcast is worth it for that alone. However, many words are used incorrectly or have weird connotations that donā€™t fit the meaning of the sentence. For example, in Temple of Teeth, the character wraps his arms around himself to ā€œconcealā€ warmth. Itā€™s conserve warmth! Giving it five stars for the fact that the stories are generally well told and the horror concepts are good, but an editor would make this actually five stars
  • ktp727
    Lip smacking
    Stories are good, but you need to work on that lip smacking...
  • D. McGrath
    Transmission Obscura
    Excellent! Very well written, articulate, and suspenseful.
  • brensloan353
    Spooky good
    Well read, thoughtful, keeps your attention
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