Black Rifle Coffee Podcast


Interviews with inspiring American heroes, adventurers, and entrepreneurs in the most pro-American podcast to exist since 1776.

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Recent Reviews
  • enjoys privacy
    Great service to our country
    Too bad normies only see that and not how they threw their customers under the bus. Buying their coffee is a vote for good ol Joe. I used to buy this coffee in our local store in small town America. That stopped years ago and now they stopped carrying it. I find it funny when BRCC is on clearance at Cabelas and Dunhams because they couldn’t sell it before the expiration date.
  • TJ Badger
    Shannon Kent Story
    Awesome episode (in the continued delivery of exceptional content). I purchased the book before the episode ended. Can’t wait to reading it then pass on and purchase more to get her story out. p.s.- going down the coffee rabbit hole was a side treat. Bring it!
  • Brady_UntamedCoffeeCo
    Episode 311 - Evan Talks Business
    A great episode to really get a look into how the business started and grew, as well as struggles in the beginning. Evan goes nicely in depth into what his drive was and the mindset of a new business owner.
  • Amdyfyn
    Your guest has no clue about ‘boomers’. My Dad and uncles and grandfathers were combat vets and I’m 62 and very FEW of us, the offspring of the ‘Greatest Generation’ are as described in this episode. Yes, there were hippie, anti-America folks and I witnessed them at SFO rant and rave at my Vietnam (and Korean War) vet uncle as he stepped into the airport in his uniform but those weren’t the majority of Boomers by any means.
  • AlphaBuddy1
    This is why I follow BRCC
    Today’s episode is exactly why I follow BRCC! I love their coffee but more importantly I respect and appreciate what they do for the men and women who sacrificed so that we can have the opportunities we have in this great country! Their podcast not only entertains but gives the listener insights as to the values of the interviewee and what drives them to do what they do! I am so thankful men like this exist because if they didn’t we would not have the greatest country on the planet!
  • AT TalkMMA
    For many years, I have been a long time listener of the Black Rifle Co Podcast. As a veteran, I enjoyed listening to this podcast as the vast majority of their content seemed to carry conservative values. However, upon discovery that they had been donating to “ActBlue” (a Democrat donation source), I am now pulling my support for BRC Podcast and have stopped purchasing their products.
  • No full access
    Broken volume knob
    Great show! You’ll laugh you’ll cry. You will wear out your volume knob constantly turning your volume up when Evan whispers two feet from the mic and then back down when he soars in and giggles an inch from the mic and your speakers explode.
  • Randy6531
    Bring back medevac podcast!
    Loved Medevac, not sure why it’s done. Also, please edit the audio, it’s hard to hear.
  • Scruff2011
    Great show
    Evan,Mike and Andy make the best podcast available, we need this weekly!!
  • Fatal cumshot
    Great content, too quiet
    Love the content but the show is too quiet for air pods at work.
  • Mutt Q
    Excellent Podcast
    Have followed this show from day one. Love the content and the humor.
  • WildcatABMoore116
    Look forward to each episode.
    I enjoy listening to each podcast. The guests and presenters work well with each other and cover topics that I am interested in learning more about. Thanks to everyone who makes this happen.
  • philsow
    Y’all need to start a show you guys are hilarious love you man. 🙏🏼🇺🇸
  • Gnm98
    Great guys good show
    Very informative. Single man cqb? Call Clint Smith, he’s been teaching it to civilians for decades.
  • Sjmwnovi
    Don’t publish
    Seriously riveted with every episode. Except for Johnny Strong. Maybe no more “actors”?
  • jll1976
    I can’t hear
    This is the only podcast I want to listen to and I can’t hear what Evan is saying.. move the mic closer to his mouth.
  • MRiley@WallTx's
    BRCC - Boot Campaign
    As a supporter of the Boot Campaign and listener of podcast, I was extremely proud to hear BRCC’s initiative to raise $1M for the Boot Campaign mission. Evan, Mat, and BRCC Team, thank you for doing the big things for a bigger cause! The podcast & coffee are top notch as well! ~ Mark Riley
  • Tax it up
    Evan doesn’t practice…
    Evan doesn’t practice what he preaches. Open donates to the left and democratic politicians . Jared will try to back him even tho he’s been proved wrong.
  • damon mallott
    5 Stars
    Evan love the rants. Need to do more shows with you, Matt and Jared..
  • BatmanNYC
    Love it
    Love this podcast. I’m hoping you guys come back
  • RugerM77-25.06
    Why have you gone
    Sure miss this podcast. Will there be new episodes?
  • N1 husker
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    What happened to this podcast? Haven’t seen a new episode since Feb 22nd 😕
  • OU812........
    kyle Rittenhouse legally defended himself!
    BRCC doesn’t believe in Your second amendment, or any other rights… Scammers backed by the communist left, lying to patriots to pick their pockets. They take money from the right and funnel it to the left… look it up! They donated to Biden
  • P.P. plumber
    Love you guys, thank you for legit man encouragement!
  • Bry-82nd
    Love the brothers from brcc. Question: is the medevac podcast coming back. Love that!!
  • Bags808
    Thanks to all of you! Love the podcasts, and all of the guests, The coffee and all your shenanigans! Just finished listening and checked out Ares watches. Take my money. Tim “Bags” Scrogham US Navy EOD, Ret.
  • Peter B Baldwin
    I truly appreciate the honesty and hangout experience of this episode. One of my favorites! Keep it up 💪
  • Dallin Q
    Boring podcast, repetitive guests, not pro American.
  • ChiChi McGiggles
    Y’all are THE BEST. And I love your coffee too.
    Y’all are my people. Keep it up. We need y’all now more than ever. For all of those of us who share your opinion about the insanity of how the government monster works for both enlisted and contractors- we’re grateful. Love the addition of Mike G. Good move. PS- y’all made me a coffee drinker. No joke. Good stuff.
  • Toofast87
    Love hearing mike glover on here now!
    Awesome content as always!
  • ChristopherMills612
    Thank you!
    First off, I take coffee black with a bit a sugar. Second, you guys constantly encourage and inspire me to join, taking the military seriously and training hard. Thanks to y’all, I’m preparing to be a TACP and am mentally preparing for the many of the trash the higher ups support. Thanks to y’all and other veterans in my life, I realize the importance of my future service. So thank you guys, and keep doing what your doing.
  • Nathontwotater
    Here’s your review. Blue Skies
  • BigGcH
    Must hear!
    I regularly listen to several different podcasts however, this is one podcast I must listen to. So much interesting stuff to learn and great stories of service,
  • Patrick Titus
    Religious Faith Inspires Patriotism
    I like this show. But near the beginning, you advise the guest not to talk about religion. I am a Christian. I like devout believers of any faith because their strong convictions instruct their patriotism. If you think you can bifurcate faith and patriotism, you’re wrong most of the time. You don’t have to share your guests’ convictions. But don’t white wash their stories or you’re just as bad as the current administration.
  • belly aching
    Thank you
    I get so much from these podcasts. Please keep it up.
  • Muk Man
    I just heard the Medevac Podcast with CCT Justin Day. I am grateful and inspired. Thank you so much. May you be blessed in all you do.
  • yeeping engineer
    So much goodness
    I love the core 4 period, but… the medi-vac podcast is so awesome. Getting those stories out is needed soo bad, it’s mind changing that’s for sure, and changed my perspective on soo much in life. Alll are topics that need to be discussed… But Evan needs his own shorts where ya’ll just talk about tin foil hat theories! Ha
  • AdcarTOW
    Still a fan
    I’ve been hanging around since Drinkin Bros episode 64 and I love this show because I get to hear tid bits about a company and product that I love.
  • KenEggs
    Still serving
    Thank you for your continued service. These shows highlight Freedom is not free and takes commitment and dedication. Keep up the great work.
  • Arkansas Dave 61
    Great topics and guests
    First and foremost, THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE SERVED! Both podcasts have some amazing guests and interesting stories.
  • mc6649
    Thank you!!!
    Love this podcast guys!!!! I really enjoy the topics, opinions and knowledge y’all provide!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND SACRIFICE!!!!
  • scootertrash1$!
    Good job always look forward to your show
  • erdfhhuh
    Great show
    Always enjoy and learn from your guests.
  • jwleake
    Thank you
    Thank you BRCC, Evan and these guys are amazing!!!
  • JaTeetomahwak
    Awesome, Amazing, thank you!
  • @@Rgolf2V@@
    Hafer, Glover, Stumpf
    These episodes are awesome!!
  • Jodisgermanshepherd
    Kinda boring. Great falling asleep podcast.
    The people At BRCC are soft. They work for democrats and pretend to be America First. They are scam artists who only think about the money.
  • thedonald_dot_win
    Very Racist
    Shockingly resist and homophobic pod cast. I can’t see how this add value to anyones life
  • Dr. Byrne
    Mike Rowe episode
    Fantastic episode! I forgot how much I love Mike Rowe and how entertaining he is. Truly a great American! Evan did a wonderful job with this interview.
  • hytsde
    Rotten liars
    Traders no better than That clown Joe Biden everything they say is a lie this company should make you sick. A true patriotic American would never lie to the people or try to deceive the people for any reason especially over money…… I will never buy their product again and I will definitely never listen to this podcast or anything else these clowns have to say
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