Last Week in AI


Weekly summaries and discussion about the most interesting developments in AI, deep learning, robotics, and more!

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Recent Reviews
  • jingarocks
    Audio quality
    Oh boy. It’s reasonable content but for a couple of super smart guys I think you could up level the audio quality of the podcast. Several incidents: echo, static, inconsistent sound (speaker sounds far away, then later closer to mic). This was almost exclusively on the Jeremie side.
  • Gbtjgchh
    More AI Doom Please
    More AI Doom Please
  • radar3699
    Less AI doom please
    Less AI doom please ❤️
  • RawTurkey
    Impressive consistency
    I know of no better round up for AI news and research. Full as a tick by the end of the show. But you should let Jeremy know you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Maybe he has some points but overall Leopold’s 165 page thesis is a hot mess. He's the type that thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. You Can’t Make A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow’s Ear You Can’t Make A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow’s Ear You Can’t Make A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow’s Ear
  • Lherron3
    Needs less doom, more research analysis
    Half of every episode now is how we need more AI regulation, more risk mitigation, more focus on safety. Feels like classic fear mongering applied to AI. Really miss the research overviews/analysis.
  • Lynx Skywalker
    Great weekly review show
    Great show but need to get rid of the safety grift co host. Nobody wants to listen to his ridiculous safety takes and angles.
  • skeptisarous
    Detailed info discussed in understandable way.
    Detailed info discussed in understandable way.
  • M.Lars
    Don’t change your format!!!
    Last Week in Ai is fantastic! You and Jeremy have struck a unique balance between covering Ai news weekly and diving more deeply than other Ai podcasts do. You provide information not sensationalist fluff. Please encourage Jeremy to continue his deeper dive reactions to the nuts and bolts of emerging developments. Please don’t switch to a once a day format. That is much too often. The weekly release is much more useful. If you become a daily podcast you will run out of things to discuss and burn yourself out. Also I’d say that if you want to get sponsors that need not kill your creative control or current format. Your present model is what sets Last Week in Ai apart. Thank you for all your hard work!
  • Lain_7
    Good overview of AI hype
    The podcasters are knowledgeable, and do a decent job covering the latest AI news. The podcast website is great, with links to the news and research items they cover. Even though the podcasts are long (there’s a lot happening!), they’re worthwhile, and the podcast info includes timing info so you can find things that interested you (or skip things that might not). My only complaint is that the podcasters are a bit credulous. It would be refreshing if they occasionally looked at what critics like Gary Marcus or the folks at DAIR have to say.
  • Listener90345
    Stop the “right?”
    If you have a host with a verbal tic in which he says “right?” every other sentence, I’m not listening. Can’t take it.
    Great content, presented in a fun, engaging way
    This is a great podcast for getting the most engaging summary of AI related news. The hosts do a great job of breaking down complex concepts and keeping it entertaining.
  • Lschum
    Great podcast
    I enjoy this podcast a lot. Highly recommended. And on a side note - hope to meet in Basel today or tomorrow.
  • LoneWulfR
    Great podcast. Could be tighter and less repetition from Jeremy lol
    Hi! I’m an AI product manager so I need to stay up to date with everything that goes one and your podcast is one of my main news vehicles. Love the detail and insights. Only two feedback: less repetition from Jeremy as I feel he repeats what Andrew says right after he says it.. and I would appreciate if you guys also brought in insights into complementary apps for generative ai as I focus a lot on RAG given open source models aren’t production-useable so I have to augment closed source.
  • Jorgef79
    AI News and Expert Insights!
    A must-listen podcast to stay informed about AI developments and learn a ton from its amazing hosts.
  • Naustinsf
    Every other week in AI
    You guys are awesome. Thank you so much for giving us such great information every week. My only issue is that there’s so much information that sometimes it takes me two weeks to get through Last Week in AI. So it’s almost every other week in AI for me ;). Keep on doing what you’re doing. Your effort, thought, humor, and the sheer volume of information you communicate is so appreciated. Thank you!
  • Luis A M.
    Top AI pod in the AI pod-verse
    I’ve been listening for about a year and very few things in my life provide more value per unit of effort/attention than this podcast. Great job folks!
  • GaNatron
    You guys are hardcore! Best AI pod out there
    The fact that you guys recorded this last pod both sick w Covid/virus says it all. your dedication to this topic is clear and its the best round up of the week. More and longer segments on arts and entertainment x AI please!
  • ccm52
    Best AI news podcasts
    Very, very informative. Great balanced insights and discussions by these two. The dedication to even recording while both were sick! Hope yall are seeking better and please keep up the great content!!🙂
  • wmmcintosh
    One-Stop AI Shop
    As a Computer Science graduate student at Portland State University specializing in Large Language Models, I find this podcast to be an invaluable resource. Hosts Andrey and Jeremy excel in distilling complex AI news into concise, insightful summaries. Their show-note captions are perfect for deeper dives into topics, and their analysis of the global impact of AI developments is particularly enlightening. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone in the field, combining brevity with depth in a way that both informs and inspires.
  • mebeme
    Fantastic source for AI technology developments and trends
    Best workaround for not getting a PhD in AI.
  • Chrispb15
    Because You are Humans
    Love the podcast, one of my tier 1 sources for in depth information and interesting commentary on everything AI!
  • Eteketaki
    A must listen!
    This is by far the best and most efficient to stay up to date with all things AI. I recommend it to everyone like me who is kind of a late starter on AI. This podcast allowed me to leapfrog some colleagues who have been working on AI for way longer than I have. This is the ChatGPT polished version: This platform is outstandingly efficient and the best resource I've found for staying current with all things AI. It's ideal for anyone who feels they're a bit late to the AI game, like myself. This podcast has enabled me to leapfrog colleagues who have been immersed in AI far longer than I have. Highly recommended for quick and substantial insights!
  • Jinx Dinkum
    Smart, Current, Balanced
    Informed, engaged AI professionals who can be enthusiastic about advances while giving due attention to safety concerns. Perfect if you want information about recent events and the technological SOTA without the manic id of libertarian accelerationism OR the rantings of the p(doom) prophets.
  • Read "Republic, Lost"
    Really grateful to these guys for keeping me up to date.
  • Jfortuna~~
    Phenomenal Weekly In-Depth Review of the Field
    Truly an amazing resource for people wanting to go deep on the AI field and track this rapidly evolving industry. This podcast has equipped me the with information that’s been key in creating my own AI startup. I especially love the Research and Advancement sections and find those discussion to be very helpful.
  • pwtm2
    Honest, informed, witty
    I love the show that these guys have put together. It is accessible to the casual observer as well as informative to the skilled-in-the-art. It gives an good overview in this mad era where the pace of change in AI has become exponential. I like their informal discussion format as well as their cheeky humour! My only criticism is that I wish it were longer actually. I love their format, but I would advocate for a “deep-dive” section (perhaps at the end) where interesting things could be talked about in detail. I know this isn’t for everyone (hence the suggestion about putting it at the end), but I, and I think others, would value this. Keep it up Gents! Peter
  • BioPhysProf
    The Best AI News Aggregator with Perspectives
    This podcast is required listening if you don’t have the time to scour the news, academic publications, and the open source network daily to keep up with this rapidly evolving field. Andrey and Jeremie offer complimentary viewpoints and do a commendable job of offering colorful insight. As a faculty physicist in an academic medical imaging practice and manager of a technical team, it is essential that I stay up to date with progress in AI because it is very quickly permeating all aspects of my professional life. This podcast offers almost everything I need to understand the quickly shifting trends in the broad field, offering much needed context to what is happening in my field into context. After recommending this podcast to numerous colleagues, it’s time to write a 5-star review. Please keep up the good work, and please keep releasing consistent, high-quality content.
  • Mr.W.Dubs
    Could be better
    The academic AI safety gatekeeping bias is too heavy handed in this podcast. It’s obvious those in safety want to assert influence over an important technology they cannot hope to create themselves and appeal to people’s fears. I appreciate the technical depth of the updates, but the show could use some improvements in the safety rhetoric and also could be more humble. Look at what is happening to OpenAI.
  • Empty.See
    Indispensable! Not just news, but knowledgeable and thoughtful commentary.
    This Week in AI has been indispensable to me for the last nine months. I run a small information design company, and need to better understand and master important issues in AI to make sure my company is at the forefront of this transformation. The podcast has helped me go from limited knowledge in early 2023 to now being able to attend academic conferences and technical talks and being able to largely (and increasingly) understand critical technical and policy issues and converse intelligently with AI practitioners. The shows are long, but that’s because the hosts provide a valuable service: not just giving headlines on the basic stories, but providing context based on their own professional and academic knowledge in the field. Because of the discussions they have with each other, I’ve learned a lot about which headlines are meaningful (and why), as well as developing an understanding of a vast array of important software, hardware, economic and political issues.
  • Studdlee
    How to stay ahead of the curve
    I’m just a nerd who loves learning. Last week does a great job summarizing where the field is advancing but also does a great job of looking where things might go. It’s my top pick to stay up on AI news.
  • BigJim2851
    Love the podcast
    Best podcast out there on ai. Indispensable for keeping up with the deluge of events going on in the community.
  • Jroell
    Top AI news Podcast
    As a ML engineer at a fast growing startup that works heavily with AI technologies everyday, I need to be aware and up to date with all of the most promising technology research. This podcast is really the only way I’m able to do that. The hosts, Andrey and Jeremy, are very knowledgeable and credible and have a great dynamic together. They really play off of each other well and both bring different perspectives to the table in a balanced and thought provoking dialog of the latest developments in research, tools, policies, and other important areas in AI news. I really appreciate the amount of work they put into covering such a VAST amount of information that gets generated around these topics each week. They somehow manage to find, curate, and decompose these highly technical papers to give us listeners the important bits that matter most. I can’t thank them enough for the value they have provided by creating this podcast and appreciate the amount of work they put into making the highest quality AI podcast that you can listen to. Keep up the amazing work guys! You’ve got a lifetime listener here.
  • brianthomasclay
    Good stuff!
    With all the AiDD around GenAI these hosts dive deep into all of it. It’s dense and and it’s long but the content is engaging and I always end up eagerly waiting for the next episode. Keep it coming!
  • iamkarp
    Great show! Strikes a perfect balance between breadth and depth
    It’s hard to find a great podcast that you can listen every week without burnout. Many of the podcasts on data science and AI goes too deep into a subject and if you aren’t interested in this subject, it becomes hard to follow. The hosts are the real deal. My favorite podcast! Keep them coming!
  • fm2635
    Must-listen podcast to keep up with AI changes
    AI pace of development is too fast for standard media to handle. This podcast has been invaluable for me to get an informed opinion beyond headlines. It’s saving me hours a week I’d have to spend otherwise.
  • Candymanz
    Best AI Podcast by a long shot
    Great information from smart and likable hosts with real world experience. I look forward to every episode!
  • jay987rdn
    Making my own AI, GPTCarl. I’ll let you know if I have any breakthroughs.
  • Rajeshkan
    Excellent podcast
    Thank you for a wonderful podcast. I like the format and the analysis. Your breakdown by timing in the showing is quite helpful as well. You are my go-to podcast for my weekend runs.
  • Chiang Mai Guy
    Favorite Podcast for Keeping Up to Date on AI
    After listening to a few other shows, the consistency and quantity of content on a weekly basis. Yes the shows are usually 90 minutes plus, but to stay current the investment in time is well worth it (there are bookmarks to allow you to jump to specific topics). Gents please keep up the great work and looking forward to your next episode.
  • James Mr
    New favorite episode
    I just listened to episode 130 Co-hosted with Jon Krohn. Every episode is fantastic but this is my new favorite. I've had the pleasure of having Jon present at our conferences and he always shows up with a perfectly shaved head. Now I know why - lots of time to work in it as he listens to an hour+ podcast.!! But seriously...the areas of AI and the range of topics these guys cover are spot on. A must-listen podcast. Sheamus., Boston
  • Al_N.
    Required Listening
    Want to know what was found in Pandora’s Box last week? These guys have you covered. I consider this podcast required listening, even though some of the tech talk goes over my head. It’s a crucial serious take on AI, as opposed to the more fun, entertainment podcasts like Basilisk Chatbot Theatre.
  • ReglurFolks
    Good info, heavy “existential risk” bias
    Generally, I like the show because it’s a good survey of the AI landscape; however, it’s heavily tilted toward “existential risk” as if this were a self-event fact, universally agreed upon and the inevitable conclusion for mankind if we don’t do something about it. Not surprising, since host Jeremie Harris has a commercial interest in pushing this narrative to support his “alignment” venture. I don’t detect any cynicism from host Andrey Kurenkov, but his naiveness is on full display when he repeats his catchphrase, “Yeah, I totally agree” with regard to the need for regulating AI (Case in point: The EU’s AI Act - Aside from luxury goods, the Europeans are best at squashing domestic innovation. Why would you cheer their premature and ill-conceived act?). Wake up, brother! There is an emerging cabal of AI leaders (Sam Altman, et al.)—talking to every government around the world who will listen—who want to monopolize the industry through regulator capture now that they’re in the lead—you’re one of the many mouthpieces now parroting their talking points! The show’s failure to consider the other side of the argument (i.e. accelerationism), was most apparent the week the team failed to even mention Marc Andreessen’s June 6th essay, “Why AI Will Save the World.” This essay, which was trending on Twitter for days and covered in many major publications, articulates a compelling case for why doomers are at best overreacting and at worst cynically pull up the ladder behind them. When the eponymous founder of one of the most influential VCs in SV shares his views of AI innovation—a viewpoint that will certainly manifest itself in a16z’s investment thesis—and you don’t even bother to mention it…?!?! How else should listeners interpret this silence other than willful blindness to the counterargument of existential risk. But as Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” As I said, I like the show, but I’d like to hear more disagreement among the hosts—even if it’s just playing devil’s advocate. This will make the show more interesting and less one sided.
  • OkGoDoIt
    Great way to keep up with the fast moving AI industry
    It seems like there’s a million podcasts out there interviewing people in the AI world but there’s not much you can listen to keep up to date with the breadth of everything happening. Last Week in AI strikes the right balance of content, minimal commentary, and a wide range of topics from industry to open source to academic. I do have to listen to it at 1.25X speed though, since it can run a bit long, but I think that says more about the industry than anything.
  • Mxkyle810
    My most anticipated podcast weekly
    I can now keep up with huge amount of AI news that happens every week while walking my baby around to sleep. A must for those working in science or technology. The personal commentary is great and the preparation each week really shows. Definitely an “I knew the band before they were cool” podcast at the moment.
  • CB k ok hon
    Awsome podcast
    Keep it up the great info!
  • pj836
    Since you kept asking…
    Update: Don’t stop talking about legal implications etc. Just call out that you’re speculating. Opens up ways of thinking. Man, these guys are persistent in the review asks! Just gave the show 5 stars, I’ve recommended it to all my employees and family. Very relevant for me in my industry and better understanding our strategy as well as anticipating the new age we are beginning. Great organization, good flow and prep. This is the only podcast I actually make a point of following. Not sure if it makes sense in this forum, but would be curious on a prompt engineering and capability section or resource. Examples of how people are able to use it and an idea of developments in actual capabilities. May make it relatable to some folks still not getting the “why does it matter to me?”. Also nice to talk on staying relevant and competitive as the general worker in an ai age.
  • Andy8472
    Best Way to Keep Up With AI News!
    In the deluge of AI news, it’s very refreshing to actually have an enjoyable way to keep track of the latest updates! Andrey and Jeremy do a great job adding just enough of their own knowledge to keep the podcast informative and insightful without it becoming too technical for laypeople like me. It’s been great to see their podcast grow and flourish over the last several months.
  • solcb
    Great podcast for keeping up with AI advances
    One of my favorite podcasts for keeping up with AI news. For feedback I love the discussion of the articles it helps to keep it interesting. Keep up the great work on the news episodes but would also love to see an episode or series of episodes where you discuss a central theme such as AI safety, likely hood of AGI / how it might come about, or really any of the big topics in AI.
  • mjamesb80
    Good Content - Low Volume
    Please increase the volume
  • cyberstalker
    Best podcast covering AI
    They cover so many articles and break down the details, entertaining & educational.
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