Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers

Marketing #167

Master the evergreen traffic strategies to fill your website and funnels with your dream customers in this timeless book from the $100M entrepreneur and co-founder of the software company ClickFunnels.

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Recent Reviews
  • Theryder45
    One of the best podcasts out there.
    Russel Brunson is the man and this podcast is packed with free value. This man is one of the best digital marketers out there.
  • Mønstér
    Awesome marketing podcast
    Worth starting at episode 1, it is that good! Also check out marketing secrets podcast too! So much FREE value!
  • Liberty V Justice
    Russel’s genius drives my hustle!
    Thanks for your generosity & energy, Russell! I’ve been strategizing an outline for tiktok fans who’ve requested an audiobook. I incorporated my business in covid19 & I wanna give the fans what they want! Since I decided I’ll put it in my podcast, I found you doing it here! This is a sign from God! I bow to the god in you! Your energy & enthusiasm wakes me up this beautiful California morning! You’re infinite in value! Can’t wait for that autographed copy! Thanks Russel! Liberty V Justice CEO I’m Worth It Inc.
  • LIMS User
    Very disappointing
    Really tried to get something out of it but other than promoting the new book, it absolutely didn’t teach me anything new. Very disappointing.
  • MDBate
    Great as always
    This man cant disappoint 😁
  • Josh Reif
    Traffic Secrets is your MUST read book of the year!
    Russell constantly delivers amazing actionable content. I’ve read and loved Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets. Now adding Traffic Secrets to the collection! In this podcast Russell breaks down tons of juicy secrets from the book. I'm already applying them to my business. I’m also a member of Clickfunnels software. It gets hate in some circles, but I love it. So easy and simple to use and fits exactly what I need. Thanks Russell!
  • yayadivine
    Find your Dream 100
    Russel”s enthusiasm is contagious. Although a little wiley; he is incredibly knowledgeable and his genuine concern for others is transparent, authentic and altruistic.
  • 0097crystal
    This podcast is saving my business
    I love the information contained in this podcast. Russell gives out so many gems about getting traffic and maintaining it. Thank you! Ps: I learned about you from Entrepreneurs on fire !
  • jokentin
  • Danny Phee in Las Vegas
    Gold In The Form Of Audio
    One of the things I like about this book the most is that even 10, 20, 50 years from now theses strategies will be relevant to all direct response marketers! If you listen and apply this’s pretty much like owning a gold mine!
  • Didnakaixxggfd
    If this podcast doesn’t continue I’ll die.
    Fire podcast
  • R Mccarver
    Russell is a fellow ADD person and that is why he keep my attention with the audio books I will get my business up and running soon because of him and his great wisdom and training Thanks
  • McSellin
    Marketing Genius & Idea Center
    I listen to all of Russell’s podcast! Russell helps in generating ideas and reminding you to be passionate about your industry. There’s not a better marketing podcast.
  • billnye2020
    Some of the best of Brunson
    Russ- Great work, I’ve been meaning to start this funnel work. This was the perfect way to dive in, crazy times. Thank you, you’re a master.
  • Brad Lea is Da Bomb!
    Best Training Out There
    Been following Russell Brunson for 4 years. He’s in a category of his own. Top quality information, always enthusiastic, and always thinking how to help his customers and community. Do yourself a favor and listen to a few Podcasts and decide for yourself.
  • Mario87 Medford
    The best traffic strategies
    Awesome podcast & great way to brake it down in a simple way to understand
  • NatalieWeinrauch
    Love your work! Love this content! THANK YOU
  • LORKesq
    Russell gives a great starting place
    I’ll share this first: I don’t own or use ClickFunnels (as of the date of this writing). That being said, I “steal” much of what Russell puts out. I’ve read Dotcom Secrets, signed up for some trainings, and Traffic Secrets podcast is No different. It’s not plug and play knowledge but it certainly gives a good starting point. The convo has got me thinking about what (if anything) I’ve done to generate traffic (which hasn’t been much). This podcast makes traffic top of mind.
  • JTroseberry
    This podcast could not have come at a better time for me and my wife and our businesses, especially in light fo the state of the world at the moment (Coronavirus). Not only is this information helpful, but it's INSPIRIING!!! (The episode on building an email list, and expecting about $1.00 for each subscriber completely changed my view on things... total. mind. shift.) Excited to continue listening, AND to get the Traffic Secret Book!
  • stazzelberry
    Traffic Secrets is 🔥
    Awesome podcast. Can’t wait to get my copy in the mail. Traffic Secrets breaks down everything into sections and the podcast is great addition.
  • miami sound machine
    I wish I knew this stuff sooner
    The information shared by Russell is actionable today! The information is not philosophical or theoretical - it’s actionable now! Wish I knew this stuff earlier in my life and career. Listen closely and it can change your life.
  • Stephen Kim 94
    Shared to our audience of 16k - so much value!!
    When you have an audience, you’re always skeptical to point them to new content, but not with Russell! He gives so much actionable steps that it’s impossible not to grow! The traffic secrets podcast is insanely valuable since he goes through his book concepts to get you excited before the book arrives. Highly recommend getting the audiobook trilogy! Thanks man!
  • Sarah @TheCreativeBoss
    As usual... overdeliver at its finest
    Russell is the king of overdelivering and this doesn’t disappoint. A few minutes of listening can easily equally 10x your hourly rate after implementing something you learn from Russell.
  • Dr. Jordan Fairley
    You wouldn’t believe this! A++ 5 stars
    I absolutely love how Russell blends real life story telling with actionable insights. I would never had imagined my life would take the turn it has and I am so happy did. Buying dotcom secrets, then expert secrets, listening to every podcast and now traffic secrets has given me the tools to succeed in any area of business, story telling, or relationships. From his lessons I’ve been able to see how a horrid accident has turned into my blessing. How driving off a 60’ cliff is a story I can forever share, and I think Russell for giving me the framework for being able to inspire any audience.
  • 2020Neil
    Force to listen 2/3 fluff to find some nuggets
    I respect Russell and like his company but here so much selling and fluff before even he will go deep on the topic. I am assuming book will be the same.
  • santana sd
    Traffic secrets
    Russell is the goat these strategies are 🔥🔥🔥.
  • itsmarkperez
    As an incoming entrepreneur….
    As someone who has always been repulsed to savvy entrepreneurs only caring about making a quick buck. Russell and this podcast offer legit meaningful ways to grow your business and serve. Russell is one of few big name entrepreneurs I follow because of his unique vision and approach to making this work. THANK YOU. This podcast is amazing!
  • kkuechle
    Amazing Content!
    I have orded the book and so excited to get it! Russell has made me even more excited to get the book. I hope to read all of his books in the future! Thank you Russell, very good and helpful information :)
  • cgb21228
    Russell brings it every time
    Consistent, powerful, actionable items to move your company forward. A must listen!
  • Pgentertainment
    Russell Saved My Life
    I was in a dark place when I started my business. I was working a 9-5, paycheck to paycheck, and barely making “ends meet.” I had to support my family and if I didn’t do something different, I would be bankrupt. So I did what every entrepreneur does when they first start, I create a website. I paid for google ads, and I thought the money would come rolling in. Well, we know that didn’t happen. I keep trying to make my dream a reality but I kept failing. My extended family member talked bad about me and said I will never accomplish anything. I was at the lowest of low. Then one day, while on FB, this guy Russell pops in my newsfeed. I didn’t think nothing of it, until he kept popping up. So one day decided to watch his video, and he started telling me (us) about his story. I listening to his failures, his accomplishments, then his failure again. And how he never gave up. Then one particular day he ask the question “why do you keep stopping” and he said “stop stopping.” And in all his videos he says “you” so I felt like he was talking to me ever time. I felt like he believed in me when no one else did. He told me about click funnels, and how I could try the subscription for two weeks. Then I entered the OFW challenge, where I got 30day free, so I said, “what do I have to lose?” Throughout the challenge Russell believed in me, kept pushing me, never let me stop. And I’m proud to say, today, I no longer work my 9-5, I’m able to support my family even through this hard time in the world. And I just want to thank the person that believed in me and told me, I’m only one funnel away! Thank you Russell.
  • jspalmer
    Do Not Miss Out
    People spend tens of thousands of dollars on education in college or MBA school 👩🏻‍🎓. Usually they hope that education will translate into higher income during their career 💵. This one podcast after only a few episodes is already more valuable to your career and your business than all those years and dollars spent on higher education 💸. Traffic Secrets IS the higher education that you need if you want to get your message in front of other people!! 📣 Russell Brunson breaks down traffic into the fundamental elements that will completely transform everything you’re doing and get you to the next level. Go back to the beginning and listen to every episode. Subscribe and start listening now 👇🏽.
  • lukehorton
    Russell is the GOAT
    I wouldn’t have an online business if it weren’t for Russell’s books and podcasts. He’s truly the goat of online traffic and conversions.
  • J9stein
    Russell ONLY wants you to be successful with traffic!
    The fact that Russell puts the actual REAL information on how to get traffic, keep traffic, and own traffic in order for you to get into business, stay in business, or increase your business, is simply mind boggling! He literally wants you to Win Win Win! Thanks Russell again for another awesome book/podcast. I appreciate your stamina and genuineness.
  • xtvy
    So much gold!
    I try and consume everything Russell puts out. I always learn something I can put into action that will have an impact. Great podcast! You won’t be disappointed! Thank you Russell!
  • kalebmattice
    Russell is a LEGEND!
  • No pauses—great information
    A Marketing Framework Every Business Needs to Grow Sales
    When I began marketing at a company 7 years ago, I approached it only using inbound tactics. Being indoctrinated by HubSpot and Godin, the idea of "interruption marketing" such as ads and cold calls seemed icky and sleazy. "One should only get leads from blog posts, eBooks, videos, etc." And while that's definitely a valid idea that works well for some markets, I’ve learned through several years of experience that for many, it’s just not enough if you want to grow quickly––especially for newer solutions that people don't even know exist. Nobody is searching for your product if they don’t even know a product like that exists! What I love about Traffic Secrets is that Russell provides a complete strategy for marketing a product or service AND SELLING it. (Because you do actually need money flowing in, not just blog subscribers.) Russell gives a marketing director a clear vision of what needs to happen if you want to grow a company, and when it’s appropriate to use ads, how to use social platforms, and how one could use inbound tactics (because yes, inbound does still apply) to grow your company. Not all of the concepts are new to me, but these concepts are explained as part of a larger framework, making it easier for me to understand how they play together and when I should apply certain tactics/approaches in my business. The other thing I appreciate is that Russell doesn't shy away from talking about the "good old days" when internet marketing was a little sketchy. He shares the mistakes he's made in the past, the lessons learned, his modified approaches that actually work, and gets me excited to try them out with my business. Keep up the good work!
  • Buga56766
    A Must for ANY Business Owner
    This podcast in conjunction with Marketing Secrets is YOUR playbook for success. There is no excuse for not being successful if you take ACTION and apply the principles. Thank you to Russell and his team for helping so many during this turbulent time and being a beacon of light.
  • BravenGrant
    My time is so valuable and often times a podcast full of random conversation and dialogue can waste that time. Russell gives the powerful info and cuts out the fluff! He’s a true podcast legend, listening back to every episode he has put out and now approaching 1000 podcast episodes there is nobody better to listen to about business and marketing!
  • Macadoo75
    Trust Russell to spill all his Secrets
    I have been a continuous CF customer since November 2015 and have yet to launch my first funnel- not because I don’t believe in CF but because I don’t believe in myself to be able to drive traffic. Now with Traffic Secrets I no longer have any excuse. Thanks Russell.
  • PeggyMcK1
    Traffic Secrets is genius!
    Russell has done it again over delivering on helping people succeed with ads. Love how he is disruptive of this industry! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! 🙏❤️
  • Ms_jenn_a
    Always On Top
    He never fails to bring new and exciting information into the world of internet marketing. I knew 0, a big fat 0, when I started this. Now, I’m no where close to being Russell smart in this game but thanks to him everyday I’m learning more and more! Thank you!
  • jennyhansenlane
    Over Delivers 24/7
    I know every time I consume content created by Russell Brunson, I’m going to gain knowledge. He over delivers and values massive growth. He knows what it takes to build an empire, empower a community, and create products that change lives. If you are looking to learn how to act about your own freedom and design the life you are worthy of, consume Russel’s content. Implement his framework work and teachings! Find your calling and change lives. I promise you, you will not regret it. There is no one else like Russell when it come to learning from a owner and leader of a leading SaaS company.
  • itsarielelise
    Russell has done it again! If you want to understand how to grow your business no matter what is happening in the world, this is the podcast for you!
  • Doug Boughton
    This is literally worth millions 🚀
    The information Russell is sharing with us on this podcast is literally work millions. I have started to implement these traffic strategies in my business one by one and I know that this year I’ll be able to take my 6-figure business to 7-figures with this knowledge. If you have not already, order the Secrets Trilogy ASAP!
  • Sam Tielemans
    Russell is a godsend for business and marketing. No exaggeration. The reason why I don’t have to be afraid of the changing times and the ups and downs of the marketplace is because I know I can turn on his podcast, hear tactical, strategical, and real-world advice that I can implement in my business no matter how hard or challenging the times are. Thank you, Russell, for fulfilling your mission so I can be guided in fulfilling mine as an entrepreneur.
  • Southern Music Loving Momma
    Traffic secrets is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
    Russell Brunson is hands down the most genuine marketer to ever walk the earth. His faith, loyalty, dedication, perseverance and hard work have launched him into the Clickfunnels version of Russell that we see today. He is in such a beautiful space that it’s impossible not to gravitate towards him. Unlike other gurus out there he truly is the real deal. A small disclaimer, I haven’t made one dollar with his products but have spent countless amounts on the sheer belief that when you invest in goodness then greatness will arise. During this crazy time it’s people like Russell that truly shine through. Do yourself a favor and purchase everything this guy is offering before he wises up and doubles his price. Follow him everywhere on social and you will learn everything you need to know to be one of the greatest in your field. aSh from SC
  • BradPollina
    The real deal!
    Long time Russell Brunson fan and love the new podcast! Try it. You'll LOVE it!
  • FaithE3W11
    Is it ok if I overdeliver?
    If you have not heard of Russell Brunson and are thinking of starting an online business, this podcast and his books are a must have! He has not only changed my life he has created multiple millionaires. Worth your time and investment in yourself to be able to help others!
  • Lauren Turton
    TO THE TOP, like always Russell is the best
    Super PUMPED about this podcast being released, in a time, when we need as much knowledge and value as possible! Russell and his team are the most impressive out there and this podcast is another way to showcase their knowledge and skills. Thank you Russel and team for taking the time to create and drop this podcast, super excited!!! PS I also really like that the podcasts are a quick 20 minutes. #LightAtTheEndOfTheFunnel
  • Shad Cook
    Russell Brunson is a complete genius and just an amazing person in general. It’s amazing to be part of his Click Funnels groups and his books have changed my life! This book is one of my top 5 books in my library. Must have!!
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