The MeidasTouch Podcast

News #49Politics #17

Ben, Brett and Jordy Meiselas are three brothers with very unique backgrounds! Ben is a top lawyer and Colin Kaepernick’s business partner. Brett is a two-time Emmy award winning video editor from the world of film and television. Jordy, the fan favorite, was an award-winning advertising executive in New York. The brothers' unique approach at covering news by combining hilarious brother banter with an unapologetic support of democracy has earned them millions of supporters in America and across the globe and made them social media icons. The MeidasTouch Podcast combines brotherly love, comedy, news coverage, and deep discussions about supporting our democracy and is the go-to destination for top political leaders who view the podcast as a pivotal stop for their interviews. Join the Meiselas brothers and their loyal following — the self-described MeidasMighty — with new episodes featuring all three brothers released every Tuesday and Friday morning, and breaking news updates every single day! Catch the MeidasTouch Podcast with the brothers LIVE on video every Monday and Thursday night at 8p ET/5p PT on the MeidasTouch YouTube channel!

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  • Marie Tellez
    Président Joe Biden is awesome 💙🌊🇺🇸👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    I watched President Biden speech woooow , he was amazing , he got my vote in November 5 !!!! I can’t stand Trump voice , he is a lunatic and a liar!!!
  • Flaco8956
    The sudden interruption of your important narrative message with your meaningless commercials is annoying !!!
  • sbcweb
    Just donated!
    I appreciate the fact-based, detailed approach to what used to be all of the 'news.' As a Content Editor, I share my beliefs with friends about current media coverage, including print (WashPo) headlines that contradict the actual story. It's a national distraction from facts. Chaos. As with Hitler, no one believed it could possibly be happen! Too scary an idea. The Supreme Court absolute immunity ruling is another step in their attack on our Democracy (as I listen to podcast now you just said what I wrote). Are people listening? Evidence of the step-by-step approach that they take (slow frog boil). First was their ruling that Republican mayor can be freed from bribery, ruled on by all lower courts (they support bribery). Then criminalizing the homeless, then another more expansive crime related ruling, and finally making their OWN LAW about absolute immunity. Congress makes laws. Scotus does not. What they did was unConstitutional. Absolute immunity is the absolute opposite of the DEMOCRACY. Another step closer to the goals of the Christian, white nationalist takeover of our country, IF the 'liberals sit by and let it happen.' They have the judges, they have House control, they have trmp, and they are slowly easing their way into your lives.
  • LLuvCoolJane
    👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻 Ben Meiselas
    This is sophisticated understanding expressed elegantly as Everyman’s commentary that hones in on the heart of each democratic ideal and threat to democracy he presents. Thank you for doing this necessary work!
  • Walks talks and sews
    No Jordy!
    I don’t agree with your opening statements. I don’t like stuff being hidden from us . The truth always comes out and something surfaced debate night. I think Joe has less chance of winning wo truth out in the open. Please don’t be so sure if your stance. And Ben - yes Joe HAS done all that and forever grateful BUT what he has done does not mean he’s the only one that can do in the future. I need the reality of his cognitive decline out in the open. It’s a valid concern and to be shaming towards those who have serious concerns is foolish.
  • sn00key
    Love your show and want to thank you for reporting the truth!
    Your podcast is my favorite of all the podcasts I listen too. I like that you give us up to date information on the Crazy and I also appreciate that you share what President Biden is doing. More media outlets need to share President Biden split screen with Crazy! Thank you Again I need to review your podcast as the best in comparing the criminal running for dictatorship to the real President Biden. You are truly the best! I wish more media outlets would follow your lead!
  • goodvsevil
    Trump is quite possibly
    Developmentally disabled.
  • 3/4448
    Done with mainstream media
    You all are life savers right now. Getting myself off mainstream media.
  • Covid order
    The Mensch brothers
    That is how I recommend you to my friends. I enjoy you guys but I would like a bit more about President Biden and all he is doing. Although you guys bring some comic relief I usually want to cry when I realize about 1/2 the country is Republican. Hopefully some of those people are tuning into you guys. I know your parents “ Kvell” from you Thanks guys Keep it going Peace and love, Karen 71
  • beselice
    Biden in North Carolina
    The President’s speech in N.C. brings a tear to the eye, was so great! And the cheering crowd!!
  • 19541945
    If you don’t know the term gallops Gish google it , that’s what trump does and did. At debate
  • PNW Democrat
    Number one.
    Great podcast. These guys are great. I listen to it at work as I am a security guard. I watched the “debate” last night. Joe Biden needs our help. We have to take back the house, maintain our hold on the senate. Vote blue up and down your ticket. Let’s get together and support our country, support Joe Biden. He’s our best hope. But he needs our help. Dan Lavielle Seattle
  • KParker34
    Good call
    Trump really got smoked in that debate, no wonder he was so unhinged about having to face Biden!! He had no chance! You guys are ridiculous, how can anyone take anything you say seriously now? Clowns.
  • Crystal52775
    Best Podcast out there today!
    Love this podcast! These guys are the true patriots of our time! Very informative and very funny, the best of both worlds! Pro-Democracy all the way!!
  • Loganfool
    Too repetitive
    You don’t have to repeat everything two or three times. Listeners are not stupid. Also sounds more like tattletale lately kind of a sing song voice about everything. Donald Trump does wrong. Seems like it could be delivered in a more professional manner.
  • Socty
    Pro Democracy Patriots!
    These guys have put together one of the very best podcast collections on the internet, bar none. They give me the energy to get through every day when I’m out with my crew landscaping in southern New England. They inspire me and boost my mood because I know I’m not alone in this outrage regarding the toxic traitor know as Donald J Trump. Enough! Lock him up!
  • Sports pops
    Hardcore Politics talk
    Left leaning, Anti Donald Trump, legal/lawyer-based podcast with up-to-the-minute takes on all the legal battles involved in politics including Trump arrests/arraignments, Supreme Court, new laws restricting human rights, voting rights, and healthcare personal rights. They occasionally break news on their own. Not just synthesizing other news.
  • yoummooo
    el cheap network michael moved to
    turn off your printer and your automated transcripts. you guys are low quality
  • jandmun
    Great show
    Show actually discusses reality
    Love the Positivity!
    Thank you for addressing the agism! It’s not only nasty and inappropriate, I promise NO ONE besides mainstream media cares AT ALL. It’s annoying and I don’t want to hear it anymore. Infuriating! People only say they care about Biden’s age b/c mainstream media NEVER SHUTS UP ABOUT IT. It started as a Russian talking point to explain why they believed Biden was going to get elected to hand the presidency over to VP Harris, which is ridiculous. But now even left leaning organizations just straight up signal boost it. Every single time they say “Biden” they feel they need to qualify it by saying “he’s old,” or “he’s old but…”. STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT (mainstream media, not MTN of course). MTN should keep up the great work!
  • higcerro
    👍 The best
    Luv all the “updates”…keep up the pressure…U know it’s driving “them” more nuts… 🤪
  • Super podcast but
    Making a huge difference
    I have noticed mainstream media reporting some important news that Meidis has been reporting for a long time. Meidis is the leader in news to me.
  • stg217
    Defenders of democracy!!
    Keep up the good work!
  • Diplomat Brat
    Hey Meidas Super confused You guys dump on mainstream press like the Washington Post Yet you take their money and have ads for the Washington Post And now New Balance shoes ? So you saying the owner no longer a right wing supremacist and it’s okay to endorse him and take his money?
  • CookieManster
    MAGATS in House of Reps
    Dr. Fauci is a saint and I am utterly nauseated by how he was persecuted by the absolute worst in our House of Reps today. These jerks should lose every election going forward. Thank you Dr. Fauci for everything you have done for our country!. 4 MORE YEARS - President Joe Biden - 2024!
  • SniffelBug
    Sooooo Smart
    Speaking the truth is so refreshing! Love you guys! Biden is doing an amazing job!
  • NYTreview
    Finally, Pence commentary⚡️that is REAL!
    I am healed! I am going to have to listen to the Pence segment everyday like a multivitamin. Filled me with glee. The clips - perfection. Appreciate the good energy and hard work and service to the community.
  • MaxxMilly
    Medias international
    Thank YOU!
  • Doug_Nash
    Getting a bit extreme
    I really enjoy the commentary when it’s professionally focused on law, case specifics, balanced thoughtfulness about strengths or weaknesses of each side, etc., but the show feels feverishly pitched and hyper partisan lately. I’m FAR from a trump person, but this type of super biased commentary does nothing to convince Americans who really need the convincing… it just sends them into their own trenches. It’s becoming no better then Fox News, just in the opposite direction.
  • sfncar
    Sloppy details are intruding
    You’re getting sloppy with your explanations and details. For instance, there’s much more to the removal of McGovern’s words from the record than your offhand description. It had to do with parliamentary procedures — covered in exquisite detail by Lawrence O’Donnell on his Thursday show. It seems to me you’re too busy enjoying your fame and not taking due care that your listeners are well served.
  • Kindnesswillprevail
    Need to go on mainstream media
    Do you try to get an audience at all with the mainstream media? About the only “mainstream media” that is willing to always expose Trump is The View. What if all of you went on The View? I think that would be good. You need more exposure!
  • tmccaffr
    Re: Blanche’s strange questioning. Am I imagining things or is Blanche being passive-aggressive getting back at trump for humiliating him?
  • Burdyblue
    Nice tribute to mothers
  • VMSMama
    May 14 Trump Put in His Place
    The last two clips are messed up in this episode - the second-to-last should be clapping for Trump at Mar-A-Lago, but is Biden sorry for the reporters on Mom’s Day. Then the last clip slot is silence.
  • Cuca Girl
    You guys are losing your way. Four minutes of commercials in a twelve minute podcast? I know you need to make money but it’s too much. Also how many times do we have to hear about his farts and diapers! Please put something out that’s more thoughtful.
  • ev@k
    Repetitive Hyperbole
    Ben Meiselas minimally presents new information. He keeps repeating what he has just said. He then repeats something he has said in the past. Over and over and over again he says the same things. Apparently he’s a big fan of his own sound bites. Further, he exaggerates what people have done. He accuses Kristi Noem of murdering animals. Murder is the unlawful killing of one human being by another with malice aforethought. You would think an attorney would know that. Kristi Noem killing a dog because she was unable to train it is horrible and reprehensible. But, it is not murder. In another instance he accused Trump of delivering stale pizza to an FDNY station. There was no basis presented to his claim the pizza was stale. Given the timeline of when Trump’s staffers arrived with the pizza to when Trump arrived to present the pizza, it’s reasonable to assume the pizza was cold but hardly stale. He says he likes to give data to his audience. But, he buries it under mischaracterizations, misdirections, and misrepresentations. Basically he’s a mirror image of the MAGA people he excoriates. I’m done with this fool. I’m going to stick with The Bulwark and Rick Wilson’s The Enemies’ List. They excoriate Trump and MAGA by presenting new facts not rehashed hyperbole.
  • Around there
    The actual topic
    He is happy to talk about the trial alllll day because there is not one word about his policy. China went to Europe today to undermine the US and he said day one he would pull out of NATO. (Pro BRIC) He also pulled out of the Pacific Alliance that strengthened the Pacific against China. He named his network the translation of Pravda! Not one work about hat bold connection. If you could put some of your real investigation and a few moments in your many programs to highlight that, it could make a difference. Ask him how he will stand up to BRIC.
  • Erikander
    Like some of it
    You could do the show in about half the time if you stopped telling me about what every other media outlet is doing or not doing. I need news not media criticism.
  • Hanson3560
    Fighting for our Democracy
    I love this podcast and the Meiselas brothers for fighting for our democracy and keeping me from falling off the ledge! They keep it real and make me feel that together we can save this country! Thanks, boys!
  • shannon.scott
    So, the Kit Kat club was basically the precursor to Soho House. Sleazy women and wealthy men.
  • AbbyNemo
    Brothers Indeed
    The Meidas Touch was mentioned on the Lincoln Project podcast. I listen to your podcast and enjoy the camaraderie among you three, the information and its timeliness. Please stop talking over each other. I suffer from FOMO on something that was said. Enjoyed the POTUS interview. Great going. Will our VP be next? First gentleman? Embellishments not appreciated. On occasion you don’t read verbatim comments, mostly you do.
  • Jill Bitt
    I enjoy every show
    This is where I get my news.
  • ElizaCost
    Sure Trump is a criminal, BUT…
    Biden is providing the means for unspeakable atrocities against innocent civilians and their babies and kids. Spare me about how wonderful Biden is. He is a horrible criminal committing genocide.
  • A UK fan
    Well Donald - why don’t people from “nice” (white) countries want to immigrate to the USA. Simple - animals like YOU live there.
  • bfkad
    stop with the nuclear codes
    look guys stop with the nuclear codes narrative. Those codes are rotated probably on an hourly basis so the fact that Trump has them means absolutely nothing. it is hyperbole that Trump would be more than happy to get into, but you guys need to step away from it. exposing human intelligence as well as signal intelligence well, that's a very important piece to this program. we need to get beyond this type of dissonance when you bring up nuclear codes like this repeatedly, it is not good for the cause so please stop it. It doesn't mean anything.
  • cadler11
    Thanks for being hopeful
    I’ve stopped watching legacy media as much and listen to this pod along with a handful of others. You are often correct in your predictions, which is in itself a reason to listen. I often think of professional rake steppers when I see the republican crazies
  • Madmupit
    40% commercials
    My favorite part of the show is how it’s 40% commercials
  • Earleybird42
    Love the podcast, but the ads… oh god the aaaaaaads…
    Between the ads there is some really good, informative content. But if you see a 15min podcast, you can still expect to be interrupted 3 times mid sent- $$PRIZE PICKS IS THE MOST FUN I’VE HAD WINNING UP TO 25 TIMES MY MONEY THIS FOOBALL SEASON!!$$- ence with 3-minute rambling ads. If you have the coin, pay for the ad-free version. Literally half the show is ads, skip through them for 7 minutes of the best political commentary out there
  • Novella55
    I love this podcast & have recommended it to many others who want the truth! Thanks for breaking down content for better understanding & doing so in an entertaining way. Keep up the great work! VF As a woman who was unable to get pregnant, the only option left to me was IVF. My insurance wouldn’t cover the cost & I couldn’t afford it. I was forced to accept the fact that I would never have children. 40 years later, it still depresses me. I know firsthand what these women in Alabama are feeling! Those supposedly “pro life “ people are anything but. KDL in Florida Vote Blue! Vote Biden!
  • ponygsl 65
    I’ve never been political
    Until Trump started his shenanigans. I love this podcast. And more importantly, I believe them. Keep up the good work. And I never speed past your ads, but as you’ve heard already, it sure would be nice to have some warning before they start. Thanks guys.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
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