The Consistency Project

Nutrition #89

Simplifying nutrition, health, and wellbeing by breaking down the concepts and actions we can all take to live fuller, more functional lives. From EC Synkowski, founder of the #800gChallenge® and OptimizeMe Nutrition. Support this podcast:

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Recent Reviews
  • CRHBr
    Cuts through the noise
    I’ve listened to dozens and dozens of nutrition-related podcasts, and Consistency Project is one of my top 3 all time favorites. Do not ‘do your own research’ or listen to ‘nutritionists’ who very often are driving a narrative and not following the science. Seek out expert Registered Dietitians like EC. Just listen to any one of her outstanding episodes to cut through the noise and get REAL research-driven facts. No dogma. No half-baked theories. Highly recommended to anyone confused about diet culture.
  • imakeitrain
    Great info that is science backed
    Between the podcast, the IG page and the newsletter I am gaining knowledge and feeling like healthy lifestyle changes are not so far out of reach afterall. Particularly a recent newsletter indicating that protein intake can be lower than all these so called fitness gurus are telling me. As someone who struggles with high protein intake this gave me a sigh of relief and the feeling that what I was doing was ok and I don’t have to beat myself up. The 800 gram health plan is also feeling doable and that has been very motivating instead of past experience feeling like I can’t sustain a certain meal plan. I love that there is science to back up EC’s claims too. Thank you!
  • btd1573
    Life Changing Podcast
    This podcast has totally changed my life! EC simplifies things to really focus on the big levers that drive change, which is so different than most health podcasts or authors out there. I’ve been doing the 800 gram challenge for a month and feel so much better, and I’m not afraid of fruit anymore (that sounds so ridiculous now, but that’s how I used to feel after listening to so much fear mongering about sugar in fruit). I’m not majoring in the minors anymore, and food is joyful and relaxing again. I learn so much from every episode, and I recommend it to everyone!
  • H.Ellis94
    Binge Listening!
    EC has such an awesome way of explaining (and backing up) her claims and mythology. I love how she always looks closely at something without losing the whole picture. I thought I knew enough about “macros” but I always learn something new and practical from every episode. SO GOOD! I went ahead and joined her latest masterclass too and am blown away. Loving it so far. Highly recommend.
  • $$$@?
    The best eating guidance ever!
    This is far and away the very best thing to listen to if you want solid advice and understanding about food, cravings, and what to actually do about food habits. EC cuts through the fake food news and backs up her advice with solid, well researched information. So refreshing and helpful!
  • dincanada
    Oh my goodness finally someone who makes sense! There is so much information out there and none of it makes sense long term and whoever is endorsing the plan assures you it is the answer to all your problems. Count macros, eat only meat, don’t eat potatoes, eat mostly fat, weigh and measure EVERYTHING! Holy smokes I just want to be healthy not crazy!! I’ve been binge listening to this podcast for three days now and have come to the realization that EC’s plan is so less stressful and lets me love food again! Thank you 😊
  • DEK1106
    Street Parking Episode!
    This was a great episode! A good refresher on the basic principles from a new angle with E.C. as the guest.
  • Jocelyn D..
    Science based
    Science based yet entertaining podcast. Always straight to the point. I always learn so much from EC. She has a great way of explaining things. Been bingeing the podcast since I came across it. Thank you for putting out great info and interesting topics!
  • Frankmura
    Best nutritional podcast I’ve ever listened to!
    EC’s approach is great, she makes very complicated biology understandable to the layman and nutritional novices. I love that she is not dogmatic in her approach and also how her views have changed overtime, along with her knowledge and the actual science. Keep up the great work EC!!!!
  • Bug444455555
    Straight through the crap
    I appreciate EC’s straightforward approach to explaining the “deception” in the health world. Also am a HUGE fan of the 800g challenge. Simple and effective,
  • Vgalvan18
    Basic and Sensible
    EC provides basic, sensible, and effective strategies that would be helpful for anyone
  • Cc455
    Real nuturion information backed by science.
    The best nutrition podcast. EC does her research!
  • LivinInMN
    Straight facts backed by real science
    The Consistency Project by EC Synkowski and Patrick Cummings is a breath of fresh air in the health and wellness media space. EC offers straight facts back by real science, and that is a joy and so refreshing to listen to and learn from. I’ve been a huge fan from the first day of this podcast, and is my go to source of information to share with people who get caught up in the myths and nonsense of fitness and health media shenanigans. If you want to learn about the simplicity and elegance of nutrition, EC is at the top of the game. No nonsense, truth, telling, and backed by meta analysis. You can’t beat that.
  • ellen sasson
    Helps me continue on my nutrition journey
    Thank you EC and Patrick. I have enjoyed Chasing Excellence for years, and now I find I learn even more on this podcast as my main challenge is eating healthy and losing weight. Thank you!
  • Kristin43105
    Great show
    Great show with easy to follow content and advice!!!
  • E Luvs Healthy Living
    100% Practical
    EC is amazing at removing the noise and boiling down the facts on how to achieve health. Her approach to health is EXTREMELY practical which just clicked perfectly for me. She does this by making sense of all the confusing minutia out there, helps debunk the fear mongering on food, and highlights the “snake oil merchants”. I trust her due to her formal education, extensive resume, and level of research she sites for each topic. I binged every podcast episode when I discovered her last year, all excellent material. My favorite message thus far: stop majoring in the minors (which I was horribly guilty of) - focus big picture and maybe stop worrying if you shouldn’t be using seed oils!
  • leah hiker
    Awesome content! Subscribe it will change your whole outlook!
    EC makes the mystery of “what is healthy” clear! Her content has made such a difference in how I interact with food. I used to be terrified of gluten and bananas and fruit (to name a few), but EC shows again and again it is about the quantity of what you’re consuming that is important more than the specific ingredient. Thanks EC! What you do is really important in this crazy diet marketing world!
  • ATLgirl1980
    Scientific nutrition information
    I really appreciate the data-based approach to answering questions while also acknowledging the limitations of specific studies. I also just find EC to be very down to earth and practical. Great podcast without any products to sell - just honest data and a very accessible approach to eating well, eating for performance and losing weight depending on your goals.
  • Chrstine
    Dynamite Dynamic
    The dynamic between EC and PC is excellent. Return to the basics and stop making things complicated.
  • gyrod8701
    Thank you!
    Great show. EC and PC are great together! The new hot cakes format is perfect! Recommend to everyone! Especially if love the science!
  • mkramsey
    Evidence Based
    You had me at Cochran review. For once I was hearing nutrition information from someone who had evidence to back it up and would also say what was good and bad about the evidence. EC keeps the advice simple while at the same time giving explanations with enough detail so you can understand why she is giving that advice. As a medical doctor I am absolutely recommending this podcast to friends, family, and patients.
  • lynn041798
    Great, evidence based nutrition advice
    I came across EC and her podcast through another nutrition/food podcast I listen to. As a registered dietitian, I am always on the search for evidence based podcasts that pair with nutrition recommendations I provide to my patients. Thank you for clear, concise, evidence backed information. I appreciate your data, expertise, and information sharing.
  • Kurt316
    Best podcast on real-world, practical nutrition info
    EC is the BEST when it comes to giving actionable, sensible nutrition info. I follow a lot of high-quality health folks, and have read a ton on nutrition over the years, and EC is the absolute best. Her strength is in objectively clarifying and synthesizing the morass of nutrition info out in the world, into something that actually works, in the real world, in the long term. Highly recommended!
  • KimMalz
    EC is a gem! She dives in just enough to the science behind her topic but not so much she loses you. EC keeps nutrition realistic and sends a healthy message regarding our relationship with food. KMalz
  • Beep2417
    Simply the Best
    EC Is a unicorn. With advanced degrees in functional medicine and natural/biological resources, she is quite comfortable reading and comparing research publications. Then, she makes it into usable information quickly and in plain language here. And she lives it everyday as a Level 4 (highest) Crossfit Certified trainer. I listen to her every week.
  • Deacon Brad Watkins
    Solid, Unbiased Podcasts
    Every episode has solid, well researched unbiased information related to all things nutrition, fitness, and health. No nonsense, no filler. HIGHLY Recommended.
  • PA Beav
    Thank you EC and Patrick!
    It’s so refreshing to have someone with your experience and qualifications deliver such sound - evidence based - nutrition recommendations. I found your cast because I CrossFit but what you’re doing here translates so far beyond that community. I’m a Family Med PA and I preach this flavor of nutrition and fitness in my clinic daily. There have been many instances where your advice has helped me navigate the nutrition conversation with my patients. It’s a journey for sure, we are playing the long game here. I tell them my goal: less reliance on me to treat chronic disease = happier and longer life for them! I look forward to each new episode. Thanks!
  • Sal Bones
    Can’t recommend enough!
    The Consistency Project is by far my favorite podcast! EC simplifies the complicated topic of nutrition and helps listeners focus on what’s really most important in our diets and overall health.
  • j-fletcher-
    Always on point!
    No nonsense, research based nutrition information. What’s not to love?
  • latsyrc21
    For real!
    EC tells it how it is. She is super knowledgeable and explains everything so well so it makes sense. It is obvious that she is passionate about fitness and nutrition and isn’t just on here trying to sell you her diet.
  • ABH4
    Clear, concise and thorough
    I’ve been listening to E.C. for over a year and am still eager each week for a new release. Her perspective on nutrition is refreshing, and she takes a lot of complicated, dry research and breaks it down in a way that is relatable and useable for the average person. Her breadth of knowledge and experience is impressive and yet she is still willing to admit when she’s outside her lane and turn to other experts who may know more than her (though doubtful those experts would make the information as interesting or applicable as EC does). I have truly appreciated this podcast, her insight and knowledge and know that my views on nutrition, health, and wellness have been greatly impacted in such a positive maintainable way by this podcast (and her Instagram account. 😄) Patrick also does a great job with directing the conversation and asking questions that leads to a really great listening experience.
  • Cdhvcf
    Real talk
    This is nutrition simplified. The way EC can talk about nutrition to help everyone understand it is amazing. Regardless if you are a top athlete or just a mom looking to amp up her training and nutrition goals (me) this is a podcast you need on your list.
  • mlierley
    So glad I found this podcast
    This podcast has been amazing, I am so glad I found this show. EC has such practical and reasoned advice for diet, and the other items (supplements, testing, apps) surrounding wellness. I appreciate that the content has particular relevance for CrossFitters but this is useful guidance for anyone trying to get their diet on point.
  • Nickeliza
    Not worth the cost
    Great when it was free, even a few bucks would be ok- but $11 for the bonus content? Yeesh. Won’t be doing that.
  • Litras98
    One of my most favorite Podcast!
    EC does an incredible job of explaining everything, and Patrick does an incredible job on asking questions as well! A perfect duo, great content!
  • AdamSauer91
    Good balance of real life examples and science
    Love listening to Patrick and EC. As the title states, it’s a very good balance between real life and science. My favorite nutrition/fitness podcast out there.
  • I have been optimized
    So Much Knowledge
    Legitimately the only reason I even have the podcast app. EC is the 🐐
  • Slchampine
    Best and most practical nutrition advice ever
    The information presented by EC is simple and easy to apply. She is brilliant.
  • mamaAmaCad
    Thorough and Trustworthy
    I love E.C.’s approach. She is so easy to listen to and, so full of knowledge, reputable, and simply trustworthy. Really enjoy this podcast - and I love that they are 30 min or less usually 😊
  • southendsally
    Quality nutrition info
    I love Her approach to nutrition. She goes with facts not gimmicks and makes things easy to understand, encourages small long term changes to diet. Great for dieters, exercisers and everyone.
  • 8282polsky
    Fantastic resource
    I enjoy every episode and really appreciate EC Synkowski’s extremely well researched and level headed discussions of various nutrition topics. I just wish everyone could hear her viewpoints and stop being confused by all of the crazy shenanigans being sold in the diet and nutrition world. Eat your fruits and veggies and protein people!
  • jshand42
    Life changing
    Finding the 800g challenge has been life changing. I finally found something that works well for my lifestyle. This podcast does a great job of dissecting myths and taking a common sense approach to nutrition.
  • mint_julep7
    Reverse Dieting
    Thank you so much on your reverse dieting episode. Some coaches are really pushing this I tried it I gained weight and I was miserable. Thank you for recommending to see your doc of the weight loss is not working. Hormones, age so many things can be abnormal ~ and most of us are not bodybuilders! The podcasts are just long enough too. I appreciate your logical critical thinking.
  • knbre
    Knowledge Pilot
    EC is the perfect knowledge pilot hovering right at eye level to get me thinking each time but not flying completely over head where I miss the message all together! There is always something to take away form each episode! Thank you!
  • kate_-406
    top notch
    Accessible, science based health information. Such a rare thing, sadly, when looking for guidance on how to live the healthiest life possible. Love that it is not fad based and each episode is succinct and info packed. Can’t wait for more episodes!
  • Mkkane77kg
    As a CF-L2 I get it. I get movement. I get coaching. But nutrition has always been boring, hard to understand and less than sexy. I’ll squat snatch a PVC before I try and learn about food. BUT once I started listening to this I have found it easy to understand, enjoyable and informative. Quick bites that I can apply to my life and suggest to my clients and members.
  • JCBum
    Thanks EC!
    Started my nutrition journey over a year trying to become a better me and adding years to my life. EC and the Consistency Project have been a huge part! Thanks and keep up the great work!
  • Dazzzz234
    Absolutely binge worthy!
    Wow! As a medical doctor this podcast is music to my ears. EC has a magnificent way of taking complex topics and breaking them down so elegantly. I’m learning so much and you will too! Stay healthy!
  • LynnBurger
    Love it
    Rational advice delivered in a honest and realistic way. Thank you!!
  • madihavetowriteareview
    MORE please!!!
    Love love love this podcast. Each time an episode is released it’s like Christmas. EC has a super tangible approach to presenting complex topics in easy-to-understand, digestible ways. Highly recommend to both the nutrition expert and first time gym member
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