The Megyn Kelly Show


The Megyn Kelly Show is your home for open, honest and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal and cultural figures today. No BS. No agenda. And no fear.

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  • Sally and Gary
    Hunter Biden attending White House meetings with Joe
    You forgot to mention, that Hunter Biden also was having dealings with communist China. One can only wonder what information is being passed to China by Hunter. I wish there were a way to ask if George Stephanopoulos is going to end his career as an honest journalist, or a shill for Joe Biden.
  • Mike's Bike
    Hanna Addison
    I’d give it 0 stars if it was an option. If you are into juvenile, mean girl content.. presented by a much older woman, than this is for you. Otherwise, there are so many other less hateful, more informative podcasts to listen to. Life’s too short to waste time listening to her snark and hate. Hard pass.
  • Regal8r
    Mike Davis
    You should have called out Mike Davis Kelly. You’re smart enough to know that Biden is set up to be the “fall-man”. This isn’t about Biden vs Trump. We need to look past the 4, 8 and 16 year mark. China is playing the long game. All of our enemies are going laying the long game and we’re over here in America worried about a dementia-riden an old man being the bad guy just so we can turn our attention to a seemingly temporary solution. We all need to start thinking, long-term, and start looking at the bigger picture. But straight up, Mike Davis is playing you for a fool.
  • turbine king
    Great moment
    Your interview with Steve Bannon is the reason you and your show is AWSOME Keep it up
  • Tracy at TOMA
    charlie kirk
    good review of the debate. i can see dr jill and kamala accepting the nomination
  • ImaHog
    Best interviewer in the business
    10/15/22 No questions about WEF for Tulsi? Don’t think she’s really associated with them. She was inducted, did not join. Also, no questions about her conspiracy theories of Trump in Syria. —— Your discussion today about Ukraine and comparing it to JFK back in 1962 was great. I only wish you had discussed the reason the Soviet union put those missiles in Cuba. It’s because JFK put missiles in turkey. The Soviets, rightly so, viewed it as a very aggressive and offensive move. ———- Still the best in the biz. You just keep getting better and better. If you talk to Jason Whitlock sometime, please tell him he would be a wonderful replacement for Rush Limbaugh. His wisdom and perspective on life in the USA is badly needed. Your interview with Tulsi today was very good. I already thought very highly of her and her answers confirmed my estimation. However, while campaigning for POTUS, she said what I think are some things about Trump; some nutty and some conspiratorial. You asked her nothing about this. Lastly on a nit picky note, I find it somewhat annoying the way you pronounce your L’s when you are trying to either sell a product or emphasize something. I don’t know if you think it’s cute or funny. It’s not as bad as people saying um and uh all the time but that’s the only complaint I have about your podcast. So, in other words you’re doing a great job. Your content is great Your interview with the Lutrell twins was your best by far. I’m a 65 yo veteran who had tearful moments several times throughout the interview. Thank you for having them; with men like that in office, this country has a chance. “I will never quit” is what winners ascribe to. Get over Kristi. You’ve now beat her dead horse. Ok, maybe I missed the episode but, you must get Jennifer Sey on your show. I’m sure you know she’s the founder of XX-XY who’s “sexist” ad was banned from tik tok. She’s also a former elite gymnast.
  • gone girl 60
    Charlie Kirk
    Stop interrupting the guest. So annoying
  • sylvin1948
    Brave Lady
    Megyn, You are one brave woman! After the history you have with Steve Bannon, having to discuss and to relive the whole situation, tells me you are not afraid to confront your critics and even your enemies! It had to have been difficult to invite him on your show, but at the end it was redeeming for both of you!
  • nicksnamesnot
    Bannon should be treated as he treats others. If he is useful, use him. When he becomes useless, cut him in half and let him bleed out where he falls…. Metaphorically speaking.
  • SOS on the app
    Steve Bannon
    Fabulous interview !! Wish you had a show on Newsmax as that’s all we watch. How do we subscribe to your podcast?
  • 226bh
    Where is she bleeding?
    She’s bleeding from somewhere alright. One of the few things Trump was right about!
  • ithinkyannimaybetrans
    Great podcast
    5/5 stars. My favorite pod I look forward to every day!!! After listening to Steve Bannon we knew before his first term when they hid him in the basement!!!!!
  • dtales12
    Honest and down to earth
    Megyn you won me back since your anti-Trump days. I enjoy your humor and honesty. You’re a delight to listen to. Let’s get Trump over the finish line !
  • ManCar36
    Megyn is the real king of media
    She brought Steve Bannon on her show! And treated him with dignity and respect, and it was a wonderful exchange. Game respects game. Megyn is the absolute best and even Mr. Bannon tipped his hat.
  • Julestowne
    We love Megyn!!
    Megyn, you are a class act. THANK YOU for your podcast.
  • Jshale
    Love megyn
    Love every minute!
  • cmcquietman
    Can I write another 5 Star Review?
    6/27/24: Kudos for interviewing Bannon. I’m looking forward to it. You are legit!! Earlier review: Hey. I’m listening to you and Jason talking about the movie Blindside. Last night I watched Lillies of The Field, with Sidney Poitier. My wife had not seen it. Is Lillies a “black savior” movie about a black man saving white nuns, (from Germany)? Maybe, and much more. It’s a nice movie. We (not you, Jason or me) have lost our minds! The Blindside critics are nuts. Great show !! Earlier Review: Lack of trust in our institutions Thank you Megyn for bringing an open, honest, and trustworthy approach to the issues of the day. Having Bobby Kennedy as a guest, and the way you engaged and challenged him, was a fantastic. I can’t articulate a valid opinion on Mercury in vaccines, but given what we’ve lived through in the last 20 years … Iraq/Afghanistan, 2008 financial crisis, Trump-Russia hysteria, the entire Wuhan/Covid ordeal … there is every reason to question the government, industry, and the media. Listening to Bobby discuss the dishonesty involved with OxyContin, the CIA’s failure during the Bay of Pigs, and being reminded that J Edgar Hoover once ran the FBI demonstrated that the failure of our institutions is nothing new. To think that a man like Arlen Specter was on the Warren Commission is enough to make anyone wonder about that commissions conclusion. Keep up the great work!
  • MagLoLex
    Maureen Callahan
    She was great - please invite her back!
  • briannabriannabriannabribribri
    I was optimistic
    But “no agenda” as a tagline is laughable. In the same episode where a man is promoting loving your neighbors, living with joy and kindness through godliness, Megyn rips a CNN anchor woman apart, reading her tweets in a mocking voice, calling her an embarrassment/weak and launching into a salt smelling/fainting couch bit… It felt like Megyn had her own “hissy fit” (her words, not mine!) Just disappointed after seeing her as a more critical/serious interviewer. I could care less about an exchange between a CNN anchor and a Trump spokesperson. Talk about something more meaningful! I would have liked to hear more about the guests idea of limiting power on both sides.
  • john b-oe4
    Please tell me you are not coddling this person….. she is ultra liberal, now claiming that this was “done” to her. Undoubtedly a defiant teen, withdisconcerned parents who neede attention. I am sure she quoted her “rights” many times through the process. Why have we not addressed the burden ti the health care system?….. just because she was caught up in being trendy……… this is the 2024 ersion of one that gets a tattoo young in life, then regrets it later……… do not give this weirdo a stage
  • ChefGoyo
    I love you but Howard Blum is FOS! Stop hosting him!!
    Keep it up Kelly! How did you avoid cussing on television all of those years? I love your dirty mouth!!
  • PoseidonSLBM
    Great show but …
    Is this a book review / plug podcast now ? Doorstep of world war 3 , presiidential election , trials etc and its all book reviews
  • Marklebutt
    Am I wrong about everything- it’s a possibility, but the way her and her guests report on things that I have seen with my own eyes seems fishy, glossed over, and misrepresented. You seem to get half the story and a reinterpretation of the rest.
  • bucklou
    In response to SportsFanDar2016:🤣🤣🤣🤣 Move along troll, you couldn’t recognize an intelligent conversation if you tried. Keep it up Mrs Kelly your podcast are great, really enjoyed the Shawn Ryan interview
  • fsdtuh
    Let your interviewees speak
    I used to love Megan Kelly, but lately she constantly interrupts her guests and interjects her own opinions. I assume others would also like to hear what they have to say. Isn’t that why they were in invited in the first place? So your audience could hear their side of the story? You don’t always have to agree with everything. Case in point is your recent interview with RFK, Jr. Disappointed.
  • BT0703
    So glad you are back!!
    Discovered your podcast after listening to you on Ben Shapiro’s Sunday conversation. Already listened to 3 of your episodes (Alan Dershowitz, Glenn Greenwald and Ben) and love it!! You do a great job of being fact based and not catering to a specific political party - keep up the great work and look forward to listening more. Take care!!
  • CPG73
    Love, Love this show!
    I love the show. I’m going into withdraws for the fact that Megyn is on vacation this week. I hope you’re having a great vacation Megyn, but we miss you.
  • TheCatnipTimes
    MK rocks - a true honest broker
    Classy, confident, educated and she does her homework. MK is an honest broker - which is sadly a scarce trait these days. I rely on her for a good portion of my news. Thank you MK, for doing the homework so I don’t have to.
  • SportsFanDar2016
    I’d rather listen to cats crying.
    Not only is this woman an unintelligent fool, she’s just mean. Bad combination. Don’t bother listening. She makes no sense, she’s a grifter who sensationalizes everything and sows discord.
  • Otlindalee
    A Voice!! Thank you!
    i love Megyn's content and boldness when discussing issues. I especially appreciate the variety of guests and fearless questions - so helpful as we approach elections. Always relevant and interesting!
  • chevy bo
    Charlamagne tha fool
    All I learned is that Charles watches msnbc , until you stop elevating mental midgets as your thought leaders, you will never grow as a culture or people. Great show mk
  • 80'sVillager
    90th on Apple!
    Congrats! Although you mentioned you were number 1. Maybe offer a lil more than right wing bull and you’ll be back!
  • App KO!
    Love the fraud show I once had a scammer call me from my own cell number and only answered out of curiosity of who was using my number
  • FatFred24
    Missing live interviews and current news
    These 2 weeks of prerecorded episodes and no current news are very Disappointing
  • Laughing until my s
    Bill maher
    Probably this biggest loser on podcasts. Just listening to him when you were questioning him on certain things and he was denying it ever happened. I heard these things with my own ears when they were going on. He is beyond pathetic. No respect for him.
  • mdc7733
    Maher proved he has always been and will be
    Why people believe this guy is a moderate is silly. Denialism only applies to who he says. Tool. And he interrupted her over and over. 🤡
  • mbapsu
    Bill Maher
    Once in a blue moon, Maher has a fleeting moment of sanity. But in this discussion, Bill exposed his complete lack of intellectual curiosity. He spews the left wing looney talking points, but hasn’t done his homework to keep pace with Megan’s intellectual superiority.
  • RuntasticGuy
    Friday’s Fraud Episode
    This was the best one of the week. Loved how this scammer was schooled and played with by MK.
  • michkatwl
    Fraud week
    Turned out to be very good. Definitely need to know about how these things happen especially to regular folk like the Kelly Brunt family
  • ThePete22
    Great informative show
  • Shwcrc
    I love the crime stuff but these were so weak! Especially hearing about incredibly well known cases for the second or third time. Repetitive
  • Doug L Doug
    Megyn, you’re the best
    I love your show and your coverage of the trans issue is just outstanding. I know there’s a lot of emphasis on women fighting this and that is absolutely correct. But I want you to know there are a lot of men like me out here who are totally with you. I’m 67, retired and listening to your show is one of the highlights of my day. Thank you again.
  • Fatty2820
  • AngZwick
    I am loving this Fraud week. It’s so informing. I’m realizing that TaxNetworkUSA fits a LOT of these warning signs. High pressure sales, gaslighting, refusal to give me a refund…trying to pressure me!
  • Associate Editor
    Rewarding Criminals
    Please don’t reward criminals by giving them a forum and praise. There is better material. Reward the good guys, like the real criminal prosecutor from the previous show.
  • scroad
    Clear and intelligent
    Well presented and a clear critical look at todays issues.
  • Dierks Family
    Love your show but the editing for the podcast is unlistenable
    Love your show, listen to some of it almost everyday. Would love to be able to listen to it on this podcast but the editing makes it unbearable. It forces me to listen on YouTube(which I hate). Seriously give your show a listen to for half an hour on this podcast and the editing will drive you nuts.
  • kellybc68
    HRT Crisis
    Please do an exposé on the progesterone backlog! All we’re hearing about is how rich white ladies are depriving the population of much needed diabetes medication in order to feed their vanity. Why is nothing being reported in the media about the backlog of much needed progesterone for women in their most postmenopausal years to regulate their hormones? I can’t get near my progesterone prescriptions because they are being hoarded by those “transitioning”.
  • Brooksmgregory
    The best
    Megyn is insightful and unafraid to tell the truth regardless of which “side” of the aisle it benefits. When I want the truth and hard hitting facts, Megyn is the one I go to to challenge myself. Thank you Megyn for a great outlet!
  • FCMiller99
    Fraud by narcissistic Doctor
    Your 46th President (Biden) is the exact type of LIAR as this doctor. Biden has slowed down now with dementia.
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