The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of


From Kane’s Rosebud to Indy’s Whip to Captain America’s shield... Iconic treasures from the world of film and television are centerstage in this podcast hosted by collectors David Mandel (Veep, Curb Your Enthusiasm) and Ryan Condal (Colony, House of the Dragon). Every week, the two writers share their love of Hollywood memorabilia, revealing unbelievable stories around some of the most famous and culturally important props, costumes, art, and ephemera in silver screen history.

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Recent Reviews
  • ChrisFlug
    Best podcast
    Whether you like props or not it’s a fun and funny podcast. Highly recommend.
  • Wicked good free app says me
    Yallywood Props
    Thank you guys for releasing weekly episodes, please don’t stop!
  • MikeComments123
    The Autnority
    What can I say? Got me in the prop collecting! Always entertaining no matter what the topic is. Do the research this is a great podcast!
  • m3sweatt
    Something for just about anyone and everyone
    I’ve enjoyed listening to the approachable and relatable podcast from David & Ryan over the last few years, and it really got me through Covid! There’s always something for everyone in the different episodes, from random trivia, to insights about your favorite movies and TV shows. It’s not exclusively about props but as much as the ecosystem around them. It’s entertaining, and I’ve learned something new in each episode.
  • StevenR1010
    Love this Podcast!!
    I just found this podcast a few months ago and have already gone through all the content they have available. I've even listened to some episodes more than once! Dave and Ryan have such good banter and their genuine appreciating for film and TV is on full display and contagious. I've gotten the prop bug since I started listening and have begun participating in some auctions, which their sponsors will be thrilled to hear. Keep up the incredible work, Dave, Ryan, and Bart!
  • DannyRatcliff
    Aspiration perspiration…Your inner child will weep!!
    This is such an entertaining series, with each episode giving the opportunity to live vicariously through the adventures of two incredibly engaging movie memorabilia fans/collectors. Both are infinitely knowledgable on all of the properties us nerds hold most dear, from Indy, to Bladerunner and of course, Star Wars…and everything in between (GOT, Star Trek, comic art, all manner of creatures etc etc) Having slightly deeper pockets than your average Joe, David and Ryan are able to tell first-hand war stories from the from the front lines of auctions - their amazing purchases and near-misses, as well as bringing in incredibly interesting guests from the film/TV industry - C-3P0 pops up in one episode!! The most interesting to me however are those where they feature those involved with the productions we’ve grown up with, as well as more recent properties, from Weta to GOT, who talk in depth about the craft of prop design/manufacture, Fellow collectors join them in some episodes, which makes for equally compelling listening as they discuss their collections, past and upcoming auctions and the treasures within. Their wants, needs and heart-breaking “ones-that-got-away”. Recently some of the props at auction they’ve discussed, shown and purchased have been genuinely jaw-dropping (and inspired my cryptic title). Incredibly detailed hero props like Y-Wings, Biker Scout helmets and Indy props speak directly to my inner 8 year old (and ask him to have tried harder in life to have been able to afford some of these incredible pieces!!) Infinitely interesting to those with even a passing interest in film memorabilia, the hosts’ clear passion for the topic makes every episode incredibly easy to listen to and/or watch. I couldn’t recommend this series more highly….it’s truly the stuff dreams are made of :)
  • dc in boston
    Great podcast
    For collectors and non collectors alike, an entertaining and fascinating look at the inside world of movie props. Full of humor, great storytelling from the genius behind Veep, Curb, Seinfeld and SNL, David Mandel. Highly recommend!! I don’t collect props or toys but love this podcast.
  • Gojiboy
    Great podcast
    Full disclosure up front- I do not collect movie props or plan on doing so, but I love this podcast! I collect toys and stumbled across this podcast while looking for something new to listen to, and I enjoyed listening to Dave and Ryan’s fascinating stories about the props they’ve collected and the movies they came from. It’s nerd-dom at a whole other level and I can’t get enough! Excellent work gentlemen. If you keep making content, I’ll keep listening.
  • Monsterjuju
    Enjoyable, fun, informative
    Ryan and Dave are a riot and you can tell they get a kick out of one another. The show is solid, there’s good range topically, from props to comic art and more, and I enjoy the real life collecting stories. I need to watch the YouTube broadcasts more because it dawned on me (slow on the uptake) that some guests bring stuff. Highly recommended the two of them are really transparent about the hobby and thats important stuff for collectors to hear. But even if you aren’t a collector, you’ll enjoy the stories.
  • OffTheSetProps
    From one prop collector to another
    This series is a must, an intriguing look into our nerdy world of prop collecting and preservation for all to enjoy! Just remember, relax, it’s only a movie and always, ALWAYS, do your research!
  • Mr. Michael
    RE: Greg Jein
    Fascinating episode but one big question: what is the provenance of all the original proof sheets, negatives and transparencies that he acquired? That type of material was never released to the public. They were only acquired one way and it isn’t necessarily an above board way. I know as I worked at Paramount in the 80s and 90s and original photo materials at that time were not under lock and key….
  • jpitt32
    Great Podcast!
  • mclairy2
    I’ve been a listener for a long time but I will be stopping because I’m disappointed to learn in Variety that Ryan is crossing the WGA picket line.
  • polly3
    They talk over their guests
    I love this show, especially when they have guests like Adam Savage or Tom Spina. But it’s almost like they like hearing themselves talk so much that they won’t even let their guests finish their sentences! Tom Spina would start saying something, and then one of the hosts would talk over him or not let him finish a thought. Dave and Ryan please take this as constructive criticism, LET YOUR GUESTS TALK
  • Playa 4 Lyfe
    Highly Recommended for Movie Fans
    Not only are Dave and Ryan show runners of Teo of the most popular shows of all time, House of the Dragon and Seinfeld (plus many orders) they are true straight up just movie fans, in addition to prop collectors. Personally, I’m not a prop collector, but I do collect guitars, so I understand the mentality of a collector. However, regardless if you collect props, or anything else, Dave and Ryan’s encyclopedic knowledge of films and making of films combined with their guests make this podcast extremely excellent! This is a must listen!
  • Me Too and the Exactly What
    This podcast’s a hoot!
    Two middle-aged Hollywood writers take turns discussing who bought the most random thing out of some dude’s trunk that was once in close proximity to Harrison Ford. It’s brilliant.
  • Thomas Fillmore
    First rate podcast!
    These guys are raconteurs, consummate show biz pros. The podcast is continually engaging and fun and full of great stories. Their knowledge of film is deep and broad. It’s kinda like hearing Scorsese talk about film.
  • jack gauthier
    Love the show
    I love listening to these discussions on the process of collecting and auctions. I’m a life long collector but I’ve. never a movie prop collector.. as of yet …but I still enjoy every episode.
  • schendvd
    I like the topic and the hosts.
    But I find it depressing to realize these big shots are often talking about buying toys - I mean props - that cost more than my house (and it is a nice enough house). Maybe that’s unfair, but this hobby for rich people is kind of gross. Really torn here. Edit-replaced “car” with “house.”
  • Moviepropking
    Moviepropking Review
    Let’s just face it, all of you, just like me, came here for behind the scenes info on “The White House Plumbers”. But stick around and you’ll find a wonderful podcast on the amazing world of collecting movie props and wardrobe.
  • Xan S
    Finally a prop podcast!
    As a prop lover, this podcast has been amazing to listen to! Especially the deep dives into the props I love!
  • Domo-Kun is AWESOME
    feed me
    ive listened to them all prolly 5 times now,lol, need a new season asap, so much to talk about since last season
  • taynuts
    It’s the dagger
    It’s the dagger isn’t it. You have the cats paw dagger. Great podcast guys, great to listen to while your working. At least this construction worker thinks so. 9/10
  • Yo Kuri
    Super Podcast
    What can I say about this podcast that hasn’t already been said? Probably not much, I’m not that original. It’s top 5 across any podcast on any subject. The hosts are funny and entertaining. It’s fun spending time with their voices (sorry creepy…) They move at a brisk pace and have amazing guests. Their deep knowledge of this niche is at once impressive and depressing. I haven’t caught the prop collecting bug but I am endlessly entertained by their “sad devotion to this ancient religion.” Wives out is absolutely hilarious. My favorite episode by far. Watch, subscribe, rate review and enjoy!
  • KurttyJ
    Amazing Content
    I love this podcast! It’s so impressive to hear the stories and the experiences of being a high end collector. I enjoy listening to Ryan and Dave talk about their most prized items and hearing how excited and passionate they are takes the cake. Please never stop!!
  • Dr. Voorhees
    Great show with passionate people
    I really enjoy listening and re-listening to episodes from this podcast. I think there’s a lot of passion there and humor and goes along way. My suggestion would be to include other movie props outside of just the props that they collect from the movies they like. Bring in other guests with props for movies that maybe they don’t like and getting their perspective in different genres I think would be interesting especially with a discussion because then they would be stepping outside the box. Sometimes it seems like they don’t understand why someone would like certain movies and then collect props from that genre of movies. Overall though I want another season so I put the five star review because I want to see where it can go. Let’s get some horror prop chat going!
  • dhurt1926
    Not a Collector, but Still Love It
    Never have collected a movie prop in my life, but I had watched a little series on prop collecting on Disney …and got hooked on the concept. So when I saw this podcast, I had to listen. Super interesting to hear about the process, the people behind it, and all their discussions with other awesome collectors. Highly recommend for a great listen and for anyone who loves to learn!
  • SockMonkNH
    I've been out of prop collecting for close to 20 years, but still can't help looking through a new catalog when it comes out. This podcast is pulling me back in with the stories of finding pieces and interesting backgound on certain items. David and Ryan are awesome at showing you what's behind the curtain of prop collecting (and Monkey radiator caps). These are two busy guys that take the time to show their love for their collections. Keep it up!
  • The Man in the Grey Suit
    One of my top three favorite podcasts!
    Can not recommend this more highly for anyone in love or obsessed with the new golden age of movies and television, the relics they left behind, and those of us who collect, preserve, and protect them for future generations. Smart, witty, insightful, packed with insider information. If you love the iconic props, costumes, and set decoration from our modern classics, this podcast is an essential listen.
  • Give Mutt a break
    Not a Collector
    I’ve never thought about collecting Props. The title of the Podcast drew me in. Only true Film Fanatics would have the audacity to use that quote. They never fail to entertain. The show is like mainlining Movie Trivia. Thank you for being a new source for my habit.
  • This game really really
    Great podcast
    The george lucas bit is dumb
  • Petrodraiz
    Let the good times roll
    Finally, season 2 is out and I’m ready to buy a whip. This is the only podcast in this space and a mandatory listen for anyone circling the prop game or already living in it. looking forward to the wives coming back.
  • ialotwwhis
    It’s not about the prices; it’s about the love.
    As a collector myself (on the much lower end), it feels like Ryan and David read my mind as to what I wanted in a podcast. It showcases not just why collectors are drawn to props, but also why we love the process of collecting; all the nitty-gritty of authentication struggles and bidding psychology that are equal parts frustrating and enthralling. For any collectors feeling intimidated by Stormtrooper helmets and Indiana Jones whips, I’ve been able to relate to nearly every circumstance of worry or joy that the hosts have described in at least some small sense, despite never having spent more than $1500 on a purchase. Their enthusiasm and knowledge matter far more than the value of the objects they’re discussing, and when it comes down to the fundamentals, it’s all very much the same game. And for any “outsiders” feeling a barrier to entry, there really is a surprising amount of great budget material. I only started six years ago, and some of my most treasured pieces were acquired for less than $200 – several of which I’ve screen-matched. It just requires patience, a willingness to do more research than the seller, and a flexible enough “favorite movies” list (ideally including titles Harrison Ford didn’t star in in the early 1980s). Let these guys take you on a winding tour through the wonderful peculiarities of this hobby, and you may very well find it worthy of further exploration. Thank you to Rooster Teeth for keeping the show on the air!
  • Tom Tomlinson
    Thanks guys—looking forward to S2
    Keep up the great work and great stories.
  • micronautsmaniac
    A Really Fun Listen
    If you are a collector of anything, not just prop replicas, you will relate to the passion with which Dave and Ryan approach their...dare I say...addiction. Their fun tales of detective work make the acquisitions all the more special, and their enthusiasm is infectious. Derryl DePriest
  • audio fan 781
    Lotta fun
    I would like some talk about more affordable stuff but lot of interesting stuff.
  • Johnny Mac LSU
    Please make more
    I binged every episode in the past week after just finding out about it from Dave’s appearance on Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast. Great stuff!
  • Slsl 544
    Neat intro to prop collecting
    I knew nothing about prop collecting before listening to this podcast, and it has been a fun, educational, and interesting intro to the subject. While I don’t intend to collect props myself I now feel like I have a much better idea of what this world is about, and have also gotten to hear a lot of great stories about particular props and colorful people in that world. Hosts are entertaining and pace is lively without feeling rushed. Worth checking out!
  • rgonzale6
    Extremely interesting!
    I’m a big fan of movies and I’ve had a casual interest in props. I really enjoy this show. Both hosts are great listens and their friendship and camaraderie in the hobby really shines. The guests and Hollywood history as well as the hunting stories and personal connections make this one of my favorite podcasts. Hoping for a season two.
  • steelerfanfromflorida
    Excellent show
    Please do a second season, this is such an enjoyable podcast. I think the best episode was actually the last one with the wives. They were great and such good sports supporting you guys. Looking forward to more content and stories
  • First Live Studio Audience!
    Fantastic Podcast!
    Love this podcast. You can’t help but appreciate their passion and knowledge about props and movies in general. Looking forward to many, many, many, more episodes.
  • zipfrisbie
    Awesome concept
    I love this podcast it’s just what i needed as movie lover and podcast lover. Great listen even if your not a prop collector
  • APassionProject
    Absolutely a fascinating and fun time. They are involved in the hobby and in the trade so are able to offer all sorts of insights that people will love even if they don’t collect props and are just movie fans.
  • Swampfoot Runner
    Love this podcast
    Most of the movies and tv shows they discuss are ones I watched as a kid. It’s great listening about everything they know about props, etc. - especially the “tales of the hunt.” I enjoyed the story behind obtaining the Conan swords - that was the 1st R-rated movie I saw in the theatre. My dad took to see it because I read all those comics.
  • javadudeguy
    Something for Everyone
    Absolutely love this podcast. It has something for everybody from long time high end prop collectors to people who are just passionate about movies and could only ever dream of owning some of these incredible pieces.
  • thegrza
    Great, unique show!
    So happy to have found this podcast. As someone interested in collecting, I found the content to be incredibly helpful. The hosts have great chemistry. Great find.
  • Samvdubbin
    Love it!
    Absolutely check this podcast out! it is extremely interesting and entertaining.
  • Big Money1357924680
    Cool dudes
    Real cool dudes who have an obvious love for the collecting art. They also make it accessible and fun for those who can only dream of owning crazy movie memorabilia.
  • ChicagoKevin81
    Entertaining and Interesting
    An interesting look at the world of Hollywood memorabilia. The host have been doing a great job explains the basics of the hobby and giving insight to help anyone feel more comfortable dipping their toes into collecting props and memorabilia. Even if that’s something you never plan to do this is still very interesting to hear about all the props and the history behind them.
  • Fishdick69
    Awesome stories!
    These stories are super interesting, especially where he was bidding against a billionaire. Not to mention, it’s a great title choice!
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