Mayim Bialik's Breakdown


Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown is a quirky, informative, and interactive podcast breaking down the myths and misunderstandings about mental health and emotional well-being. Neuroscientist Mayim Bialik combines her academic background with vast personal experience to provide listeners with valuable practical advice focusing on removing the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging an understanding of the mind-body connection. Nothing is off limits as Mayim breaks it down with an amazing collection of guests.

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Recent Reviews
  • thunder jb
    New Listener
    I’ve been listening for a few week and have loved each episode! This week’s with Theresa Caputo’s was my favorite so far! I love listening to the 3 of you build on one another’s understandings. Thank you!
  • CJ Niles
    Seriously give me a break. very disappointing guest.
  • dmhansen7
    Such a great episode. This was such good information. I have been married for 38 yrs to a narcissist type person. I spent way too many years walking on eggshells and teaching my kids to do the same. Now all my kids have been through some form of therapy. My youngest is in a bad state of mind right now and I’m very worried about her. For myself I never win and receive blame for everything. There have been good times. Not sure where to move on but I don’t feel good about leaving but I have found ways to cope. Right now, my focus is on my youngest who is an adult but just needs love, therapy and support. Thank you for such a great show. So informative.
  • Winnifred165
    Sadly, it sounds like we’re all narcissists
  • Auratha
    You can tell how much she enjoys educating and connecting with others. Love the intent behind the episodes!
  • strangenickname
    Inspiration everytime
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since it started. It is my therapy, entertainment, and enhances internal dialogue. I love everything about this podcast. The one thing I wish they did was interview “regular” people to help relate the ideas to real situations. I happen to be available for an interview when you’re ready :) Keep creating amazing content!
  • sgolsings
    Great spiritual journey podcast
    This podcast is great for everyone, but especially for anyone who is interested in continuing on a path of self betterment. The guests are insightful and informative, and Jonathan and Mayim have a great partnership that is always engaging to hear. I’m a huge Mayim bialeck fan, and really enjoy the full scope of content this podcast provides. Thank you both for the work you are doing and for the lessons I’ve learned because of this podcast. 💕☺️
  • BreezyJune
    New listener!
    I came to hear Michaela talk about auras (great episode) and I’m staying because the hosts are so knowledgeable and cool. 😎
  • Theabcdef234
    Woo woo all the way
    I love your episodes where you dive into the woo woo stuff and break it down. The convo with Michaela was really good, and Miyam and Jonathan ask great questions. I think I am a green aura!
  • LeslieHawk
    I don’t really enjoy the way she fakes empathy and emotional maturity but then supports apartheid and genocide in real life.
  • CandiceCangemi
    Excellent show
    Smart, snappy and funny! I love this show!
  • v8blues
    I love this show.
    I love this show. But I Can’t with the C.H. guest… democracy matters. Please don’t encourage those people.
  • Dpooh70
    Strange world
    So today, I began my strange world enjoyment… I listen to your most recent episode first and I kept wondering when Elizabeth was going to speak… Cut to realizing this was a outro episode to the original so I listened to the first one second one and the first one they came back and listening to the second one again and I have more context… But both times when you were described, arriving the mushrooms and their interconnected world below it made me think of you from Disney, “strange world “ thank you for giving me paw and enjoy these two episodes. BTW, have you seen the movie? And I have often wondered… Are we just living in someone’s petri dish as a human race for somebody else’s experiment? sorry, I got a bit chatty
  • Ncrod0301
    Quiet On The Set
    To piggyback off the latest episode. I suggest everyone to go listen to Pod Meets World and listen to the episode titled “02/19/2024”. It give little more outlook on two actors that were manipulated by the predator.
  • ALTRaleigh
    Ask Mayan anything
    What books do you recommend? Do you think you will ever write a book ?
  • Gailstacie
    Love it
    Love her and love her take on things
  • Jp mamma
    Love, love, love this podcast!
    I just listened to another truly interesting interview this afternoon and learned so much! She asks intelligent questions and shares about herself at times but never takes over the conversation! Jonathan is equally intelligent and is a great interviewer as well. Both are funny and make the podcast an enjoyable yet informative listen! Highly recommend!
  • DianeK-AZ
    Amazing content!
    I LOVE the interviews! So much variety and each episode is so insightful. Luv this podcast!
  • rab.ayah
    Zionist and imposter
    This is an example of where the wellness industry is total bullsh*t. This woman has no actual humanity or empathy. This podcast exists is so she can remain relevant and I’m disappointed at the guests for agreeing to do her show, even though most of them aren’t that interesting. If you had a heart and brain Mayim, you would recognize the history of Zionism is inherently violent and racist, and the occupation and death of tens of thousands of children is NOT ACCEPTABLE in any religion including Judaism as some kind of revenge for one specific terror attack. Israeli lives are not inherently MORE valuable than Palestinian lives and you should be ashamed of your beliefs and trying to promote yourself on this LOUSY Podcast. Not worth listening to.
  • sarah____96
    I take a dose of Mayim with my morning coffee
    Mayim Bialik feels like a familiar slice of kooky, and I can’t get enough. She is thoughtful, whip smart, and fun. In the muck of the news and media this podcast has been a breath of clarity and warmth. I’ve swapped my morning doom scrolls for Mayim and will never ever look back.
  • R. E. Bradshaw
    That explains a lot.
    Well rounded interview with insightful questions and enlightening answers. Been sharing this one. Well done.
  • Jackikynne
    She Met God
    I just watched the episode and it was wonderful. I am and was raised Baptist but I’ve seen things.
  • ChicaBond
    Love Love this episode. Great info. Enlightenment.
  • EmErs85
    Needs to be removed
    Mayim not only supports but endorses genocide! Zionist and racist!
  • buffalobrow
    Too Bad
    Such great guests, but Mayim always interrupts to share and reshare information from her own life that we already know. She could actually interview her guests and in that case I would probably listen despite her problematic opinions. Unfortunately by listening you have to step into her entitled and eccentric world view which assumes she is cute as a button 100% of the time and endlessly interesting. It’s just basic immaturity and there’s no way she’s a trained scientist.
  • Emm riri
    Great 😊 😌
    The way they just say how they want to show and explain their own feelings and life. And that makes a good 👍🏽 podcast.
  • Asfcjjnnligfcbjgdrhjki
    Cancel her
    I’ve never seen such a hateful human being mascarade as a compassionate one. The fact that she has children but has no regard for the killing of 20,000 children at the hands of the Israeli government is disgusting. Spotify and Apple should remove her podcast.
  • Corysoma
    Love the show
    When will you release the wind up of you and Jonathan after the Changed in a flash podcast
  • Nadine1288
    Do not listen to this idiot
    Mayim is not even a real neuroscientist. She’s full of it.
  • Catapus
    She is a pro-genocide Zionist loser lol
  • LauraLBradley
    Love this pod!
    Powerful... Insightful and important conversations!
  • Cebe Rose
    Elizabeth Krohn
    I always like this podcast with Mayim, Jonathan and their guests, but I just wanted to say how much I truly enjoyed listening to Elizabeth’s story.
  • Buckbo dude
    The incurious scientist
    After the recent episode with the Krohn and Kripal I am done with this podcast. Mayim exhibits such great curiosity for her guests story, asking probing questions with zero scepticism, embracing it whole cloth. However her curiosity is limited only to effects of the claim Krohn makes as if they are 109% true, not the more interesting questions of psychology. For instance, Krohn claims she was sexually abused as a child and was able to disassociate to deal with the trauma, but there’s no questions about dissociation and these fantastic claims of a two week long near death experience. Not how childhood trauma can minivest in adulthood as psychosis. The red flags are everywhere in Krohns testimony, and at the end of the day she comes across as any similar new age grifter, ready for Esalen retreats. She claims she was struck by lightning almost 36 years ago, with so much detail, and listening to her all you can hear is that overly detailed story. She has So many details that it becomes suspicious. She has no way to back anything up besides her own words. She did not go to the hospital after being stuck by lightning, because a “lightning strike specialist” doctor was already there with his “medical bag”, a doctor who had been around a number of people who had been struck by lightning allegedly. This doctor said she was fine to go home because “he was the doctor who would see her at the hospital”. No way, This is insanity. Anyone with significant medical training will tell you this is not a thing. She also won’t name the relative who died after she saw a black aura around him. It just feels so unscientific, and I mean yes it’s dealing with the metaphysical, but for mayim to so quickly abandon the analytical and scientific part of the brain to embrace this charlatan is diasapointing. She is agent mulder, she wants to believe so she does.
  • LgMarge123
    You’re Doing GREAT!
    I always like the podcast episodes from Mayim, Jonathan and their guests, but the recent Tom Papa episode was excellent and one of my favorites. Even marked it to listen again in the future. Thank you so much!
  • tleyva82
    Why wasn’t Mayim cancelled when she basically wrote a crap op ed stating that Weinstein’s victims had it coming bc of the way they dressed? Basically victim blaming and shaming all of them. Why wasn’t she cancelled for her anti vax views? We now have had millions die globally from covid. Now she’s pro genocide. Girl, you have stayed gone after Blossom and stayed teaching geezers how to sing in a choir instead.
  • tellmeaboutU
    The Frankie Muniz episode reminded me the benefits of meditation. Too busy, sleep-deprived is going to take a toll.
  • maria👎🏼
    Love this Pod cast
    I think this is a fantastic pod cast full of interesting people and topics. Keep up the great work!
  • ghawkxx
    Done Listening
    Cannot support her any longer. #neveragainforanyone
  • ajlistening
    Used to be a fan
    I used to be a fan of mayim until I learned of her awful beliefs and perspective toward Palestinians. She can pretend to be a compassion person, but her true colors have been shown.
  • daughterofdarknessq
    I adore her and this podcast. I love her in depth views, how she analyzes a situation and how she listens. I love that someone so intelligent can be so down to earth and fun, while so intelligent. There can be times I don’t agree or like what she says, usually it’s because I don’t want to face my own issues. I love this podcast.
  • Amy9109
    Pro genocide creators have no business on this platform.
  • Emilyjoyphotos
    Narcissistic & Zodiac episode
    Hearing Johnathon’s tooth issue diagnosed from a neuroscience perspective was super frustrating. He should be talking to a dentist about his options to fix his bite not getting told that he’s potentially just being hysterical. It’s a mechanical issue not a psychological one.
  • kepbrds
    Favorite episode so far!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while. I just listened to #189 with Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies and it is my favorite podcast so far! Keep up the great work. Thank you for sharing your world with us.
  • DAGeyer
    Thanks for all the info
    I started watching recently because I love Mayim from BBT & Blossom. I struggle with anxiety. It really helps to hear that so many people have this issue too. I’ve learned so much about mental health. I can’t say enough about this podcast. I actually watch it on YouTube.
  • make me you fool
    Wonderful for people who support genocide
    This podcast is a GREAT resource for any lies or propaganda you may need to justify genocide and explain to your friends what exactly happened to your soul.
  • Yolabby
    I love it more and more
    I’m loving this podcast more and more as it not only focuses on real talk around mental health, but is including spirituality more and more. My trauma therapist heart is thrilled!!
  • alwaysamy4
    Intelligent, inspirational and funny. All the things.
    So happy about another new ep. Had to avoid the Jada episode as I just can’t. Lol 😝 Love you! Awesome pod.
  • Elhat88
    I have always greatly admired you and your wisdom and thoughtfulness. But to hear you accuse students peacefully protesting, of calling for the genocide of Jews…. Is staggering. Either you are failing to fact check the narrative you are being given, or you are blatantly lying. I saw the original video in which you claim what they are chanting is for the genocide of Jews, and quite clearly they are saying what many are saying at rallies… “Israel Israel you can’t hide, we CHaRGE you with genocide.” The conclusion it leads to is that you knowingly falsely represent what is going on, and that disqualifies you from objective truth. I hope, you will someday search again for this, and feel reassured in the knowledge that the only ppl who want harm to anyone , are the ppl who have always wanted that. There is not a sudden increase in that sentiment from rational voices, known and respected for their desire for peace.
  • Ceeps5
    Love the pod. One comment..
    Love the pov of the pod and guests. Mayim is the perfect host and a great listener. I also really like Justine Bateman. I did have a big problem when Mayim asked her about plastic surgery for hooded eyes and the idea of wanting to look good from a place of practicality and non-vanity which Justine rejected. There is so much grey in this debate and there wasn’t room made for it in the conversation. I believe women who are beautiful or who enjoy makeup or skincare etc. can have that pov without it coming from a place of fear. Wanting to look a certain way can be for one’s self and also healthy. Women who enjoy makeup or cosmetic procedures should have a seat at the table with women who find those things unimportant. This is the opposite of the Kardashian’s pov and just as non-relatable. It drives a wedge.
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