COURTSIDE with Neal Katyal

News #36Politics #11

This is the webpage for my new podcast. Each week this summer, I'll talk with a celebrity guest about an important historical Court case, describing its significance and implications.

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Recent Reviews
  • Bmwong2
  • Dmurphy55
    Intelligent and entertaining
    I’m loving this podcast! I learn something from each episode. Have particularly enjoyed the conversations with Heather Cox and Rob Reiner. Please continue, these are great.
  • good food, lousy app
    Finally, the Supreme Court made understandable!
    I’ve listened to you on so many newscasts as a special guest talking about everything going on with the Supreme Court & Trump, & am hooked on your podcast after only hearing a couple of episodes! Thanks for making things much more understandable with fun & entertaining guests! 5 STARS! Looking forward to hearing more! Andy F.
  • Truth 2 All
    So grateful.
    Thanks, Neal.
  • Hoosier1966
    I don’t appreciate your business model.
    How much do you need to make on your podcast? why don’t you get sponsors like everybody else? I finally gave up and actually tried to subscribe, well, I’ll say I wanted to subscribe, and I looked for a place to subscribe, but I couldn’t find it, could I? So Neal, you’re down from a ten to a nine in my book.
  • Rmpasini11
    Don’t think, just listen.
  • djmh1
    Access to this caliber of consolidated legal, historical, political, and social analysis is without parallel. Katyal contributes often as a political analyst to MSNBC’s Deadline Whitehouse, The Last Word, and others. NK analysis (v. celebrity interview) is more informative.) I’ll gladly subscribe to Courtside for expanded content and as a tip of the hat for Katyal’s public service and leadership.
  • koniegirl
    Excellent Podcast
    Have been following for some time. Happy to find this podcast from an experienced professional who knows and lives the fight!
  • jantowen
    i don’t care
    Not interested in celebrity interviews - am incredibly interested in hearing from those who actually know what’s going on and can offer in depth coverage of issues that need clarification. Someone of your stature offering Kardasian content is indeed insulting.
  • kasmo8
    Well Reasoned and Logical
    Neil and his guest break down significant Supreme Court cases so that regular people can understand them.
  • Rugby great
    Neal Katyal is “that child slavery guy”
    Terrible podcast as the host is morally bankrupt. Neal defended Nestle in a case regarding Nestle being sued for child slavery. He also charged $2465/hr to help Johnson and Johnson try to evade liability for its cancer causing baby powder. Also testified in support of Gorsuch’s nomination to SCOTUS
  • grace&pbr
    Term Limits again, this time for the Supreme Court?
    Revolutions are so messy......just like the attempted coup by Trump, Bannon and Company. The Declaration of Independence shows the chosen method during the 1700's to challenge oppressive governments.....hence, the American Revolution from England. But America set up a government so revolutions would not be necessary to restore government of, by, and for the people. It was a democracy based upon voting, ethics, and justice. No lobbying required. In not living up to its requirements, Congress has failed the American people by sideskirting and dumping term limits in all branches to set things right. Why? Restoring government is just as easy as it always was: term limits and voting out lifetime appointments is the only way to reach back short of Revolution. Why not use it? Courtside needs to be dedicated to the principles of inquiry & debate, as promised......replete with innovative solutions.
  • Mayhem Marz
    Great podcast!
    He is so smart and explains everything so we can understand it.
  • Melody -01
    Neal & John
    Thank you for such an interesting episode of Court side. I am impressed by John’s knowledge & involvement in politics. Neal, once again, thank you for educating us. I can’t wait for the next episode!
  • why no Hamilton
    Neal Katyal: national treasure
    Whether he is in an interview or on his own show COURTSIDE, Neal Katyal is brilliant and kind and engaging and an excellent teacher. He doesn’t talk down to any of us. And let’s face it, this man is building up democracy. I love him and I love his ways :-) great podcast.
  • sir stabsalot 11
    Podcast host defended child slavery
    The host of this podcast worked for nestle to get them off the hook for using child slave labor. Do not listen
  • The Second Amendment Musli
    Neal Katyal defended Nestle against a simple question: if Nestle benefits from child slavery in production of its products in other countries, can its victims due Nestle is US court? No one needs to hear thoughts from a man defending the legal merits of child slavery in front of the Supreme Court
  • Bunrab9
    Great Stuff!
    Wow this some good stuff guy’s … Loved it!
  • paj40
    So excited about Neil’s Katyal podcast.
    Intelligent and tune-in discussion on legal issues. Love Neil’s straight forward opinions.
  • Philbin1
    Great podcast laced with law and a smattering of hip hop
    Congratulations on your new podcast. You and Ari make an unbeatable team. I’ve been watching and listening to you on MSNBC for a number of years and learned so much about the law and your perspectives on the various legal entanglements of the former President. I look forward to more of your podcasts.
  • Righteous Lawyer
    Katyal is a charlatan.
    Katyal makes the world worse with his day job. Thirsting after progressive praise while making the law worse for ordinary people is loathsome and the world needs fewer podcasts featuring attention seeking lawyers who’ll never feel the brunt of the impact of things like binding arbitration or unshakable ERISA liens.
  • SandyJCFL
    Listened to Episode 1 - 2023 with Ari Melber
    Loved it, thanks for the episode. Ari was very interesting. Sandy
  • SingingRaccoon
    If Neal can carry off the same level of interaction and intelligent conversation he and Ari packed into episode one, this podcast series will be a hit for anyone interested in how the law and American judicial system affects our democracy.
  • pematlanta
    Love Courtside
    Neal makes complex issues understandable to the everyday American. Combined with Ari WOW 2 of my favs! Keep up the good work!
  • rwpsb
    Thank you Neal!
  • veer the king
    Witty, informative, funny! A+++
    Such a joy to learn and laugh at the same time! Neal makes complex legal things easier to understand. I can’t get enough of it!
  • Burdyblue
    Very educational & Intetesting
    Great way to understand how our system works. Thank you.
  • long time expat
    Respectfully you’re the best lawyer in the world
    Glad you’re unzipping it! Can’t wait
  • Eviews
    Love this guy
    Come on Neal, give us some new episodes!
  • MrSchjipps
    I listened to 9 of these and really loved them all. Neil doesn’t wanna edit out coughs or sneezes; dude is way too busy. Thanks Neil:)
  • Just 1 Human
    Perfect pod
    Concise, informative and often funny. I appreciate the short n sweet no-fluff approach very much. I hope Neil keeps his pods distilled to the essentials— it’s refreshing.
  • MarieEOB
    Now and even better
    I knew of Neil Katyal from his interviews on CNN, MSNBC and found I learned so much. With these court sides they have always been call me in a time when anxieties are high. I called my husband over to watch a couple of court side and he was thrilled and really appreciate it Neil‘s perspective his expertise and the good cheer that he shared.
  • Sophie Majeski
    Wonderful podcast
    Much needed, what a wonderful storyteller and commentator you are. No wonder you're so effective in court!! Thank you, Neal!
  • Nyer at heart
    A breath of fresh air!
    Neal’s podcasts are interesting, insightful, and easy to grasp. He breaks down the law and sheds a light on what’s trending. I love it!
  • Mrs. Shrub
    Oh Neal
    Oh Neal, you saved my sanity after the election. Thank you!
  • JudyECFL
    Thank you Neal Katyal for guiding us through these tumultuous and confusing times. Your clear vision and humor, knowledge of law and justice, and your humanity and generosity are all welcome contributions to our collective wellbeing.
  • Bobby_Goren
    Love the show
    Great program. My only criticism is it’s too short.
  • NoBSthx
    Just wonderful
    Love the details and explanations
  • joyce Sue
    Welcome Neal
    Neal has a wonderful way to explain the current Trump situation and making it totally understandable especially to us non-lawyers. Simple and brief(thank you), all you need to know is precise and articulate. Glad to have you on this platform. The best part is that it is in real time. Podcasts often get recorded a couple of days in advance. When they get to you they are old news. This is up to the minute. 😀
  • heypegasus
    Concise, clear & fun
    Katyal’s daily updates on the current legal shenanigans of our President are a great way to follow what’s really happening. He’s not just a renowned legal scholar, he’s a great communicator —always direct, thoughtful, and amusing.
  • green418
    A must listen from a true expert.
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