Dan Murrell Podcast


Movie reviews and box office analysis. Subscribe to 'Dan Murrell Podcast' on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, or Audible, with more podcast platforms coming soon.

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  • DiDivaCor
    On Point with Megalopolis Review
    Thank you for the Stephon reference that came along with the review. Chef Kiss on that one. Could not have said it better myself on the big convoluted mess that this movie truly is.
  • RammsteinFan96
    Just one issue…
    I just listened to latest issue of “charts” and I heard the same T-Mobil ad 5 times. I get that ads generate revenue, but 5 times in a 40 minute episode? Plus the ad is just annoying 😂😂
  • vednam
    Great show, poor volume balance
    Whoever mixes this show, please balance out the sound level between the show and the ads. Ads are significantly louder than Dan, which can make for an uncomfortable listening experience, particularly when listening with ear buds.
  • Chatfield_11
    A Must-Subscribe For Movie and Streaming Info
    I have followed Dan (virtually) since he was on Screen Junkies. I have always loved his analytical mindset, as well as his passion for movies, which is matched by his knowledge of movies. He really strives to give accurate information, based on credible resources, and his presentation makes it easier to digest for someone who is not as familiar with the box office inner-workings. This is my consistent weekly listen, and I would always recommend to someone who wants to know what’s going at the box office and on the streaming services.
  • nosuchperson
    Dan is a true lover of movies and film. He reviews with insight, empathy, and passion. Most appreciated of all, he tries to keep an open mind every time, a rare and wonderful thing in a time when many people seem to make up their minds about a movie or show months before it even comes out. I also love the weekly box office show, which has me following movie stats the way some people follow sports. If you love movies, check this show out!
  • Gnathand
    Amazing! Super Insightful!
    Very insightful, only thing is, he over promises and under delivers. Don’t tell us your plans and not follow thru. Maybe hire a person to help on the back end of things?? Other than that, very good reviews about movies, but mainly the charts are really fascinating to look at the business behind the movie. He doesn’t bend to the catchy trends of other people to get views and stuff. Highly recommend for the movie purist
  • Mermanc
    Great Podcast
    You can tell Dan is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about films and the art of cinema! I always learn new things about the industry from him and the charts podcast he does is great to learn everything about the world of film from the past, present and future! I like he shout outs independent theaters as well!! Dan check out the Hawthorne Theater in Hawthorne NJ! Independent theater that is from the 50’s!! It also has an independent film festivals and shows classic films for free or discounted prices!! Keep up the good work!
  • JJorges
    Great analysts
    Dan is some o follow since Screen Junkies, his analysis is excellent. However, I decided to stop listening to the reviews until I watch the movie. He gives too many plot details and while I don’t feel he spoils movies, I don’t want to know that much. Dan please let us know if this changes, I know a couple of people who feel the same way.
  • SpenOG
    So Worth Your Time
    Dan is phenomenal in his analysis and opinions! He takes his time to ensure what he presents is fair and logical. And if you want a deep dive into particular fandoms, no one has deeper knowledge about so many IPs! I listen/watch every video no questions asked.
  • Melodrat
    One of my favorite film thinkers
    A good transition/addition to his YouTube channel. The podcast version is best for reviews and a good companion for Charts if you’re on the go. However: Someone once said if you have a good friend, you can create a good podcast. And in podcast form, The episode with Joe and Spencer really shines.
  • Msjegli
    Well spoken and informative. Some shows may not be for you, but it is nice to see someone doing his passion.
  • patreonappsucks
    No personality Dan
    I can’t listen to this guy for a min. Just vanilla.
  • Savethediatom
    He’s one of my top go-to reviewers
    I always seek out Dan Murrell’s YouTube reviews for movies and Charts with Dan. I’m so happy that he now has a podcast that i can listen to in my car or at work instead of opening YouTube to listen. Dan is very clear and concise with his reviews and his knowledge of films and the film industry is almost uncanny to many of the other reviewers in YouTube. I often agree with his reviews and even when I don’t agree, I can understand and respect why he doesn’t like certain aspects of a film. If you are just discovered Dan through the podcast, I highly recommend looking him up on YouTube. I have watched his reviews for many years now and have so much more understanding of the film industry because of him. I consider myself a huge movie buff and watch for things in movies that the average movie viewer don’t pay attention to… but he does. I love talking about a great film in all capacity but it’s hard for me since many others around me are so much into as me. Dan’s reviews are that “other person to talk to” for me, even if it’s me just nodding my head in agreement as I watch the video.
  • Honesty McGee
    All Hail The Champ!
    Dan Murrell has been a big influence in the YouTube/movie critic game for years. He’s a great writer and he knows his movies facts. It’s great to hear his takes on movies and the film making process because of his enthusiasm and passion. I never liked Jaws because of how dated it seemed but after listening to his breakdown of the movie I gave it a second chance… I still don’t love it but listening to his breakdown helped me appreciate the craft and what effort and sacrifice went into it. I wouldn’t approach him with a hug if I’d seen him if only because that’s weird and disrespectful of his privacy and personal space but he has my respect for honesty in where he comes from his opinions and ability to disseminate them from the facts and an objective point of view. #TheDungeon #MTSAllTimeChamp Look up the Movie Trivia Schmoedown
  • Mcyewfly
    Great reviews
    Dan is the real deal.
  • Hassanfardoun
    Great Film and TV critic!
    I’ve been a big fan of Dan for several years now, and enjoy his concise, fun, and informative reviews that are honest and helpful in giving me a thoughtful perspective on media I love!
  • MightyTikis
    Dan provides amazing analysis and insight to cinema; I’ve been a long time fan and encourage you to subscribe here and to the YouTube channel. Keep up the great work Dan!
  • MariaMontez54
    Nobody does it better!
    Dan is an amazingly talented and smart young man who is so knowledgeable about movies it’s frightening. He has a great podcast here and everything I want to know from reviews to box office charts are covered completely. Definitely recommend this podcast!
  • tubulartommy643
    Great pod, need more
    This guy gets it
  • H.patel257468853
    One of the BEST movie related people out there
    Fantastic movie reviews. He is very insightful, and I enjoy listening to his takes on movies and discussions. His movie knowledge goes beyond just the movie and goes into the film industry as a whole some times. Again, really interesting stuff. His enthusiasm for movies radiates through. This podcast in particular is a very convinent way to get his thoughts on movies, movie reviews, but other types of episodes are coming soon, like box office charts and analysis. I can't say enough good things about this person. Also on youtube, and basically everything he touches is fun, entertaining, and informitive.
  • Jlemenu
    Great listen!
    Dan is super knowledgeable and knows to to connect with his listeners. He ties in research, personal experiences, and humor to keep folks engaged. Can’t wait to hear more episodes to come.
  • codybk
    One of the most insightful movie reviewers out there
    Dan… man, what can I say about Dan Murrell? Well, thanks to Dan, and Red Letter Media (different review team), I’ve learned how much depth and craft that one can truly appreciate in the art of film making. If you’re interested in the world of Box Office charting, or deep dives into new and older movies, then let Dan Murrell teach you some things which will give you a new, worldly appreciation for the movie industry.
  • Admill14
    The best!
    Dan is the greatest movie reviewer in the game. We are not taking any other opinions at this time. Thank you so much!
  • Rev on wheels
    Thank you for this
    I love your stuff, and I have been waiting for you to make a Comprehensive podcast feed. Much easier for me to listen rather than to always watch YouTube can’t wait to get started. Thanks again
  • Zebra Green
    Bless your ears with this Podcast Version
    Huzzah! Excited to experience all the knowledge, the opinions, and the research in podcast form. The quality has always been extraordinary in video and now we can enjoy it again via podcast on the go! While I drive, while I bike or hike, or paint, or if my phone battery is getting low or if the wifi is just too slow? Ya know! Thanks Dan for expanding our opportunities for enlightenment and fun as we tag along on your excellent adventure.
  • Carmen San Diego Zoo
    Finally on Audio
    I’m more a podcast listener than YouTube viewer, so I’m glad to finally see this available on audio.
  • Nolan Fan 3000
    I’ve been following Dan for several years and he seems like a genuinely good guy with a good take on movies.
  • esteban831
    One of the best
    Dan just ooozes with passion and insight on film. So excited he has a podcast, and will pair well with my travel and workouts. Completely recommend. Good to have you back!!!! -Esteban
  • teiebe
    Dan’s been one of my favorite film critics ever since the ol’ SJ days. Knowledgable, entertaining and delivers his review and critiques from a respectful place. So excited to have more audio content for the commute!
  • Conorrrrrrrrrr
    Dan the Man!
    Been watching Dan for years now, and I love the honest and passionate way he approaches his film reviews. Whether you’re looking for a new film friend, looking to learn, or just hear a different opinion; Dan is the man for you!
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