The Great America Show with Lou Dobbs

News #184Politics #67

A podcast for all lovers of America

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  • JasonNewYork
    All I hear is dentures and wheezing …
    And old outdated ideas from a man like Trump who dyes his hair and paints his face. DOBBS sounds unwell 👍🏼… I’m counting the days ⚰️ 🪦
  • Small Time Dude
    The Obama Ventriloquist Team Defeat! (Poem)
    The Presidential debate, providing strong evidence, it seems, Of the continued failure, of the Obama Ventriloquist Puppet Team! Respecting their choice of a new puppet, chances lean! 3 1/2 years of their work, NO MORE, the public screams! A new Trump team, to reverse trends, using appropriate means! Common sense, and action, returns to the American Dream!😎
  • Cathie z
    Great show
    Thanks for bringing Mike Benz to the show. He is an amazing source of information on corruption and nefarious deeds in our country. Really enjoyed todays show.
  • groovy squirrel
    Buffoon, liar, sedition-monger…
    …but not a journalist.
  • NotSoHappyCamperII
    5 thumbs up
    O. M. GOSH. Thank you Lou!!! … Mike Benz is a ROCK STAR when it comes to dissecting the BLOB. I actually knew about Barr, Bush Sr and obastard’s mommy’s connections to the CIA … BUT all the others …. DESPICABLE.
  • rekset
    Great show
    Another great show Sir! Thanks you for keeping me abreast of the political landscape .
  • Play4golf
    What’s with all the ads .. you have fallen
    Longer form format .. I thought you would never take ads … do better
  • Living in the Country
    Why do you interrupt your guests so much? They frequently try to make important points and you interrupt to hear your own voice. Let your excellent guests speak!
  • Wingate44
    Lou, Please Start talking about the powers of the State Constitutions, all of our of powers are in them! Our Republic, Our Forefathers put the Trump Cards in the People, in the States.
  • abcxxzruler1
    Lou is a true patriot
    I’ve been listening to Lou for years, He is his honest and loves our country. Calls out both sides. And he is not afraid to disagree with people he has on his show. Thank you Lou for calling out politicians when they are dishonest. We should expect our leaders to represent the American people. Not special interests and making themselves wealthy at the expense of the people they are supposed to represent. Thanks you Lou and keep up the great work. Best, Robert Youngren
  • disapointedincolorado
    No compromise
    Bringing it with a back bone of steel. Great job Lou
  • rickdoss
    Please end the mid day update
    Good podcast. But the midday update is a waste.
  • cmck56
    Mike Benz interview
    Excellent recap of Benz and his foundation’s work!
  • fnfjrigg
    Hiding the truth
    WHy are you not covering the election lies you and your colleagues do not really believe.
  • 2bRoger
    Lou Dobbs is the best!
    The fools running Fox News and Fox business networks can never be forgiven for ending Lou Dobbs tonight.
  • ZzZz2Bb
    Teddy Bear
    Love you! Love you honestly!!!
  • p0pprypr
    Talking Heads All
    He has great guests, none of which have done anything but talk. Dobbs has become nothing more than a right wing Pravda podcast with nothing but empty platitudes. He’s been a good filler but he’s become frustrating to even listen to. I’m unfollowing & regrettably #DoneWithDobbs
  • alvie 10
    groovy squirrel GOOD Name for the idiot
    That posted on Wednesday .. Lue Thanks ! Good Show 🔔
  • DocSlipperySedate
    Lou - Great As Always
    Thanks for the great work. I’ve been watching Lou since early 90’s.
  • LizWalker098
    LOVE Mr.Dobbs!!! Always a Great American Show!!
  • Deesgarten
    God Bless Lou!
    Since Rush’s passing, I needed someone to turn to that had a clear voice and questioned the mainstream ideology. Lou was who I looked to for insight & guidance, what I was missing since Rush. I try not to miss the podcast, so grateful for Lou Dobbs.
  • poopoosanicknick
    Intelligent & honest
    Great guests, informative without unnecessary drama… Lou is a timeless generational bridge
  • hadbettertoday
    Great show.
    Great show
  • kelly; west texas baby
    Lou was clowned
    Any man who believes closing your eyes to an open bible with a guided finger onto a random scripture is a man who believes in whimsy. Women who believe innwhimsy are women who hope for a Disney prince. What happens when you’re at a concert and paraded out with bloody jeans. There is no random finger to guide her.
  • Associate Editor
    Good insightful podcast but too many reruns.
    Why reruns? People can always go back and listen to the original.
  • jaaaacccckkkkk
    180 degree Trump
    You won’t listen to his own words. Trump bad and no good.
  • >:-(!
    9-22-23 show
    I’m okay with the House vacating McCarthy to stop funding the govt just before the deadline. That’d defund the govt.
  • DontCallMeSugar
    Lou is BACK!
    I’ve been watching him since his Moneyline days on CNN. He’s been battling for blue collar America first policies as long as I can remember. Pick up his book ‘War on the Middle Class’. It is very relevant to every generation that reads it. Welcome back, Lou!
  • AskUncleDavecom
    Lou effective
    Still greatest patriots
  • Scirocco Chameleon
    Kevin Brock
    The worst guest ever. Can you give him a six pack of Red Bull next time.! This is the energy level problem we have with getting anything fixed. They can barely talk about it let alone do anything. The audio on your call in guests is often times horrendous and unlistenable.
  • ToddyMead
    Gordon Chang
    Brilliant and TERRIFYING
  • Conserve It 22
    You Get The Truth Here
    I start my day listening to Lou’s podcast. You get straight truth and no sugar coating about it. Lou literally says what is always on my mind, but says it better than I do. God bless Lou Dobbs and thank you great sir for all that you do to try to save this falling Republic. Trump won, Biden stole it.
  • SthnCaRN
    Dobbs Still Has It
    Mr Dobbs has a knack for presenting the cutting-edge news that we need to hear with brilliant commentary laced with Dobbs straight forward speak and humorous sarcasm. I was thrilled to find his podcast. He is my all time favorite political commentator. John Solomon knew just the man the people need to hear from. Thank you.
  • ReeStorey
    Mid day update is useful & just enough
    Thanks for the mid day update… gives you a quick scope of the hot item news !
  • Ray from Ak to Az
    Trump gave us McCarthy
    Just saying Trump backed McCarthy for Speaker. Just like he appointed Wray, Milley and the shutdown /vax.
  • podder74
    Strong conservative voice
    Always enjoy listening to Lou’s perspective on breaking news.
  • obamasaremarxists
    Bill O’Reilly
    Listen you blowhard. You are wrong. Patriots will never be quiet about the 2020 election. We saw the cheating, lying and cover up. So most people do not agree with you. And just an fyi, I haven’t listened to you since you left Fox in disgrace!!! Lou, I love you!!
  • leongelico
    Conservative voice
    Lou this is great to hear your voice in Podcast!
  • Nwdarrin
    Dominion Owned
    What happened to your show Lou? Oh yeah you lost it cuz you told too many lies about the election. 🙄 what a shame it couldn’t happen sooner
  • cotoolerubeo
    Fox’s Loss
    So good to hear you and your common sense!!
  • TheSilentMajority1958
    Great Podcast!!
    Great guests, great content and a great show!!!!
  • aurum2013
    Been listening since the beginning
    Lou, You’re great and your message is clear and what most Americans are thinking. I’d recommend using the phrase “Leninist” vs “Marxist”. The antisemitic Marx theorized the revolution would evolve peacefully while Lenin wanted a violent revolution.
  • hj#h
    sad :/
    clearly this man is just sad because he’s outgrown his usefulness to and in society. go knit or raise some grandchildren and don’t terrorize people with this ear-murder please! thxxx
  • thank you for this game🖤🖤🖤
    Honest, Truth
    Lou Cobbs was the only news host on Foxnews that spoke about the stolen election of 2020. He was fired for his honesty. This man is an old school truth teller. He abides by the old school truths of being a journalist. Unbiased news, with honest truth. He is also a firm believer in the USA. He is courageous, and honest, and wants nothing more than for the USA to succeed, even if it means he tells the truth about a corrupt government, and the falll of the United States.
  • OliverWiswell
    Bravo, Mr. Dobbs
    A national treasure, gentlemen and scholar.
  • Crusher Mike
    Lou Dobbs is Great, however he would rather hear himself speak over his guests. That is not being a good host. There is a time to listen and a time to speak…
  • chrissyfigjam
    The Best Podcast. Period.
    Lou, You had the best show on TV. You are a real patriot who has long reported the assaults on the Republic while never bowing to the media or political mob. Apparently, Fox could no longer tolerate a patriot of your conviction and intellect any longer. One of things I especially appreciated about your TV show was it didn’t have any of the usual left wing dolts taking up space and spewing nonsense. Now you have the best, most succinct Podcast in my opinion. Keep up the good fight and god bless you for sharing yourself with the people.
  • Balladman1
    Jim Jordan
    Jim Jordan is like Lindsey Graham. Getting to the bottom of nothing! Who cares if the investigate if there are no charges!!! Ever!!!
  • Sunda Lovett
    God Bless You
    God took you away from FOX for such a time as this!! I was excited to see you are doing independent podcasts. Thank you for your courage to spread the truth! I stopped watching FOX when you left
  • Thekatman-GK
    Lou. You're not asking the right qestions.
    What can the 118th House do to stop funding this CF of a travesty bill once they are down in? Can they just not fund anything? Can they write up a counter set of bills to nullify the pork spending and wasteful un-American bills? The GOP House can't be castrated like this....
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