Jack Hibbs Podcast


Jack Hibbs fearlessly tackles modern issues and false doctrines through his bold preaching and insightful podcast. Founder of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and host of Real Life, he challenges, encourages, and equips you to deepen your relationship with Christ and impact the world. Dive deeper at https://jackhibbs.com and get text updates by visiting: https://text.whisp.io/jack-hibbs-podcast




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Recent Reviews
  • ViktorGee
    Great Show. 🇺🇸
    Love Your podcasts Pastor Jack. Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Praying for America!!! Praying for Pres Trump! If You have any room on Your prayer list, Please pray for my XWife, Joy Lynn and two Daughters., Sunny Glynn and Zoee Lynn. They need Jesus!! I failed during our marriage to show Him!! 😔Praying for California and NC!! Victor Crockett. (Retired USARMY (Abn))(Retired Postal Worker) (Lake Alfred, Fl). 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ps. Could You also pray for me, I need to follow Jesus more 😔Thank You. Thank You!!🙏 ps. Have You thought about “Intelligent Design “? Would love to hear Your views!💔
  • shera64
    Always pointing to The Bible.
  • 开心豆123
    Great sermons
  • SharBear1961
    Solid Biblical Teaching
    Pastor Jack is a gifted, biblical teacher. You will learn solid, foundational truths when you listen to his podcast.
  • trbridge
    Sound Doctrine
    If you are looking for sound doctrine and learning about the days we are living in, Pastor Jack is the man to listen to! Thank you Pastor Jack for helping us all learn and grow our faith and love in God!
  • @John17
    Heart of God
    A good podcast to understand biblical concept. Love it stay true.
  • dashingdillon
    Thankful to have the teaching and biblical guidance from Pastor Hibbs in times such as these 🤍☝🏼 #oneway #Jesus
  • Jamie Thull
    Loved hearing the truth about pretending bishops it’s so unbelievably unbiblical to give her that title. Keep speaking the truth. Even if trump would go easy on this “bishop” I am not sure God will.
  • E. Kinneen
    This pastor is faithfully sharing the Word of God no matter what happens. He is one I keep coming back to and listening to his messages over and over. He is an American history expert and he speaks on current events and how we as Christians should respond.
  • Stephanie_12453
    Love Pastor Jack
    I listen everyday to him, I can’t wait to hear his preaching. What an amazing pastor he is! I am a sponge soaking in every message I hear. God bless Pastor Jack
    Always blessed by the messages.
  • W.J.Mc
    You don’t want to miss hearing this guy! His Biblical messages are powerfully bold, truthful and loving! Pastor Jack Hibbs
  • c m r v
    Truth about GOD’s Church
    Pastor Jack addressed the topic about “Am I in the right church?” with such simplicity and wisdom. He left no room for any doubts. May our LORD and CREATOR, our Heavenly FATHER keep blessing this podcast, this church.
  • Shawn Mahone
    Mahalo from Hawai’i!
    thank you pastor Jack! Love the Podcast! Preach preacher!
  • StephLyBez
    For Gods Glory!
    Lord Jesus, thank you for Pastor Jack. Thank you for instilling him with the fire of the Holy Spirit. May you please keep using him and putting him situations to be an encouraging example to the way of Christ! In Jesus Name! You will hear truth in this podcast prepare your hearts! And let the Lord and His word bring you to salvation.
  • Sherry in Kansas
    Undeluded biblical truth taught without apology
    Pastor Jack teaches with such wisdom and boldness!
  • JMJ2Cor5:7
    Four years ago, God introduced us to this ministry. The amount of knowledge I have gained from Jack Hibbs is priceless. I learn something new each time I listen. He steps on my toes sometimes and I praise God!!! Keep doing God’s will Pastor Hibbs. You’re reaching people all across the country!
  • Cf6864488
    Great Christian podcast
    Great topics and great theology
  • BamaBratt
    LOVE the show!!
    You never fail to spiritually step on my toes, which is a good thing!! You tell the truth straight from the Bible. So rare today unfortunately. You link current times with biblical times to make them relevant today. Thank you for staying faithful!!!
  • Beebe P8
    I love listening to Bro. Hibbs!! I have learned so much!!!!
  • Jozlyn Bennion
    I love jack hibbs❤️
    I love all his pod cast they make me fall asleep so fast thank you jack hibbs❤️❤️❤️
  • CarbombMom
    So appreciate your Bible-based wisdom!
    My absolute favorite podcast. Thank you for NEVER cutting corners on what God’s word says. You are a blessing to so many!
  • JessStof0712
    What a relief!
    What a relief to hear a pastor talk about politics and where the Bible stands on politics.
  • Jen, NJ
    You are quite literally my favorite Pastor next to my home Pastor. I have been learning from you for over a decade. I pray for peace in Israel as the Bible commands and I would not dare cause harm to Israel. Pastor Jack, I don’t think God approves of the slaughter and genocide of innocent human beings. Israel stopped “defending” itself about 11 months ago. Israel gets a pass on terror and genocide because it’s ISRAEL? Why are you cheering on this slaughter Pastor Jack?
  • Diane Jr
    Truthful teacher of the word.
  • GodsLittleLambs
    Pastor Jack is a Gody Teacher
    He teaches straight from the Bible and my soul resonates and acknowledges Gods truths when he teaches Gods Word.
  • 51Skadoo
    So Thankful
    Always so thankful for Pastor Jack and his desire to help others to have a stronger relationship with Jesus.
  • 2much Caffeine
    Pastor Jack speaks truth - Biblical truth not relativistic “truth”…appreciate his teaching and delivery and always learning something new.
  • CColleen64
    Pastor Jack is a wonderful blessing to the body of Christ ♥️
    To Glory of God, pastor Jack has helped me build on my relationship with the Lord leaving me after every sermon with spiritual strength , knowledge and peace🕊Jack is definitely called to share truth about what’s really going on….I thank Pastor Jack from the bottom of my heart for being so dedicated to speaking the truth with love and devotion and I pray he will continue to bless many many more pointing lost souls toJesus Christ our Lord and savior ♥️
  • Janet from Dallas!
    Each day
    Look forward ALWAYS to your incredible God given teaching style!!!! So bold for Christ and it helps me to be that way!!! Surrender always.
  • boogabooga
    Talk on voting
    I absolutely love that you talk about voting and the importance of it! Thank you for ALL your sermons as they ha definitely helped me understand some of God’s word that i didn’t quite understand. Keep up the good work and I’ll pray for the Lord’s favor in your and your family’s life as well as the people of the church.
  • davee816
    You need this!
    We all need to hear everything said here! Our very lives depend on the things shared by this podcast. All Glory to Jesus Christ the only Savior and King of kings!
  • Twiggs County Follower
    Love Pastor Jack Hibbs. Always blessed and left with the desire to seek a greater relationship with God after listening to him. Please open your own Bible and read it. Thank you.
  • Good Dog Rusty
    Always excellent
    Every podcast brings a new insight, challenges me in someway or provides wisdom and support in an area I’m struggling with. Pastor Jack Hibbs is a gift to Christians everywhere who listen to him.
  • activearkie
    Lifts me up!
    I enjoy this podcast so much! Thank you Pastor Jack and team!
  • RadleyGL
    God using Jack to speak of hope
    I switched churches during pandemic, and I'm so thankful that I did. Jack will not say it's his church, but God's. This church has doubled since covid, all come from many denominations, and won't return to their former churches. We've been in the books of Romans and Hebrews since early 2021, learning verse by verse. His teaching is at a different level, spiritually speaking. If you're willing to surrender your life to Christ, you'll never regret it.
  • dmadchatr
    Pastor Hibbs is the reason I rededicated my life to Christ last December - tho I feel God led the way! Truth is powerful - and he speaks it, is rooted in the Word, knowledgeable about history and origins and encourages every Christian to live out their faith. I am eternally grateful to have found his teachings!
  • Anna Schrock
    Our hope is in the LORD YESHUA (not kings or presidents…)
  • It’s me Alisa
    It’s difficult to hear the reality of what is happening in our world. Pastor Jack enlighten us each day and us on what is happening in the world and how it connects in the Bible. It’s not always uplifting, but it is reality and I appreciate a better insight to what is happening in the world and us as humans.
  • stopprop1
    Always informative and encouraging. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And peace to Israel
    Jack Hibbs doesn’t compromise the truth
    It’s refreshing to hear the truth of the word of God. Pastor Jack unpacks the truth of the Bible.
  • ArtnRae
    Jack is a treasure
    I love listening to Jack Hibbs. He is encouraging and knowledgeable.
  • ls935
    One of the best
    I listen to a wide variety of Christian podcasts, but I find this one to be the most educational and equipping of all.
  • miller, S
    In a lot of areas Jack is very bold and strong. When comes to salvation, he is often confusing and convoluted. How can you believe and not have faith when they are simultaneous terms. He takes away assurance with his confusing views on some passages.
    Pastor Jack speaks to what is true. Test what he says against scripture.
  • DetroitDog
    Really enjoyed your discussion with Erick Stakelbeck. I listen to you often and praise God for your faithfulness during these amazing times. I will say these 2 things: 1) Christians who actively work to save our nation are not as misguided as you seem to think when it comes to Donald J. Trump. Working hard to get a man elected who most aligns with your Christian values is hardly setting him up as some sort of annointed or appointed savior. 2) Surprised to see how quick you were to question the sincerity of Mr. Trump’s faith because he does not use terms to define his faith that pass your litmus test. I will take him at his word when it comes to his faith. I will agree with you in prayer that his relationship with Christ deepens and I make this my prayer for my own life as well. May God bless and protect you brother!
  • APTOWN926
    Best way to start your morning
    Love getting in the word in the morning with this straight forward current podcast. Thank you pastor Jack and CCCH
  • Sak9127
    I love listening to Pastor Hibbs. He's definitely following the Bible and willing to tackle books, chapters and verses that others aren't. He keeps me grounded. My health is failing, and I'd love nothing more than to go home to the Lord. In the meantime, Pastor Hibbs keeps my mind focused on what really matters. I know I'm saved. I only wish I could bring others to Jesus. I have enough testimonies to move mountains. Maybe others hear me, but no one has confirmed that. Given the times we are in, and the uncertainty of how long I'll be here, I have been on a mission to share.
  • seanchans
    Thank you!
    Pastor Jack, the LORD JESUS CHRIST bless you and keep you!!
  • JennaY46
    A man after God’s own heart
    He is a man after God’s heart and a faithful teacher of God’s word. We need more bold men of faith like him.
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