Docs Who Lift

Medicine #50

Drs. Spencer and Karl Nadolsky talk about nutrition, medicine, and fitness through the lens of two physicians who lift weights. Both doctors are former NCAA division 1 wrestlers who have gone into medicine. Dr. Spencer Nadolsky is a board certified family physician specialized in obesity medicine and lipidology. Dr. Karl Nadolsky is a board certified endocrinologist also specialized in obesity medicine.

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Recent Reviews
  • kenpoengineer
    Doctor is God Derangement Complex
    These two doctors are misinformed, spread Broscience and are extremely arrogant with their Doctor is God syndrome.
  • Mert erogul
    Well done
    I’m a doctor who treats patients with obesity and I appreciate this informative podcast and especially how much fun these two brothers have doing it. I wish I could have a podcast with my brother. It’s particularly hilarious how regretful they are about being so morally scrupulous for not getting any money from pharma.
  • adinasim
    Great information
    So refreshing to hear an informative podcast from actually practicing clinicians! As an NP working in weight management I love this podcast.
  • MsNellaWafer
    Good content, yucky audio and mannerisms
    I have learned a lot and I love that. I especially like the episodes about the scaremongering regarding muscle loss with GLP-1s. That’s such valuable information! But it’s hard to stick with the podcast because of all the bad audio, and quirky mannerisms like way they talk over each other and say “my brother” this and that instead of just using each other’s names. And I hear so much fidgeting—is someone doodling with a pencil by the microphone? Repeatedly dropping a small, soft nerf ball? What are all those sounds? Please get someone to coach you in how to have a better audio experience—you will reach more listeners if it’s easier on the ears! Adding 2/27/24–ugh, the episode title “Bustin’ Hyman Myths” just absolutely makes me want to barf and unfollow. I will probably listen anyway because it’s about glp-1s and I also dislike Dr. Hyman, but that title is just so gross and bro-noxious. Ick, ick, ick, a thousand icks. Why on earth did you think that was a funny joke? It’s not. It’s just grosssss and rude and insensitive and clueless.
  • mhessacp
    Great evidence based information!
    I am a big “fan” of Dr. Spencer. I almost hate to call it that because I hate celebrity, but if I am going to support someone why not a truth telling clinician. Dr. Karl, enjoy your Big Pharma lunches. I think the minuscule freebies often benefit staff more than providers depending on how the provider approaches it. If people don’t understand that providers can’t be compensated for prescribing medications, the AMA or some other professional organization should get ahead of that. The ABA needs to do similar things for attorneys. I do hate that the publice understands so little. I think they don’t want to. PubMed is available to anyone, and that could be good or bad. However, Gil Carvallo (loved Dr. Spencer’s episode) has a great deal of information on the basics of understanding metaanalysis. Keep up the good work!
  • tbird9e
    Truth telling bros!
    Hey, I purchased your Leaner Living protein years ago and can attest it really was terrific! Thanks for sharing the backstory. Look forward to your podcasts. You guys are the best! Teresa
  • Kelly RPh, MHA
    Clinically stimulating but could be even better!
    Dr. Spencer has a calm presence - Dr. Karl constantly interrupts his bro like he's so much smarter. This stresses me out and while Dr. Karl knows his stuff, it's hard to learn thru the stress of it. I have been a pharmacist for 30 years, I own my own company as a PBM expert and pharmacy benefits consultant,, and I am a lifelong learner. I listen to the podcast while i lift and do cardio. Please continue to have educated guests, please keep the content coming (especially interested in this GLP1 mess right now), and please Dr. Karl raise your hand before you speak. I have a very large professional network and am speaking at a conference about obesity and GLP1s in Feb 2024. I have your podcast on my slide. Make me proud.
  • Dave_in_Denver1
    Vanity project
    The show seems likes a vanity project for the brother doctors. It’s disorganized, they speak over each other, each episode has a title but no coherent message. Also why is it called “Docs Who Lift?” I’ve not heard them speak about lifting ever. Are they just trying to show off that they have good physiques? On a podcast ? I’m not sure who they think their audience is but as a patient I have a hard time following it. Maybe other doctors would find it appealing? Too bad because I’m a male with hypothyroidism and would have liked to learn more since one of the bros also has it. Unsubscribe
  • Erikindenver
    Sometimes great…usually mediocre
    Topics are interesting however quality of recording often very poor with a lot of background noise. Karl also interrupts frequently and doesn’t seem to be listening rather than waiting for an opportunity to speak. Also how many fart jokes or muscles in utero comments do we need.
  • ImpossibleBTC
    Changed my life
    I found this podcast in late 2022 before GLP-1 medications became mainstream. The information they shared lead me to discussing treatment with my doctor and a year later I’m down 60lbs and no longer obese. I love listening to TDWL podcast to keep up with the latest health and medicine news.
  • Dr Alo
    Fantastic podcast and super educational physicians with actual real data and real science. Very evidence based! No nonsense!
  • \Debbie204
    Love this evidenced based podcast
  • sonana82
    Nice episode on Zepbound !
  • Audioseeker
    Horrible audio!
    Criteria for audio rating: Sonorous, loud, full and rich, projection of voice, crisp & clear. Does the audio quality of the guest on show (if any) also meet this criteria? 5 of 5 meets all criteria. If listener has to strain to hear speaker, 0 out of 5. If guest’s audio is not at least on par with host’s, gets a 0 out of 5. I also consider how effectively speaker makes use of time; i.e., long pauses, lots of uums and uuhs, deviation from point, fluff or superfluous info, and general elocution. About 99% emphasis on audio quality. I use podcast Money Matters with Ken Moraif as 100% standard of AUDIO SOUND QUALITY ONLY, that gets 5 out of 5 rating. Criteria for content: how is this info unique and different from what I can glean from a google search? What advantage can I gain that I can’t from google search? If info is unique & helps elucidate complex and esoteric ideas, gets 5 out of 5. If info is stuff that can be pretty much read off google searches, gets 0 out of 5. I place 1% emphasis on content (good info is useless if can’t be heard or understood). Audio for this podcast is 0/5. Have to really strain to hear anything. Need to put phone close to ears like Olsen days transistor radio. Also quality sounds like bad radio reception. These people obviously don’t care for their listeners. Guest’s audio was even worse! Content rating: 0 out of 5. I didn’t even bother listening beyond first 10 mins or guest introduction. No point since can’t hear anything. In general: I wouldn’t waste my time on this podcast.
  • fiona_young
    Honest and real
    I love how comfortable these guys are with each other and how real they are. It’s so fun to learn something and also feel like you’re getting to peek into people being themselves. I respect their opinions since they aren’t accepting money from pharmaceutical companies so I hope they continue to be unbiased sources! As a dietitian I really appreciate the information in these episodes!
  • Tuytviyygiyyuyjutyh
    Always entertaining
    I find this podcast to be super informational and interesting. I’m not a medical professional but I learn a lot every episode. Great content.
  • dragonfly876
    Uninformed on the business of healthcare
    I listened to their episode about how it’s difficult to get GLP-1 inhibitors covered by insurance, and it just really showed how poorly informed they are on the business of healthcare. They complain about the insurance companies, the PBMs, and the pharma companies without really understanding them. Like they literally didn’t know what a PBM was. If you spend any time in pharma, you would know these drugs can’t just be given away for $100 a pop. The fact is that the US subsidizes healthcare for the rest of the world, and our messed up heath system is the reason why we have most of the pharma innovation that we do today. Is it annoying for docs to deal with PAs? Sure. But is it ultimately worth it for the entire planet to have better medical treatments? I would argue yeah.
  • Indyblonde
    I wish they would stop competing with each other
    I really like this podcast and I think the information they have is critical. But they both drive me crazy, especially the one who tries to dominate the discussion. He talks louder, and constantly interrupts. And the banter would be cute at a family dinner but I find it difficult. You two please stop interrupting each other, speak more slowly and get somebody to help you make your discussions clearer. Too many acronyms, too many technical unexplained concepts. It’s very distracting and doesn’t make you look smart. Especially the one of you that has the louder voice.
  • Shannnnnnnnnnon1126
    One of my faves!
    As an RD, I absolutely LOVE this podcast! I find myself nodding my head in agreement consistently! Docs Who Lift take a patient centered approach and they are able to explain their topics in an easy to understand format. Anyone, medical community or not, can understand the topics presented! Give it a listen! Oh! And the shows are a very good length. Not too long and not too short! Great to listen to while out on a walk!
  • druthernot
    Useful and Informative Information
    The information presented is understandable and practical. Listening to these men is quite pleasant.
  • htownz
    Let people talk
    So much interrupting and not letting your guest actually speak. Do better.
  • Christian Segall
    Karl interrupts and makes it about himself
  • AlissaIANurse
    Outstanding content
    So much great information in their pod cast. Explaining & discussing obesity & health topics in a respectful & empathetic manner. Science & evidence based, they deliver the goods no frills attached. Great info for those in the medical field. I’m hooked.
  • knowhere31
    Great for the commute!
    Filled with information and humor to educate and entertain.
  • Zoom56MO
    Best Advice on Weight Loss
    I have been following the Nadolsky brothers on various platforms for quite a while. This podcast gave me information on GLP-1 and other medications so I could have an great conversation with my physician. I have been using semaglutide for a few weeks now and I feel great (maybe my glucose and triglyceride levels are dropping) and I have lost more weight in a few weeks than I expected. The best is yet to come. The Nadolsky brothers and this podcast may have added years to my life.
  • WV Pilot
    Enjoy the show
    I enjoy listening to them discuss obesity topics that have an impact on my life. And they do so in a fun and easy way without talking ‘over’ your head.
  • Tango78
    Great Info!
    I look forward to this podcast every Monday. And then I always listen a second time to make sure I got all the useful information. Very concise. Thanks for giving us the % results for the new drugs. Congrats Docs!
  • sholey17
    Great info, desperately needs an editor
    Love the docs and the info they provide. However - This podcast DESPERATELY needs some professional production - most notably, an editor to cut out the technical issues, tangents, long pauses, etc.
  • c the rdn
    Solid and science based information
    Follow these folks on IG. Love the podcast, I like that they are about 30 minutes. As a health care professional (RDN) I have learned something every episode.
  • sonicguy
    Love them
    These guys are phenomenal. I’ve been a long time fan and follower prior to the release of this podcast. Happy to have your brother on and hear you both talking about the benefits of lifting. Wish you were my primary care physician.
  • Amanda32sc
    Very infotmo
    Great podcast!
  • E94539
    Good info here
    Hi docs. I am a registered nurse (who lifts) and find your podcast intriguing and useful in many ways. How do we make suggestions to you for topics we’d like you to consider covering?
  • Dmf-107
    Effective listen
    These brothers nailed it with informative and effective info delivered in accessible format. Perfect episode length and just eight amount of brotherly conversing.
  • kanohu
    Evidence-based and Entertaining
    I love listening to this podcast and soaking in all the scientific, evidence-based, and practical advice from these two docs. I like that they don’t promote a one-size-fits-all approach for weight loss. They encourage weight loss and strength training for improving health while also trying to reduce the stigma against overweight people. This is good stuff!
  • brooksmr
    Awesome, evidenced-based medical and nutrition podcast
    Absolutely love listening to this podcast. So informative, so interesting. Love that it’s not sensationalist; it’s just evidenced-based health information, the way everything should be on (social) media, but isn’t.
  • Littlebigsnow
    Following Dr. Spencer literally changed my life for the better from information I learned. The podcast is immaculate!
  • kennyrules
    Free Medical Advice
    So many podcasts so little time. This one is short and packed with great information. Absolutely worth listening to! Love It!!
  • MarleyNutrition
    No gimmicks just facts!
    As a Registered Dietitian I greatly appreciate this podcast and the content being shared. There’s so much conflicting information for patients out there on nutrition and it’s refreshing to see a podcast focuses on facts and science when it comes to nutrition. Thank you!
  • Whitley24
    As a RDN this is like a breath of fresh air to have physicians that are sharing helpful, trustworthy nutrition advice. A large portion of the time with my patients end up being spent trying to undo the damage caused by “influencers” and honestly misguided (although I’m sure well-intentioned) physicians spreading nutrition misinformation. Wish I could share this with the physicians in our primary care and endocrinology clinics.
  • ashl3ymurph
    Great listen
    Been enjoying your podcast! Can you please do an episode on insulin resistance, how to know if you have it, what you can do about it, what the symptoms are, and how it’s treated etc! Thanks so much! -Ashley
  • mia nicoleee
    Yay 4 science
    I am 24 year old woman who is INUNDATED with celery juice advice on social media. I really appreciate the compassion and intelligence of these physicians! The gimmicky health advice is so commonplace nowadays and though well-intentioned, it is damaging. I respect that you counter this logically without attacking people or other's viewpoints. Plus it's free and accessible!! Thank u thank u 🙏
  • migsand
    Wonderful Podcast w/ Great information for everyone
    I just found the Docs Who Lift through this podcast and I have to say that I walk away from every episode with a new piece of information. I’m a personal trainer and these guys are a great resource for those who want to learn more w/o all the “noise”associated with weight loss and obesity. My intention is to use this podcast as a way to increase my knowledge and better assist my clients. What makes it really awesome is that it arms people with the right questions to hold their physicians and other care providers accountable to providing them with the right type of care and roadmap to be successful. Appreciate you guys! Looking forward to learning more from you.
  • gabyangulo16
    Science based
    This podcast is amazing! I have followed them on IG for years this makes me very happy
  • Zangezah
    Gray areas of endocrine
    Excellent podcast and goes into things that patients care about. It’s a good listen for folks with endocrine issues, doctors seeing endocrine patients and people concerned about their health. Most importantly the discussion is based on evidence and not some quacks. Highly recommend.
  • BuddyFriend2365
    Awesome listen
    Great guys, great subjects, awesome clinical experience translated into every day conversation. Truly such a useful podcast.
  • 000jdg000
    Informative and helpful
    I enjoy the sense of humor and that they explain what the bafflegab means as they go. Often there are so many little things that don’t make sense but these fellas take the moment to define things as they go. This is very helpful and helps me to understand.
  • Tgvggbjhdc
    F*** Yeah
    Nice work guys!
  • Jshouse87
    Docs that lift … knowledge!!
    The Nadolsky brothers are awesome!! They make nutrition, fitness, and overall health comprehendible. Their knowledge and expertise complement each other well. So far the topics have been fun and relatable. Great podcast for a newbie to fitness or a “seasoned” veteran. Thanks Bros!! #KeepLifting
  • Rhuds2
    Great Information
    These guys provide real information on metabolic health. With all the vegan propaganda, carnivore, you name it fad diet program it’s nice that these guys are putting out the no B.S. truth about nutrition
  • Lose it fan2
    Informative and Simple
    These guys are great. They make everything easy to understand. They give me hope that I’ll find the right thing for me to lose weight.
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